单词 | 申述 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 申述verb—statev申述—assert allege specify See also:述v—statev tellv narratev
有人还提到,在像驱逐这样的行政程序方面,申述的权利以及获得咨询 和获得笔译和口译服务的权利实际上也并未在国际法中确立。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also suggested that the right to a hearing in the context of an [...] administrative procedure like expulsion, as well as [...] the rightto counsel andthe right [...]to translation and interpretation were also [...]not established under international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
受任命的个人,告知此人办事处认为应拒绝接受或继续接受其任命,以及作出此主张的原因,并必须通知 此人其拥有申述权利。 disclosure-scotland.org.uk | the individual nominated that they are of the opinion that they should refuse to accept, or continue to accept, [...] their nomination and the reasons for that opinion and must inform that individual of [...] the rightto makerepresentations. disclosure-scotland.org.uk |
纵然 如此,有关人士仍有充分机会在当局发出递解离境令前后提出反对递解离境令的申述。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the persons concerned still have ample [...] opportunities to make representationsagainst deportation, [...]before and after a deportation order is made. daccess-ods.un.org |
已经有人指出,收到驱逐通知的权利(即使该权利的范围可能 不一样)、申述的权利、获得翻译服务的权利、和获得领事保护的权利都是正确 的。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was pointed out that that was true of the right to receive notice of the expulsion decision (even though differences might be provided for regarding the scope of that right), the right to a hearing, the right to translation and the right to consular protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
(4) 除非董事会另行同意(其同意可按董事会可能不时全权酌情决定之条款及条件作出, 而董事会有权全权酌情决定作出或暂缓作出同意而毋须申述任何理由),否则股东名册 内之股份不得转移至任何股东名册分册,而任何股东名册分册内之股份亦不得转移至 股东名册或任何其他股东名册分册,导致所有转让档及其他所有权档须交回以供登 记,如属股东名册分册内之任何股份,在有关注册办事处进行登记,如属股东名册内 之任何股份,则在办事处或根据法案置存股东名册之其他百慕达地点进行登记。 clh.com.hk | (4) Unless the Board otherwise agrees (which agreement may be on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board in its absolute discretion may from time to time determine, and which agreement it shall, without giving any reason therefor, be entitled in its absolute discretion to give or withhold), no shares upon the Register shall be transferred to any branch register nor shall shares on any branch register be transferred to the Register or any other branch register and all transfers and other documents of title shall be lodged for registration, and registered, in the case of any shares on a branch register, at the relevant Registration Office, and, in the case of any shares on the Register, at the Office or such other place in Bermuda at which the Register is kept in accordance with the Act. clh.com.hk |
虽然有上述规定,但「被豁 免方」不包括 (i) [...] 本次诉讼中过去或现在指定的任何其他被告;(ii) 任何其他随後追加或加入 [...] 本次诉讼的被告;(iii) 任何其他通谋者;和/或 (iv) 被和解团体律师认定为已拒绝合理之合作 请求,即拒绝参与访问、提供申述或宣誓书、参与庭外作证或出庭作证的 Lufthansa 任何前 任雇员、管理人员或董事(行使不自证其罪权应被视为拒绝合作)。 aircargosettlement.com | Notwithstanding the foregoing, “Released Parties” does not include (i) any other defendant formerly or currently named in the Actions; (ii) any other defendant subsequently added or joined in the Actions; (iii) any other co-conspirator; and/or (iv) any former [...] Lufthansa employee officer [...] or director who isdetermined to have refused to cooperate with reasonable requests for interviews, declarations or [...]affidavits, depositions [...]or trial testimony by Settlement Class Counsel (an invocation of the right of self-incrimination shall be deemed a refusal to cooperate). aircargosettlement.com |
根据各类被拘留者的申述,100 个左右的 工作岗位只提供给那些愿意为岗位和劳动工具付费的人员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Accordingto statementsby various [...] detainees, access to the approximately 100 jobs available is restricted to those who [...]are willing to pay for their job, and for the tools needed to do it. daccess-ods.un.org |
土 地 审 裁 [...] 处 亦 可 考 虑 租 客的申 述以裁定 其 可 获 得 的 [...]赔 偿 款 额 。 devb.gov.hk | The Lands Tribunal may also take into account the [...] tenant’s representations indetermining [...]the amount of compensation payable to him. devb.gov.hk |
