

单词 申不害

See also:

do harm to
cause trouble to

External sources (not reviewed)

它还重申,将申诉人驱 回的未能提出有表明 证据的案子。
Italso reiterates that the deportation of the author would not result in irreparable harm, as the author [...]
failed to present a prima facie case.
在这些申请中,委员会建议给予 76 个组织咨商地位,将 149
[...] 个组织的申请推迟至 2010 年续会进一步审议,注意到 1 个非政府组织撤销了申 请,害申利的情况下结束了对 14 个非政府组织申请的审议,并结束 了对另外 [...]
2 个非政府组织申请的审议。
Of those applications, the Committee recommended 76 for consultative status, deferred 149 for further consideration at its resumed session in 2010, took note of 1 non-governmental
organization that had
[...] withdrawn its application, closed consideration without prejudiceof 14applications [...]
and closed its consideration
of 2 other non-governmental organizations.
(5) 除非本细则有任何相反规定,否则股东可於根据本细则召开及举行的任何 股东大会上,藉普通决议案在该董事任期届满前於任何时间将其免任,即使本细则或 本公司与该董事所订的协议中载有任何规定亦然(惟此类免任任何该等 协议提出任何权利)。
(5) Subject to any provision to the contrary in these Article, the Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Articles, by ordinary resolution remove a Director at any time before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything in these Articles or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but withoutprejudice toanyclaim for damagesunder any such agreement).
此外,执行支助股定期收到专门用于向受害人提供援助 咨询服务数财政支助,这或许是出于对执行支助股所拥有的向根据国达成 助协定的缔约国提供咨询时恰如其分的专业技能的认可。
In addition, the ISU hasregularly received significant financial support that is earmarked for providing victim assistance advisory services, perhaps in recognition of the niche expertise developed
[...] by the ISU in advising States Partieson applying, intheir national contexts, the victim assistance understandings they have agreed to.
客户须尽一切合理努力,以确定 害申打算从事的利益(如有)工作空缺的客户发布。
The Client shall use all reasonable
endeavours to ascertain that
[...] it willnot be detrimental to the interests ofthe applicantit intends to engage [...]
(if any) to work for
the Client in the vacancy posted.
17.3 根据细则第 17.1 条获委任职务的董事必须遵守与其他董事相同的有关罢 免条文。倘彼基於任何原因终止担任董事,彼可能针对本公司或 本公司可能针对彼就违反彼与本公司订立的任何服务合约而提出的情况下,彼须因此事即时终止董事职务。
17.3 A Director appointed to an office under Article 17.1 shall be subject to the same provisions as to removal as the other Directors, and he shall, without prejudice to any claim for damages that such Director may have against the Company or the Company may have against such Director for any breach of any contract of service between him and the Company, ipso facto and immediately cease to hold such office if he shall cease to hold the office of Director for any cause.
[...] 到,缔约国认为,根据瑞士驻金沙萨使馆开展的调查,在申诉人及其子女出国前 居住的金沙萨,既没有种族冲突,也没有特定种族群体受到 及其子 女出身于卢旺达胡图人西人;因此他们根据种族出身提出的主张并不可 信。
The Committee further notes the State party’s argument that, according to the investigation conducted by the Swiss embassy in Kinshasa, there is no ethnic conflict nor are particular ethnic groups being persecuted
in Kinshasa, the city
[...] where the complainant andhis children were living prior to their departure; thatthe complainant and his children [...]
are of Rwandan
Hutu rather than Tutsi origin; and that therefore the claims that they make on the basis of their ethnic origin are not credible.
这本质上是一种富有挑衅性的不公和侵 犯,以色列违反了各种相关规则和国际决议,对巴勒 斯坦人民犯下种种战争罪行:和儿童,侵犯 宗教圣地,实行集体惩罚,关闭边界过境点,拘留成 千上万的平民和经过民主选举产生的巴勒斯坦官员, 实施种族主义扩张占领,同时在被占领阿拉伯领土特 别是耶路撒冷建立像恶性肿瘤一样的经过公不申定居点,威胁耶城的生存及其伊斯兰和基 督教特性。
It is by its nature a provocative, unjust offence whereby Israel has violated all relevant rules and international resolutions and committed every kind of war crime
against the
[...] Palestinian people: killing women and children; violating the sanctity of places of worship; inflicting collective punishment; closing border crossings; detaining tens of thousands of civilians and democratically elected Palestinian officials; and pursuing a racist, expansionist occupation accompanied by cancerous, declared and undeclaredsettlements in [...]
the occupied Arab territories,
especially Jerusalem, in a manner that targets the very existence of that city and its Islamic and Christian character.
