单词 | 甲状腺功能亢进 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 甲状腺功能亢进 —hyperthyroidism
另一方面,甲状腺功能亢进,表明甲 状 腺释放激素过多。 cn.iherb.com | Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, indicates that the thyroid gland is releasing too much hormone. iherb.com |
消息来源指出, Al-Maleh 先生患有糖尿病和甲状腺功能亢进两 种 状况都需 要定期适当服药,需要专门的饮食和医疗监护,以确保保持他的健康。 daccess-ods.un.org | The source notes that Mr. Al-Maleh [...] suffers from diabetes and an overactive thyroid gland. daccess-ods.un.org |
摘要】目的评价131I在治疗合并肝损害甲状腺功能亢进 症 (简称Graves甲亢)中的价值,以期为临床实践提供指导。 zhhyx.com.cn | Abstract】Objective To assess the efficacy of 131I [...] treatment for Graves′disease (GD) [...] complicated with hepatic function injury in order to provide [...]guidance for clinical practice. zhhyx.com.cn |
T3试验联合甲状腺抗体检测可辅助诊断Graves病,这是一种自身免疫性疾病,是导 致甲状腺功能亢进 最 常 见的原因。 labtestsonline.org.cn | T3 testing may be ordered along with [...] thyroid antibodies to help diagnose Graves’ disease, an autoimmune disorder [...] that is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. labtestsonline.org.br |
医生将申请X光或者其他影像学检查来确 定 甲状 旁 腺功能亢进 的 病因和严重程度。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Your doctor may order x-rays or other imaging studies to check for the cause and severity of hyperparathyroidism. labtestsonline.org.br |
其他一些导致低钙的病理情况也可引起继发 性 甲状 旁 腺功能亢进 , 例 如由于肠道疾病和维生素D缺乏症导致的钙吸收不良等。 labtestsonline.org.cn | Secondary hyperparathyroidism can also be caused by any other condition that causes low calcium, such as malabsorption of calcium due to intestinal disease and vitamin D deficiency. labtestsonline.org.br |
主要品牌有:抗高血压药物康忻™、治疗心绞痛药物喜格迈®、治疗甲状腺功能减退症的优甲乐®及治 疗甲状腺功能亢进 症 的赛治®、治疗消化道急症的药物思他宁®、生长激素思真®、抗过敏药物阿罗格®、治疗不孕症的果纳芬®、生殖产品乐芮®、艾泽®、思则凯®、雪诺同®、治疗多发性硬化的利比®、抗肿瘤药爱必妥®及BH4缺乏症替代用药科望®。 merck-china.com | Product brands include Gonal-f ® to treat infertility, the fertility products Luveris®, Ovidrel®, Cetrotide® and Crinone®; oncology product Erbitux®, Concor® for high blood pressure, Sigmart® for angina pectoris, Stilamin® for acute gastrointestinal diseases, Euthyrox® for hypothyroidism and Thyrozol® for hyperthyroidism, the growth hormone Saizen®, NHD for allergies, Kuvan® for tetraphydrobiopterin (BH4) deficiency and Rebif® for multiple sclerosis. merck-china.com |
如果甲状腺分泌过量的T4和T3,患者可能会出 现甲状腺功能亢进 相 关 症状,例如神经过敏,双手震颤,体重减轻,失眠,干燥浮肿(puffiness around dry),双目怒张。 labtestsonline.org.cn | If the thyroid gland produces excessive amounts of T4 and T3, then the patient may have symptoms associated with hyperthyroidism, such as [...] nervousness, tremors of [...]the hands, weight loss, insomnia, and puffiness around dry, irritated eyes. labtestsonline.org.br |
用作钙染色 剂,可显示软骨病及其他病变中的钙沉积 物,包括代谢性疾病、佩吉特氏病、肾性 骨病及甲状旁腺功能亢进症, 也可显示与 结核病、梗死(Gandy Gamna体)的坏 死区,血管中的动脉粥样硬化和膀胱中的 Malakoplakia(Michaelis- Gutman体)。 polysciences.com | Usedasabonestaintoindicateosteomalacia or in other paraffin embedded tissues to stain calcium deposits seen in metabolic diseases, Paget’s disease, renal osteodystrophy & hyperparathyroidism, necrotic areas associated with TB, infarction (Gandy Gamna bodies), atheroma in blood vessels and Malakoplakia in the bladder (Michaelis-Gutman bodies). polysciences.com |
可以选择 L-肉碱,益母草等,可提供支持 亢进甲状腺 的 健 康。 cn.iherb.com | L-carnitine and [...] motherwort may provide support for the thyroid. iherb.com |
甲状腺乳头状癌的患者没有 甲状腺功能 的 改 变,但部分患者可出现 甲 亢。 asiancancer.com | Papillary adenocarcinoma patients do not present the symptom of change in thyroid functions, but hyperthyreosis [...] can occur in some patients. asiancancer.com |
该证明指出, 第四申诉人接受了甲状腺机能亢进症 的治疗,需要手术。 daccess-ods.un.org | The certificate stated that the fourth [...] complainant was treated for hyperthyroidism and needed an [...]operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您有甲状腺功能减退 症,也就是甲状腺不能产生足够的甲状腺激素症状。 cn.iherb.com | If you have hypothyroidism, it means that the thyroid gland is failing to produce enough thyroid hormone. iherb.com |
经常疲劳,可能表明甲状腺功能减退症,抑郁症,纤维肌痛,肝炎,贫血或其他症状。 cn.iherb.com | Frequent fatigue may indicate hypothyroidism, depression, fibromyalgia, hepatitis, anemia or another condition. iherb.com |
相關疾病可能包括頭癬(頭皮癬)、甲狀腺疾病如甲狀腺 機 能亢 進 症 、 甲 狀 腺功能 不 足 症或狼瘡。 hsbc.com.hk | The diseases may include ringworm of the scalp (tinea [...] capitis), thyroid diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, or lupus. hsbc.com.hk |
孕妇需要进行甲状腺功能筛查。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Pregnant women are [...] recommended to have thyroid function screening. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
