

单词 申状

See also:


great adj


External sources (not reviewed)

并可通过会议安排其他子公司员工进行学术访问、讨论专 申 请 状 况 以 及竞争对手的专利情况。
In addition, TSC meetings are a platform to exchange information about important local projects, to arrange
research visits of employees at other sites, and to
[...] discuss our patent applications as well as the [...]
patents of our competitors.
在申请人的发送列表与处理人的接收列表中,显示最新 申 请 状 态。
The latest status of the request is displayed in the Sent
[...] items of the applicant and in the Inbox [...]
of the processors.
请查看您的职申请状态, 编辑您的简历或者搜索岗位。
View the status of your applications, edit your profile, [...]
or search for positions.
征聘流程涉及制定专门知 识领域的职位说明;组织对会员国的定期正式情况介绍;向有意提供借调惩教和
[...] 司法人员的会员国发出正式通知;接收和筛选申请;安排和进行电话面试;维申请状况和借调到维和行动的惩教干事的电子数据库。
The recruitment process involves developing job profiles in specialized areas of expertise; organizing periodic official briefings to Member States; sending formal notices to Member States interested in contributing seconded corrections and judicial
staff; receiving and screening applications; arranging and conducting telephone interviews; and maintaining an
[...] electronic database of the status of applications and of corrections [...]
officers seconded to peacekeeping operations.
启动审慎措施是因为申诉状指 控 该案的审判违反了《美洲关于人的权利和义务宣言》中体现的权利、刑事诉讼 [...]
存在不合规定之处、缺乏正当程序以及在死囚牢里长期监禁构成残酷的不人道惩 罚。
The precautionary measures were issued in
[...] the context of petitions alleging that [...]
the violation of rights enshrined in the
American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man, the irregularities in the criminal proceedings, the lack of due process and the lengthy incarceration on death row constituted cruel and inhuman punishment.
最 后,工作组感 到有义 务申 , 非状态移 民不应被定为或 视为罪 犯,也不应仅仅从国家安全的角度看待他们。
In conclusion, the Working Group feels
[...] duty bound to reiterate that immigrants in irregular situations [...]
should not be qualified or treated
as criminals and be viewed only from the perspective of national security.
在本案中,律师称乌兹别克斯坦没有任何适当的后续机制监 申 诉 人的 状况, 而且无法与那里的申诉人取得联系。
In the present case, according to the counsel, no appropriate follow-up
mechanism for the monitoring of the
[...] situation of the complainants exists in Uzbekistan, [...]
and there is no access to the complainants there.
缔约国 要求委员会宣布它已遵守了其建议,并免除它监申诉人在秘状况的义务。
It requested the Committee to declare that it
had complied with its recommendations, and to release it from the duty
[...] to supervise the complainant’s situation in Peru.
缔约国指出,它不知申诉人的 目状况,也不知道伊朗当局之所以要进一步询问他 是不是因为发现了委员会的决定。
It stated that it had
[...] no knowledge of the complainant’s state of well-being [...]
and that his further questioning by the Iranian
authorities would have been due to the discovery of the Committee’s decision.
[...] 的信息申请的数量和具体结果;机构的反应时间;联邦公共信息权研究所处理的事件的数量 及结果;内部监督机构介入前申请终 止 状 态 ;和在执行该法方面遇到的任何困难。
IFAI is responsible for providing an annual report to Congress, which shall include, at a minimum, “the number of requests for access to information presented to each agency and entity and their results; agency response time; the number
and outcome of matters attended to by
[...] the Institute; the status of denunciations brought [...]
before the internal oversight bodies;
and any difficulties encountered in carrying out the Law.
(d) 请缔约国在本决定提交之日后两个月内,提交关于案情的补充意见, 特别是提供关申诉人目前状况的 最新信息
(d) That the State party is requested to submit additional observations on the merits, in particular
an updated information of the present
[...] situation of the complainants, within two months [...]
of the date of transmittal to it of this decision
2005 年 12 月通过的《13392 号行政令》323 的 确试图要求公共机构对信息申请作出恰当反应。法令第
1(b)节规定:“相关机构应为FOIA(信 息自由权法)[1 ] 申请者以及整个公众提供以公民为中心的方式了解信息自由权法的程序,了解
[...] 可以公开获取的机构记录(比如,在该机构的网页上)、个人信息 申 请 的 状 况 , 以及有关机 构回应的恰当信息”。
