

单词 电子元器件

See also:

电子 adj

electrical adj


electron (particle physics)


electric equipment

元器件 n

component n

External sources (not reviewed)

中国电子分销商联盟 (CEDA) 由领先的国电子元器件分销 商创建,并与中国政府密切合作,在政府部门和电子供应链之间架起一座桥梁。
Founded leading international
[...] distributors of electronic components, the China Electronics Distributor [...]
Alliance (CEDA) was created,
in partnership with the Chinese government, to serve as a link between the government sector and the electronics supply chain.
中压配电、低压工业电线电缆、消费电线电缆 电子元器件 , 我 们的产品无处不在。
Medium-voltage power distribution, low-voltage industrial wire and cable, consumer wire and cable, and electrical components all rely on our [...]
电子元器件行业 协会 (ECIA) 为不断扩大的全球供应链需求和利益提供支持。
The Electronic Components Industry Association [...]
(ECIA) supports the expanding needs of and interests of the global supply chain.
为配合项目研究工作,本指南涉及行业及产品范围将以项目建议书定义范 围为基础,主要包括家用电子电气、消费电子 电子元器件 及 计算机与通信行业。
In line with the project research, the scope of the electrical and electronics industry and products involved in this Guideline will be based on the scope defined in the project proposal, mainly including
electrical and
[...] electronic household appliances, consumer electronics, electronic parts and components as well as the [...]
computer and telecommunication industry.
一个电气控制面板安装在机器 上,符合EEC规范,包含系统 功 能 所 必 须 的 所电 子 元 器 件。
The electrical panel mounted on
the machine is in compliance with EEC regulation and
[...] contains all the electrical components necessary for system [...]
[...] S20.20-2007  静电防控标准的设计是用于帮助组织设计、开发、实施及维护静电防控,以保护敏感 电子元器件 及 设 备免遭大于或等于100伏特的人体模型静电干扰。
ANSI/ESD S20.20-2007, Electrostatic Discharge Control Program Standard, was created to help organizations design, develop, implement and maintain an
Electrostatic Discharge
[...] (ESD) Control Program to protect ESD-sensitive electrical or electronic parts, assemblies [...]
and equipment from
being damaged by Human Body Model (HBM) discharges greater than or equal to 100 volts.
我们每天通过公司数据库管理着全球超过40个国家,5000个贸易伙伴的百万 电子元器件 产 品信息;我们与美国、德国、芬兰、英国、意大利、日本、韩国、新加坡、台湾、香港以及中国大陆地区等地的各大原厂和代理商有着紧密的贸易往来,库存信息共享;我们与国际电子商情,EE [...] [...]
Times,Electronic Buyer’s News等世界性新闻机构实时互动,掌握着最有价值的市场信息;我们还拥有:遍及全球的物流网络,提供准确迅捷的物流服务;ISO9001:2008认证的品质管理,保证“零缺陷”货品的送达;现代化的防静电恒温恒湿仓储环境,确保货品的安全存放,按客户要求及时出运。
Every day, we manage millions of line items from more than 5000 business partners in over 40 countries
through our company’s database; we
[...] have close business contacts and share information [...]
with big manufacturers and agents
from the United States, Germany, Finland, Britain, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the mainland China; We perform real-time interaction with the industry news organizations, such as Global Sources, EE Times, Electronic Buyer’s News, to obtain the most valuable market information; we also posses: worldwide logistics network for accurate and quick logistics service; ISO9001:2008 certification of quality management for the arrival of “Zero Defect” goods; state-of-the-art anti-static constant temperature and humidity storage environment to ensure the safe storage of goods and the timely shipping to meet customer demands.
过程管理业务本季度的业绩受到很大程度的影响,主要是由于泰国洪灾引发的供应链中断造成 电子元器件 的 供 应限制。
Process Management results were significantly
affected by supply chain disruption caused by flooding in Thailand that
[...] restricted availability of electronics components.
研发机构严格按照国GJB546-88, 电子元器件 可 靠 性保证大纲;GJBZ35-93,元器件降额准则;GJBZ27-92,电子设备可靠性热设计手册;GJB1032-90,电子产品环境应力筛选方法;3C认证标准等相关的法律、法规、标准进行产品设计,再对产品的实际应用进行研究,制定出符合市场需要的企业产品质量标准,为产品的工艺、性能、可靠性提供了坚强有力的保障。
R & D institutions in strict accordance with
[...] national GJB546-88, Electronic Component Reliability [...]
Assurance Program; GJBZ35-93, component derating
guidelines; GJBZ27-92, the reliability of electronic equipment thermal design manual; GJB1032-90, Electronic Product Environmental stress screening; 3C certification standards such as relevant laws, regulations, standards, product design, then the practical application of product research, development of enterprises that meet market needs, product quality standards for products, technology, performance, reliability, provide a strong protection .
