

单词 电台

电台 noun ()

radios pl



Radio Television Hong Kong


Metro Radio Hong Kong

电脑平台 n

PC platform n

External sources (not reviewed)

电台担任 了极其重要的社会作 用,是人民群众最广泛使用的通讯方式,每个区至少有一个社 电台。
Radio assumes a highly important social function as the means of communication most used by the population, and all districts have at least one community radio.
土耳电台和电视台以及私营电视台 和 广 播 频道运用土耳其公民日常生活长期使用的语言和方言进行广播。
Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) and private TV and radio channels broadcast in languages and dialects used traditionally by Turkish citizens in their daily lives.
他还想知道那些欲同联合电台和电 视 台 建立 伙伴关系并使用其制作内容的国 电台 和 电 视 频道 应遵循哪些程序。
He also wished to know what procedure
should be followed by
[...] those national radio and television channels wishing to establish a partnership with United Nations Radio and Television [...]
and to use the content produced by them.
教科文组织应突出传播和信息,通过在联合国系统内开展 协调行动并与捐助界以及主要的地区发展组织密切合作,支持各国享受传播和信息的优势,
[...] 努力建设丰富和多样化的媒体世界,推动高水平的职业和伦理准则,以及普遍使用 电台到 移动媒体和因特网的信息与传播技术。
UNESCO should highlight this by supporting countries in yielding the benefits of communication and information through a concerted action within the United Nations system and in close collaboration with the donor community and the major regional development organizations, to work towards a rich and diverse media landscape, high professional and ethical
standards, and the widespread use of information and communication
[...] technologies, from radio to mobile media [...]
and the Internet.
在双年度计划的第一年,通过妇女赋权增能倡议,包括信息与知识的获取 (其中尤为
[...] 强调表达自由),女记者安全问题,妇女在社 电台 中 的代表情况等,推行性别平等视角。
Gender equality perspectives have been promoted in the first half of the biennium through initiatives to empower women through access to information and knowledge with special
emphasis on freedom of expression, the safety of female journalists, and the
[...] representation of women in community radio.
为了确保儿童权利得以实现和增强公众对困难儿童问题的认识,内务部工 作人员制作了有关的电视节目电台 报 道和新闻出版物。
With the purpose to ensure the rights of children and to increase public awareness on the problems of children in
difficulty the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have
[...] implemented TV shows, radio reports and press [...]
[...] 由,收集、研究、出版和传播想法、信息和意见的自由,印制和分发报纸和其他 印刷品的自由,制作和广电台和电 视 节 目的自由,接受想法、信息和意见的自 [...]
The right to public information includes, in particular, the freedom of expression of thought, freedom to collect, research, publish and impart ideas, information and opinions, freedom to print and distribute newspapers and
other printed media, freedom to produce
[...] and broadcast radio and television programmes, [...]
freedom to receive ideas, information
and opinions, as well as freedom to establish legal entities dealing with public information.
(f) 通信(13 463 400 美元,即 25.1%),出现结余的主要原因是,延迟采购 导致购置太阳能系统的计划推迟,预计技术变化导致电话交换台的购置计划取 消,并且业务所需费用订正后用于购置流动无 线 电台 和 基 站无 线 电台 的 实际所需 资源减少;以及在零部件方面的实际所需费用因采购工作出现延误而减少(同上, 第95段)。
(f) Communications ($13,463,400, or 25.1 per cent), attributable primarily to the postponement of the planned acquisition of solar power systems owing to procurement delays, the cancellation of the planned acquisition of telephone exchanges owing to anticipated changes in technology, and reduced actual requirements for the acquisition of mobile radios and base station radios owing to revised operational requirements; as well as reduced actual requirements for spare parts owing to delays in the procurement process (ibid., para. 95).
为了解决这些问题,国电视台和 电台 播 出 特别节目,在这些问题上创造 意识和进行公共讨论。
To address these
[...] concerns, the national TV and radio broadcast special [...]
programmes to create awareness and public discourse on these issues.
e) 其他活动:在制造行业宣传关于淘汰各类氟氯化碳的政府政策的相关信 息,其中包括多边基金提供资金用于支持厄瓜多尔淘汰氟氯化碳;通 过各类通讯、文章、研讨会电台广 播,提高公众对于臭氧层遭到破 坏造成的环境和经济影响的认识;由受过培训的技术员开展针对制冷 维修行业和汽车空调系统的公众宣传方案。
