单词 | 甲壳虫 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 甲壳虫 —beetle (often used)less common: order Coleoptera • the Beatles (1960s UK pop group) Examples:甲壳虫类—coleoptera See also:甲壳—carapace • crust • outer shell 甲虫 n—beetles pl 虫 pl—pests pl • caterpillars pl 虫—lower form of animal life, including insects, insect larvae, worms and similar creatures • person with a particular undesirable characteristic
同时,甲壳虫带来 科尼利厄斯冷冻身体Grundel,并通知他,拇指姑娘是鼹鼠先生。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Meanwhile, Beetle brings Cornelius’s [...] frozen body to Grundel and informs him that Thumbelina is with Mr. Mole. seekcartoon.com |
Grundel和甲壳虫崩溃 婚礼和追逐鼹鼠先生的整个隧道随之而来。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Grundel and Beetle crash the wedding [...] and a chase ensues throughout Mr. Mole’s tunnels. seekcartoon.com |
随着他的手下,甲壳虫发现 ,科尼利厄斯被困在冰开始他回到Grundel。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | With his men, Beetle finds Cornelius [...] trapped in the ice and begins taking him back to Grundel. seekcartoon.com |
乔治•舍弗勒博士和威廉•舍弗勒博士于1965年创立LuK,初衷是向大 众 甲壳虫 系 列 产品提供膜片弹簧离合器。 schaeffler-group.com | Dr. Georg Schaeffler and Dr. Wilhelm [...] Schaeffler founded LuK in 1965 with the initial aim of supplying diaphragm spring [...] clutches for the successor to the VW Beetle. schaeffler-group.com |
我没有这个概念并不陌生:IBM大型机混合型硬盘是在几十年以前,但IBM的驱动器是一个大 众 甲壳虫 和 成 本像奔驰多的大小。 technologeeko.com | I’m no stranger to the concept: IBM mainframes [...] had hybrid drives decades ago, but the IBM drive was the size [...] of a Volkswagen Beetle and cost as much [...]as a Mercedes Benz. technologeeko.com |
谁曾得到风拇指姑娘的逃生Grundel,开始狩猎为她和最终轨 道 甲壳虫 下 来,他威胁到合作,并为他取科尼利厄斯故意服用他的翅膀,只 有 甲壳虫 愤 怒 地威胁到申报的行动对Grundel的(“听伙计。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Grundel, who had gotten wind of Thumbelina’s escape, begins [...] hunting for her and [...] eventually tracks Beetle down, threatening him into cooperating and fetching Cornelius for him by deliberately taking his wings, only Beetle angrily threatens [...]to declare action [...]against Grundel (“Listen pal. seekcartoon.com |
甲壳虫乐队 和EMI的感谢,我们现在实现了,因为我们已经有十年前我们推出iTunes的梦想。 technologeeko.com | Thanks to the Beatles and EMI, we are now realizing a dream we’ve had since we launched iTunes ten years ago. technologeeko.com |
在回家的旅途中,拇指姑娘正面临由伯克 利甲壳虫甲壳虫 球 ,谁也听到了拇指姑娘的歌声,强行让她的一部分,他的歌唱团 在 甲壳虫 球 ,但她被踢了出来,“太丑陋”。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | During the journey home, Thumbelina is confronted [...] by Berkeley Beetle of the Beetle Ball, who has also heard Thumbelina’s singing voice and forcibly makes her part of his singing troupe in the Beetle Ball, but she is [...]kicked out for being “too ugly”. seekcartoon.com |
90年代以来,苹果已经试行新甲壳虫 乐 队 已经成为创业成就的基准和其中包括披头士选集项目, 29 万 甲壳虫 1 畅 销 专辑,披头士爱表演,CD和发布项目的09/09/09修复目录的披头士乐队和披头士摇滚乐队比赛。 technologeeko.com | Since the 1990s, Apple has [...] piloted new Beatles projects that have become benchmarks for pioneering accomplishment and which have included The Beatles Anthology projects, the 29-million selling album The [...]Beatles 1, The Beatles [...]LOVE show and CD and the 09/09/09 release of The Beatles Remastered catalogue and The Beatles Rock Band game. technologeeko.com |