所提及的分电子元器件由不 同的厂家生产并都可以在市场上买到,但是采用分立元器件 的方法常常有着明显的缺点。
There is a large number of the discrete components mentioned above [...]
available on the market, supplied by various companies,
yet there are often considerable disadvantages to this kind of solution
威世科技近年来努力实现(TAQ),并且设计创新出一系列符合汽车级规范的主动及无 电子元器件。
Vishay insists to achieve (TAQ) and designs innovative
series of ACEQ qualification of the active
[...] and passive power devices, especially in BMS and motor drive in [...]
recent years.
订阅RUTRONIK新闻通讯,您每周都能获 电子元器件 世 界 的最新讯息。
Subscribe to the RUTRONIK newsletter and get current on the latest technologies and news from world of electronic components.
在三个月的时间里,有关专家调 研了近500家电子电气企业,其中电视机企业39家,计算机 企业34家,显示器企业19家,电冰箱企业111家,洗衣机企 业54家,房间空调器企业49家,印制电路板企业31家,电子 材料电子元器件企业 50家,半导体分立企业60家,废旧电 器电子产品处理企业25家,其他相关电子企业18家。
During the past three months, around 500 enterprises were investigated, amongst which there were 39 TV sets manufacturers, 34 PC manufacturers, 19 monitor manufacturers, 111 refrigerator manufacturers, 54 washing machine manufacturers, 49 air conditioner manufacturers, 31 PCB manufacturers, 50 manufacturers for electronic materials and components, 60 manufacturers for discrete semiconductor devices, as well as 25 recycling companies for waste electrical and electronic equipment and 18 enterprises of other electronics products.
深入了解关于The Broker Forum的基本功能以及增值服务能使您 电子元器件 行 业 中一路领跑。
Discover the features and value-add services that make The Broker Forum invaluable to buyers
[...] and sellers of electronic components around the world.
公司已拥有10年电子元器件销售 经验,鸿瑞鑫多年如一日,坚持一贯的诚信作风,为上千家的中国电子设备制造商及商业客户提供过服务,在欧美日韩等地开辟了广泛和稳固的供货渠道,通过每一个电话、传真、EMAIL、订单、发货,努力成为行业的典范和楷模,我们为自己员工的精诚团结和敬业精神自豪。
The company had 10 year electronic primary device sale experience, [...]
great wild goose auspicious Xin many years like one day,
persisted the consistent good faith attitude, is over a thousand China electronic installation manufacturer and the business customer has provided the service, in places such as European and American date Han opened widespread and the stable goods supply channel, through each telephone, the facsimile, EMAIL, the order form, delivers goods, becomes the profession diligently the model and the model, we are proud for oneself staff's heartfelt solidarity and the professional dedication.
这些技术包括照明、微电子元器件 及 工业应用的可再生 能源等创新型科技技术。
This includes innovative technologies for illumination, for miniaturization
[...] in the field of electronics, and for the industrial [...]
usage of renewable energies.
回来后我就这个问题请教了工程师,也请教了好几个搞LED大功率灯具技术的人.事实上,很多买LED大功率室内灯的客户以及卖LED大功率室内灯具的销售人员都有一个误解,以为LED大功率室内驱动电源用铝材的好,其实不然,因为LED大功率室内驱动电源用铝材做外壳的话,里面必须要灌一种硅胶 电子元器件 与 铝壳之间形成一种绝缘功能.但是硅胶分为树脂胶、软硅胶、硬硅胶几种,商家为了节省成本一般都会选择较便宜的 [...]
Came back I ask the engineers on this issue, also sought the advice of several high-power LED lighting technology to engage people in fact, a lot of buying power LED indoor lights indoors customers and sell high-power LED lamps have a misunderstanding of the sales staff , that the high-power LED driver power supply aluminum interior good, it is not true, because the LED driver power supply indoor to do with the aluminum shell, then there
must be fed with one kind of
[...] silicone between the electronic components and aluminum to [...]
form a insulation function, but
the silicone into resin, soft silicone, hard silicone types, businesses usually choose to save the cost of the cheaper hard silicone, and some businesses and even irresponsible to the inside filling aluminum asphalt.
低熔点玻璃,是指熔封温度在500度以下的玻璃,作 电子元器件 的 密封材料等被使用。
Low-melting glasses are generally processed
at the working temperature of 500 degrees C or lower, and have been used as
[...] sealant materials for electronic components.
我们的执行机构采用模块化设计,因此易于拆装分解,并能根据不同的材质进行分类,例如 电子元 器件、各 种金属、塑料、润滑油和润滑脂。
Our actuators have a modular design and may therefore be easily disassembled, separated and sorted according to
[...] materials, i.e.: electronic parts, different [...]
