

单词 男同

男同 noun ()

gays pl

男同 ()

gay guy (coll.)


男同性恋 n

gay n

男同性恋者 n

gay n

External sources (not reviewed)

某些社会群体尤其容易受到酷刑的迫害,例如妇女、儿童、青年、被关押人 员以及同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋和变性者,特别是在安蒂奥基亚。
Some social groups are particularly vulnerable to torture, such as women, children, youth, incarcerated persons, and LGBT persons, in particular in Antioquia.
发言还提到 缺乏关于保护女同性恋者男同性恋者、双性恋者和变性者的法律,这对事关重 大的艾滋病毒的预防工作产生了不利影响。
Reference was also made to the lack of legislation to protect lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender people, with a negative impact on important HIV-prevention work.
小組委員會委員關注到, 給予不同待遇會否構成男同性戀 者的歧視。
Members of the Subcommittee expressed concern
[...] whether the different treatment constituted discrimination against male homosexuals.
一项关于女同 性恋者男同性恋 者、双性恋者和变性人权利的行 动计划正在定稿。
An action plan on the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people was being finalized.
在我们的学习班中,尤其在一个 男同 学 , 另一个是经验更少的女同学时,这种情况特别明显。
This was especially noticeable in our environment (though not always true) when
[...] one member was a male and the other was [...]
a less experienced female.
例如︰家庭的年長成員有可能被與他同住的其他家庭 成員虐待;父母也可能被行為暴戾的子女虐待;而一 男同 性 戀 者或女同 性戀者的伴侶也可能變得不理性或患上強迫性神經病。
For instance, an elderly member of a family may be abused by those with whom he is living; parents may be abused by their violent child; and a gay or lesbian partner may become irrational or obsessive.
在未来的岁月中,当你们成为塑造中国的领导人、企业家和艺术家时,我希望你们将保持开放并鼓励你们 男同 胞 和 女同胞们保有相同的感受力。
In the years ahead, as you become the leaders and entrepreneurs and artists who shape China, I hope you will stay open, and encourage the same sensibility among your countrymen and women.
(b) 加强其提高对禁止歧视的认识和其他防止歧视的活动,必要时应采取 平权行动,保护弱势儿童的利益,例如毛利人和太平洋地区族裔儿童、难民儿 童、移民儿童、残疾儿童,以及女同性恋、双性恋 男同 性 恋 和变性恋儿童,还 有与属于上述人群的父母共同生活的儿童
(b) Strengthening its awareness-raising and other preventive activities against discrimination and, if necessary, taking affirmative action for the benefit of children in vulnerable situations, such as Maori and Pacific children, refugee children, migrant children, children with disabilities and lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender children and children living with persons from these groups
但委员会关注的是,某些儿童群体如罗姆人子女和爱尔流浪者子女,移民、 寻求庇护者和难民的子女,女同性恋、双性恋 男同 性 恋 和变性儿童,以及属于 少数群体的儿童,在实践中依然遭受歧视和社会的鄙视。
However, the Committee is concerned that in practice certain groups of children, such as: Roma and Irish Travellers’ children; migrant, asylum-seeking and refugee children; lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender children (LBGT) and children belonging to minority groups continue to experience discrimination and social stigmatization.
疾控中心公布了一份报告,是关于洛杉矶的五 男同 性恋者身上发生了不明原因的罕见肺部感染——卡氏 [...]
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) published a report about the
occurrence without identifiable cause of rare lung infection Pneumocystis Carinii
[...] pneumonia (PCP) in five gay men in Los Angeles.
其主要行动方针如下:(a) 为地方、国家和国际各级男同性 恋 者、女同性恋者、双性恋者和变性人争取人权;(b) [...]
影响地方、国家和国际 各级的政治决策;(c) 通过杂志、通讯、网络服务和传单提供信息;(d) 提供 辅导服务;以及(e) 实施项目。
Its main courses of action are as follows: (a) to campaign for the
[...] human rights of gay men, lesbians, bisexuals [...]
and transgendered persons at the local,
national and international levels; (b) to influence political decision-making at the local, national and international levels; (c) to provide information through magazines, newsletters, web-based services and leaflets; (d) to provide counselling services; and (e) to implement projects.
她们在上学路上遭受暴力,在小学、中学和高等教育场所遭受男老 师侵害男同学也对她们实施暴力。
Violence occurs on the way to school, but also in
[...] school by male teachers in primary, secondary and tertiary education and violence by fellow male students.
