

单词 申诉书

See also:

申诉 n

complainant n
grievance n
grievances pl


External sources (not reviewed)

申诉书所控 告之人不 肯提供证明或解释,此类行为即视为承认歧视。
If the person
[...] against whom an application has been filed [...]
refuses to provide proof or explanation, such behaviour is considered
as admission of discrimination.
他们向人们 解释哪些机构主管解决歧视案件,必要时还帮助人们起 申诉书 , 并 把 申诉书呈 递主管机构,除非有关机构是法院或劳资争议委员会。
They explain to people which institutions are competent to settle cases of discrimination and, if
necessary, help people with
[...] drawing up applications and forward the applications to competent [...]
bodies, except if the relevant
body is a court or labour dispute committee.
监察员提交安全理事会的第一次报告显示,在她任期的头六个月里她就至少 收到了 7 份请求除名申诉书(见 S/2011/29,第 20 段)。
The first report on the Ombudsperson to the Security Council indicates
that she received at
[...] least seven petitions for de-listing within the first six months of her tenure (see S/2011/29, [...]
para. 20).
原告在申诉书中援 引了《荷兰苗木贸易一般条 款》(HBN),其中也包含“在收货后 6 个工作日内”退货的条款。
The appellant, in its appeal, referred to the General Terms and Conditions [...]
of Trade of the Tree Nurseries in the Netherlands
(HBN), which include a reclaim term of “within 6 working days of receipt of goods”.
这位官员答复说并未收到提交人 申诉书。
The officer replied
[...] that the author’s complaint was not received.
任何未遵守上述限期或未陈述理由 申诉书将 自动不予接受。
Any letter of appeal not satisfying this [...]
deadline or not reasoned shall be automatically rejected.
2005年5月17 日,提交人的第二申诉书被宣 布不可受理,因为 这申诉书未揭 露出任何显然违反《公约》所列权利的情况。
The author’s second application was declared inadmissible on 17 May 2005, as it did [...]
not disclose any appearance of a violation
of the rights in the Convention.
但是,如遇纽约的工作人员以法文提 申诉 , 书 记 官长 已安排讲法文的法官审理案件。
However, when staff
[...] members have lodged a complaint in French in New [...]
York, the Registrars have made arrangements for a French-speaking judge to hear the matter.
一位柬埔寨公民在写给特别报告员的单 申诉书 中 表 示了对现行选举程序 的沮丧感,他说,如果目前的事态继续下去,执政党将永远赢得选举,而其他政 [...]
Expressing frustration with the existing [...]
electoral process, a Cambodian citizen wrote in an individual petition to the Special
Rapporteur that, if the current state of affairs continued, the ruling party would win the elections forever and that there was no hope for other political parties.
2.1 2006年2月15 日,提交人赴财政部送交对该部工作的一 申诉书。
2.1 On 15 February 2006, the author approached the Ministry of
[...] Finance to hand in a complaint against the activities [...]
of the Ministry.
[...] 月期间,向明 斯克州检察厅总共提出了六申诉书 , 以抗议对提交人的非法拘留和指控。
In May and June 2004, a
[...] total of six petitions were lodged with [...]
the Minsk Region Prosecutor’s Office to protest against
the illegal detention and charges against him.
[...] 海洋法法庭对孟加拉国和缅甸之间的海洋边界争端行使管辖权,这是孟加拉国 2009 年 10 月 8 日提申诉书的主题”。
In her letter, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh further stated that “Bangladesh respectfully invites the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to exercise jurisdiction over the maritime
boundary dispute between Bangladesh and Myanmar, which is the subject of
[...] Bangladesh’s 8 October 2009 statement of claim”.
会员国除了递申诉 书,还可提交书面补充说明。
In addition to its letter of appeal a Member State [...]
may make a further written submission.
任何 人认为权利受到侵害时,得透 申诉书 或 者投诉的方法向立法会或廉政公署,又 或者借助行政、民事或刑事诉讼手段向行政当局或法院提出问题。
Any person who considers that his/her rights have been violated may raise the issue before the Legislative Assembly or the Ombudsman, [...]
by means of
a petition or complaint, or before an administrative authority or a court, by means of, or in connection with, administrative, civil or criminal proceedings.