在 公 司 法 及 本 细 则 的 规 限 下 , 任 何 董 事 或 建 议 委 任
[...] 或 候 任 董 事 不 应 因 其 职 位 而 失 去 与 本 公 司 订 立 有 关 其 兼 任 有 酬 劳 的 职 位 或 职 务 任 期 的 合 约 或 以 卖 方 、 买 方 或 任 何 其 他 身 分 与 本 公 司 订 立 合 约 的 资 格 ; 该 等 合 约 或 董 事 於 其 中 有 利 益 关 系 的 其 他 合 约 或 安 排撤 销 ; 订 约 或 有 此 利 益 关 系 的 董 事 毋 须 因 其 董 事 职 务 或 由 此 而 建 立 的 受 托 关 系 , 向 本 公 司 或 股 东 交 代 其 由 任 何 此 等 合 约 或 安 排 所 获 得 的 酬 金、 利 润 或 其 他 利 益,惟 董 事 须 按 照 细 则 第 102於 有的 合 约 或 安 排 中 的 利 益 性 质 。
Subject to the Act and to these Bye-laws, no Director or proposed or intending Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or
being so interested be liable to account
[...] to the Company or the Members for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relationship thereby established provided that such Director shall disclose the nature of his interest in any contract or arrangement in which he is interested in accordancewith Bye-law102 herein.
倘完成因星力国际单方面违约而未能落实,则卖方可通过向星力国际发出书面终止通知立即 终止协议,在此情况下,卖方可立即没收星力国际已支付的部份按 金 8,800,000 港元,并立即 向星力国际退还有关按 金的余下数额 11,200,000 港元及第二笔按金,而订约方均毋须就此承 担任何义务及责任,且订约方或执行强制履行令或任何其他权利及补 救措施而采取任何行动,惟任何先前违反有关条款者则除外。
If Completion does not take place as a result of the sole default of Star International, the Vendor may forthwith determinate the Agreement by giving notice of termination in writing to Star International to such effect, in which event the Vendor shall forthwith be entitled to forfeit HK$8,800,000, being part of the Deposit, and shall forthwith refund, in additional to the remaining amount of Deposit of
HK$11,200,000, and the
[...] Further Deposit to Star International and neither party shall have any obligations and liabilitiesthereunder and neither party shall take any action to claimfor damages orto enforce [...]
specific performance
or any other rights and remedies save for any antecedent breaches of the terms thereof.
申不 用单一指标对一国的债务可持续性做出定论,并在这方面承 认需要采用透明的可比指标,邀请国际货币基金组织和世界银行在评估债务可持 续性时,继续考虑到除其他外由自然突和全球增长前景或贸易条件的变 化,尤其是对依赖商品的发展中国家而言、以及金融市场形势发展的影响等因素 引起的根本性变化,并向会员国提供有关这个问题的信息,以查明各自国家的结 构性弱点
that no single indicator
[...] should beused tomake definitive judgements about a country’s debt sustainability, and, in this regard, while acknowledging the need to use transparent and comparable indicators, invites the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, in their assessment of debt sustainability, to continue to take into account the fundamental changes caused by, inter alia,natural disasters, conflicts and [...]
changes in global growth
prospects or in the terms of trade, especially for commodity-dependent developing countries, as well as by the impact of developments in financial markets, and to provide information on this issue to Member States, with a view to identifying their structural weaknesses
2010年1月28日和2月1日,委员会第 7 次会议和第 11 次会议决定害申利的情况下,结束对 14 个非政府组织申请的审议,尽管秘书处已向这 [...]