董事会可全权酌情决定拒绝为任何股份(缴足股份除外)转让予其不批 准的人士的转让办理登记,而毋须申述任何理由,亦可拒绝为转让予超过四名聯 名持有人的任何股份的转让或任何本公司拥有留置权的任何股份(缴足股份除外) 的转让办理登记。 minmetalsland.com | The Board may, in its absolute discretion and without assigning any reason, refuse to register a transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) to a person of whom it does not approve, and it may also refuse to register any transfer of any share to more than four joint holders or any transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) on which the Company has a lien. minmetalsland.com |
(e) 成员国如未能获得主管机关同意,则不再负有义务,但应按理事会的要求,每隔 适当时期,向国际劳工局局长报告该国与公约所订事项有关的法律及实际情况, [...] 说明通过立法、行政措施、集体合同或其他方法,使公约的任何条款得到实施或 打算付诸实施的程度,并申述有何困难阻碍或推迟该公约的批准。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (e) if the Member does not obtain the consent of the authority or authorities within whose competence the matter lies, no further obligation shall rest upon the Member except that it shall report to the Director-General of the International Labour Office, at appropriate intervals as requested by the Governing Body, the position of its law and practice in regard to the matters dealt with in the Convention, showing the extent to which effect has been given, or is proposed to be given, to any of the provisions of the Convention by legislation, [...] administrative action, collective agreement or [...] otherwise and statingthe difficulties [...]which prevent or delay the ratification of such Convention. unesdoc.unesco.org |
董事会可全权酌情决定而毋须申述任何理由,拒绝就转让予其不予批准人士 的任何股份(未缴足股款股份)或根据任何雇员的股份奖勵计划已发行(而就有 关股份施加的转让限制仍然存在)的任何股份办理股份转让登记,亦可拒绝登记 转让任何股份予超过四名聯名持有人或转让本公司拥有留置权的任何股份(未缴 足股款股份)。 comnet-telecom.hk | The Board may, in its absolute discretion, and without assigning any reason, refuse to register a transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) to a person of whom it does not approve, or any share issued under any share incentive scheme for employees upon which a restriction on transfer imposed thereby still subsists, and it may also refuse to register any transfer of any share to more than four joint holders or any transfer of any share (not being a fully paid up share) on which the Company has a lien. comnet-telecom.hk |
缔约国可在审理过程的任何阶段申述理由,说明为何应撤回关于采取临时措 施的要求或该要求已经不再合理。 daccess-ods.un.org | The State party may present arguments at any stage of the proceedings on why the request for interim measures should be lifted or is no longer justified. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文是香港大学民意研究计划总监锺庭耀响应立法会监察西九文化区计划推行情况联合小组委员会的呼吁,就立法会西九龙文化区计划之公众谘询,於2009年6月17日向立法会监察西九文化区计划推行情况联合小组委员会递交的书面申述全文,建议於公众参与活动时使用慎思民调,锺庭耀亦於2009年6月19日上午,於立法会会议室举行的会议作出口头申述。 hkupop.hku.hk | This is the full text of the written submission to the Joint Subcommittee to Monitor the Implementation of the West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) Project, Legislative Counci on June 17, 2008, by Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, onhis views on the WKCD Project, suggesting a Deliberative Polling in the WKCD Public Engagement Exercise, in response to the public call of the Joint Subcommittee to Monitor the Implementation of the WKCD Project, Legislative Council. hkupop.hku.hk |
心会去信要求业界人士在21天内作出解释及申述。 cfs.gov.hk | CFS would issue letter to the trader asking for explanation and representation in 21 days. cfs.gov.hk |
原告及 Lufthansa 和解团体成 员明确保留任何 Lufthansa [...] 和解团体成员对於以下个人或实体的所有权利,包括过去、现在或将来的被告 [...] 或通谋者;被和解团体律师认定为拒绝合理之合作请求,即拒绝参与访问、提供申述或宣誓书、参与庭外 作证或出庭作证的任何 [...]Lufthansa 前任雇员、管理人员;以及除被豁免方之外的任何其他个人或实体。 aircargosettlement.com | All rights of any Lufthansa Settlement Class Member against former, current, or future defendants or co-conspirators, any former Lufthansa employee, officer or director who is determined to have refused to cooperate with reasonable requests for interviews, declarations or [...] affidavits, depositions or trial testimony by [...] Settlement Class Counsel, orany other [...]person or entity other than the Released Parties [...]are specifically reserved by Plaintiffs and the Lufthansa Settlement Class Members. aircargosettlement.com |
书面申述全文的版权全面公开,欢迎传媒节录或全文转载。 hkupop.hku.hk | The copyright of the written representation isentirely open, the media is welcome to carry it in all or in part. hkupop.hku.hk |
