

单词 电影剧本

See also:


film and theater
screen and stage

剧本 n

script n


script for play, opera, movie etc

External sources (not reviewed)

毕业于爱丁堡大学,后进入伦敦国际表演艺术学校(LISPA)学习表演,正著手将《懺情夜》改编 电影剧本。
He is currently scriptwriting for the
[...] television series Gwaith/Cartref (Fiction Factory) and adapting Llwyth [Tribe]  for [...]
the big screen (produced by Fiction Factory).
2010 年 12 月 20 日,主审法官判处
[...] Jafar Panahi 六年有期徒刑和 20 年禁止制作和执导任电影、编写 剧本 、 接 受国家或国际媒体采访和出国旅行。
On 20 December 2010, the presiding judge sentenced Mr. Panahi to six years in prison and
imposed a 20-year ban on making
[...] and directing any films, writing screenplays, conducting interviews [...]
with the national or international media and travelling abroad.
剧本、话剧、甚至小说也是 这样,许多人更喜欢看演员在舞台上 电影 中 的 表演。
The same can be said for scripts,
[...] plays, and even novels, which many people prefer when they are performed by actors on stage or movie screens.
出版了归还文化财产问题纲要的英语和法语 本 , 拍 摄了 一部打击非法贩运文化财产电影和 多部宣传片,组织了多次专门培训。
Particular efforts have been made to publish the compendium on issues relating to the return of
cultural objects in
[...] English and French, produce an awareness-raising film and short videos on trafficking and hold specialized [...]
training courses.
从现在起,无论你在孟加拉国剧本 、 在 拉脱维亚设计时装、在开罗摄制时长两小时 电影 、 在 圣卡特林那写诗或是在格拉斯哥设计家具,你都能上传资料并完全控制自己的创作空间。
From now on, whether you are writing a
script in Bangladesh,
[...] designing a dress in Latvia, preparing a two-hour film in Cairo, writing lyrics in Santa Caterina, or designing [...]
furniture in
Glasgow, you will be able to upload your material and take control of your own world.
(h) 公益告示和宣传短片:森林论坛秘书处计划制作 3-5 分钟电影短片, 以不同语文在世界各地发行,供电视和其他创新传播渠道放映;包括 影剧 院做公益放映,传递为森林采取行动的鼓舞人心的信息。
(h) Public service announcements and short
[...] promotional films: The United Nations Forum on Forests secretariat plans to produce 3 to 5 minute films and public service announcements for distribution worldwide in different languages for use on television and other innovative distribution channels, including pro bono shows in theatres to convey [...]
inspiring messages of action for forests.
故事板草图将描绘剧本场景 中的主要镜头,包括构图、 影 机 角度、场面设计、人 物运动、以及基本的一些道具。
The sketches depict the key shots in the scripted scenes, including the framing, camera angle, blocking, character movement, as well as basic props and sets.
今年,国际评委会还决定颁发两项评委会大奖,获奖者分别是:在曾获最 剧本 提 名 的 电影 《 Caterpillar》中有出色表演的日本女演员Shinobu [...]
Terajima和影片《Levanon》的编剧兼导演、以色列人Samuel Moaz。
The APSA International Jury also decided, this year, to present two Jury Grand Prizes – to Japanese
actress Shinobu Terajima for her
[...] astonishing performance in the film Caterpillar (which was [...]
nominated for Best Screenplay) and
to Israeli writer/director Samuel Moaz for Levanon (Lebanon).
巴西认为,在该会议召开期间还应同时举办艺术节,艺术节包括舞蹈 和音乐表演、剧、电影和艺术展览。
Brazil believes that such a conference should occur in parallel with an arts festival
comprising dance and music
[...] performances, theatre, films and art exhibitions, which would increase the visibility to the initiative.
     JLK系列空调本公司 精心设计研制的组合式空调器,具有功能齐全,选配灵活可广泛用 电 子 工 业、医药、化工、精密机械制造仪器表及食品等行业的净化空调工程,对大中型民用及公共建筑、饭店、宾馆、大 影剧 院 等 舒适性空调亦极适用。
Summary The JLK's set
[...] air-condition is native corporation designs the development association style air-regulator painstakingly , and haves the meritorious service completely selecting awning provide the agile decontamination air-condition project that may widely be used electronics industry , medicine , chemical industry and exact machine to manufacture professions such as apparatus form and food and so on , and adjust the cozy quality air-conditions such as big-and-middle-sized civil and common structure , hotel , guesthouse and large theatre and so on too [...]
