

单词 甲级战犯

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top class
first rate

External sources (not reviewed)

检察官继续争取肯尼亚方面尽职尽责 地履行安全理事会第
[...] 1966(2010)号决议所规定的国际义务,抓紧追捕这 甲级逃 犯。
The Prosecutor continues to seek due diligence from Kenya in the discharge of its international obligations
pursuant to Security Council resolution 1966 (2010) by expediting work on the tracking and
[...] arrest of this top-level fugitive.
各位部长重申,不结盟运动承诺协调国家、区域和国际 级 打 击跨 国 犯罪 的努力战略, 并制订打击这种性质犯罪的最有效办法。
The Ministers reiterated the Movement’s
commitment to co-ordinate the
[...] efforts and strategies at national, regional and international levels against transnational crime and to develop [...]
the methods most
effective in combating crime of this nature.
[...] 泛的系统的一部分,其中工作人员以及 犯 层 级 的 领 导成员从监狱生活的日常交 易中获益。
It appeared to the delegation that this was part of a
wider system, in which the staff as well as the leading
[...] members of the prisoner hierarchy gained [...]
from the daily transactions of prison life.
该国还请求世界银行提供协助,以编制淘汰项目用以支持拟议 甲 基 溴淘 汰战 略和行动计划。
It had also requested assistance from
the World Bank to prepare a phase-out project to
[...] support the proposed methyl bromide phase-out strategy and action plan.
一个主要重点是,促进数据收集并鼓励分析数据,以支助 拟定妥善的战略和应对行动,并促进定期协商并鼓励业务和政策 级战 略 伙伴关 系,以更有效地查明并实施协调一致的应对非法贩运和跨国有组 犯 罪。
A key focus is to facilitate data collection and to encourage its analysis in support of developing sound strategic and operational responses, and to facilitate
periodical consultations and
[...] encourage strategic partnerships at the operational and policy levels, in order to more effectively identify and implement coordinated responses to illicit trafficking and transnational organized crime.
还有,如果我们捉犯战争罪 的人怎么办?
Or what if we capture people who do such things?
另外,这次评价还涉及到第 二十三次蒙特利尔议定书缔约方会议的第 XXIII/14 号决定,其中请执行蒙特利尔议定书 多边基金执行委员会“……考虑请其 级 监 测 和评价干事,在对非 甲 基 溴 项目进行其第 六十五次所核准的评价时,为有关在非洲实现可持续利用有效 甲 基 溴 替代 战 略 考 虑备 选办法。
In addition, the evaluation addresses decision XXIII/14 of the Twenty-Third Meeting of the Parties the Montreal Protocol, which requests the Executive Committee of the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the
Montreal Protocol “…to
[...] consider requesting its Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, when carrying out the evaluation approved at its sixty-fifth meeting on methyl bromide projects in Africa, to consider options for a strategy to achieve the sustainable use of effective alternatives to methyl bromide in Africa.
执行委员 会鼓励约旦在 2010 年 1 月 1
日之前和之后,继续致力于完成并持续淘汰附件 A 和 B 所列
[...] 各种物质,具体方法是完成国家消耗臭氧层物质计划;其冷风机替换项目; 甲 基 溴战略; 正在开展的监测和提高公众认识活动;并有效执行降低消耗臭氧层物质非法贸易活 [...]
The Executive Committee encourages Jordan to continue working towards complete and sustainable phase-out of Annex A and Annex B substances by 1 January 2010 and beyond through the completion of the National ODS
Phase-out Plan; its chiller
[...] replacement project; its methyl bromide phase-out strategy; ongoing monitoring [...]
and public awareness raising
activities; and, effective enforcement of policies to reduce risks of illegal ODS trade.
