

单词 电报





International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (CCITT)


Nippon Telegraph and Telephone

External sources (not reviewed)

宪法》第 28 条确立了通信保密原则,其中规定信件 电报 及 其 他邮政 通信、电话通话、其他合法通信手段的保密性不可侵犯。
Article 28 of the Constitution establishes the secrecy of
correspondence, stating that secrecy
[...] of the letters, telegrams and other postal communications, of telephone [...]
conversations, and of any
other legal means of communication is inviolable.
农业部长告诉美国大使,如 果考虑解除针对半官方机构的制裁的话,应该把制裁整 个解除(《大使会议》电报,引 用如前)。
The agriculture minister told the U.S. ambassador that if consideration was being given to lifting sanctions against parastatals, it should be done en masse.
这类立法文本的早期示例是 1952
[...] 年版《统一商法典》第 5-106(2)条, 其中授权电报方式在信用证上签名。
An early example of such legislative text was offered by
Section 5-106 (2) of the Uniform Commercial Code’s 1952 version, enabling the signature
[...] of a letter of credit by telegram.
1971 年,由于举行了这些特别会谈,两国政府就主权模式达成了一项协议, 以便在与定期航空和海运服务、邮政 电报 和 电 话 通 信有关的事宜方面进行合作; 同时阿根廷承诺在卫生、教育、农业和技术事项上进行合作。
In 1971, as a result of these special talks, the two Governments reached an agreement on a sovereignty formula in order to cooperate on matters relating to regular air and maritime services and postal, telegraphic and telephone communications; while Argentina made a commitment to cooperation on health, education, agricultural and technical matters.
获得设施和脱岗权利对于工作人员代表和工作人员代表机构充分有效地发 挥《工作人员条例》和《工作人员细则》指定的正式作用至关重要,这一权利是 ST/AI/293
(1982 年)所保证的,其中规定他们应得到使其能迅速有效地履行其职 责所需要的设施并简述了以下他们能利用的设施:举行会议的空间;秘书用品;
[...] 通知、简报和其他文件的复印和转播设施;在空间或告示栏张贴通知或简报的权 利;和使电话、电报和通讯设施。
Access to facilities and release, vital for SRs and SRBs to adequately and effectively perform the official roles assigned to them by the Staff Regulations and Rules is guaranteed by ST/AI/293 (1982) which stipulates that they shall be afforded such facilities as may be required to enable them to carry out their functions promptly and efficiently and outlines the following facilities that they can avail of: space for holding meetings; provision of secretarial assistance; facilities for reproduction and distribution of notices, bulletins and other documents; right to have
notices or bulletins posted at spaces or on bulletin boards;
[...] and use of telephone and cable and communication [...]
Converse先生仅发了一电报,内 容是他要订购八台水轮机;我应在周日返回尼亚加拉大瀑布。
Mr. Converse has
[...] just sent a telegram to say that [...]
he is going to order turbine number eight; I am supposed to be back at the Niagara Falls on Sunday.
(c) 以电传、电报或图 文传真或其他长途电子资信系统方式发出的通知,应在 发送电传电报讯息翌日视为送达。
(c) A notice sent by cable, telex or facsimile transmission message by other remote electronic information delivery system shall be deemed to have been served on the day following the despatch of the cable or telex message.
电压调整电报中的 时间戳产生于通信卡,并 电报 发 送 时才设定。
The time stamp in
[...] the regulator's telegrams is produced by the communication card and is only set when the telegram is sent.
不违反第4条各项之规定,并符合法国政府所参加之国际公 约、条例及协议的情况下,法兰西共和国政府应在邮政电话、电报、无线电话、无线电报及 无 线电传 电报 等通 讯方面,给予该组织不次于其给予其他各国政府,包括外 交使团,在邮件、有线电报、电报、 无 线 电报 、 传 真电 报、电话及其他通讯的优先权、收费及税款方面以及报 刊与电台发布新闻之收费方面之待遇。
Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 4 and in so far as is compatible with any international conventions, regulations and arrangements to
which it is party, the
[...] Government of the French Republic shall grant to the Organization for communication by post, telephone, telegraph, radio-telephone, radio-telegraph and radio-photo-telegraph, terms at least as favourable as those granted by it to other governments, including diplomatic missions, as regards priorities, tariffs and taxes on mail, cablegrams, telegrams, radio-telegrams, photo-telegrams, telephone calls and other communications and also as regards charges payable for press and radio communications.
此后一直到 1964 年,该岛由东电报公司(1934 年改电报和无线电公 司)管理。
From then until 1964, it was managed
[...] by the Eastern Telegraph Company (renamed Cable and Wireless in 1934).
对 P73/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 号彗星的研究依据的是西班牙拉帕尔马岛 Roque de los Muchachos 天文学观测台艾萨克·牛顿望远镜获取的碎片 C 的
[...] 27 个 直接图像,以及国际天文学联盟天 电报 中 心 对碎片的目测观察。