exceedingly being applicable .
除了参与歌手专辑的幕后工作,Euywein老师也参与许多商业广告、舞 剧 、 电影电 视 的 音乐制作,广告音乐包括:Fernleaf、Spritzer、Dutch Lady、Morning Kiss、余仁生、Panasonic等,舞台剧编曲有:《春雷动地史诗歌舞剧》、《宝镜音 剧 》 , 电 视 电影 配 乐 编曲作品:NTV7电视剧《炭乡》主题曲-《恋火》、NTV7电视剧《平底高跟鞋》主题曲-《用爱编织梦》、My Astro 电影主题曲《天天好天》。
Besides album production, Teacher Euywein also actives in
[...] Commercial Jingles, Musicals, Movie and Drama Soundtrack,  Jingles Music included Fernleaf、Spritzer、Dutch Lady、Morning Kiss、Eu Yan Shang、Panasonic etc. Musicals arrangement included 《Jubilee Vividly Epic Musical》,《Magic Mirror The Musical》,TV Soundtrack such as [...]
NTV7 Drama 《Carbon Township》Theme
Song-《Love Fire》, NTV7 Drama《Flat Shoes》 Theme Song- 《Dream Woven with Love》, My Astro Movie Theme Song- 《Great Day
它对南部日 益剧的紧张局势表示关注,在这里,政府忽略了对 本 服 务 的要求和发展问 题,伴随而来的示威导致与安全部队的冲突。
It expressed concern regarding the increasing tension in the south, where the Government ignored claims related to basic services and development issues, which had led to demonstrations resulting in confrontations with security forces.
尽管有第 7 和 15 条的规定,但一缔约国居民作为诸如 剧 、电 影、广播或电视等方面的演艺人员,或作为乐师,或作为运动员在另一 [...]
Notwithstanding the provisions of articles 14 7 and 15, income derived by a resident of
a Contracting State as an
[...] entertainer, such as a theatre, motion picture, radio or television [...]
artiste, or a musician, or
as a sportsperson, from his personal activities as such exercised in the other Contracting State, may be taxed in that other State.
[...] 各种社会、文化和体育活动,例如文化演出、音乐会、 剧 、 电影 、 在 马德普拉 塔安放失踪人员纪念石碑、十公里长跑、自行车比赛和摄影展览。
These included a wide range of social, cultural
and sporting events, such as cultural
[...] acts, music, theatre, cinema, the installation [...]
in Mar del Plata of a commemorative
stone in memory of disappeared persons, a 10-kilometre run, a bicycle ride, and photography exhibitions.
2010年,他成为卢浮宫的客座馆长,他将舞蹈,歌剧, 剧 , 电影 和 绘 画结合在一部名为《Les Visages [...]
et les corps (脸庞和身体)》的表演中。
In 2010, he was a guest curator
at the Louvre where he incorporated
[...] dance, opera, theater, film and painting in [...]
a show titled Les Visages et les corps (Faces and Bodies).
一举拿下2009年奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Awards®* )的最佳影片奖(Christian Colson)、最佳导演奖(Danny Boyle)、最佳原创音乐奖(A. R. Rahman)、最佳原创歌曲奖(A. R. Rahman和Sampooran Singh Gulzar共同创作的《Jai Ho》)以及最佳改编剧本奖(Simon Beaufoy)等多项大奖的《贫民窟的百万富翁》还捧得四个金球奖(Golden Globe Awards®)奖项,包括最佳喜剧类影片奖、最佳导演奖(Danny Boyle)、最佳原创配乐奖(A. R. Rahman)和最佳改剧本奖(Simon Beaufoy);以及七个英电影和电 视艺术学院电影奖(BAFTA® Film Awards**)奖项,包括最佳电影奖(Christian Colson)、最佳导演奖(Danny Boyle)、最佳音乐奖(A. R. Rahman)和最佳改编剧本奖(Simon Beaufoy)。
Garnering top honors at the 2009 Academy Awards®* including Best Picture – Christian Colson, Best Director – Danny Boyle, Best Original Score – A. R. Rahman, Best Original Song – A. R. Rahman and Sampooran Singh Gulzar for “Jai Ho,” and Best Adapted Screenplay – Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog Millionaire also won four Golden Globe Awards® including Best Motion Picture - Drama, Best Director – Danny Boyle, Best Original Score – A. R. Rahman and Best Adapted Screenplay – Simon Beaufoy, and seven BAFTA® Film Awards** including Best Film – Christian Colson, Best Director – Danny Boyle, Best Music – A. R. Rahman and Best Adapted Screenplay – Simon Beaufoy.
吳靄儀議員要求政府當局檢討應否將非法入境者 長時間監禁、此種監禁措施可否達到預期的懲教效果,以及此種監禁 措施的本影響。
Hon Margaret NG asked the Administration to review whether illegal immigrants should be imprisoned for a long period
of time, whether such imprisonment could achieve the desired penal
[...] effect and the cost implications of such imprisonment.