Executive Order 13392, adopted in December 2005,323 does seek to impose some obligation on public bodies to respond appropriately to requests, providing, at section 1(b): “agencies shall provide FOIA requesters, and the public in general, with citizen-centered ways to learn about the FOIA process, about agency records that are publicly
available (e.g., on the agency’s
[...] website), and about the status of a person’s FOIA [...]
request and appropriate information about the agency’s response.
举例来讲,尽管法律要求委员会向议 会报告其活动,包括接收到申请 和授 权 状 态 ,但委员会并没有一直达到这一要 求。
For example, the Committee is required to report to
Parliament on its own activities,
[...] including applications received and the status of authorizations, [...]
but this requirement has not been regularly met.
特别报告员强调无论如何应该尊重合法诉讼 权,提请关注宣布非常状态和以国家安全或反恐 的名义建立平行的司法行政体系所导致的侵犯人 权和损害司法机关独立性的风险,同时指出了恐 怖主义和人权问题特别报告员的报告与他的报告 的共同点,比如司法机关在维护人权中的重要作 用或者剥夺恐怖主义嫌疑人的平等诉讼权,以及 主张拟定一项具有普遍性的宣言,在其中 申有 关在非状态下 保护人权的原则并加强这方面的 国际准则。
Stressing that the right to a fair trial must be respected in all circumstances, he drew attention to the risks of human rights violations and impingements on the judicial independence posed by the declaration of states of emergency and the establishment of parallel justice systems in the name of national security or the struggle against terrorism.
我们的客户可以通过提供基本航班信息和其他相关信息来注 申 请 航 班 状 态 提 醒和其他无线服务。
Our customers can
[...] register for Flight status alerts and other wireless [...]
services by providing basic flight information and other relevant information.
Provide Support 可以帮您的客户检申请借款的状态 、 当前利率信息、分期付款金额并就复杂问题提供快速回复。
Provide Support allows your customers
[...] to check the status of loan applications, inquire about [...]
current interest rates, down payment
amounts, and get speedy answers to complex questions.
关于预防、控制和治疗传染病的第2/2004 号法律列明相关的疾病,及避免
[...] 传播传染病的预防措施,如要求进入澳门特区的 申 报 其健 康 状 况 ; 当出现对公 共卫生构成危险的情况时,要求入境者填写特定的健康申报书、出具医生声明书 [...]
Law 2/2004 on the Prevention, Control and Treatment of Contagious Diseases sets up a list of diseases and a number of preventive measures in order to avoid the risk of
propagation of contagious diseases, such as
[...] the duty of any person who enters the MSAR to declare [...]
his/her health condition, or, in
case of danger to public health, to declare specific health information, to present medical certificates or declarations, or to be subject to a medical exam.
此时,代理审批人无法对已删除的通 申 请 的 内容 状 态 进 行确认。
In that case, the proxy approver cannot
[...] confirm the contents or the status of the removed request.
申请专利的状态可 配置的定时器(SCT),是一个复杂的,但易于配置的定时器,它提供前所未有的灵活性,使工程师们在未来证明他们的设计,并减少进入市场的时间。
The patent-pending State Controlled Timer [...]
(SCT) is a sophisticated, yet easy-to-configure timer that delivers unprecedented
flexibility, enabling engineers to future-proof their designs and reduce time-to-market.
He took into account the general
[...] human rights situation in India as well as the particular circumstances of the complainant’s case.
申了他对这状况的 重视,宣布下次将在塞尔维亚召开关于这个 问题的会议,并强调联合国难民事务高级专员办事 [...]
处和塞尔维亚政府在周边政府的合作下,努力落实 遣送回国的措施,找到创新的解决办法,以永久性 地解决占用权的问题。
He reaffirmed the importance he attached to [...]
that situation and announced that a conference on the matter was shortly to take place in Serbia.
三、争议法庭有权允许或不允许工作人员协会要求提出法庭之友 状 的申 请。
The Dispute Tribunal shall be competent to permit or deny
[...] leave to an application to file a friend-of-the-court [...]
brief by a staff association.
鉴于伊朗批准了《公 民权利和政治权利国际公约》而且申诉人可以利用酷
[...] 刑问题特别报告员一类的联合国特别程序机制,它认 为联合国更有条件查申诉人的目 状 况。
Given Iran’s ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the possibility for the complainant to use United Nations special procedure mechanisms such as the Special Rapporteur on the
