

单词 电压计

See also:

电压 pl

volts pl
currents pl

压电 adj

piezoelectric adj


piezoelectricity (physics)

External sources (not reviewed)

CableSHARK P3 也可以使用噪电压计和 3 kHz 平面过滤器测量噪音和脉冲噪音。
The CableSHARK P3 also measures noise and impulse noise using psophometric and 3 kHz flat filters.
差分放大器2697-A允许可变电容加速 计 , 压电 加 速度计和其他电桥传感器,以通过Brüel & Kjær仪器上的标准7针LEMO传声器插座连接,如PULSE™和NEXUS™。
Differential Amplifier Type 2697-A enables variable capacitance accelerometers [...]
piezoresistive accelerometers and other bridge
transducers to be connected via the standard 7-pin LEMO microphone socket found on Brüel & Kjær instruments such as PULSE™ and NEXUS™.
由于电容是按照 CEI 1071 标准进行的计,电容 能够承受几次达两倍于额电压的浪 涌 电压 的冲 击而不会有明显的寿命缩短现象。
As these
[...] capacitors are designed to withstand CEI 1071 standard, they can withstand several voltage surges of up to twice rated voltage [...]
without significantly decreasing lifetime.
调节和控制软件是根据 IEEE 标准计,可 确保最佳的系统性能以及 电 机 电压 范 围 内的可靠和安全运行。
The regulation and control software are engineered according to
IEEE standards; which guarantees the
[...] best system behavior as well as reliable and safe operation within the generator limits.
这位于美国加州的设计中心与安森美半导体位于罗马尼亚布加勒斯特(Bucharest)的设计中心密切协作,共同推进新的知识产权(IP)开发、IC设计和布线,以及针对E2PROM存储器产品和包括LED驱动器、稳压器、温度传感器 电压 监 控 器、数 电 位 计 和 总 线产品在内的宽广范围模拟/混合信号IC的下一代晶圆厂工艺技术开发。
The design center located in Santa Clara, California works in tandem with the ON Semiconductor Design Center in Bucharest, Romania for new IP development, IC design and layout, and next-generation foundry process technology development for E2PROM memory products and a wide range of
analog/mixed-signal ICs,
[...] including LED drivers, voltage regulators, temperature sensors, voltage supervisors, digital potentiometers [...]
and bus products.
在整个流程中,这电压调整 器负责控制,而其 电压 调 整器作为从站遵守主 站的控制指令。
This voltage regulator takes over control while all other follower voltage regulators [...]
comply with the control commands of the master.
飞机, 电话, 电报, 广播, 电动机, 显微镜, 印刷机, 狭义相对论, 左轮手枪, 摄影, 温度计, 铅笔, 雷达, 自行车, 西历, 炸药, 莫尔斯码, 降落伞, 火绳枪, 步枪, 牛顿万有引力定律, 加特林机枪, 电唱机, 气压计, 巴斯德消毒法, 摩托车, 手溜弹, 瓦特蒸汽机, 电影, 硝化甘油, 麦克风, 潜水艇, 汽车, 望远镜, 打字机, 热气球, 听诊器, X射线成像, 电池, 阿司匹林, 电熨斗, 内燃机, 人造黄油, 断头台, 蒸汽发动机, 缝纫机, 双焦距眼镜, 油灯, 电冰箱, 手表, 轮胎, 拖拉机
Airplane, Telephone, Telegraph, Radio, Electric motor, Microscope, Printing Press, Special relativity, Revolver, Photography, Thermometer, Pencil, Radar, Bicycle, Gregorian calendar, Dynamite, Morse Code, Parachute, Arquebus, Musket, Principia, Machine Gun, Phonograph, Barometer, Pasteurization, Motorcycle, Hand Grenade, Watt steam engine, Film, Nitroglycerin, Microphone, Submarine, Automobile, Optical Telescope, Typewriter, Hot air balloon, Stethoscope, X-ray Imaging, Battery, Aspirin, Electric iron, Internal combustion engine, Margarine, Guillotine, Steam engine, Sewing Machine, Bifocal Lens, Oil Lamp, Refrigerator, Pocket Watch, Pneumatic, Tractor
此产品适合在标电压为 120V 的电路上使用,其接地插头与下图所示的插头类似。
This product is for use on a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug similar to the plug illustrated in the figure below.
河北省电力公司地方(自备)电厂管理信息系统包含省公司主站及所属6个市供电公司子站,主要设备包括SL7000多功能电能表,EDAD2 00 1 - H 电 能 量 采集终端,JSY- 2B 失 压计 时 器 等,子站系统软件包括MPTMS2001计费系统软件和LPMS地方(自备)电厂管理信息系统平台。
The main equipment includes the SL7000 multi-functional
electric energy meter,
[...] EDAD2001-H electric energy collecting terminal and JSY-2B loss-voltage timers etc. The [...]
softwares of substation
system are: the MPTMS2001 charging system software and the platform of LPMS local self-provided equipment information system.