metals, plastics, greases and oils.
清除潮气和灰尘,干电子元器件的 接头,形成防静电 保护膜
Displaces moisture and dust, dries electrical contacts and forms the antistatic film.
玻璃-金属压缩机密封件是由金属底座和玻璃组成 电子元器件 , 其中,玻璃被紧密地密封在连接到底座的钢针上。
Glass-to-metal compressor
[...] seals are electrical feedthroughs consisting of a metal base and glass elements which hermetically [...]
seal in metal leads to the base.
电子元器件电路设 计,相互干扰状况严重,性能不稳定。
Traditional electron components circuit design brings [...]
in serious mutual interference and unstable performance.
TDK-EPC公司是TDK集团的分公司,总部位于日本东京,它是T DK 的 电子元器件 部 门 与德国爱普科斯集团相互整合、于2009年10月1日联合成立的负责开发、制造电子元件的制造公司。
TDK-EPC Corporation, a TDK group company, is the
[...] manufacturer of TDK’s electronic components, modules and [...]
systems and is headquartered in Tokyo,
Japan. TDK-EPC was founded on October 1, 2009 from the combination of the electronic components business of TDK and the EPCOS Group.
电子产品,特别是湿度敏 电子元器件 对 包 装湿度控制也有很高的要求, 美国电子工业联接协会(IPC)和美国电子器件工程联合委员会(JEDEC)联合编制的《湿度敏感表面贴装元器件的包装运输处理使用标准》J-STD-033b是被广泛使用的针对湿度敏 电子元器件 表 面处理、烘干、干燥包装等各方面要求的综合标准。
Handling, Packing, Shipping and Use of Moisture Reflow Sensitive Surface Mount Devices J-STD-033b, compiled by Association Connecting Electronics Industries (IPC) and Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) is a widely-used comprehensive standard involving requirements on surface treatment, drying, dry package, etc. of humidity-sensitive electronic element.
该网站提供数据、信息、文本图像、程序和其它材料和内容(统称“内容”)和其他服务,如计算机 电子元器件 和 生产工具的在线销售(“服务”)。
The Site provides data, information, text images, programs and other materials and content (collectively,
"Content") and other services such as the online sale
[...] of computer and electronic components and production [...]
tools ("Services").
真空阀门及真空零部件:各种真 电子元器件 、 真 空系统附件及真空动、静密封器件等;真空测量与校准仪器、仪表及真空检漏仪器;纳米科技与装备、纳米材料与纳米器件,真空材料、空泵油及真空工程配套设备;各种表面仪器(AES、SEM、XPS、等)及分子束外延设备(MBE)。
Including various
[...] kinds of vacuum electronic components, vacuum systems attachment, dynamic and static sealing devices, [...]
etc; vacuum measurement
and calibration instruments, gauges and vacuum leak detector device; nano-technology and equipment, nano-materials, nano devices; vacuum materials, vacuum pump oil and vacuum engineering equipment; a variety of surface equipment(AES / SEM / XPS / SIMS etc.) and molecular beam epitaxy equipment (MBE).
这些前瞻性陈述会受到风险和不确定性因素影响,从而可能导致实际结果与预期有所出入。涉及的风险包括,但不限定于:行业情况、产品供应的变化、价格、客户需求、竞争、其它的计算机 电子元器件 市 场的异常情况、和主要供应商的关系改变、为降低成本做采取的额外行动的影响、公司产生额外现金流的能力和公司向证管会提交的报告(包括公司的表格10-K [...]
年度报告和表格10-Q 季度报告)中有时提及的其它风险。
These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or facts to differ materially from such statements for a variety of reasons including, but not limited to: industry conditions, the company’s implementation of its new global financial system and the company’s planned implementation of its new enterprise resource
planning system,
[...] changes in product supply, pricing and customer demand, competition, other vagaries in the global components and global ECS markets, changes [...]
in relationships with
key suppliers, increased profit margin pressure, the effects of additional actions taken to become more efficient or lower costs, the company’s ability to generate additional cash flow and the other risks described from time to time in the company’s reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission (including the company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q).
根据产品特点,按IEC、IPC、ISO、GB、GJB等标准或用户要求,采用奥林巴斯、标乐、美康、善思、天瑞等品牌设备进行切片、染色、可焊性、X-ray检测、材料成分等实验,满足于 子元器件 、 电 子 线 路板和组件的失效分析需求,完成对制程的良好管控。
According to the characteristics of the products and the standards of IEC, IPC, ISO, GB, GJB or customer's requirement, the Lab provides the cross-section test, dry & pry test, solderability test, X-RAY test and
element analysis to offer the failure analysis
[...] for component level, PCBA and box-build assemblies [...]
with the equipments of Olympus,
Buehler, Metkon, Science scope,Sky-ray etc. It's good way to control the process.




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