美国承诺继续促进个人的各种人权,不论其性取向和性别认同,并很高 兴能支持独立自主的美洲人权委员会最近进一步将区域工作重点放在这方面的 努力,支持人权理事会通过的关于女同性恋者 男同 性 恋者、双性恋者和变性人 人权问题的第一个联合国决议(关于人权、性取向和性别认同的第 17/19 号决议)。
The United States is committed to continuing to promote the human rights of persons regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity and is pleased to support the recent efforts of the independent and autonomous Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to place greater regional focus on this area, as well as the first United Nations resolution on the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered individuals adopted by the Human Rights Council (resolution 17/19 on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity).
服務包括基本醫護、婦科、為 HIV+ 女性提供的基本 醫護、乳癌早期檢測計劃服務機構、支援小組、社區 論壇、無家可歸者醫護服務、為變性者提供的全面基 本醫護和性別重整服務、男同性戀 者、女同性戀 者、雙性戀者和變性婦女和少女提供的藥物濫用教育 和篩檢。
Services include primary care, gynecology, primary care for HIV+ women, breast cancer early detection program provider, support groups, community forums, health care for the homeless, comprehensive primary care and gender reassignment services for transgendered people, smoking cessation classes, substance abuse education and screening for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered women and girls.
几内亚制订了教育管理机构高级职位授予和普升标准,目的是要提拨女教职人 员,因为那些男同事能 力不相上下的女教师迄今还受到歧视。
Guinea has established criteria for access and promotion to higher posts in the Administration of Education with a view to promoting access to the teaching profession for
women, who until recently were discriminated against in
[...] comparison with their male colleagues with the same competencies.
New York City Anti-Violence Project provides services to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender victims, including counseling, advocacy for legal issues, support groups, and community education.
尼加拉瓜政府还促进防止 和打击对残疾人、艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者、 同 性 恋、 男同性恋 、双性恋和变性人的歧视的政策和方案。
The Government had also promoted policies and programmes to prevent and combat discrimination against persons with disabilities, persons suffering with HIV/AIDS, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people.
已发表的报告称,超过80%的男同性恋 者因社会压力而结婚。
Published reports stated that more than 80
[...] percent of gay men married because [...]
of social pressure.
如果我们能够对艾滋病毒 的预防来一次革命——我说,如果我们能够对艾滋病 毒的预防来一次革命——并动员青年作为推动变革 的力量;如果我们能够做到使所有患者都能够得到治 疗,并毫无保留地接受预防性治疗所带来的惠益;如 果我们能够打破治疗成本轨迹,并通过一套新的共同 价值观和共同责任感来促进技术创新、技术转让和国
家自主权;如果我们能够制止暴力侵害妇女和女孩的 行为,并就代间性行为和同时有多个性伙伴的现象开
[...] 展坦率讨论;如果受这一流行病影响最严重的弱势群 体——移民、囚犯、注射毒品使用者、性工作者男 同性恋 者——不再受到歧视,并且能够获得救命服 务,那么上述愿景就会成为现实。
This vision will become a reality if we can revolutionize HIV prevention — I said, if we can revolutionize HIV prevention — and mobilize young people as agents of change; if we can scale up to universal access to treatment and embrace the benefits of prevention treatment without reservation; if we can break the trajectory of treatment costs and promote innovation, technology, technology transfer and country ownership through a new paradigm of shared values and shared responsibilities; if we can stop violence against women and girls and open a frank discussion about intergenerational sex and concurrent partnerships; and if the vulnerable populations most affected by this epidemic — migrants,
prisoners, people who inject drugs,
[...] sex workers and men who have sex with men — no longer [...]
face discrimination and have access to life-saving services.
移民委觉得,他既然在瑞典境 内不隐瞒他的性取向,并有同性恋关系,出 男同 性 恋 俱乐部,然而,他却认为 不宜向移民主管机构透露这个问题,岂不是自相矛盾。
It also found it contradictory that although he had been open about his sexual orientation in Sweden, and had had homosexual relations and visited gay clubs, he did not see fit to confide in the migration authorities on that issue.