为了达到最大的能源效率,同时以低功耗实现最高性能,Blackfin处理器采用了各种高级 计 技 术,包括:可编 电压 与 频 率调节、时钟周期分辨率动态时钟门控、支持深度睡眠与休眠模式的多电源域、可实现总线激活能量最小化的高代码密度、用于实现最佳性能与电源效率的混合阈值电压晶体管、实现最大电源效率的完全定制的处理器内核、使用灵活的硬件加速器,以及支持mSDRAM以实现最小板级功耗。
To maximize energy efficiency, while providing the
highest levels of
[...] performance at low power, Blackfin processors use a wide range of advanced design techniques including programmable voltage and frequency scaling, [...]
clock-cycle resolution
dynamic clock gating, multiple power domains that support deep-sleep and hibernate modes, high code density to minimize bus-activation energy, mixed threshold-voltage transistor utilization for optimal performance and power efficiency, a full-custom processor core for maximum energy efficiency, judicious use of hardware accelerators, and support for mSDRAM to minimize board-level power consumption.
请遵守下列提示: 温度传感器的连接线不铺设在回路中,因为会导 电压 耦 合,进而导致测量错 误。
Do not loop the temperature sensor connecting leads when laying because
[...] this can cause voltage coupling and result [...]
in measurement errors.
我们的标准系列和定制型压器广泛应用于世界各地的 LED 和节能灯照明、智能电网和电计量 、 家庭自动化、测试和测量、工业控制、电路管理和安防系统。
Our standard lines and custom-made transformers are used around the world in LED and CFL lighting, smart grid and utility metering, home automation, test & measurement, industrial controls, circuit management, and security systems.
电力塔是国家经济命脉维系之所在,随着国家经济实力的增强,输电线架空杆(下称电力杆)的 计 制 造 技术近年来打破了10~ 22 0 K V 电压 等 级 因经济瓶颈制约而大量使用混凝土、角铁衍架自立杆及拉线杆塔的现状。
The electricity tower where national economic lifelines maintain, with the enhancement of the country's economic strength, power lines overhead
rod (hereinafter
[...] referred to as the power lever) design and manufacturing technology in recent years to break the 10 ~ 220KV voltage level and extensive [...]
use of concrete economic
bottleneck, angle iron truss the independence rod and PULL tower of the status quo.
[...] V电池充电功能优先于异常充电电流检测功能,在标有0 V电池充电功能的产品上电池电压较 低 期间,异常 充电电流有可能不被检测。
Since the 0 V battery charging function has higher priority than the abnormal charge current detection function, abnormal
charge current may not be detected by the product with the 0 V battery charging
[...] function while the battery voltage is low.
对于压片制药厂,请描述所使用的任何片剂商标或标识,并 计压 片设备的压片能力
For tableting laboratories: please describe any tablet marks or logos used and estimate the capacity of the tableting equipment
因为任何人都知道,摩托罗拉将出售XOOM一个1GHz的双核处理器,10.1英寸(25.65厘米)宽屏显示屏,1280×800高清分辨率,支持高清视频无论在设备和一个配备HDMI的显示; 5
[...] -万像素后方面临聊天相机高清视频拍摄和200万像素的前置摄像头用于视频面临的,以及一个内置的陀螺仪, 压计 , 电 子 罗 盘,加速度计和自适应照明。
As anyone knows, Motorola XOOM will be sold with a 1GHz dual-core processor; a 10.1-inch (25.65 cm) widescreen HD display with 1280×800 resolution to support HD video both on-device and on an HDMI-equipped display; a 5-megapixel rear-facing camera for HD video capture and 2-megapixel
front-facing camera for video chats; and a built-in
[...] gyroscope, barometer, e-compass, accelerometer and adaptive [...]
SECESPOL 换热机组是集成了 JAD 换热器、循环泵、补水泵、温计、 压 力 表 、各种传感器、管路和阀门及工控于一体的成套区域供热设备,并加装了变频补水定压系统、水处理系统、流量控制系统、热量计及网络通讯控制系统,是将现场的水泵、阀门、管道、法兰安装以 电 气 控 制的调试工作,搬到了宽敞明亮的现代化工厂来完成,同时结合公司领先的技术以及丰富的经验,标准化、模块化的设计,统筹兼顾,为用户量身定做更适合用户工况的性能优良的成套换热机组。
SECESPOL JAD heat exchanger unit is integrated heat
exchanger, circulation pump,
[...] supply pump, thermometers, pressure gauges, sensors, piping and valves and industrial district heating in one complete set of equipment, and installation of the frequency up constant pressure water systems, water systems, traffic control systems, calorimeter, and network communication control system, is the scene of pumps, valves, piping, flanges and electrical control installation [...]