At its 7th and 11th meetings, on 28 January and 1 February 2010,
the Committee decided to
[...] close (withoutprejudice)consideration oftheapplications of 14 non-governmental [...]
that had not responded to the Committee’s questions despite three reminders sent to the organizations.
叙利亚政府还继续逮捕民众并对其施以酷刑,同时 实施其他 联合特使六点计划的任 何内容,4 月 19 日秘书长给安理会的信(S/2012/238) 指出了这一点。
The Syrian Government has also continued to arrest and torture people and to commit other abuses, confirming its non-compliance with any of the elements of the six-point plan of the Joint Special Envoy, as indicated in the letter that the Secretary-General addressed to the Council on 19 April (S/2012/238).
经讨论后,执行委员会决定核准在巴西聚氨酸泡沫塑料制造业中将甲酸甲酯确认为 一种发泡剂的试验项目(第一阶段),总费用为 401,500 美元,外加开发计划署的机构支 助费用 30,113 美元,同时指出,该项目符合第
[...] 确认的在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料用途中使用的甲酸甲酯技术,且有一项谅解,即:该项 目是关于甲酸甲酯在硬质聚氨酯整皮泡沫塑料制造中的应用的最后确认项目,且核准该项执行委员会审议今后为该项目第二阶段提出的供
Following a discussion, the Executive Committee decided to approve the pilot project for validation of methyl formate as a blowing agent in the manufacture of polyurethane foam (phase I) in Brazil at a total cost of US $401,500 plus agency support costs of US $30,113 for UNDP, noting that the project was consistent with decision 55/43(e) and that it had been designed to disseminate the results from the validation of methyl formate technology in rigid and integral skin polyurethane foam applications globally, and on the understanding that the project would be the final validation project for methyl formate in the manufacture of rigid and integral skin polyurethane foams, and that approval of the project was
[...] prejudice to consideration of the future funding request forphase II of the project by the Executive [...]
(4) 股东可在根据本细则举行及召开之任何股东大会上以普通决议案方式於董事任期届满
[...] 所规定,惟此举不影响可根据任何该等协议作出之任何然而,为罢免 董事而召开之任何该等大会之通告,须载有列明罢免董事意向之声明,并须於大会举 [...]
(4) The Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Bye-laws, by ordinary resolution remove a Director at any time before the expiration of his period office notwithstanding anything in these Bye-laws or in any agreement
between the Company and such Director
[...] (but without prejudice toany claimfor damages [...]
under any such agreement) provided that
the Notice of any such meeting convened for the purpose of removing a Director shall contain a statement of the intention so to do and be served on such Director fourteen (14) days before the meeting and at such meeting such Director shall be entitled to be heard on the motion for his removal.
大会第六十四届会议申不化和文明间的对话有利于提倡容忍和尊 重多样性的文化;决定在第六十五届会议上继续审议这个问题(第 [...]
64/171 决 议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the
[...] General Assemblyreaffirmed that dialogue among [...]
cultures and civilizations facilitated
the promotion of a culture of tolerance and respect for diversity; and decided to continue its consideration of the question at its sixty-fifth session (resolution 64/171).
各位部长运动决心加强国际合作,在充分遵守《联合国宪 章》的情况下提供人道主义援助,并在这方面运动拒绝接受所谓 的人道主义干预“权”,这种说法无论在《联合国宪章》还是在国际法中都没 有依据。
The Ministers reaffirmed the Movement’s commitment to enhance international cooperation to provide humanitarian assistance in full compliance with the UN Charter, and in this regard, theyreiterated therejection by [...]
the Movement of the so-called
“right” of humanitarian intervention, which has no basis either in the UN Charter or in international law.
各位部长决定,如果不结盟运动的任何成员遭受经济、政治 还是军事性质的损害,或安全方面的损害,以及如果一成员因被施加单边制裁 或禁运而遭受 运动应通过提供道义、物质和其他形式的援助 对受影响国家表示声援。
The Ministers determined
[...] that if any member of the Movementsuffersharm,whetherthis is economic, political or military in nature, or in terms of its security, or if a Membersuffers harm as a result of the imposition of unilateral [...]
sanctions or
embargos, the Movement should express its solidarity with the affected country through the provision of moral, material and other forms of assistance.
