

单词 男儿有泪不轻弹

External sources (not reviewed)

在其他情况下,据称叛乱 分子利用儿童作为代理弹手,而这 儿 童 不 知 道 他们 有 炸 药 , 有 人 拟 在 儿童 不知情的情况下遥控引爆。
In other instances, insurgents have allegedly used children as proxy bombers who did not know they were carrying explosives that were intended to be detonated remotely without their knowledge.
专家 组认为,存在有催泪弹的箱 子,很可能违反了禁运规定,鼓励塞内加尔政府确 保对其提供信息的要求作出充分答复。
The Group
[...] considers that the presence of boxes containing tear gas grenades is likely to be [...]
a breach of the embargo and
encourages the Government of Senegal to ensure a full response to its requests for information.
13 时 30 分,一武装恐怖团伙向在 Khan Shaykhun 的执法人员开火、发射火 箭榴弹和泪弹,致使 4 名男子受伤。
At 1330 hours, an armed terrorist group opened
fire on and launched
[...] rocketpropelled and teargas grenades at law enforcement personnel in Khan Shaykhun, injuring four men.
专家有文件证明,设在达喀尔的 Etablissements Fakih 公司违反军火禁 运的规定,为向科特迪瓦出口下列武器和相关物资提供中介服务: 泪弹 药 (诺 贝尔体育公司和 SAE Alsetex 公司(都设在法国)销售);亚致命弹药和相关弹药 的发射器(SAE Alsetex 公司销售)(GC27 型和 GC54 型手枪);9 毫米口径手枪、357 马格南口径左轮手枪((设在巴西的)金牛座公司生产)和相关弹药;(设在土耳其 的)Hatsan [...]
公司制造的步枪和口径 12 的猎枪和相关弹药。
The Group
[...] documented the fact that the Dakar-based Etablissements Fakih served as an intermediary for exporting the following weapons and related materiel to Côte d’Ivoire, in violation of the arms embargo: tear gas ammunition, sold by Nobel [...]
Sport and SAE Alsetex (both
based in France); launchers for less-than-lethal ammunition and associated ammunition, sold by SAE Alsetex (GC27 and GC54 pistols); 9 mm calibre pistols and 357 magnum calibre revolvers manufactured by Taurus (based in Brazil) and associated ammunition; and rifles and 12-gauge shotguns manufactured by Hatsan (based in Turkey), also with associated ammunition.
研究得出结论说,土著妇女关于在当地有效地 轻 和 适 应气候变 化的措施的知识和经验可十分有助于以更可持续和注重两性平等问题的方式制订 气候变化政策,研究还提出应在以下优先事项领域采取干预措施:(a) 在传统知识 系统内进行研究和采取行动;(b) 在气候变化男子和妇女有不同影 响的的问题 上推动提高两性平等意识;(c) 进行替代生计能力建设;(d) 使妇女进一步参与 气候变化规划和治理进程。
The study concludes that indigenous women’s knowledge and experience of effective local mitigation and adaptation measures can highly contribute to more sustainable and gender-responsive
climate change policies and indicates as
[...] priority areas of intervention: (a) research and action in traditional knowledge systems; (b) advocacy for increasing gender sensitivity on the differential impacts of climate change on women and men; (c) capacity-building for alternative livelihoods; and (d) strengthening women’s participation in climate change planning and governance processes.
士兵迎面朝这群人的头部和胸部开枪,就好像他不知道人有头,有心脏,有腿,他们也可以朝其他 部位开枪,可以用泪弹或路障等手段来遏制示威。
This group faced gunfire aimed at their heads and chests, as
if the soldiers who
[...] opened fire did not know that human beings have heads, hearts and legs, or that there are other parts than can be shot at, that there are such things as tear gas bombs or roadblocks that [...]
can contain demonstrations.
一名 16 岁男 孩被弹片击 伤头部,伤势严重,校车司机 轻 伤 。 当时车上 有 这 两 名受伤的平 民;而就在校车受到袭击的几分钟前,车上坐满了从学校返家 儿 童。
The two civilians injured were the only people on the bus at the time; however, just minutes before it was attacked, this bus was full of children who were travelling home from school.