他的音乐品味继承了父母对古典音乐、法式香颂和流行音乐的喜爱,他们的唱片收藏几乎囊括了从法国传奇女歌手Barba ra 到 甲壳虫 的 所 有经典。 yugongyishan.com | He inherited a taste for classical music, chanson and pop from his parents, whose record collection included albums by everyone from the legendary French ‘chanteuse’ Barbara to Liverpool’s Fab Four. yugongyishan.com |
球迷还可以得到一个特殊的数字“披头士套装”,展出“在华盛顿体育馆举行,现场1964”的演唱会电影,其中一个世界性的iTunes独家捕捉 了 甲壳虫 乐 队 的演唱会的第一个美国。 technologeeko.com | Fans can also get a special digital “Beatles Box Set” featuring the “Live at the Washington Coliseum, 1964” concert film, a worldwide iTunes exclusive which captures the Beatles’ very first US concert. technologeeko.com |
无论是蜥蜴,龟鳖类及昆虫或是甲壳 类 动 物-SERA爬虫类系列的护理产品为新手和有经验的爱好者在此迷人的爬虫爱好上提供了最佳的帮助。 sera.de | Be it lizards, turtles, insects or crustaceans – the care [...] products of the sera reptil range provide optimal support for [...]beginners and experienced hobbyists in the fascinating terrarium hobby. sera.de |
节肢动物包括有昆虫、蛛形纲和甲壳 纲 , 它们是地球陆地物种中最多元化的动物组群。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Arthropods, [...] which include insects, arachnids and crustaceans, are the most [...]diverse group of terrestrial species on the planet. chinese.eurekalert.org |
从甲壳类废 物中可提取胡萝卜素和虾青素用于制药,可以从鱼 皮、鳍和其他加工遗弃物中提取胶原蛋白。 fao.org | From crustacean wastes, also the [...] pigments carotenoids and astaxanthins can be extracted for use in the pharmaceutical industry, [...]and collagen can be extracted from fish skin, fins and other processing discards. fao.org |
對那些大型昆虫(如某些甲虫或蝴 蝶)的識別,我們同一些昆虫研究所合作,但是有些生物群,至今還沒有專門的學者研究過”。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | For the largest insects – certain coleoptera or butterflies for example – we work with societies of entomologists but for some species groups there are no specialists”. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
来自对虾和 蟹壳的甲壳素和 壳聚糖有许多用途,例如水处理、化妆品和梳洗用品、食物和饮 料、农药和制药。 fao.org | Chitin and chitosan obtained from shrimp and crab shells have a variety [...] of uses, such as in water treatments, cosmetics [...]and toiletries, food and beverages, agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals. fao.org |
蚂蚁和黄蜂并没有对农药的比赛,但因为他是要消灭蚁丘,一 个 甲虫 , 萤 火虫管理比尔斯在裤裆咬。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Both the ants and wasps were no match [...] against pesticide, but as he is about to exterminate [...] the ant hill, a beetle and glowworm manage [...]to bite Beals in crotch. seekcartoon.com |
主Zedd灵感的“游侠青少年”扫帚球石峡谷的竞争,从对手球队的海报,创造了鹿 角 甲虫 怪 物。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Inspired by the Ranger Teens' Broom-ball competition with Stone Canyon, Lord Zedd [...] creates the Stag Beetle monster from the [...]rival team's poster. seekcartoon.com |
气候变化的影响最著名的例子之一是由于气温上升,加拿大树木灾难性地遭 遇山地松树甲虫(红脂大小蠹)的侵害,这一虫害毁坏了大片的森林。 daccess-ods.un.org | One of the most publicized examples of the effects of climate [...] change is the catastrophic infestation, owing to increased temperatures, of trees in [...] Canada by the mountain pine beetle ( daccess-ods.un.org |