几个答 复者还认为,成立教科文组织的总目标 在当今甚至更有效和更有针对性。当今的环境是以 下列正在出现的倾向和全球性挑战为特点的,如:对和平与国际安全的威胁依然存在、贫困 及其造成的必然结果--社会排斥现象加剧、艾滋病病毒/艾滋病和其它传染病的蔓延、日益增 加的环境现象及冲突和暴力方式,包括恐怖主义的剧增。
Several also considered that the overarching goals for which UNESCO was established remain even more valid and relevant today, in an environment characterized by emerging trends and global challenges, such as the persistence of threats to peace and international security, the deepening of poverty, together with its corollaries of social exclusion, the spread of HIV/AIDS and other infectious diseases, increased environmental risks, inequalities and aggravated forms of conflict and violence, including terrorism.
[...] 案的特定情况下,永久给予原配额所有者的财产权利对来文作者造成于合理的理由,并且这表明它违反了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二十 [...]
The Committee concluded that, in the particular circumstances of the case, the property entitlement privilege accorded
permanently to the original quota
[...] owners, to the detriment of the authors, was notbased on [...]
reasonable grounds and that this
disclosed a violation of Article 26 of the Covenant.
在作出决定前,食环署署长会进行风险评 估;以及 (c) 法例第 133
章与拟议规例之间的配合机制:为确 保根据香港法例第 133 章注册及用於粮食作物的 除害剂,同样受到拟议规例适当的规管,我们建
[...] 议引入一套安排,渔护署会要求在法例第 133 章注册,需提供足够资料, 以便制定相关的最高残余限量或豁免物质。
In coming to his decision, DFEH will conduct risk assessment; and (c) dovetailing mechanism between Cap. 133 and the proposed Regulation: to ensure that a newly registered pesticide for use on local food crops under Cap. 133 is properly regulated under the proposed Regulation, we now propose to
introduce an arrangement whereby
[...] AFCD will require applicantsfor pesticide registration under [...]
Cap. 133 to provide sufficient
information for the purpose of setting up the corresponding MRLs or exempted substances.
[...] 断增长的需求;侵蚀、毁林及其他形式流域退化的 后果;自然害不生;向外移民日趋增加;工 业、运输、旅游、采矿、农业造成的压力;以及全 [...]
Those challenges included: the growing demand for natural resources including water and wood; the consequences of erosion, deforestation and other forms of
watershed degradation; the increasing
[...] occurrence of natural disasters; increasing [...]
out-migration; the pressures of industry, transport,
mining, agriculture; and the consequences of global climate change.
只有五个监督条约执行情 况的机构确定了自己的程序,允许声称是缔约国违反有关条约中阐明的某项权利 的要求予以审议(第 II 部分)。
Only five treaty-monitoring bodies have established procedures under which persons claiming to be victims of a violation by a State Party of any one of the rights set out in the respective treaties may submit theircomplaints for examination (Part II).
(G) 董事凡知悉,其於一项与本公司订立的合约或安排或建议与本 公司订立的合约或安排中,他於其中以任何方式有直接或间接的利害关系,必须於 首次考虑订立该合约或安排之董事会会议的性质;倘该董事其後 方知悉存在有关利害关系,则在任何其他情况下,该董事须於知悉其於当中存有或 已有此等利害关系後之首次董事会会议的性质。
(G) A Director who to his knowledge is in any way, whether directly or indirectly, interested in a contract or arrangement or proposed contract or arrangement with the Company shall declare the nature of his interest at the meeting of the Board at which the question of entering into the contract or arrangement is first taken into consideration, if he knows his interest then exists, or in any other case at the first meeting of the Board after he knows that he is or has become so interested.
挪威认为,最后文件应该 条约》 的基本协定,设置重申无核武器世界的全面政治目 [...]
标的前瞻性议程,制订未来审查周期方案,其中包 括对所有三大支柱的明确而有约束力的承诺。
In Norway’s view, the final
[...] documentshouldreaffirm the underlying [...]
compact of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, set a forward-looking
agenda reaffirming the overall political objective of a world without nuclear weapons, and establish a programme for the next review cycle that included clear and binding commitments on all three pillars.




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