单词 | 电波 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 电波 noun, plural —waves pl电波 —electric wave • alternating current Examples:脑电波 n—brain wave n 脑电波 pl—brain waves pl 电磁波—electromagnetic wave
这些方针确定了普通人群暴露于无线 电波的允许等级。 sonimtech.com | These guidelines establish [...] permitted levels of radio wave exposure for [...]the general population. sonimtech.com |
如果您的业务涉及电波产品 ,我们能够实现您与各地客户的连接。 tuv-sud.cn | If your business involves products that [...] operate over the airwaves, we can get you [...]connected with clients anywhere. tuv-sud.com |
此外,自 2009 年末期以来,外国卫星广播遭到干扰,使 英国广播公司和德意志电波电台的 广播受到影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, foreign satellite broadcasts have been jammed since late 2009, affecting such broadcasters as the BBC and Deutsche Welle. daccess-ods.un.org |
从2010年起,这座中国射电频谱日像仪将“调”到太阳的“波段”,捕捉来自日冕物质抛射现象的低频 射 电波。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Starting in 2010, the Chinese spectral [...] radioheliograph (CSRH) will “tune in” to the Sun to capture [...] low-frequency radio bursts of a [...]phenomenon known as coronal mass ejection. chinese.eurekalert.org |
在德国新施特雷利茨的接收站 [...] 和莫斯科地区特罗伊茨克的大地磁性、电离层和无 线 电波 传 送研究所的辐射预报 中心收到了这些卫星发来的数据。 oosa.unvienna.org | The data from the satellite were received at the receiving station at Neustrelitz in Germany and the radiation-forecasting centre [...] of the Institute of Terrestrial [...] Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation [...](IZMIRAN) in Troitsk, in the Moscow region. oosa.unvienna.org |
它们配有屏蔽室和电波暗室 (达10米),还有更开阔的测试场所(达30米),可以对各式各样的产品进行测试。 nemko.com | They have a variety of shielded enclosures, anechoic chambers (up to 10 meters) and open area test sites (up to 30 meters) are also equipped for testing a wide range of products. nemko.com |
光是“电磁波”的一种,它与电视机和手机上使用 的 电波 以 及医院里使用的X射线属于同一类。 kyosemi.co.jp | Light is classified in the same [...] category as X-rays used at [...] hospitals and electric waves used for TV and mobile phones: they are all electromagnetic waves. kyosemi.co.jp |
赫兹发现无线电波而命名。一赫兹等于一个周期每秒。 spellmanhv.cn | One hertz equals one cycle per second. spellmanhv.com |
更具体而言,该定义意在包含较广泛的数字化通信概念,并涵盖新的技 术,其中包括便利以电子方式进行一对一审理的技术,例如可使计算机翻译人 类语音并记录成文字或将文字转换成语音的自动语音识别技术,还可包括使用 无线电波在电子标签和阅读器之间传输信息的无线电频率识别技术。 daccess-ods.un.org | More concretely, the definition is intended to encompass the broader concept of digitized communication and accommodates new technologies, including those facilitating one-on-one hearing in electronic form such as automatic speech recognition that allows computers to interpret human speech and transcribe it to text or to translate text [...] to speech, and may [...] also include radio-frequency identification that uses communication through the use of radio waves to transfer [...]information between an electronic tag and a reader. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果在这些场所使用手机,那么 [...] 手机就会对相关设备发射出的无线 电波 敏 感 ,从而对这些 设备的正常运行产生负面影响。 sonimtech.com | Equipment used in these places may be [...] sensitive to radio waves emitted from [...]the device and adversely affect their operation. sonimtech.com |
这些试验通常在电波暗室和屏蔽室中进行,试验设备可以按照需要进行配置和操作。 nemko.com | These tests are usually conducted in isolated chambers, shielded rooms and the equipment under test can be configured and manipulated the way you want. nemko.com |
电波表” 从四个地区的五个信号站之⼀接收时间 信号以⾃动调整时间和⽇历。 citizen.com.hk | Receives a time signal from one of the five signal stations located in four regions and automatically adjusts the time and calendar. citizen.com.hk |
此段频谱包括无线电波、微波、红 外线、可见光谱、紫外线和伽马射线。 foodproducernews.com | This spectrum [...] includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, [...]the visible spectrum, ultra violet and gamma radiation. foodproducernews.com |
这些措施 [...] 表明,索马里的捣乱分子越来越受到孤立,他们知道, 通过电波传递 的透明政治对话有可能消除他们已经 微小的支持力量。 daccess-ods.un.org | These moves demonstrate the increasing isolation of [...] Somalia’s spoilers, who know that transparent political [...] dialogue on the airwaves could eliminate [...]their already meagre support. daccess-ods.un.org |
电波⼲扰 :在其它电⼦设备附近操作本产品时,可能会同时对照相机及其 它设备造成不良影响。 ricoh.com | Radio interference: Operating this product in the vicinity of other electronic equipment [...] may adversely affect both the camera and the other device. ricoh.com |
一般地,频率越低,读取距离越小,数据读取速率越低,但可以提高在金属或液体表面/附近的读取能力,因为金属或液体会干涉无 线 电波 , 或 者使无 线 电波 发 生 短路。 printronix.cn | Generally a lower frequency means a lower read range, slower data read rate, [...] but increased capabilities for reading near or on metal or [...] liquid surfaces that interfere with or short out radio waves. printronix.com |