(e) Other activities: dissemination of information related to the Government’s policy to phase out CFCs in the manufacturing sector, including information on the availability of funds provided by the Multilateral Fund to support CFC phase-out in Ecuador; raising public awareness of the environmental and economic impact of ozone layer depletion to the public via newsletters, articles, seminars and radio spots; conducting awareness programmes for the general public encouraging servicing of refrigeration and MAC systems by trained technicians.
[...] 免费接收中国内地及香港的无线电视广播信号,因此中国内地及香港电视节目非 常普遍;本地居民收听中国内地及香 电台 的 节目也十分普遍。
Televisions broadcasts are received free-to-air from the Mainland of China
and Hong Kong and widely watched by Macao residents, Mainland of China
[...] and Hong Kong radio stations are also widely heard.
在竞选期间,所电台和电 视广播必须平等对待所有候选人。
All radio and television broadcasts must [...]
give equal treatment to all candidates during the campaign.
这一章介绍了过去 12 个月新闻部为提高对巴勒
[...] 斯坦问题的认识而开展的重要报道,特别是通过联合电台和联合国新闻中心,组织每年一次的中东和平 [...]
问题国际媒体研讨会——今年的研讨会在里斯本举 行、通过巴勒斯坦青年记者培训方案、联巴信息系统 文件数据化及传播信息和组织外联活动。
That chapter provides information on the valuable coverage given by DPI in the past 12 months to raise
awareness of the question of Palestine,
[...] especially through UN Radio and the United [...]
Nations News Centre, the organization of the
annual International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East, which was held in Lisbon this year, the training programme for young Palestinian journalists, the digitization of documents for UNISPAL, and the dissemination of information and the organization of outreach activities.
在营养教育法方面,本国通过在农业和食品工业部网站上公布相关法规、 在广电台、电视台播放 由各相关部门的国际监管原则组成的、关于消费者权益 [...]
保护的第 105-XV 号法律(2003 年 3 月 13 日通过)、成立政府专门负责消费者权 益保护的协调委员会,经常发布有关农产品和食品消费者的信息,同时,关于动
物鉴定与登记的第 231-XVI 号法律(2006 年 7 月 20 日通过)旨在确保牲畜及动物 来源产品的可追溯性。
With regard to alimentation education methods, there is a constant information on the consumer of agricultural and food products through the means of publication of the legal provisions
on the website of the Ministry of
[...] Agriculture and Food Industry, broadcasting information [...]
on the radio, TV stations about
the provisions of the Law No. 105-XV from 13.03.2003 on consumer protection, which comprises international regulation principles of the respective sector, formation of the Coordinating Council in the filed of protection of consumers by the Government, with the provisions of the Law No. 231-XVI from 20.07.2006 on identification and registration of animals, which ensures traceability of life stocks and of products of animal origin.
征求公众意见的措施包括:全国对话、圆桌讨论、公开听证 会、会议、网上投票,以电台和电 视 台 的 来 电 讨 论
Among the measures taken to solicit the views of the public are national
dialogues, round-table discussions, public hearings, conferences, online
[...] votes, and radio and television phone-in discussions.
可以从利比里亚的提高认识方案中了解所需的深度和广度的实例,其中包 括利用当地的广电台、报 纸和剧院团体以及科特迪瓦也可能认为合适的其他手 段。
An example of the depth and outreach required could be taken from Liberia’s
sensitization programme, which included the
[...] use of local radio stations, newspapers [...]
and theatre groups, something that Côte
d’Ivoire might consider as well.
我听广电台上说 ,家庭健康日活动在清真寺和教堂提供各种医疗服务。
I heard on the radio that there are [...]
Family Health Days which offer services in the mosque and churches,” says Ms. Tusima.
她还公开参加了瑞士 当电台的一个埃塞俄比亚广播节目,以阿姆哈拉语对同胞进行广播。
She further appeared in public in an Ethiopian radio programme on a Swiss local radio station speaking in Amharic to her fellow citizens.
同样重要的是,应在传播关于联合国 的信息时继续使用包电台和纸 媒在内的传统媒 体,因为这种媒体一直是并且仍然是很多发展中国 [...]
At the same time, it was important that traditional
[...] media, including both radio and print, should [...]
continue to be used in disseminating information
about the United Nations, as such media had been and still were the primary means of communication in many developing countries.
