

单词 由着

External sources (not reviewed)

在斯里兰卡,政府在与泰米尔伊拉姆猛虎解放组织之间的持久冲突中长期 使用了秘密拘留。130 通常由着军装 或穿便衣的斯里兰卡军官逮捕泰米尔族人 并将他们秘密拘留一周或更久时间。
In Sri Lanka, the protracted conflict between the Government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has perpetuated the use of secret detention.130 In general, Sri Lankan army officials, dressed either in military uniform or civilian clothes, would arrest ethnic Tamils and hold them in secret places of detention for a week or longer.
[...] 宽容及尊重宗教和文化多样性,并在全世界促进和保护人权,包括宗教或信仰由,着重指 出教育对于增进宽容,包括对于公众接受和尊重宗教表达形式等方面
Emphasizing that States, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, religious bodies and the media have an important role to play in promoting tolerance and respect for religious and
cultural diversity and in the universal promotion and protection of human
[...] rights, including freedom of religion or belief
强调各国、区域组织、非政府组织、宗教团体和媒体可发挥重要作用,促进 宽容及尊重宗教和文化多样性,并在全世界促进和保护人权,包括宗教或信仰由, 着重指 出教育对于增进宽容,包括对于公众接受和尊重宗教表达形式等方面 多样性的重要性,并 着重指出教育特别是学校教育应切实帮助促进宽容和消除基 于宗教或信仰的歧视
that States, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, religious bodies and the media have an important role to play in promoting tolerance and respect for religious and cultural diversity and in the universal promotion and protection of human rights, including freedom of religion or belief
甘地国家公园又被称作Borivali国家公园,这里保 着由 峭 壁岩石雕刻出的古老的坎赫里石窟,有着超过2400年的历史。
Also known as Borivali National Park, Sanjay Gandhi National Park houses the ancient Kanheri Caves crafted out of rocky cliffs, which date back 2,400 years.
着由部门 主任Mr Jerry Koay向来宾们致辞,向他们分享报读美国学士学位课程的好处, 着由 D a n zi ty舞团为这群中学生们带来舞蹈演出。
Mr Jerry Koay, Head of the School gave an introduction to the benefits of studying in the ADP before a dance performance by dance troupe Danzity, specially prepared for the secondary students.
这个展览会是名为Sargent and the Sea ,由很多的素描和油画,是在他在一艘跨大西洋 着由 欧 洲到美国的移民的轮船上完成的。
The exhibition was titled Sargent and
[...] the Sea and consisted of a number of sketches and paintings completed during his immigration from Europe to United States on a transatlantic steamer.
正如秘书长在其最近一份报告(S/2010/127)中 强调的那样,阿富汗未来几个月对于 着由 阿 富汗 发挥更大主导作用过渡来说很关键。
As the Secretary-General stresses in his latest report (S/2010/127), the coming months in Afghanistan will be crucial with regard to the transition to a greater Afghan leadership.
在 这方面,埃及期着由原子 能机构根据 2010 年审议 大会通过的第四项行动计划编写背景文件。
In that context, Egypt looks forward to the background documents to be prepared by the IAEA in accordance with the fourth action plan adopted at the 2010 Review Conference.
风力发电用电缆,承着由风力 能源生成的电力从发电机传达到变压器或开关装置的作用,随着风向引擎部分数千次旋转,电缆都不会损伤的具备耐扭转的电缆。
The cables used in wind force applications supply the electricity produced in the generator (from wind energy) to either transformers or switch-yards; these cables are required to be kink-resistant even when the nacelle undergoes thousands of revolutions due frequent changes of wind directions.
Repair or replacement under the terms of this Warranty does not give right to any extension or a new beginning of the period of warranty.
最新问世的克里顿系列必将在名士的历史中留下划时代的一笔,它承 着由 L o u is -Victor和 Célestin Baume两兄弟于1830年在瑞士株罗山创立公司之初所树立的远大目标,克里顿象征着创始人的非凡远见,传承着创始人的座右铭:“唯美主义,只制造品质最上乘的腕表”。
It showcases the very quest for excellence that shaped the destiny of this company, founded back in 1830 by brothers Louis-Victor and Célestin Baume in the heart of the Swiss Jura Mountains.
其實,用着由他來 說,如果是解釋的話,他只要發一封電郵給范太,請她轉發給我 們便行了。
If his purpose was to make explanations, he needed only send an e-mail to Mrs FAN and ask her to forward it to us, and that is it.
联合国共同国家方案的发展面着一 些 挑战:首先是国内的政治形势,特别是对人权 问题的日益关注以及政府对人权的敏感,所以很难制 由 国 家 工作队和政府共享的共同国家 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不情愿和技术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the
domestic political
[...] situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations [...]
country programme
for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint United Nations programming; and, thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers among UNCT members to put together financial and human resources for joint activities.
秘书长在其报告(S/2012/426)中表达了他对 移交工作着由阿富 汗人负责并主导安全领域推进 的看法,其中包括这一事实:现在,阿富汗75%的人 口位于国家部队已掌控的地区。
In his report (S/2012/426), the Secretary-General expresses his views on the evolution of the transition towards Afghan responsibility and leadership in the area of security, including the fact that 75 per cent of the Afghan population is now located in areas where national forces have taken control.
It will be held in the “briefing” format, in which the Secretary-General is invited to make an initial presentation, followed by interventions by the members of the Council.
这一差额代着由于迁 移和农村地区改造为城市中心(通 常称为重新分类)从农村向城市的净迁移人口。
The difference represents a net population transfer from rural to urban areas as a result of migration and the transformation of rural localities into urban centres, usually described as “reclassification”.