moved to the bright and spacious modern factory complete, combined with its leading technology and rich experience, standardization, modular design, integrated, tailor-made for the users working conditions more suitable for users with excellent performance complete heat exchanger unit.
测试时通常按照计压力的1.5 倍对接头进行强度测试,但也可用作一种泄漏测试方法,通常采用 计压 力的 1.1 倍进行测试。
The test undertaken is normally a strength test of the
[...] joint at 1.5 times the design pressure, but can also be used as a leak testing means, typically undertaken at 1.1 times the design pressure.
切割区域自动整合防护、操控键盘计、电气和 气动面板前侧开口,使得本机从安全和人体工程学角度均为先进机型。
The automatic integral protection of the
[...] cutting area, the design of the push button control board, from access to the electric and pneumatic [...]
panel, make it an advanced
model also from a safety and ergonomics point of view.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800
美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需
[...] 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国电 子 计算 中心的合同。
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800 under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600
under grants and contributions, mainly owing to the termination of the contract
[...] with the International Computing Centre.
我们 下定决心,我国不断扩大的电计划 , 将遵守核安全 与保障的最高标准。
We are determined that our
[...] expanding nuclear power programme will follow [...]
the highest standards of nuclear safety and security.
很多农村辅助助产士从未见过像数字 压计 、 辐射加热器、光疗机这样的现代化设备,更不知道如何正确使用。
Many rural [auxiliary nurse midwives]
have never ever seen modern gadgets
[...] like digital blood pressure machines, radiant [...]
warmers, photoherapy units, let alone
knowing how to use them correctly.
[...] 隔直电容添加到射频输入和输出中,就可以在场效应晶 体管 (FET) 的门极上直接使用电压偏置,这也是不需要 复杂偏置的单位或低位数衰减器的上佳选择。
Adding large value DC blocking capacitors to the RF input and output allows
the gates of the FETs to be biased directly
[...] with positive voltage and is a good [...]
option for single bit or low bit count attenuators
that do not require complicated biasing.
这些设备经常 受压电场、 开关电流和幅值非常高的故障电流的冲击,这 些过程都会使断路器的温度升高,对绝缘材料构成不利影 响。
These assets are frequently exposed to HV stresses, switching currents and very high fault currents, which heat up the circuit breakers and impact on the insulation material.
打开或关闭显示 于 表 1 中的空气来设置所需电压。
Turn the air on or off as shown in Table 1
[...] to set the desired voltage.
山都平热塑性硫化弹性体上佳的密封性能可实现美国建筑制造商协会(AAMA)空气和水渗透标准的高 计压 力 等 级,以及美国国家门窗等级评定委员会(NNFC)测试标准的低U值。
The excellent sealability of Santoprene TPVs
[...] lead to high design pressure ratings for the [...]
American Architectural Manufacturers Association
(AAMA) air and water infiltration standards and low U-values for National Fenestration Rating Council (NNFC) test standards.
几十年来,许多国家都在实施电计 划 ,使核 电目前已占世界供电量的 15%;这些国家还承诺努力发展能力,并推动在全世界 发展核电,以满足能源需求。
Many countries have been
[...] conducting nuclear power programmes for several decades, as a result of which nuclear power currently [...]
provides more than 15
per cent of world electricity supply, and they have undertaken to pursue the development of their capacities and to promote the worldwide development of nuclear power to meet energy needs.
[...] 驱动两个背对背 N 沟道传输晶体管:其一 (图 1 中的 M1) 负责提电压浪涌保护并保 持向输出提供一个稳定电压,而 另一个 (图 1 中的 M2) 则充当用于提供反向输入保护 和输出保持的理想二极管。
The part drives two back-to-back
N-channel pass
[...] transistors: one protects against voltage surges and maintains a regulated voltage to the output (M1 in [...]
Figure 1), while the
other acts as an ideal diode for reverse input protection and output holdup (M2 in Figure 1).




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