在近期的入侵物种中,包括几种底栖藻类、SAV、有毒腰鞭 毛 虫 ( 例 如 澳大利亚的 涡鞭毛藻)、双壳类(例如五大湖的斑纹贻贝和旧金山湾的中国蛤蜊)、多毛类环节动物、 栉水母类、桡足类甲壳动物 、蟹和鱼类。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Most water quality models emphasize "bottom-up" (nutrient) control on biogeochemical processes with minimal focus on "top-down" (consumer) control and ecological feedback processes that influence flows of energy and nutrients and link primary producer and consumer populations (e.g., Kemp and Bartleson, 1991, Ross et al. unesdoc.unesco.org |
甲 基 t h uja te是 使 [...] 西部红柏产生特有气味的萃,对一些 地 毯 甲 虫 和 致 病 蠹 虫 有 毒 性 ( [...]B a r to n 19 6 2 ) 。 wrcea.cn | Methyl thujate is one of the extractives responsible for the [...] characteristic odour of western red cedar and has some toxicity [...] to the carpet beetle and case-making [...]clothes moth (Barton 1962). wrcea.org |
目标应当是在最终产品HUFA方面维持养 [...] 殖的目标物种质量,据预测水产养殖中鱼油的整体用量将增加,尽管在不同的肉 食性鱼类和甲壳类物 种饲料中鱼油含量预计减少。 fao.org | The objective should be to maintain the quality of farmed target species in respect of HUFAs in the final products, as it is projected that the overall total usage of fish oil in aquaculture will [...] increase although the fish-oil inclusion level in various [...] carnivorous fish and crustacean species is expected [...]to decrease. fao.org |
我开始画我在树林里抓到的奇怪的小 甲虫 甚 至 鹿或狐狸的头骨和骨头。 luxe-immo.com | I started to draw [...] the weird little beetles I caught in the [...]woods or even the skulls and bones from dead deer or foxes. luxe-immo.com |
随着鱼粉价格继续上涨,浓缩的植物蛋 [...] 白(大豆蛋白浓缩、加拿大油菜蛋白浓缩、豌豆蛋白浓缩和玉米/小麦麸皮)将在 高营养层养殖物种和甲壳类水 产饲料中得到比一般植物蛋白粉更显著的地位。 fao.org | With the continued rise in the fishmeal price, plant protein concentrates (soybean protein concentrate, canola protein concentrate, pea protein concentrate and corn/wheat gluten meals) will gain [...] increasing prominence over regular plant protein meals within aquafeeds for high-trophic-level [...] cultured species and crustaceans. fao.org |
这是因为这类瓢虫,一种起源于亚洲 的 甲虫 , 繁 殖力极强,广泛生活在美国和欧洲。每到秋天,这些花斑瓢虫就成群结队地侵入房屋。 chinese.eurekalert.org | That's because the beetle, originally from [...] Asia, has multiplied so wildly in the United States and Europe that swarms invade houses in the fall. chinese.eurekalert.org |
年轻的龟,以及一些成年人,有诱人的黑色和黄色patt er e n d 甲壳 , 但随着年龄的亮度可以褪色到一个不太明显的灰,稻草,或黄色。 zh.northrup.org | Young tortoises, and some adults, have attractive black and yellow patterend carapaces, although the brightness can fade with age to a less distinct gray, straw, or yellow coloration. northrup.org |
鉴于这些生态系统的复杂性,因此常常用复合种群来代表某些营养级,以便 将模式的组件数量降低到易于管理的程度,例如浮游植物按个体大小分 2 或 3 个类别、 小型浮游动物、凝胶状大型浮游动物、桡足 类 甲壳 动 物 、滤食性鱼类和掠食性鱼类。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The major pieces missing are an internationally accepted global design; international commitments of assets and funds; and partnerships among nations, regional associations, institutions, data providers and users. unesdoc.unesco.org |