着,由希尔思仪表华东/华北区域经理刘学龙向媒体详细介绍了这款新的“三合一”便携式露点仪DP 500/520的特性及其广泛的应用。
Then, East / North Regional Manager of the CS Instrument Mr. Simon Liu described the new characteristics and wide application opportunities of the new portable “three in one” device DP 500/520 .
梁耀忠議員:我只是想印證,因為連平機會主席也向我們強調,澳洲也是着由公營 轉為私營的過程,在營運協議中加入這一點,並在過程中做這工 作,這是最好的時機。
As the Chairperson of the Equal Opportunities Commission also emphasized to us that Australia also made use of the process of privatization to add this to the operating agreement and got this issue settled, this is the most opportune moment.
反洗钱金融行动任务组包含 34
[...] 个成员国管辖区和 2 个区域组织,领着由 8 个 类似于任务组的区域性机构组成的全球网络,整个网络覆盖了 [...]
180 多个管辖区, 所有这些管辖区都在部长一级承诺执行反洗钱金融行动任务组的标准。
The Financial Action
[...] Task Force is comprised of 34 member [...]
jurisdictions and 2 regional organizations, and leads a global
network of 8 Financial Action Task Force-style regional bodies, which together cover more than 180 jurisdictions — all of which have committed at the Ministerial level to implementing the standards of the Financial Action Task Force.
仪式还标着由教科 文组织贝鲁特办事处组织的一个报纸和电视媒体运动的正式启 动。
The launch signalled the start of a newspaper and television media campaign organized by UNESCO Beirut.
着由千年 挑战账户基金资助的 Efate 环路建设的完工,Efate 岛各地农 村人口能够更方便更快地进到城里,获得学校、医疗、市场以及其他基本服务。
At the completion of the Efate Ring Road which the MCA is currently working on, villages from around Efate Island will find it easier and faster to come to town to have access to services such as schools, health, market house and other essential services.
如果缩短大会召开之前执行局会议会期的 提案获得通过(见下章),这也将暗 着由 于 执 行局在届会上的决定以及随后在整个双年度 [...]
Should proposals for shortening the length of the Executive Board session preceding the General
Conference (see next chapter) be adopted,
[...] this would also imply a reduction of “last-minute” [...]
items (and corresponding documentation)
on the agenda of the General Conference as a result of decisions by the Executive Board at that session, and the consequent re-scheduling of the Executive Board’s programme of work throughout the biennium.
代谢出的毒素和多余的水分通过毛细管上的微孔从血液中过滤出来, 着由 也在 透析器里流动的透析液带走。
Metabolic toxins and excess water are filtered from the blood through pores in the capillaries and then removed with the help of the dialysis solution that also runs through the dialyzer.
腕表秉承着系列直线式结构设计,亦同时搭着由品牌自家设计及研制丶并拥有专利的全新CO 207自动上弦机芯。
The second step in the partnership undertaken between Hublot and Juventus F.C. is today marked by a watch bearing the famous colours of the club.
2009年5月26日和27日在南非比勒陀利亚举行的会议上,来自36个非洲国家的资深决策者和知识产权管理者聚集一堂,共同审议了作为催化剂的知识产权对经济与商业发展的重要性;这标 着由 日 本 资助的促进非洲与最不发达国家(LDCs)利用知识产权计划的启动。
A gathering of senior policy makers and intellectual property (IP) administrators from 36 African countries meeting in Pretoria, South Africa on May 26 and 27, 2009, to examine the importance of IP as a catalyst for economic and commercial development, marked the launch of a Japanese-financed program to promote the use of IP in Africa and Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
特别报告员在履行职责时面着由以 色 列占领 军设置的许多障碍,以色列占领军阻碍特别报告员 进入巴勒斯坦被占领土,防止他证实以色列存在侵 犯人权的现象。
The Special Rapporteur had faced numerous obstacles to the discharge of his duties created by the Israeli occupier, who had hindered him from entry into the Occupied Palestinian Territory, thereby preventing him from confirming the existence of Israeli violations of human rights.
麦克雷先生说,在上届会议上,关于共有的自然资源问题工作组已经问过, 是否存着由大会 作出的关于处理石油和天然气问题的授权,当时没有任何人能 够回答这个问题。
Mr. McRae said that at the previous session, the Working Group on Shared natural resources had questioned whether there was a mandate from the General Assembly for work in the area of oil and gas, and no one had been able to reply.
确实,于 1 月 31 日和平举行议会和总统选 举以及之后于 3 月 12 日举行第二轮总统选举,标着由萨 卢·吉博中将领导的 恢复民主最高委员会制定的时间表得到了切实执行。
Indeed, the holding of peaceful legislative and presidential elections on 31 January, followed by the run-off of the presidential elections on 12 March, signalled the effective implementation of the timetable set by the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy (CSRD) led by Lieutenant-General Salou Djibo.
今天头条新闻充着由领先 的户外广告公司分众传媒(Nasdaq: FMCN)的管理层发起私有化的新闻,我猜测最近一连串的发展最终将以这家多彩但已凋谢的公司被出售而结束。
The headlines have been buzzing this week with [...]
news of a management-led privatization offer for leading outdoor advertising
firm Focus Media (Nasdaq: FMCN), marking the latest in a recent string of developments that I suspect will end with a sale of this colorful but faded company.
在 2005 年机构间常设委员会(机构间常委会)进行
[...] 人道主义审查后,开发署一直领着由 19 个来自人道主义界和发展界的联合国 [...]
Following a humanitarian review by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) in 2005, UNDP has led the
Cluster Working Group on Early Recovery
[...] (CWGER), which is made up of 19 United [...]
Nations and non-United Nations members from
the humanitarian and development communities.




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