

单词 电生理学家

生理学家 ()


See also:

电生理 adj

electrophysiological adj

生理学 adj

physiological adj

生理学 n

pathology n

理学 n

science n

External sources (not reviewed)

由BIOTRONIK赞助电生理学家国际 社区联盟成立于2008年,是一个全球性的女 电生理学家 网 络 ,旨在解决这个领域女性严重缺乏的问题。
[...] Alliance (Electrophysiologist International Community Alliance) is a global network of female electrophysiologists that has been [...]
supported by BIOTRONIK
since 2008 to address the staggeringly small number of women working in the field.
来自美国华盛顿大学的EPIC指导委员会委员Jeanne E. Poole教授将主持此次会议,会议将讨论与培养支持女 电生理学家 有 关 的话题。
Professor Jeanne E. Poole, a member of the EPIC Steering Committee from the University of Washington (USA),
will chair the session which is designed to address topics aimed at informing
[...] and supporting women electrophysiologists.
我们鼓励那些有意通过指导与合作获得职业发展和研究机会的女 电生理学家 加 入EPIC联盟。
Women electrophysiologists who are interested in mentoring and collaborating for the purposes of career development and research opportunities are encouraged to become involved with the EPIC Alliance.
电生理学家国际 社区联盟(EPIC Alliance)为在电生理学领域工作的女性医师和研究人员提供支持,联盟将在本届心脏节律年会上举行国际会议。
The EPIC Alliance (Electrophysiologist International Community [...]
Alliance) supports female physicians and researchers working
in the field of electrophysiology and is holding one of its international meetings at the Heart Rhythm Society congress.
在2012心脏节律年会上,BIOTRONIK将赞 电生理学家 国 际 社区联盟(EPIC Alliance)会议和Max Schaldach心脏起搏及电生理学研究奖学金项目。
At Heart Rhythm 2012, BIOTRONIK is engaged in supporting the EPIC Alliance Meeting and the Max Schaldach Research Fellowship in Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology.
Hansen Medical董事长和首席执行官医学博士Frederic
[...] Moll说:“我们的目标是开发下一代针对EP的机器人平台,进一步满 电生理学家 的 主 要临床需求,增加机器人导管控制在EP手术中的操作能力。
Our goal was to develop the next generation robotic platform for EP that is a step
towards addressing many of the
[...] clinical needs of electrophysiologists and extends the [...]
procedural capabilities of robotic
catheter control during EP procedures," said Frederic Moll, M.D., president and CEO, Hansen Medical.
2012年8月28日,来自世界各地的女 电生理学家 在 欧 洲心脏病学会(ESC)大会上聚集一堂,并出席 电生理学家 国 际 社区联盟(EPIC Alliance)的科学会议:“问题的关键”。
Female electrophysiologists from around the world gathered on August 28th, 2012 at the European Society of Cardiology Congress to attend the EPIC Alliance's scientific session: "The [...]
Heart of the Matter.
美国华盛顿大学的Jeanne E. Poole教授和瑞典乌普萨拉大学医院的Carina Blomstrom-Lundqvist教授主持了EPIC联盟在ESC大会上召开的科学会议,会上世界著名女 电生理学家 们 发 表了新的研究成果,特别注重性别议题。
The EPIC Alliance's scientific
[...] session at the ESC Congress was chaired by Professor Jeanne E. Poole (University of Washington, USA) and Professor Carina Blomstrom-Lundqvist, (University Hospital, Uppsala, [...]
位于华盛顿州西雅图的华盛顿大学医学教授、EPIC联盟指导委员会委员Jeanne E. Poole表示:“我们邀请了一些女 电生理学家 和 进 修医师来到马萨诸塞州波士顿,参加我们在2012心脏节律年会期间举行的年度会议。
We invited women EPs and fellows-in-training to join our annual meeting during Heart Rhythm 2012 in Boston, MA.
Schwartz 先生持有 哈佛商学院工商管理硕士学位及斯坦福 学电 气 工 程 理学 士 学 位和经济学文学士学位。
Mr. Schwartz earned an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and a B.A. in Economics from Stanford University.
英国伦敦家布鲁顿医院的Sabine Ernst博士在她的报告“电生理学实 验 室工作:您和您的病人都有辐射危险”中谈到了辐射照射是医学界的一个很严重的问题。
Dr. Sabine Ernst (Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK) talked in her presentation "Working in the EP [...]
lab: Radiation risks