假如在预定的下届联合委员会会议前一年拟定了关于上届会议结束后收到的申 述的报告最后草案,在其得到联合委员会的批准后,联合委员会工作小组有权将该报 告(作为联合委员会的报告)提交劳工组织理事机构和教科文组织执行局审议” (1997 年联合委员会的报告第 81(2)段)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | that, in the event that the final draft of a report on an allegation which has been received since the end of the last session is prepared more than one year prior to the next scheduled meeting of the full Joint Committee, the working party of the Joint Committee be authorized to transmit that report, as the report of the Joint Committee, for consideration by the Governing Body of ILO and the Executive Board of UNESCO, provided that it has been approved by the Joint Committee” (1997 CEART report, para. 81(2)). unesdoc.unesco.org |
(a) 於完成时,保证在各方面仍属真实准确及并无误导成份,尤如於完成 时或协议日期与完成期间任何时间重复申述一样。 bdhk.com.hk | (a) the Warranties remaining true and accurate and not misleading in any material respect at Completion as if repeated at Completion and at all times between the date of the Agreement and Completion bdhk.com.hk |
豁免享有人会获通知中心撤销豁免的意图和理由,并可在21 天内提出申述。 cfs.gov.hk | The grantee would be notified of the intention and reason to revoke the exemption and be [...] allowedto submit representation within 21 days. cfs.gov.hk |
政府管理当局会把可能影响到公民的所有行动、事件和情 [...] 况告知他们,不但确保他们有权作出及时、有效、不偏不倚和不受审查的反应, 而且设立了网页或机构邮箱等电脑手段,使公民有渠道提出任何申述。daccess-ods.un.org | All citizens are kept informed by the Public Administration of all actions, events and circumstances which might affect them, not only by ensuring the right to timely and effective, impartial and uncensored response, but also through the establishment [...] of computing facilities such as web pages or institutional [...] mailboxes to channelany petitions thatcitizens wish [...]to make. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人还建议,在像驱逐这样的行政程序方面,申述的权利和获得笔译和口译 服务的权利实际上并非国际法中已经确立的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had also been suggested that in the context of an administrative procedure like expulsion, the rights to a hearing and to translation and interpretation were not actually established under international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
将登记人员从名册中除名前,苏格兰犯罪记录办事处必须对该人 [...] 员发出书面通知,声明除名主张以及作出该主张的原因,并必须通知该人员其拥有申述权利。 disclosure-scotland.org.uk | Before removing a person from the register, Disclosure Scotland must notify that person in writing that [...] they are of that opinion, the reasons for that opinion and must inform that person of the [...] rightto make representations. disclosure-scotland.org.uk |
该客户如有任何一方死亡,应立刻以书面通知交易商,不论该客户为共同租借人或共有租借人,交易商可自行酌情 采取(而无须申述理由)认为必需的行动,在税务及其他索偿上作自我保障,在发还该个户口由交易商持有的财产前, 或发还交易商因任何理由(包括保管理由)而拥有的财产前,交易商可要求在生者及/或死者遗产发给死亡证明,免税 文件及交易商认为必需(而无须申述理由)的文件及担保书,以清算或继续维持该户口。 pt123.com | Before releasing any property held by PT for any purpose or carried by PT in any account opened on the Clients’ behalf or which may be in PT’s possession at any time and for any purpose, including safe-keeping, PT may require such proofs of death, tax waivers, other documents, and instrument of guarantee by the survivors and/or by the estate of the deceased as in the sole discretion of PT (without having to assign a reason thereto) deem necessary or desirable in connection with the liquidation or continuation of any such account. pt123.com |
同样至关重要的是使 工作人员明确了解负责道德操守、申述、工作人员行 为和纪律以及其他个人问题的不同办公室的职能,以 [...] 便让他们了解到哪里去提出自己关心的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also vital to provide staff with a clear understanding of the [...] functions of the different offices responsible [...] for ethics,grievances,staffconduct [...]and discipline, and other personnel matters, [...]so that they knew where to raise their concerns. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据初步建议,个别小组委员会可就上诉个案,委任适合的委员,听取署方和承建商的申述,妥善处理承建商的申诉。 housingauthority.gov.hk | According to the preliminary proposal, individual committees will be able to assign suitable Members to hear presentations of the Department and the contractors for cases of appeal and handle the contractors¡¦complaints properly. housingauthority.gov.hk |
(1) 我/我们不会申请成为上述单位的新户主,并同意上述申请人成为该单位的新户主。 housingauthority.gov.hk | (1) I/ We will not apply to become the new tenant of the said flat, and it is agreed [...] that the above-mentionedapplicant should be the tenant. housingauthority.gov.hk |