Moollan 先生(毛里求斯)说,由于斯洛文尼亚
代表缺席,他希望指出斯洛文尼亚代表团在 A/CN.9/704 号文件第 5 页中的建议,内容如下:“建 议审议第
[...] 21(4)条草案是否应提及第 20(3)条草 案,以顾及下述情形:为抵消目的提出的反诉或申 诉所依据的合同或法律文书不同申 诉 人 在 申诉书 中提交的合同或法律文书。
(Mauritius) said that in the absence of the representative of Slovenia, he wished to point out a suggestion from the Slovenian delegation contained in document A/CN.9/704, page 5, which read as follows: “It is suggested to consider whether draft article 21 (4) should also include a reference to draft article 20 (3), to cater for the situation where the counterclaim or claim for the purpose of a set-off
would be based on a contract or legal
[...] instrument different from the one submitted by the claimant in the statement [...]
of claim.
提交人 未获准进入财政部大楼,而是被告知 申诉书 放 到 门厅专为接 申诉书 所 设 的箱 子里。
He was not allowed to enter the building of the
[...] Ministry, and was told to place his complaint in a box installed for such purposes [...]
at the entrance hall.
但是,第 24 条草案也涵盖了该问题,允 许法庭决定,申诉书和答 辩书之外,还应要求当 事各方提交何种进一步书面陈述。
Nonetheless, the issue was covered by draft article 24, which allowed the tribunal to decide which further statements, in addition to the statement of claim and the statement of defence, were required from the parties.
[...] 罪的法国公民,法律要求该犯罪行为所在国的当局提供一份正式定罪文件,或 受害人提交申诉书(《刑法》第 113-8 条)。
However, for a French citizen who has committed an offence abroad to be prosecuted in France, the law demands either an official conviction from the
authorities of the country in which the act was
[...] committed, or a complaint lodged by the victim [...]
(art. 113-8 of the Penal Code).
委员会高兴地了解 到,儿童可直接或通过其监
[...] 护人或代理人采用正式渠 道 提交请书或申诉书,但它仍 然关切的是,没有一家独 立的机构来处理提出的 [...]
While welcoming the information that a child may
[...] lodge a petitions or complaint with the existing [...]
official channels, either directly or
through his/her guardian or representative, the Committee is concerned about the absence of an independent body for filing complaints and monitoring the implementation of the Convention.
他还指出他已请求获得医学报告,随后将向司法机关提 交。1 申诉人在上诉书中要求法院下令开展彻底有效的调查。
He also stated that he had requested a medical report, which would subsequently be made
available to the judicial
[...] authorities.1 In his appeal, the complainant asked the Court [...]
to order an effective and thorough investigation.
您可以通过电话方式进行保密咨询,但在委员会采取相关行动之前,您必须提交正式 书 面 申诉。
Confidential enquiries can be made by
[...] telephone but a formal complaint must be lodged [...]
in writing before the commission can take action.
(a) 在代申诉人提出的书面陈 述中,提交人的律师请求法院宣布:内政 部长的决定损害了《宪法》所赋予她的自由迁移和在缔约国境内定居的权利,理 [...]
由是她将被迫在圭亚那境外定居以维持她的婚姻关系;准许她丈夫合法进入以及 再进入和离开圭亚那;部长对斟酌决定权的行使是违宪的,因为没有在任何议会
a) In the written
[...] submissions on behalf of the applicant, the author’s lawyer [...]
sought declarations by the Court that the
decision of the Minister of Home Affairs infringed her constitutional rights to freedom of movement and to reside in the State party on the ground that she would be compelled to reside outside Guyana in order to maintain her marital relationship; that her husband was permitted to lawfully enter and re-enter and depart from Guyana; and that the exercise of discretion by the Minister was unconstitutional as no matters constituting interests of national security or public policy were set out in any Act of Parliament or subordinate legislation.
根据执行局在 154 EX/4.4 号决定第 5 段中批准的程序,总干事兹向执 行局提交国际劳工组织 -- 教科文组织实施《关于教学人员的建议书》的联 合专家委员会(CEART)的临时报告,介绍该联合专家委员会从教师组织 收到的关于不遵守“建书”规定的 申诉 的 情 况。