在郭德華﹑丁勤時和朱利安尼任市長期間﹐Doran 女士就曾是關男同性戀和女同性戀的市長警方委員會(Police Council for Gay & Lesbian Concerns)的活躍分子﹐目前還任市警總局的LGBT諮詢委員會委員。
Ms. Doran was an active member of the Mayor’s Police Council for Gay & Lesbian Concerns during the Koch, Dinkins and Giuliani administrations and currently serves on the NYPD Police Commissioner’s LGBT Advisory Board.
人們常以郊區生活證明社會逐漸開發,Salon.com則歸納同志文獻趨勢,「批判許多都市同志的群聚心態」,Kenneth Kirkey與Ann Forsyth在2001年指出,許男同志「建立同志、非都會、以家為中心的生活方式,努力融入社區」,這項研究題為「河谷裡的男子:郊區與鄉間邊緣 男同 志 生 活」,記錄麻州康乃迪克河谷都會邊緣城市的同志生活,「同樣出現大都會市區常見的包容文化」。
The study, entitled “Men in the
[...] Valley: Gay Male Life on the Suburban-Rural Fringe,” showed that gays and lesbians in metropolitan edge cities in Massachusetts’ Connecticut River Valley were “positively affected by a level of tolerance, if not complete acceptance, more often [...]
associated with large urban centers.
(r) 拟订、修订并实施法律,确保在私人可拥有土地和财产的情况下,给予 农村妇女拥有土地和其他财产的充分和平等权利,包括继承土地和其他财产的权
[...] 利,并进行行政改革和采取其他必要措施,在获取信贷、资本、适当技术以及进 入市场和利用信息方面,给予妇 同男 子 相 同 的 权
(r) Designing, revising and implementing laws to ensure that rural women are accorded full and equal rights to own and lease land and other property, including through the right to inheritance, and undertaking administrative
reforms and all necessary measures to
[...] give women the same right as men to credit, capital, [...]
appropriate technologies and access to markets and information
卫生署男士健康计划提供同男士健 康课题的有用资讯,当中包括精神健 康问题。
8.18 The Men’s Health Programme of DH provides useful information concerning various men’s health issues, [...]
including mental health problems.
[...] 是男性,往往忽视女性客户,在某些情况下,妇女不太愿 同男 性 工 作人员讲 话。
Most locallevel bank staff members are men who tend to neglect women clients, and in some cases women are
[...] reluctant to speak to male staff.
男女同性恋 者和变性人的权利,以及承认同居者和同性伴侣权 利的法律,乌拉圭报告制订了保障这些伴侣权利的收养法,以及性别认同法案。
With regard to the rights of gays, lesbians and transsexuals, and the legislation that recognized the rights of couples cohabiting and couples of the same sex, Uruguay reported on the new law on adoption guaranteeing this right for these couples and on the bill on gender identity.
临时居住地的管理机构要建立一种机制,以便能 系统地同妇女、女孩、男孩以及男人进行对话,这样 可以更好地理解性别角色、资源共享、所有权和决策 方 面 的 问 题 ,也 包
[...] 括 年 龄 、家 庭 和 社 区 背 景 不 同 的 女同男性间的关系。
Gender aspects are relevant to most of these issues since women and men are generally
affected differently by the emergency and
[...] displacement and have different access to and [...]
control over finances and resources.
关于这一点,本地区可将其计划方面的经验 用于预防行动(预防少女怀孕的性教育);职场妇女教育;赋予妇女权力;奖学金;
[...] 消除教课书和教学中的陈规定型观念;教师培训并增强教师的意识;推动传统 同男 性相 关的职业选择;支持妇女参与科学活动。
In this regard, the region can offer its experience in programmes for preventive action (sex education for the prevention of teenage pregnancy); education for women for the world of work; female empowerment; scholarships; the elimination of stereotypes in textbooks and teaching; training and awareness-raising for
teachers; the promotion of career choices traditionally
[...] associated with men; support for women [...]
engaged in scientific activities.
多方面的技能发展方案,和以小额信贷形式向妇女企业家提供的财政支助,为许 多妇女铺平了道路,使她们能够走出家门 同男 子 一 道投入国家发展事业。
Extensive skill development programmes and financial support in the form of microcredit to women
entrepreneurs has paved the way for many women to come forward and
[...] join with their male counterparts in [...]
the national development.
该机构的作用 是教育和指 导
[...] 妇 女了解 其法律权利,以 达同 男 子 真 正平等,推 动 妇 女 运 [...]
动,改 善她们的生活条件和职业能力,并确保妇女享有充分的权利。
This institution has a role to educate and advise women to understand
about the legal rights in order to reach a
[...] real equity against men, to promote the [...]
women’s movement in improving their living
conditions, vocational capability and ensure the enforcement of their full rights.




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