to you and your patients" about how radiation exposure is a significant concern in the medical community.
小组委员会感谢意大利政府通过都 理 工 大 学和 Mario Boella 高级研究所并 与 Galileo Ferraris 国家电子技 术研究所协作,继续为全球导航卫星系统和有关应 用方面的研生学习提供四份为期 12 个月的研究金。
The Subcommittee expressed its appreciation to the Government of Italy, which, through the Politecnico di Torino and the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella and with the collaboration of the Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris, had continued to provide four 12-month fellowships for postgraduate studies in global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and related applications.
理学家――增设了多个理学家岗 位,但针对每个 生 设 置 的岗位和教 育理学家短缺的现状仍在持续。
Psychologists – additional positions for psychologists were allocated, yet a shortage of positions per pupils and of educational psychologists persists.
其他与会者建议关注的优先领域包括:气候变化、防灾备灾、通过资源可持续理减少生物多样性的损失、可生 能 源、 国 家 科 学 与 技 术战略的制定、促进地方和本地知识系 统,以及改进科学家与决策者的联系。
Other suggested areas of priority attention included: climate change, disaster prevention and preparedness, minimizing biodiversity loss
through sustainable
[...] management of resources, renewable energies, the formulation of national strategies in science and technology, the promotion of local and indigenous [...]
knowledge systems as well
as improving the links between scientists and decision-makers.
燃料 进口限制继续对加沙电厂的运营产生不利影响,导致持续 电 , 学 校 、 医院家 庭生活的运作因断电而中断。
Restrictions on fuel imports continue to negatively affect the operation of the power plant in
Gaza, resulting in
[...] ongoing electricity cuts, with power outages disrupting the functioning of schools, hospitals and home life.
其中包括:乌兹别克斯坦 共和国妇女委员会;“乌兹别克斯坦文化艺术论坛”基金会;乌兹别克斯坦共和 国非商业性非政府组织国家协会;乌兹别克斯坦工会联合 理 事 会 ;国际文化中 心;支持和发展乌兹别克斯坦独立报刊和新闻机构公共基金会; 家电 子 传媒协 会;乌兹别克斯坦律师协会;“Ijtimoiyi fikr”公共舆论研究中心;“Kamolot” 青年社会活动;乌兹别克斯坦儿童基金;“你并不孤单”基金会;“为了健康的 一代”基金会;“Makhallya”基金会; 家 庭 ” 实用 学 中 心 ;“Ecosan”国际 基金会;乌兹别克斯生态运 动;乌兹别克斯坦残疾人协会;法律问题研究中 心;公民倡议支持中心。
They included the Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan; the Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan Foundation; the National Association of Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations; the
Trade Union
[...] Federation Council; the Inter-ethnic Cultural Centre; the Foundation for the Support and Development of Independent Print Media and News Agencies of Uzbekistan; the National Electronic Media Association; the Chamber of Lawyers; the Izhtimoi fikr Centre for Public Opinion Studies; the Kamolot youth movement; the Children’s Foundation; the Sen elgiz emassan Foundation; the Soglom Avlod Uchun Foundation; the Makhalla Foundation; the Oila Centre for Applied Research; the Ekosan International Foundation; the [...]
Environmental Movement
of Uzbekistan; the Society for the Disabled; the Centre for Legal Studies; and the Centre for Support of Civic Initiatives.
(ix) 建立非洲资源中心以促进政策制订者、学者、公民社会和其他有关各方之间 就生命科学,特别生物伦理学的进 步而带来的伦理、法律和社会问题开展 交流,重点是关注非洲和其他发展中地区,以及共享有关拟定国际文书的挑 战和优先事项、制定与实生物伦 理领域 家 政 策 框架的途径与方法等方面 的信息。
(ix) establish a resource centre in Africa to facilitate exchanges between policymakers, scholars, civil society and other interested parties on ethical, legal and social concerns
stemming from advances in