儿童系指任何年龄男、女孩,可来 不 同 文 化和宗教,源于各类社会 和种族背景有可能生活在困难的环境下,有可能需要特别的援助和保护,并有 可能蒙受过难民和颠沛流离的经历,而且必须对于上述方方面面给予尊重。
Children are girls and boys of any age and belong to different cultures and religions, come from varied social and ethnic backgrounds, [...]
may live in difficult
circumstances, may be in need of special assistance and protection and may have experienced refuge and displacement, and must be respected as such.
15 据政府消息称,警察有动用催泪弹 、 喷 水枪、 橡皮子弹或其它特殊的手段。
Many peaceful demonstrators were reportedly beaten with batons and injured.15
According to Government information, the police
[...] did not use tear gas, water cannon, rubber bullets or other [...]
special means.
有一名年 轻的巴勒斯坦人被杀害,300 多名巴勒斯坦人受伤,其中一些人受重伤,以色列 占领军向参加纪念国土日三十六周年示威的平民发射了 泪弹 、 眩 晕手榴弹和实 弹。
At least one young Palestinian man has been killed and more than 300 Palestinians have been wounded, some of them critically injured, by the Israeli occupying forces, which fired tear gas canisters, stun grenades and live ammunition at civilians who were [...]
taking part in demonstrations
in commemoration of the thirty-sixth anniversary of Land Day.
由于海风很大,后来又由于直升机的下降气流,发 弹 和 摧 泪 瓦 斯 没 有 起 到效 果。
The smoke and tear gas were not effective due to the strong sea breeze and later due to the downdraft from helicopters.
委员会还关切缔约国推动将残疾儿 童纳入教育系统乃至社会的努不够 , 特别是在农村和边远地区,并且只有特别 是生活在城市的在视力、听力和说话方 有轻 微 损伤 的 儿 童 才被纳入包容性教育 方案。
The Committee is also concerned that efforts made by the State party to facilitate the inclusion of children with disabilities into the educational
system and society at
[...] large are insufficient, especially in rural and remote areas, and that only children with mild impairment in sight, hearing and speaking, particularly those living in cities, [...]
are included in
inclusive education programmes.
尽管与上世纪九十年代相比,营不 良 的 儿 童 少 了一些,但是在发展中国家仍有四分之一、或者说1.43亿 5岁以儿童的体重轻,并且只有38% 的六个月大的婴儿是由母乳喂养的。
Although fewer children are undernourished than in the 1990s, 1 in 4, or 143 million under-five children in the developing world are still underweight and only 38 per cent of children [...]
under six months are exclusively breastfed .
在“反对歧视和机会均等,包括少数族群语言教育 男 女 儿 童 受 教育机会平等,以及 采取帮助包括贫困人口的条不利或被边缘化的个人和群体的特别措施”方面,联合专家小 组指出,“国际公约”的第 2(2)条和 13(2)(a)条与教科文组织《反对教育歧视公约》第 3 和 第 4 条之间,在向教育领域的歧视现象作斗争和促进机会和待遇平等方面, 有 互 相 补益的 性质。
As regards “Non-discrimination and equality of opportunity, including minority language education and equal opportunities for boys and girls; special measures in favour of disadvantaged and marginalized individuals and groups, including the poor”, the JEG took note of the mutually reinforcing nature of Articles 2(2) and 13(2)(a) of the Covenant and Articles 3 and 4 of the UNESCO Convention against Discrimination [...]
in Education in combating discrimination
and promoting equality of opportunity and of treatment in education.
九. 被指控在被武装部队或武装集团非法征募后犯有违反国际法罪行的有儿童(包括男童和 女童)都应首先被认定为违反国际法行为的受害 人,不应被 认定为所谓的犯罪行为人。
That all children, boys and girls, who are accused of crimes against international law after
being unlawfully recruited by armed
[...] forces or armed groups are considered primarily as victims of violations against international law and not as alleged perpetrators.
以色列占领军还继续对抗不人道 政策的巴勒斯坦人 民过度使用武力,本周在“Ofer”拘留中心附近用 泪 瓦 斯 霰 弹 和 橡 皮子弹袭击 一群示威的学生,造成至少 20 名巴勒斯坦人受伤。
The Israeli occupying forces also continue to use excessive force against the Palestinian people protesting this inhumane policy, attacking one group of
[...] student demonstrators this week near the “Ofer” detention centre with tear gas canisters and rubber bullets, injuring at least 20 Palestinians.