同时,由多部门委员会召集国内民间社会中每类残 疾人群的代表与会,在会上听取了其各自的主要需求(《2009-2018
[...] 计划》就是政府在全国范围内进行广泛公开听证后的结果),并通过各种宣传渠 道,如由国家广电台播放 的广播节目《无障碍》、新的广播节目《能力建 [...]
人理事会的门户网站中开展的各项论坛活动,以及在共和国国会残疾事务特别委 员会的网站中开展的“在线调查”对这些需求进行了反馈。
) Civil society also has access to the media through, for example, the radio programme “Sin
Barreras” (without barriers), which is broadcast by
[...] a State-owned radio station; the new [...]
programme “Fortaleciendo Capacidades” (capacity-building)
(www.radiobacan.com/bacan_tv.php); forums on the website of CONADIS, which is the lead agency in the field of disability; and the online survey on the website of the Special Commission on Disability of Congress.
如果您被要求从家中撤离,有关安全路线以及何时撤离的官方建议将通过当 电台/电 视 台 进 行 发布,请注意收听。
If you are required to evacuate your home, official advice will be given
[...] on local radio/television stations about safe [...]
routes and when to evacuate.
委员会进一步建议 缔约国通电台、电视和报纸开展运动,在从事儿童工作的专业人员中,如教 师、法官和社会工作者、传统与社区领导以及在广大社区中,包括在儿童中间, 提高对儿童最佳利益这项原则的认识。
The Committee further recommends that the State party raise awareness of the principle of the best interest of the child among professionals working with children such as teachers, judges and social workers, traditional and community leaders and in the community at large, including children, through radio, television and newspaper campaigns.
有些简单的行动已经证明在透明性方面能发生作用,其中包括:支持使用方言的 地方广电台,借 以加强本地社区的发言权(提供渠道让人说明优先事项和需要) [...]
和从事教育目的(分享预算资料);促使更广泛传播预算资料;并促进各机构之间 的意见交流(例如支持印制并分发预算报表)。
Simple actions which have been proven to make a
difference in terms of transparency include:
[...] supporting local radio stations in vernacular [...]
languages, both as a means to reinforce
the voice of local communities (by providing channels for conveying priorities and needs) and for education purposes (sharing budget information); promoting better dissemination of budget information; and promoting communication between institutions (e.g., by support for printing budget sheets and distributing them).
蒂姆•施莱佛,国际特奥会主席兼首席执行官,以及特奥健康运动员计划全球合作伙伴代表汤姆•格里萨诺,一同在隶属于纽约北部的全国公共广 电台 节目 "1370连结网"中探讨了智障人士的健康医疗及其他议题。
Tim Shriver, Special Olympics International Chairman and CEO, and Healthy Athletes partner Tom Golisano joined "1370
Connection”, a radio talk show that airs on the
[...] National Public Radio affiliate in up-state [...]
New York, to talk about health care
and other issues regarding people with intellectual disabilities.
新闻部利用传统传 播手段——印刷电台和电视— —以及社群网络和其他新出现的平台等新媒体, 创造性地对材料重新包装和重新确定用途,最大限度地扩大了影响,特别是对青 年人和城市群体的影响,并且继续向那些无法或仅能有限地访问因特网的人群传 送信息。
Creatively repackaging and repurposing its materials to be accessible through traditional means of communications — print, radio and television — and new [...]
media, including social
networks and other evolving platforms, the Department has been able to maximize its outreach, especially among the youth and urban groups, and to continue disseminating information to those who have no or very limited access to the Internet.
缔约国进一步辩称,申诉人声称她在瑞士当 电台 以 阿姆哈拉语对同胞进 行广播,这不能改变对案件的上述理解,特别是考虑 电台 否 认 了申诉人的说 法,指出申诉人仅仅发给责任编辑两篇文章。
4.6 The State party further argues that the complainant’s claim that
she spoke in Amharic on
[...] a local Swiss radio station to her fellow citizens does not change the above appreciation of the case, in particular as the radio station contradicted [...]
the complainant’s
assertion and stated that the complainant’s activity was limited to sending two articles to the responsible editor.
电磁波长的范围包括从几英里(例电台广播 波长),到几英寸(例如微波炉使用的微波),到百万分之一英寸(例如可见 [...]
光的波长),再到十亿分之一英寸(例如 X 射线)。
The wavelength of electromagnetic radiation can
[...] range from miles (radio waves) to inches [...]
(microwaves in a microwave oven) to millionths
of an inch (the light we see) to billionths of an inch (x-rays).




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