通过监测远程甚低频发射机发出的信号强度,并注意从电离层 反射出的电波的不 寻常变化,可以对这些扰动进行监测和跟踪。 oosa.unvienna.org | By monitoring the signal strength from distant VLF transmitters and noting unusual changes as the waves bounce off the ionosphere, these disturbances can be monitored and tracked. oosa.unvienna.org |
射频设备周边的 物体可以反射和吸收无线电波,从 而使功率增 强和减弱。 deloittetmt.com | Objects around an RF device can reflect and [...] absorb radio waves, causing areas of increased and decreased power. deloittetmt.com |
欧洲 广播商占用户总数的 24%,而国际广播商,如半岛电视台国际广播、英国广播公 司阿拉伯广播和世界广播、美国之音、TV5、德意 志 电波电 台 以及有线电视新闻 网国际广播占 13%(见图一) daccess-ods.un.org | European broadcasters made up 24 per cent of the users while international broadcasters such as Al-Jazeera International, BBC Arabic and World, Voice of America, TV5, Deutsche Welle and CNN International stood at 13 per cent (see figure I). daccess-ods.un.org |
除了蜂鸟,Chung还拍摄了6件其他发明,包括Switch60 [...] Lightbulb,一种更节能的灯泡;Necomimi, 脑电波控制的智能猫耳;以及用铱制造的完美剃刀,存在的最坚硬、密度最高的材料。 ba-repsasia.com | In addition to the hummingbird, Chung also photographed six other inventions, including the Switch60 Lightbulb, a more [...] energy-efficient light bulb, Necomimi, [...] smart cat ears powered by brainwaves, and the perfect [...]razor made of iridium, one of the [...]strongest and densest materials in existence. ba-repsasia.com |
此频率的⽆线电电波被⼴ 泛应⽤ 于多种设备,例如微波炉和⽆线LAN设备;因此可能会由于⽆ 线 电电波 ⼲ 扰⽽造成通话中断或其它通话声⾳问 题。 ntt-at.com | Radio waves with this frequency are used for various devices, such as microwave ovens and wireless LAN devices; therefore, you may have interruptions or other sound issues during a call, due to radio wave interference. ntt-at.com |
由于存在很大的反向充电电流,仅当配有 滤 波电 抗 器 保护装置时,才允许在一个低压配电系统中同时操作Thyro-C模块和电容器接触器。 reinhausen.com | Due to the high reverse charging currents, parallel operation of Thyro-C modules in combination with capacitor contactors in one low-voltage distribution is only allowed with reactor-protected units. reinhausen.com |
以往的采用 PFM 方式的 DC-DC 转换器,在输出负载电流低时脉冲被跳过,导致输出电压的纹波频率 发生变化,存在着使纹波电压増 大的缺点。 datasheet.sii-ic.com | In conventional PFM DC-DC converters, pulses are skipped when the output [...] load current is low, [...] causing a fluctuation in the ripple frequency of the output voltage, resulting in an increase in the ripple voltage. datasheet.sii-ic.com |
TDIP (时域激电)的电阻率计算应用的是(发送电流)接通期间接收电压的方波值,所以 方波电流幅度可以直接应用。 zonge.com | Resistivity calculations for TDIP use the square-wave value of the received voltage during the on-time (V p ), so the square-wave current amplitude can be used directly. zonge.com |
这种电阻器使得电源上能够发生小电流消耗,以便对 滤 波电 容 器放电或稳定输出。 spellmanhv.cn | A resistor that allows a small current [...] drain on a power source to discharge filter capacitors or to stabilize an output. spellmanhv.com |
公司提供多种专用和高级产品系列,包括高功率陶瓷和低 ESR 钽电容器、连接器、厚膜和薄膜电容器、 滤 波 器 、 电 路 保护产品、射频 微 波电 容 器 、KDP 振荡器和谐振器、压敏电阻、铁氧体磁芯和集成无源元件,是无源元件行业的技术领袖。 digikey.cn | A broad array of specialty and advanced product offerings including [...] high [...] power ceramic and low ESR tantalum capacitors, connectors, thick and thin film [...]capacitors, filters, circuit protection products, RF microwave capacitors, KDP oscillators [...]and resonators, varistors, ferrite cores and integrated passive components differentiate AVX as the passive component industry technology leader. digikey.ca |
图4-3为EMI电源滤波电路与 软启动电路,AC 电源输入接头为CON1、CON3和CON5,电压为220VAC,电源输入端通过突波吸收器ZNR3 以避免过大的电压突波损坏 器件,L1、C2、C1、C5和C3组成E MI 滤 波电 路 ,滤除电路中的电磁干扰;RL1、RT2和D1构成软起动电路,防止电路上电时的大电流冲击。 sunplusmcu.com | Figure 4-3 [...] shows an EMI power line filter and a soft startup circuit. Via CON1, CON3 and CON5, the 220VAC power is input and then filtered by the surge absorber ZNR3 to protect electronic devices; L1, C2, C1, C5 and C3 constitute EMI filter circuit for filtering electromagnetic interference; [...]RL1, RT2, and D1 [...]form the soft startup circuit for avoiding high current shock at power-on. mcu.sunplusmcu.com |
宇鸿(ATouch):从事各种触控技术的研发以及面板、控制器与驱动程序的制造与销售的宇鸿光电,是一间拥有四线电阻、五线电阻、表面 音 波 、 电 容 与 红外线等触控面板制造能力的公司。 taiwanslot.com.tw | ATouch:Engaged in the development of diverse touch screen technologies and the manufacture and sale of panels, controllers and drivers, ATouch is a [...] professional manufacturer of 4-wire resistive, 5-wire resistive, [...] surface acoustic wave (SAW), capacitive [...]and infrared touch panels. taiwanslot.com.tw |