A study was carried out of the P73/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 comet on the basis of 27 direct images of fragment C taken with the Isaac Newton telescope at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory on the island of La Palma, Spain, and visual
observations of the fragments made by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) Central
[...] Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
有关探访及通信之法律 及规章规定,经适当之配合后,分别适用于打电话 电报 ( 第 40 /94/M 号法令第 35条)。
This right is subject, with the necessary adjustments, to the restrictions applicable to visits and correspondence, respectively (art. 35 of Decree-Law 40/94/M).
但仲裁员认为,仅凭美国领事给本国政府电报中关 于申诉人为帝国主义当局雇用的确认或声明,似不构成申诉人为帝国主 义当局雇用的足够证据,也不构成驱逐他的充足理由”。
Its mere assertion, however, or that of the United States consul in a dispatch to his government, that the claimant was employed by the imperialist authorities does not appear to the umpire to be sufficient proof that he was so employed or sufficient ground for his expulsion.
其网络覆盖了 15,600 公里电报电缆, 它经西伯利亚连接北欧的先进网络,是东亚最成熟的网络。
Its network consisted of
[...] 15,600 km of telegraph cables, which connected [...]
an advanced network in Northern Europe via Siberia,
the most sophisticated network in East Asia.
宪法》第30 条保证维护和保护个人自由,而第35至39条和43至45条 具体规定增进和保护一些自由和权利,包括信仰和祈祷自由,见解和科学研究自 由,言论自由,新闻、出版和印刷自由,邮政 电报 和 电 话 通讯的自由和保密, 结社自由和建立工会自由
Article 30 of the Constitution guarantees the preservation and protection of personal freedom, while articles 35–39 and 43–45 provide for the promotion and protection of a number of freedoms and rights, including: freedom of belief and worship; freedom of opinion and scientific research; freedom of expression; freedom of the press, printing and publishing; the freedom and confidentiality of postal and telegramme correspondence and communication by telephone; freedom of association and the freedom to establish trade unions, subject to the principles of domestic law; freedom of assembly; and the right to correspond directly with the public authorities.
就细则而言,声称来自股份持有人或(视情况而定)董事或替任董事 或身为股份持有人的法团的董事或秘书或获正式委任受权人或正式获授权代表电 报或电传或 传真或电子传输信息,在倚赖该信息的人士于有关时间未有获得相反的 明确证据时,应被视为该持有人或董事或替任董事按收取时的条款签署的书面文件 或文书。
For the purposes of these Articles, a cable or telex or facsimile or electronic transmission message purporting to come from a holder of shares or, as the case may be, a Director or alternate Director, or, in the case of a corporation which is a holder of shares from a director or the secretary thereof or a duly appointed attorney or duly authorised representative thereof for it and on its behalf, shall in the absence of express evidence to the contrary available to the person relying thereon at the relevant time be deemed to be a document or instrument in writing signed by such holder or Director or alternate Director in the terms in which it is received.
一份 2010 年美 国大使馆的机电报说明了美国对中国持保留看法的一 [...]
A confidential U.S. embassy cable from 2010 illustrates [...]
some of the more ardent expressions of U.S. reservations about China.
通知可以亲送、预付邮资邮件(倘登记地址在香港以外则以空邮) 电 传 、 电报 或图 文传真或其他长途电子资信系统等方式或以刊登广告方式发出,广告应根据 联交所的要求在报章上刊登。
A notice may be given by personal service, prepaid letter (airmail in the case of a
registered address outside
[...] Hong Kong), cable, telex or facsimile transmission message or by other remote electronic information [...]
delivery system or
by advertisement such advertisement shall be published in the newspaper in accordance with the requirements of the Stock Exchange.
工艺转让合同的签署可以进行通过书面合同或与书面 具有相当价值, 包电报, 电传, 传真, 数据通牒和 依法规定的其他形式。
A technology transfer contract shall be entered
into in writing or in other equivalent
[...] forms, including telegram, telex, fax, data [...]
message or other forms as provided for by law.
在接下来的 100 年里,GN 扩大电报运营 范围,包括在 1872 年开通第一条从北欧经西伯利亚到日本和香港 电报 线 路
Over the next 100 years, GN expanded the reach of its telegraph operations, including opening the first telegraph connection from Northern Europe via Siberia to Japan and Hong Kong in 1872.
这种要求通常采取核证后的传真和 SWIFT 电报的形式。
Such requests are usually in the form of
[...] authenticated faxes or SWIFT messages.
此外,该部已开始向每个新 任的秘书长特别代表发出“欢迎 电报 , 包 括给秘书长特别代表发送标准指令, 概述各种报告和行政规定。
The Department has also started