In accordance with the procedure approved by the Executive Board in 154 EX/Decision 4.4, paragraph 5, the Director-General hereby submits to the Executive Board an interim report of the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendations concerning Teaching Personnel (CEART) on allegations received by CEART from teachers’ organizations regarding non-observance of the Recommendations.
最后,书处指 出,在第 49 条草案适用于第 44 条第 2 款草案方面,联合国 对国家以外的个人或实体的实践是一致的,在联合国已提供“可利用的有效救济” 的情况下,除了通过规定的程序,没有其他可以向联合国提 申诉 的 可 能性。
Finally, the Secretariat notes, in respect of draft article 49 as it applies to draft article 44, paragraph 2, that the practice of the United Nations is uniform with respect to persons or entities other than States that, where “available and effective remedies” are provided by the United Nations, there is no possibility of recourse to the [...]
Organization except through the procedures provided.
在 2010-2011
[...] 年期间处理的一些主要问题有:法庭的管辖权;海底争端 分庭的诉讼管辖权;与《公约》第二九二条有关的事项;在有关污染海洋环境的 案件中提交迅速释放船申请书;向 法庭特别分庭提供设施的安排;参照联合国 关于建申诉程序 的决定修订法庭司法系统;法庭的出版物,例如判决和命令。
Some of the main issues which were addressed during the period 2010-2011 include matters relating to the jurisdiction of the Tribunal; the contentious jurisdiction of the Seabed Disputes Chamber; matters relating to article 292 of the Convention; submission of applications for the prompt release of vessels and crews in cases concerning pollution of the marine environment; arrangements for the provision of facilities to a special chamber of the Tribunal; revision of the system of administration of justice of the Tribunal
in the light of the
[...] decision of the United Nations on the establishment of an appeals procedure; and publications of the Tribunal such as judgments [...]
and orders.
人权理事会审议由个人提出的、据《任择议 书 》 申诉 侵 犯 《公民权利和政治权利国 际公约》所述权利的来函,由独立专家组成的人权理事会在审议工作结束后通过自己的审查 意见。
When it examines communications from
[...] individuals alleging violations of the rights set out in the Covenant under its Optional Protocol, at the conclusion [...]
of its proceedings
the Human Rights Committee, composed of independent experts, adopts findings.
缔约国还申了关 于提交人指称其案件审理中出现不正当拖延的意见,并 指出提交人没有在撤销原判诉书中 提 出这一请求。
6.7 The State party also reiterates its observations in relation to the author’s claim of undue delay in considering his case and notes that the author did not raise this claim in the cassation appeal.
大会还决定,人权理事会应:(a) 应负责 促进普遍尊重对人人没有任何形式的区分,公正、平等地享有所有人权和基本自
由的保护;(b) 充当关于所有人权问题的专题对话的论坛;(c) 承担、审查并在
[...] 必要时改进及合理调整人权委员会的所有任务、机制、职能和职责,以便保持一 个包含特别程序、专家咨询申诉程 序的制度;(d) 在举行理事会首届会议后一 [...]
It decided also that the Council should: (a) be responsible for promoting universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without distinction of any kind and in a fair and equal manner; (b) serve as a forum for dialogue on thematic issues on all human rights; (c) assume, review and, where necessary, improve and rationalize all mandates, mechanisms, functions and responsibilities of the Commission on Human Rights in order to
maintain a system of special procedures,
[...] expert advice and a complaint procedure; and (d) [...]
complete the review within one year
after the holding of the Council’s first session.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的诉前请求;(c) 将判书翻译 成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对诉理由的修订,特 别是在判书翻译 之后(主要是有律师的 诉 人 ); (e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected
estimates for completion of
[...] judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.




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