我们发现 Qubayr 农场有 24 名男子、妇女儿童下落不明, 可能已被 绑架或杀死。
We found that 24 men, women and children from Qubayr farm remain unaccounted [...]
for, either abducted or killed.
以色列占领军向包括妇女儿童在内的手无寸铁的平民抗议者发射 泪弹、 橡 皮子弹、眩晕手榴弹和实弹,造成至少 17 名平民死亡,其中包儿童,另外 300 多人受伤,一些人伤势严重。
The Israeli occupying
[...] forces fired tear gas, rubber bullets, stun grenades and live ammunition against the unarmed civilian protesters, including women and children, which resulted in the killing of at least 17 civilians, including children, and the wounding [...]
of more than 300 others, some critically.
[...] 些部队在进入学校之前开展了突袭、强迫进入以及搜捕行动,包括对学生使用泪弹。
The majority of cases involved the presence of Israeli security forces within school
compounds following raids, forceful entry, and search and arrest operations,
[...] including the use of tear gas on students.
德国表示关注普遍泛滥的男轻女态 度、根深蒂固 的社会传统偏见和陈旧观念,成为提高妇女地位的重大障碍,并且是致妇女不 利境地,包括陷入劳务市不利境 地的根源。
It expressed concerns about the pervasiveness of patriarchal attitudes, deep-rooted traditional social prejudices and stereotyped attitudes as a major obstacle to the advancement of women and as a root cause of their disadvantaged position, including in the labour market.
2010 年 7
[...] 月从塞内加尔到科特迪瓦的军用物资运输停止,主要运往科特迪瓦 的军用物资(催泪弹药)最 终被送到几内亚(见附件 27)。
In July 2010, the transport of military materiel from Senegal to Côte d’Ivoire ceased, and
military materiel primarily destined for Côte
[...] d’Ivoire (tear gas ammunition) was eventually [...]
delivered to Guinea (see annex 27).
委员会欢迎缔约国为消有关妇 女与男子在家庭中作用与责任的 男轻女 态 度和根深蒂固的陈旧性别观点而采取的种种举措,委员会关注此种态度仍然普 遍持久地存在,导致对妇女儿童的 家庭暴力。
While welcoming the initiatives taken by the State party to combat patriarchal attitudes and
[...] deep-rooted gender stereotypes regarding the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family, the Committee is concerned that such attitudes are still widespread and persistent, leading to domestic violence against women and children.
我们 将确保到 2011 年使小学净入学率达到百分之百,到 2014 年消除各级教育男女不平等现象,到 2021 年 将妇女参与经济活动的比例提高到 40%,到 2021 年 将孕产妇死亡率减至 15%,并将婴儿死亡率减至每 1 000 活产 15 例,到 2021 年将预期寿命增至 70 岁, 到 2011 年为有人提 供安全饮用水,到 2013 年为所 有人提供卫生设施,到 2021 年实现孟加拉国数字化, 通过执行我们的国家信息和通信技术政策将我国与 全球各地连接起来。
We will ensure 100 per cent net enrolment at primary school level by 2011, eliminate gender disparity at all levels of
education by 2014,
[...] raise the economic participation of women to 40 per cent by 2021, reduce maternal mortality by 15 per cent and infant mortality to 15 per 1,000 live births by 2021, increase life expectancy to 70 years by 2021, provide safe drinking water for all by 2011 and hygienic sanitation by 2013, [...]
and achieve a digital
Bangladesh for global connectivity by implementing our national information and communications technology policy by 2021.