新《宪法》引进或加强了经济、社会和文化权利和 本 自 由 。除其他外, 这特别包括:获得足够营养丰富的食物和清洁水的权利;适足住房权;获得良好 卫生标准的权利;充足使用排污系统 电 力 的 权利;结婚和家庭权利;受教育的 权利;工作权;罢工权;享有退休金的权利;参加文化生活的权利;以及拥有财 产的权利。
Economic, social and cultural rights and fundamental freedoms
[...] introduced or strengthened under the new Constitution include, inter alia: the right to adequate, nutritious food and clean water; the right to adequate housing; the right to a good standard of health; adequate access to sewerage and electricity; the right to marriage [...]
and family; the
right to education; the right to work; the right to strike; the right to enjoy a pension; the right to take part in cultural life; and the right to enjoy property.
文字作品-书籍、演讲、杂志和报纸文章、小说、故事、诗词、 论文剧本、课本、网 页、广告、舞谱。
Written works – books, speeches, magazine and newspaper articles, novels, stories, poems, essays, plays, text books, web pages, advertisements, and dance notations.
本双年度由于国际紧张局势的剧, 本 组 织 在冲突前和特别是冲突后保护遗产工作的 力度大为加强。
Heightened international tensions during the biennium prompted the Organization to increase considerably its efforts for heritage preservation in pre-conflict and particularly post-conflict situations.
在创作中,我仍然尝试将画面抽象化,当然是依 剧本 的 提 示进行。
In this work, I was still trying to make it more abstract, though of course I had to work from the script.
各位部长重申内陆发展中国家因领土没有海口而面临的特殊需求和挑战, 而远离世界市场剧了这些需要和挑战,他们还关切内陆发展中国家的经济增 长和社会福祉仍然极易受到国际社会面临的外部冲击和多重挑战,包括金融和 经济危机及气候变化影响。
The Ministers reaffirmed the special needs of and challenges faced by the landlocked developing countries caused by their lack of territorial access to the sea, aggravated by the remoteness from world markets and also the concern that the economic growth and social well-being of land-locked developing countries remain very vulnerable to external shocks as well as the multiple challenges the international community faces including the financial and economic crisis and climate changes.
面向家影院、电视机、汽车、手机 影剧 院 市 场提供音频技术的全球领先厂商Audyssey今天宣布,Audyssey动态均衡器(Dynamic EQ)将成为NTT [...]
Audyssey, the leader in
[...] audio technology for the home theater, TV, automotive, mobile and theater markets, [...]
today announced that
Audyssey Dynamic EQ will be a standard audio technology in media players for NTT DOCOMO's extensive smartphone lineup.
城市的主要道路和商场、医院、学校 影剧 院 、 博物 馆、机场、车站等公共建筑物及居民住宅设置和改建了一大批坡道、盲道、扶 手电梯、 交通信号音响装置等无障碍设施。
Large numbers of accessibility features, such as ramps, tactile paving surfaces, handrails, escalators, audible street signals and other such
equipment, have been installed or upgraded on
[...] major urban thoroughfares, in public facilities such as markets, hospitals, schools, cinemas, museums, airports and bus stops, as well as in private residences.
他提请与会者注意特立尼达和多巴哥政府在教育领域正在实施的举措,如增加早期教 育中心数量,注意在高等教育中采取的行动,包括提高基础教育和中等教育系统的质量,在
[...] 中等教育一级筹办科学博览会,以增强学生将科学应用到日常生活的意识,向每名中学生配 发笔本电脑, 以及改进该国上网情况。
He drew attention to the initiatives being undertaken by the Government of Trinidad and Tobago in the area of education, such as increasing the number of early education centres, action taken in higher education, enhancing the quality of basic and secondary education systems, organizing science fairs at the secondary level to raise student awareness
of the applications of science in
[...] everyday life, distributing laptops to each secondary [...]
school student and improving Internet access in the country.
北方昆剧团汇集一些经验丰富的艺术家,研究并把一些剧目选段编成完 整剧本,并 教青年艺术家表演某些通常只有手段的传统段子。
The Beifang Kunqu Opera Company gathered experienced artists to study and piece up individual excerpts into complete plays and teach young artists to perform certain traditional excerpts, which used to exist only in scripts.




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