铭记《关于协作与对策:建立预防犯罪和刑事司 战 略 联 盟的曼谷宣 言》,103 其中会员国表示有意通过收集和共享关于犯罪的信息,改进国家和国 际级应对犯罪和 恐怖主义的对策,并欢迎联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室以及 联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案网在犯罪和司法趋势方面所做的工作
Bearing in mind the Bangkok Declaration on
[...] Synergies and Responses: Strategic Alliances in Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice,103 in which Member States declared their intention to improve their responses to crime and terrorism [...]
nationally and internationally
by collecting and sharing information on crime and welcomed the work done by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme network in the area of trends in crime and justice
第 XXIII/14 号决定请执行委员会考虑请级监督 和评价干事在对非洲 甲 基 溴 项 目进行评价时,审议实现非洲可持续利用有效 甲 基 溴 替代 战 略 的 备选办法。
Decision XXIII/14 requested the
Executive Committee to
[...] consider requesting the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, when carrying out the evaluation of methyl bromide projects in Africa, to consider options for a strategy to achieve the sustainable use of effective alternatives to methyl bromide in Africa.
所用填料材料为多孔性聚氢氧甲级 丙 烯酸酯类聚合物。
The packing material is a porous poly hydroxymethacrylate polymer.
我国每年与欧安组织其他成员国交流常规部队编制 级 ( 海 陆 空三军的人员 以及七类武器系统,例如作战坦克、 甲战 车 、火炮、作战飞机、攻击直升机、 战舰和潜艇)的一般军事信息。
Our country annually exchanges with the rest of the OSCE member States general military information
concerning the conventional
[...] forces in formation level (personnel and seven types of weapons systems of the Army, Navy and Air Force such as battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, [...]
artillery, combat aircraft,
attack helicopters, warships and submarines).
(c) 第十二届大会:研究所与联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法方案网的其他研 究所(比如欧洲预防和控制犯罪研究所、瓦伦贝里人权和人道主义法研究所和 国犯罪学高级研究 所)共同举办了讲习班 1。
The Institute co-organized Workshop 1 with other institutes of the United Nations crime prevention and criminal justice programme network, such as the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, the Raoul
Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and the
[...] International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences.
在报告所述期间,毒品和犯罪问题办公室还进行了技术支 助工作,以解决网络犯罪问题,包括开发和试用被用于国家 级 的 综 合网犯 罪评 估工具,支持审查国家网络犯罪立法,并对发展中国家进行评估,以制定 现有技术援助和能力建设方案。
During the reporting period, UNODC also carried out technical support work to address cybercrime, including the development and piloting of a comprehensive cybercrime
assessment tool for
[...] use at the national level, the delivery of support to a review of national cybercrime legislation, [...]
and the conduct
of an assessment mission to a developing country for the purposes of designing a programme of ongoing technical assistance and capacity-building.
一些发言者提 到相关的国内措施,呼吁在国家和国际 级 加 强预 防 犯 罪 和刑事司法,以便处 理对妇女的暴力行为。
Some speakers referred to relevant national
measures and called for
[...] strengthening crime prevention and criminal justice at the national and the international level in order to respond [...]
to violence against women.
秘书长信函附件第 2(a)至(i)段中列出了 想向非索特派团提供一揽子后勤支助的细节,其中包括实用物资的供应(口粮、
[...] 燃料和一般供应);工程,包括建筑、发电和供水、医疗支助;航空;运输,包 括提供行动保护和甲车防护;战略 移 动支助;设备维修和保养;战略和战术通 讯;以及信息技术支助。
The details of the logistics support package to AMISOM was elaborated in paragraph 2 (a) to (i) in the annex to the letter of the Secretary-General, which include the functional areas of supply (rations, fuel and general supply); engineering, including construction, power generation and water supply; medical support; aviation; transportation, including
the provision of
[...] protected mobility (armoured personnel carriers); strategic movement [...]
support; equipment repair and maintenance; strategic and tactical communications;
and information technology support.
[...] 项,不论它们是否源于圣马力诺:《联合国常规武器登记册》所界定的 任何作战坦克、甲战斗车 、作战飞机、攻击直升机、军舰、导弹或导 弹系统,以及包括零部件在内的相关材料,或安全理事会或第 [...]