question of torture, it considers the United Nations better placed to make
[...] enquiries about the complainant’s well-being.
受理关于人状况的申诉和意见,制订适当解决办法并要求有关当局 采取行动。
Receiving complaints and observations on human rights practices, devising [...]
appropriate solutions and following up with the authorities concerned
[...] 重点业务:诉讼监督、调查业务、 状 和 申 诉 分 析与监督、企业财务、公用采购、外包程序 [...]
The company considers the following to be the company’s key service
offerings: litigation support and
[...] investigative services, claims management and [...]
analysis, corporate finance services, discovery
services, government contracting services, and operations advisory and management process outsourcing services.
在重新成立的加速上诉工作组的报告中建议的新措施,包括严格遵守只有提出充 分理由才能更改时间和字数限制的规定,以及不因将判决书译为波斯尼亚/塞尔
[...] 维亚/克罗地亚文而推迟上诉案情简介时间安排的惯例,但准许上诉人提出修改 上诉通知书和/或上状的申请。
Measures aimed at expediting appeals adopted pursuant to the recommendations of the Working Group on Speeding Up Appeals will continue to be applied and new measures recommended in the report of the reconstituted Working Group on Speeding Up Appeals will also be implemented, including that of strict adherence to the requirement of good cause to vary time and word limits, and the practice of not delaying the briefing schedule on appeal for the translation of a judgement into
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian but permitting an appellant to bring a motion to amend the notice of appeal
[...] and/or appeal brief if necessary.
与对内部审计师的建议和此前“监督制度的缺陷”报告中一样,检查专员重 申,应要求外聘审计师披露财状况 ,并 且 申 报 任 何可能的或明显的利益冲突。
As already recommended for internal auditors and
previously in the Oversight Lacunae
[...] report, the Inspectors reiterate that external auditors [...]
should be subject to financial disclosure
and should declare any potential or apparent conflict of interest.
在上诉方面,上诉分庭法官采纳了一系列建议,包括必须严格遵守只有提出充分 理由才能更改时间和字数限制的规定,以及不因将判决书译为波斯尼亚/塞尔维
[...] 亚/克罗地亚文而推迟上诉案情介绍时间安排的惯例,但必要时准许上诉人提出 修改上诉通知书和(或)上状的申请。
In terms of appeals, the members of the Appeals Chamber have adopted a number of recommendations, including on the need to strictly adhere to the requirement of good cause to vary time and word limits, and the practice of not delaying the briefing schedule on appeal for the translation of the judgement into
Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian but permitting an appellant to bring a motion to amend the notice of appeal
[...] and/or appeal brief if necessary.
19.重申最不发达国家的政府代表参与经济及社会理事会对《行动纲领》的 年度审查至关重要,邀请捐助国继续支助每个最不发达国家派两名代表参与年度 审查,包括适当、及时地向为此目的成立的特别信托基金捐款,并请秘书长加强 努力,调集必要的资源,以确保信托基金有足够的资源,还请他介绍信托基金状况;20.重申请秘 书长将最不发达国家问题纳入经济、社会和相关领域的所有
Reiterates the critical importance of the participation of Government representatives from the least developed countries in the annual review of the Programme of Action by the Economic and Social Council, invites donor countries to continue to support the participation of two representatives from each least developed country in the annual review, including by contributing in an adequate and timely manner to the special trust fund established for that purpose, and requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to mobilize the necessary resources in order to ensure that the trust fund is adequately resourced and to provide information on the status of the trust fund
2008年5月9 日的信函,信中证实,考虑到海 地医疗技术的状和申诉人 疾病的性质,申诉人在海地将无法得到他所需的医疗 服务。
He presented a letter from the Consulate-General of Haiti in Montreal, dated 9 May 2008, which confirmed that, in view of the current state of medical technology in Haiti and the nature of the complainant’s illness, the complainant would not be able to receive the medical care he required in Haiti.




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