报告着重专家组会议的结论和建议,其中除其它外,呼吁:联合国系统、会 员国和土著人民组织承认土著妇女和女孩的权利和特殊需要;会员国采取措施, 与土著人民一道,确保土著妇女和女孩享有充分的保护和保障,免受一切形式的 暴力和歧视;联合国系统支持旨在帮助和保护土著妇女和女孩的努力和倡议;土 著社区认真考虑消除社区内的暴力侵害土著妇女和女孩行为,可采取的措施包 括,查明和剔除有的重男轻女的社会关系,取消歧视性政策,并在所有土著机 构和各级继续致力于维护土著妇女的权利。
It focuses on the conclusions and recommendations of the expert group meeting which, among other things, called upon: the United Nations system, Member States and indigenous peoples’ organizations to recognize the rights and special needs of indigenous women and girls; Member States to adopt measures, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and girls enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination; the United Nations system to support efforts and initiatives that provide support and protection to indigenous women and girls; and indigenous communities to consider seriously the problem of violence against indigenous women and girls in their communities through ways that include the recognition and dismantling of existing patriarchal social relations, the elimination of discriminatory policies and a continuous commitment to indigenous women’s rights in all indigenous institutions and at all levels.
(j) 建立和发展安全、广为宣传、保密和容易利用的机制,使儿童、儿童代 表和其他人能够举报暴力侵害儿童行为,就暴力侵害儿童案件提出投诉,并且确 保暴力行为的有受害 人能够得到保密、 儿 童 问 题敏感的适当保健和社会服 务,同时特别注意受暴力侵害的女孩 男 孩 不 同 性 别的不同需要
(j) To establish and develop safe, well-publicized, confidential and accessible mechanisms to enable children, their representatives and others to report violence against children as well as to file
complaints in cases of violence against children, and
[...] to ensure that all victims of violence have access to appropriate confidential, child-sensitive health and social services, paying special attention to the gender-specific needs of girls and boys who are victims of [...]
请大会主席在同会员国进行适当协商后,根据艾滋病规划署的建议,在 考虑到公平地域代表性原则的情况下,在 2011 年 3 月 31 日前起草一份名单,列 入其有关民间社会(特别是艾滋病毒感染者协会和包括妇女组织、 轻 人 组儿童组织、男士组 织在内的非政府组织)、信仰组织和私营部门(特别是制药公司 和劳工方面)的代表,并将名单提交给会员国进行无异议审议,由大会最后决定 谁将参加高级别会议,包括参加小组讨论
Requests the President of the General Assembly, following appropriate consultations with Member States, to draw up, no later than 31 March 2011, a list of other relevant civil society representatives, in particular associations of people living with HIV, non-governmental organizations, including organizations of women and young people, girls and boys and men, faith-based organizations and the private sector, especially pharmaceutical companies and representatives of labour, including on the basis of the recommendations of the Joint Programme and taking into account the principle of equitable geographical representation, and to submit the list to Member States for consideration on a no-objection basis for a final decision by the Assembly on participation in the high-level meeting, including panel discussions
12 名儿童死亡( 据卫生部说) ,并有许多18岁 以下的人身受重伤。委员会深为关切地注意到 有 资 料 说,示威 儿 童 近 在咫 尺,安全部队依然使用了泪弹、橡 皮子弹和真枪实弹,并且由于无法确认身份 而拒绝将受伤儿童送医院救治。
It notes with deep concern information that children were in close proximity of and affected by tear gas, rubber bullets and live bullets during the demonstrations and that injured children were refused access to health care due to the lack of identification.
塞拉 利昂政府在同一封信中建议,委员会在审查第 1171(1998)号决议第 4 段关于向塞 拉利昂出口武器的通知规定时不妨 除 其他外考虑到以下情况:塞拉利昂已批准 的西非国家经济共同体《关于小武器 轻 武 器、 其 弹 药 及 其他相关材料的公约》; 大会已通过《使各国能够及时和可靠地识别和追查非法小武器和轻武器的国际文 书》;塞拉利昂一直推动的《联合国常规武器登记册》。
In the same letter, the Government of Sierra Leone suggested that, in reviewing the notification provision for arms exports to Sierra Leone set out in paragraph 4 of resolution 1171 (1998), the Committee might wish to take into consideration, inter alia, the
following: the
[...] Economic Community of West African States Convention on Small Arms and Light Weapons, Their Ammunition and Other Related Materials, which Sierra Leone had ratified; the [...]
adoption by the General
Assembly of the International Instrument to Enable States to Identify and Trace in a Timely and Reliable Manner, Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons; and the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms, to which Sierra Leone has been contributing.




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