1718 (2006)号决议第
12 段所设委员会(委员会)认定的物项。
Prohibition of the direct or indirect supply, sale or transfer to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, whether or not
originating from San Marino’s
[...] territory, of any battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, [...]
combat aircraft, attack helicopters,
warships, missiles and missile systems as defined for the purpose of the United Nations Register on Conventional Arms, and related materiel, including spare parts, or items as determined by the Security Council or by the Committee established pursuant to paragraph 12 of resolution 1718 (2006).
now TV在香港提供180多个频道的本地、亚洲和国际节目,包括西班 甲级 联 赛、英格兰足总杯、NBA、法国网球公开赛、美国网球公开赛、ATP世界巡回赛、国际羽联超级系列赛、世界斯诺克冠军赛、F1和国际高尔夫职业巡回赛等。
now TV serves Hong Kong with more than 180
[...] channels of local, Asian and international programming, including premium content such as Spanish La Liga, English FA [...]
Cup, NBA, French Open,
US Open, ATP World Tour, BWF Super Series, World Snooker Tour, F1 and PGA Tour.
协定》实质是自 1997 年 11 月 1 日起大量缩减军备(包括战斗坦克、75
[...] 毫米口径及以上大炮、作战飞机、 攻击直升机和甲战斗车 )至商定的限额以下以及《协定》各方武装部队和国防 [...]
The essence of the Agreement is the significant downscale of armaments (including: combat tanks, artillery of 75mm
calibre and above, combat aircrafts, attack
[...] helicopters and armoured combat vehicles) [...]
below agreed limits starting from 1 November
1997 as well as the cooperation among armed forces and ministries of defence of parties to the Agreement.
包括出任下列委员会、工作组及会议等的成员、报告员和主席:卫生组织和 欧洲联盟各种专家委员会和工作组;麻醉药品委员会;经济区社会理事会;世界 卫生组织执行委员会;近东、中东和中亚非法贩运毒品及有关事项小组委员会;
大会第二十届特别会议(1998 年);儿童权利委员会(1999 年);联合国麻醉药品
[...] 委员会第五十二届会议高级别部分;非洲联盟药物管制和预 犯 罪 部 长 级 会议 (2010 年);以及涉及滥用药物、贩运和预防问题的一些区域和国际政府间会议和 [...]
Include serving as member, rapporteur and chairman of various WHO and European Union Expert Committees, and working groups; Commission on Narcotic Drugs; Economic and Social Council; Executive Board of WHO; Subcommission on Illicit Drug Trafficking and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East and Central Asia; twentieth special session of the General Assembly (1998); Committee on the Rights of the Child (1999); high-level segment of the fifty-second session of the Commission on
Narcotic Drugs; African Union Conference
[...] of Ministers for Drug Control and Crime Prevention (2010); [...]
and a number of regional and
international intergovernmental meetings and non-governmental organizations on drug abuse, trafficking and prevention.
当我 6 个月前在这里作汇报时,我指出,检察官 办公室和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭将在接下来的 6 个 月中把工作集中在几个方面:为审理 Ndahimana 和尼
泽耶马纳这两名新抓获的人犯作好准备;结束部分审 结的案件;提出新的有关在 2010 年初向卢旺达移交
[...] 案件以供审理的请求;开始有关三名 级 别 逃 犯 的第71 条之二证据保全程序;以及加紧我们的追捕努力, [...]
以便抓获剩余的 11 名逃犯并将他们移交给卢旺达问 题国际刑事法庭。
When I reported here six months ago, I indicated that the Office of the Prosecutor at the ICTR would focus its efforts in the ensuing six months on several fronts: preparations for the trials of the two new arrestees, Ndahimana and Nizeyimana; the conclusion of the part-heard trials; the renewal of our requests for the referral of cases to Rwanda in early 2010 for trial; the commencement of rule 71 bis
evidence preservation proceedings in
[...] respect of three top-level fugitives; and the [...]
intensification of our tracking efforts
to apprehend and transfer to the ICTR the remaining 11 fugitives.
[...] 维持毒品和犯罪问题办公室在加强国家和区域 级 收 集 和分 犯 罪 和 刑事司法 数据的能力方面的技术援助活动。
The Commission may also wish to encourage Member States and other donors to provide extrabudgetary resources to sustain technical assistance activities of UNODC in the area of
strengthening capacity for the
[...] collection and analysis of crime and criminal justice [...]
data at the national and regional levels.