[...] the life sciences, especially in bioethics, with particular interest to Africa and other developing regions, share information on international instruments development challenges and priorities and the ways and means of developing and implementing national policy frameworks in the field of bioethics.
所举实例包 括特别在以下领域旨在促进社会经济发展和可持续发展的 家 、 双 边、区域和 国际方案:农业和渔业;监测气候变化;灾害管理;水 学 ; 管 理生 态 系 统和 自然资源;监测空气和水的质量;对生物多样性资源、沿海区、土地使用、荒 地和湿地进行测绘;海洋学;农村发展与城市规划;以及安全。
Examples were given of national, bilateral, regional and international programmes to further socio-economic and sustainable development, notably in the following areas: agriculture and fishery; monitoring climate change; disaster management; hydrology; managing ecosystems and natural resources; monitoring air and water quality; mapping biodiversity [...]
resources, coastal
zones, land use, wasteland and wetlands; oceanography; rural development and urban planning; and safety.
人与生物圈计划以及国际地球学计 划 (IGCP)的工作促进在卢旺达、坦桑尼亚和乌 拉圭实施“一个联合国计划”的举措,为 家生 态 系统和自然资源 理 活 动引进了大量财政 资源,特别是在卢旺达和坦桑尼亚。
The work of the MAB Programme as well as IGCP contributed to the One United Nations Programme
initiatives in Rwanda, United Republic
[...] of Tanzania and Uruguay, which attracted significant financial resources for national ecosystem and natural resources management activities, particularly in Rwanda and United Republic of Tanzania.
典狱长,以及刑事机构雇用的生、 心 理学家 、 社 会工作者和教师也接受 了人权教育。
Prison superintendents, as
[...] well as physicians, psychologists, social workers [...]
and teachers employed in penal institutions
are also given human rights education.
本组织通过全球伦理观察站,借助互联网来加强 理学家 、 社会学家、政策制定者和 民间社会的联系,以帮助会员国制定关于科学技术领域的伦理问题的可靠和合理的政策,全 球伦理观察站公开与人分享教科文组织国 生 物 伦理委员会(IBC)和世界科学知识与技术 伦理委员会(COMEST)的指导文件以及智力成果和实践成果。
The Organization reinforces relationships among ethicists, social scientists, policy-makers and civil society thus assisting Member States to enact sound and reasoned policies on ethical issues in science and technology through the Internet via the Global [...]
Ethics Observatory (GEObs), where guiding
documents and intellectual and practical outcomes from UNESCO’s International Bioethics Committee (IBC) and the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST) are openly shared.
大众媒体的无障碍程度以及符合网络无障碍倡议标准 的公共网站所占的百分比 第 28530 号法于不久前刚生效,并未得到相关的主要信息, 当前在部理事会主席团下设的 家电 子 政府办公室的引导 下,该法正处于适应调整阶段。
Degree of accessibility of mass media and percentage of public websites that comply with the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) standards Act No. 28530 has recently entered into force but no relevant data have yet
been recorded, as the
[...] system is still being set up under the supervision of the National eGovernment Office of the Office of the President of the Council [...]
of Ministers.
[...] 提出了若干建议,包括为有关政府官员举办加强能力建设的活动;为庇护所部署 适当的理学家、社会工作者、生 专 业 人员和口译;加强对所有工人、包括移 民工人的劳动保护,以及为安全的劳动移民创造更多的机会。
On this basis, the Special Rapporteur makes a number of recommendations to the Government, including increasing capacity-building activities for relevant governmental
officials, staffing the
[...] shelters with appropriate psychologists, social workers, health professionals [...]
and interpreters,
strengthening labour protection for all workers, including migrant workers, and creating more opportunities for safe labour migration.
实地项目:通过伙伴关系和试点项目加强与包括农企部门在内的私营部门协作,将生 态系统管理列入行业战略和业务(4);加强各国产生和利用与生物多样性和生态系统 服务有关的学知识 的能力(4);各国在地方、 家 和 区 域各级采 生 态 系 统管理工 具理生态系统退化问题,通过联合国各机构推广这些工具(10);利用表明生物多样 性和生态系统服务价值的经济证据,推动与社会各阶层的政策对话,并将之用于发展 规划(5)。