[...] to send “welcome” cables to each new Special [...]
Representative of the Secretary-General, including
standard directives for Special Representatives of the Secretary-General, outlining reporting and administrative requirements.
电信行业资深观察人士应该还记得,在2001年中国正式加入世界贸易组织(WTO)後,从美 电 话 电报 公 司 (AT&T)到欧洲的沃达丰等国外电信公司,纷纷对中国市场寄予厚望。
Longtime industry watchers will
[...] recall that foreign telcos running the range from [...]
AT&T (NYSE: T) in the US to Europe’s Vodafone (London: VOD) held out big hopes for the China market after the country officially joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001.
这幅由联合果品公司出版的 1909 年地图向人们展示了该公司当时为从事其主要业务、生产和香蕉的销售所建立和维护的巨大航运、铁路和无 线 电报 网 络
This 1909 map, published by the United Fruit Company, shows the extensive shipping, railroad, and wireless telegraph network built and maintained by the company to carry out its main business, the production and marketing of bananas.
随着包括本人在内的多名毕马威员工参与的大 电报 局 项目的结束,现在是时候感谢贵公司和贵公司的团队在我们驻港期间给予的卓越支持和工作氛围了。
As the involvement in the Cable and Wireless project [...]
has come to an end for many of the KPMG staff, including myself, it
is an excellent opportunity to thank you and your team for the superior support and atmosphere you have provided during our stay in Hong Kong.
法律禁止安全官员打开或读取无线信息、书信 电报 、 监 听电 话交谈,“除非法律有明确规定”。
The law prohibits security officials from
opening or reading wireless
[...] messages, letters, telegrams, or monitoring telephone conversations, [...]
“except as expressly provided by law”.
倘 因 下 列 情 形 而 引 致 之 任 何 损 失
, 包 括 : 遗 漏 或 延 误 寄 发 是 次 汇 款 之 讯 息 丶 付 款 或 通 知 付 款
[...] ; 讯 息 丶 讯 号 丶 书 函电 报 或 其 他 文 件 在 寄 发 或 传 [...]
送 途 中 所 发 生 之 错 误 丶 残 缺 丶 遗 漏 丶 中 断 或 延 误 ; 其 他 同 业
机 构 丶 分 销 代 理 人 丶 其 他 代 理 人 或 其 他 人 士 , 包 括 〔 Clearing House Automated Transfer System 〕 之 疏 忽 行 为 ; 战 争 丶 检 查 丶 封 锁 丶 叛 变 或 骚 乱 ; 本 地 或 外 地 政 府 或 其 行 政 机 构 所 施 行 之 一 切 法 律 丶 规 令 丶 条 例 丶 管 制 或 任 何 电 脑 丶 机 械 或 电 子 仪 器 之 损 毁 或 故 障 及 其 他 难 以 控 制 之 事 故 , 本 行 概 不 负 责 。
The Bank shall not be liable for any loss or damage due to omission or delay in sending any message relating to any transfer or in payment or in giving advice of payment; loss of
items or any message or signals in transit or transmission or otherwise, mutilation,
[...] error, omission, interruption or delay in transmission [...]
or delivery
of any item, message, signals, letter, telegram or cable, or the actions of omission of our correspondents, sub-agent, other agency or any other party involved in The Clearing House Automated Transfer System (if applicable), or declared or undeclared war; censor-ship; blockade; insurrection; civil commotion; or any law, decree, regulation, control, restriction or other act of a domestic or of foreign government or other group or groups exercising governmental powers, whether de jure or de facto, or breakdown or mal-function in or of any computer, mechanical or electronic instruments, apparatus or device, or any act or event beyond our control.
ASSIA与顶级服务提供商签有涵盖全球6000万线路的合同,公司得到战略投资者的支持,其中包括美 电 话 电报 公 司 、名力中国成长基金、SFR Development、Sandalwood Partners、Sofinnova Partners、斯坦福大学、Swisscom Ventures、T-Ventures和西班牙电信。
ASSIA has more than 60 million lines under contract with top-tier service providers worldwide and is backed by strategic investors, including AT&T, Mingly China Growth Fund, SFR Development, Sandalwood Partners, Sofinnova Partners, Stanford University, Swisscom Ventures, T-Ventures, and Telefonica.
根据《刑法典》第349 条规定,邮政电报、电话或 其他电讯部门之公务 员,须对其职务而可接触之邮政通讯和电讯保密。
The duty to keep postal communication and telecommunication confidential and inviolable falls on all who operate in the field of postal, telegraph, telephone or telecommunications services as prescribed under article 349 of the CCM.
维基解密获取 2009 年 2 月 27 日美国驻古巴利益科发出的一电报 ,电 报称在 古巴没有反美恐怖团体或其他本地恐怖团体, 而且古巴政府不允许任何组织在该国开展恐怖主义 目的活动。
A cable from the United States Interests Section in Cuba, dated 27 February 2009, obtained by Wikileaks, acknowledged that there were no antiAmerican or other indigenous terrorist groups in Cuba, and that Cuba’s Government would not permit any organization to operate in the country for terrorist purposes.




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