目前,朱莉娅担任海牙塞拉利昂问题特别法庭第二审判分庭的主审法官,正在 审理若干级战争犯罪案件(2005-2011 年),其中包括检方诉查尔斯·甘 凯·泰勒一案。
Currently the Presiding Judge of Trial Chamber 2 of the Special Court for Sierra Leone sitting in The Hague, (2005-2011) she is handling several high-profile warcrime trials including the
该次级方案列出了毒品和犯罪问题办公室在改进犯罪 和刑事司法数据的数量、质量和透明度方面的优先事项,方法是通过提供一套 关于区域和国际级某些犯罪和 刑事司法问题的核心统计指标和数据系列,以 及增强国家一级编制、传播和使用犯罪数据的能力。
The subprogramme sets out UNODC priorities for the improvement of the quantity, quality and transparency of crime and criminal justice data through the provision of a core set of statistical
indicators and data series
[...] on selected crime and criminal justice issues at the regional and international levels, and strengthened [...]
capacity at the national
level for the production, dissemination and use of crime data.
今后几个月中,我们预备开始审理剩余的两起在 押人员案件;8 月底或 9 月初以前提出把剩余 11 名逃 犯中的 8 宗案件移交给卢旺达审理的新请求;加紧我
[...] 们追踪和逮捕逃犯的努力;并且为在 2011 年初开始 有关三名级别逃犯的证 据保全听证工作做准备。
In the months ahead, we propose to commence the trials of the two remaining cases of detainees, file new requests for the referral of the cases of eight of the remaining 11 fugitives to Rwanda for trial by the end of August or early September, intensify our efforts in tracking and arresting fugitives,
and prepare for the commencement, early in 2011, of evidencepreservation hearings
[...] in respect of three top-level fugitives.
秘书长强调,联合国维持和平行动需要获得必要的能力来执行授权的任务,在这 方面他特别指出,多用途直升机、 甲 运 兵 车和 战 医 院 等增强军力和战斗力的 手段日益缺乏。
The Secretary-General underscores the need for peacekeeping operations to have the necessary capabilities to undertake their mandated tasks and, in this regard, he highlights ongoing
shortages of force enablers and force multipliers such as
[...] utility helicopters, armoured personnel carriers and [...]
field hospitals.
同时也旨在增进各个参与解决每个国家与《蒙 特利尔议定书》有关问题的机构之间的合作,协助执行支助得到多边基金资助的投资项目战略,并在没甲基溴 基线的国家保持甲基溴的零消费。
It was also aimed at increasing cooperation between the institutions involved in issues related to the Protocol in each country, by
assisting in the
[...] implementation of strategies that support investment projects covered by the Fund and in maintaining zero MB consumption in countries with no MB baseline.
然而,的LCS设计增加了一个小的突击运输的能力足够大,以基地两个SH-60的“海鹰”直升机,恢复和启动小船从船尾坡道的能力,以及足够的货物量和有效载荷,飞行甲板和机库一个小的攻击力, 甲战 斗 车 辆提供一个滚装港口设施。
However, the LCS designs add the capabilities of a small assault transport with a flight deck and hangar large enough to base two SH-60 Seahawk helicopters, the capability to recover and launch small boats from a stern ramp, and enough cargo
volume and payload to deliver a small
[...] assault force with armoured fighting vehicles to [...]
a roll-on/roll-off port facility.
然而,中间却没有过战 略,即通过条例更多地限甲基溴 的使用,使甲基溴的使用更安全和/或更昂贵,只有危 地马拉实行了这战略,它增加甲 基 溴 的进口税,将甲基溴的成本从 2.6 美元/公斤提高 到了 3.1 美元/公斤(2004 年 4 月)。
However, transition strategies with regulations making MB use more restricted, safer and/or more expensive are missing, except for Guatemala which has imposed an additional tax on MB imports, increasing [...]
MB cost from 2.6 to 3.1 US$/kg (April 1004).




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