(ii) Field projects: collaboration with the private sector, including the agribusiness sector, is enhanced through partnerships and pilot projects to integrate ecosystem management into sector strategies and operations (4);
countries’ capacity to
[...] generate and use scientific knowledge relating to biodiversity and ecosystem services is enhanced (4); ecosystem management tools to tackle ecosystem degradation are applied at the local, national or regional levels [...]
by countries and their
uptake is catalysed through United Nations agencies (10); policy dialogue with all sectors of society using economic evidence of the value of biodiversity and ecosystem services is promoted and used for development planning (5).
打算对 4 个现有的高压泡沫塑料注入机进行改造,并替换 7 个 低压泡沫塑料注入机;改用高压学 品 管 道系统;改造非连续 生 产 线的发泡夹具/模 7 具;用于工艺加热和冷凝的水处理系统;安全:通风和排气系统、30 个碳氢化合物探测 器、警报和控制系统、喷灌系统、用于模套冲洗的氮气系统、1,000 平方米防静电地板理、电子设施改造、应急系统的备用电源;为新安装的设备安装新的电子控制和供应系 统。
The retrofitting of four existing high-pressure foam dispensers is intended as well as replacement of seven low-pressure
dispensers; changes to
[...] high-pressure chemical piping; retrofitting of foaming jigs/molds for the discontinuous lines; water conditioning system for process heating and cooling; safety: ventilation and exhaust system, 30 hydrocarbon sensors, alarm and control system, water sprinkler system, nitrogen system for mold flushing, anti-static floor treatment for 1,000 sq. m., changes in electrical installations, back-up power for [...]
the emergency systems; installation
of new electrical control and supply systems for the newly installed equipment.
总部位于美国圣路易斯市的 Emerson (纽约证券交易所股票代码:EMR)是一家全球领先的公司,该公司将技术与工程相结合,在网络能源、过程 理 、 工 业自动化、环境优化技术 家电 和 工 具等领域为客户提供创新性的解决方案。
Emerson (NYSE:EMR), based in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a global leader in bringing technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions
to customers through
[...] its network power, process management, industrial automation, climate technologies, and appliance and tools businesses.
Max Schaldach心脏起搏电生理学研究 奖学金是心脏节律协会在心 电生理学 方 面 设立的一项万美元的博士后研究奖学金,该奖学金将于5月11日在本届年会上颁发。
The Max Schaldach Fellowship in
[...] Cardiac Pacing and Electrophysiology is a $50,000 postdoctoral Heart Rhythm Society Research Fellowship in cardiac electrophysiology that will [...]
be awarded at the congress on Friday, May 11.
GeneSiC 还制造高性价比硅产品,是硅分立器件和模块的领先供应商,支持许许多多的市场:AC、DC 和伺服驱动器(低和中等电压)、飞机(电液致动器,功率 生 器 )、替代能源(风能、光伏)和分布式电源(飞轮,燃料电池,微型燃气轮机)、电动汽车、感应加热、工业泵控制、医用电源(CT、磁共振、X 光)、发电和配电、脉冲功率、运输(轨道牵引和辅助电源,船上应用),不间断电源 (UPS)、焊接、白家电和 HVAC。
GeneSiC also manufactures cost-effective silicon products and is a leading supplier of silicon discrete devices, and modules , supporting many markets, AC, DC and Servo Drives (Low and Medium Voltage), Aircraft (Electro-Hydrostatic Actuators, Power Generators)Alternative Energy (Wind, Photovoltaic) and Distributed Power (Flywheel, Fuel Cell, Micro turbine), Electric Vehicles, Induction Heating, Industrial Pump Controls, Medical Power Supplies (CT, MRI, X-Ray), Power Generation and Distribution, Pulsed Power, Transportation (Propulsion and Auxiliary Power for Rail, Shipboard), Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS), Welding, and White Goods and HVAC.




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