这种情况可能导致甲状腺功能的部 分或全部损失。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | This can result in [...] partial or complete loss of thyroid function. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
在做了彻底的身体检查之后,奥黛丽的医生怀疑她患上 了 甲状腺功能 低 下( 或 甲状腺功能 机 能 减退),并要求她 做 甲状腺功能 检 查。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | After a thorough physical exam, [...] her doctor suspected Audrey may have an underactive thyroid, or hypothyroidism, and ordered thyroid function tests. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
结论 131I治疗Graves甲亢合并 肝损害疗效良好,联合应用保肝药物可 促 进 患 者 肝 功能 的 恢 复。 zhhyx.com.cn | Conclusions131I therapy is a good choice [...] for Graves′ disease patients with hepatic dysfunction; combined with hepatic protective drug, it can promote the recovery of hepatic function. zhhyx.com.cn |
由於缺乏碘有 可能影響甲狀腺功能,繼 而可能會令嬰兒的腦部發育受影響, 調查結果引起公眾廣泛關注配方奶產品的安全及規管。 legco.gov.hk | As iodine deficiency [...] may affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, which may [...]in turn affect the brain development of [...]infants, the survey results have aroused wide public concern over the safety and regulation of formula products. legco.gov.hk |
当脑垂体释放促甲状腺激素(TSH)时,甲状腺分泌的两种激素(三碘甲状腺原氨酸 T3 和 甲状腺 素 T4 ) 会 进 入 血 液中。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | When the [...] pituitary releases thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), the thyroid [...]secretes two kinds of hormones – triiodothyronine [...](T3) and thyroxine (T4) – into the blood stream. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
妊娠期间暴露于高水平甲基汞 的婴儿中,临床照 片可能无法与其它因素引发的脑瘫区别,主要的模式为头小畸型、反 射 亢进 及 明 显的运动和智力损伤, 有时还伴随失明和耳聋(Harada,1995;Takeuchi and Eto,1999)。 zeromercury.org | In infants exposed to [...] high levels of methylmercury during pregnancy, the clinical picture may be indistinguishable from cerebral palsy caused by other factors, the main pattern being microcephaly, hyperreflexia, [...]and gross motor and [...]mental impairment, sometimes associated with blindness or deafness (Harada, 1995; Takeuchi and Eto, 1999). zeromercury.org |
肾上腺皮质癌多为功能性,常表现女性男性化及肾 上 腺功能亢进 , 且 易发生局部浸润和转移,如果有淋巴道和血道播散,一般平均存活期为2年。 asiancancer.com | They usually appear with virilization of female, hypercorticism, and are prone to local infiltration and metastasis. Generally, if metastasis through lymph nodes and blood vessels happens, the average survival time will be 2 years. asiancancer.com |
香港大學李嘉誠醫學院研究團隊與醫管局多家醫院合作,首度在KCNJ2基因附近的染色體17q24.3發 現 甲 狀 腺 機 能亢 進( 甲 亢 )的其中一個併發症—甲狀腺間歇性癱瘓(TPP)的致病基因變異。 xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk | A team of researchers at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), working with other experts from Hospital Authority hospitals, has discovered a DNA variation located on chromosome 17q24.3 near KCNJ2 gene was significantly associated with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP). xn--pssu7cv61a...xn--wcvs22d.hk |
另外,食用鱼类对患阿兹海默症和 2 型糖尿病的病人也有好处,可降低心脏病发作的危险, 促 进 婴 儿 眼睛和脑的发育,减轻风湿性关节炎 的症状,可能还会减缓乳腺癌及 其他形式癌症的恶化(Pombo & Gibbons 2005)。 zeromercury.org | In addition, fish consumption has beneficial impacts on people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and type 2-diabetes and can reduce the [...] risk of heart attack, [...] contribute to infant eye and brain development, lessen the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and may slow the progression of breast and other forms of cancer (Pombo [...]& Gibbons 2005). zeromercury.org |
手术和药物治疗:对于某些疾病,常常需要通过手术摘除全部或部分 的 甲状腺 并 进 行 放 射治疗,比如毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿、结节性甲状腺肿,或者甲状腺癌。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Surgical or medical treatment: Surgical removal of all or part of the thyroid and radiation therapy is often required in cases such as Graves’ disease, nodular goiter, or thyroid cancer. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
该中心将:(a) 向切尔诺贝 利事故受灾民众中最脆弱的几类人提供医疗服务;(b) 确保对目前观察到的病人 和风险群体进行持续监测;(c) 建立一个在国家和国际专家间交流知识和专长的 科学平台;(d) 举办教育研讨会,并编制关于辐射的影响以 及 甲状腺 癌 预 防措施 的材料。 daccess-ods.un.org | The centre will: (a) provide medical care services to the most vulnerable categories of the Chernobyl-affected population; (b) ensure continuous monitoring of the currently observed patients and the risk groups; (c) develop a [...] scientific platform to exchange [...] knowledge and expertise between national and international experts; and (d) provide educational seminars and develop materials about the impact of radiation as well as preventive measures against thyroid cancer. daccess-ods.un.org |