单词 | 甩袖子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 甩袖子—swing one's sleeve (in anger)See also:甩—swing dump (sb) leave behind throw off fling 袖子n—sleevespl sleeven 袖n—sleevespl sleeven 袖—tuck inside one's sleeve
当审食其出来与刘长相见时,刘长突然甩出藏在袖子中的金椎,金椎击在审食头上,审食其当即倒地身亡。 chinesestoryonline.com | When Shen Shi Qi's turn came, the king of Liang came over, suddenly took out a golden hummer hidden in his sleeve and smashed the head of his enemy. chinesestoryonline.com |
金属的腐蚀或未被注意的污垢,如由汗 水和灰尘造成的污垢,可能会弄脏衣服的袖子和其他部分。 citizen.com.hk | Corrosion of the metal or unnoticed soiling such as that caused by perspiration and dirt can soil sleeves and other portions of clothing. citizen.com.hk |
新款T-恤以白色及不同颜色袖子色作鲜明的对比 - 全白色涤沦布T-恤, 质料轻, 透气, 絶对适合所有户外活动。 brandhk.com | New style shirts in white with a contrasting sleeve colour - all made from lightweight polyester fabric designed for maximum coolness during sports activities. brandhk.com |
为此,我们必须挽起袖子,加倍努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this case, we must take on [...] extra workand rollup oursleeves. daccess-ods.un.org |
咳嗽或打喷嚏的时候用纸巾或袖子掩住口鼻。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Cover the mouth and nose with a tissue [...] when coughing or sneezing. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
他们遵循宾克,建筑院子里,但仍然无法抓住他,Norby落入一大桶潮湿的水泥,威高甩出的建设,到后面的垃圾车,和埃迪被困在起重机后,被浑身湿透的胶水。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | They follow Binkto a construction yard, but are still unable to catch him, with Norby falling into a vat of wet cement, Veeko getting thrown off the building and into the back of a garbage truck, and Eddie getting stranded on a crane after being drenched in glue. seekcartoon.com |
纯棉,深蓝色,质地厚重,胸部和袖子处绣有商标 bauergroup.com | Navy blue, cotton, Block logo on breast, company logo on sleeve. bauergroup.com |
这些 包括对科学技术的投资;倡导创新和创业精神;建设 更加灵活的社会,以适应这个变化是唯一常态的世 界;以及最重要的是,做出巨大努力来提高我们的人 力资本,教育我们的年轻人和培训我们的工人,因为 人力资本肯定是把欠发达帽子甩在身后的主要财富 来源和最主要的资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those are investment in science and technology; the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship; the building of more flexible societies that can adapt to a world in which change is the only constant; and, above all, making a huge effort to improve our human capital, the education of our young people and the training of our workers, as that is surely the major source of wealth and primary resource for leaving behind underdevelopment. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个额外的小功能:柔软的拇指环持有的袖子,使皮肤和你的外套及手套绝缘。 chainssprockets.com | An extra little feature: a soft thumb loop holds the sleeves in place, insulating the skin between your jacket and glove. chainssprockets.com |
第三种风险是:满怀热望国家因其制造业产品价格下 [...] 降、以及可从专门从事低技能产业取得效益而无法开启新的经济活动 和创造产业就业机会,从而被进一步甩在后面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Third, the aspiring countries, faced with decreasing prices for their manufactures and incentives to [...] specialize in low-skill industries, fail to create new economic activities and productive [...] employment and fall further behind. daccess-ods.un.org |
经典的V字套领灰色山羊绒衫至今仍在生产,并加入更多崭新款式,例如附针织袖子的皮衣、男装直筒长裤、短裙、长裙和裤袜。 iwc.com | There are leather jackets with knitted sleeves attached, straight-leg trousers for men, short and long dresses and leggings. iwc.com |
Kraemer(如同前面提及的,Kraemer是SRS实验室技术与业务拓展部执行副总裁)说道:“SHARC平台是如此友好,我甚至卷起袖子参与了部分工作,来享受编码的快乐。 analog.com | Says Kraemer (who, as previously stated, is the EVP of technology and business development at SRS), "The [...] SHARC platform is so easy to work with and coding is such a [...] pleasurethat I roll up myown sleeves [...]and do some of it myself. analog.com |
助他一腿之力”运动鼓励世界各地人们简单的象征性地卷起裤腿或袖子,呼吁停止地雷造成的伤害和破坏,同时表达对所有遭受地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸物幸存者的支持。 un.org | Lend Your Leg" is a campaign that encourages people worldwide by a simple but [...] symbolic gesture of rolling up a [...] pant legor sleeve to stop the damage landmines still causewhile showing [...]solidarity with all survivors [...]of landmines and other explosive remnants of war. un.org |
此次活动的目的通过卷起裤腿或袖子来提醒大家地雷存在的后果;以及为在复苏和一体化进程中的地雷受害者提供援助。 un.org | The aim of the campaign is to draw attention on [...] the consequences of mine presence by [...] wringing theleg trousers or armsleeves symbolically, [...]as well as to provide assistance [...]to victims of landmines during the recovery and integration process. un.org |
紧头prop不许捉对方松头prop的胸部、臂部、袖子或领子。 irblaws.com | The tight head prop must not grip the chest, arm, sleeve or collar of the opposition loose head prop. irblaws.com |
请勿穿着宽松的衣服、解开钮扣袖子等。 graphics.kodak.com | Do not wear loose [...] clothing, unbuttoned sleeves, etc. graphics.kodak.com |
我们Nomex给装袖子将做同样您的导线、水管和缆绳的。 professionalplastics.com | Our Nomexsleeving will do the same for your wires, hoses and cables. professionalplastics.com |
有 些 Normal(正常)模式命令也可以在其他模式下使用,例如:Normal(正常) 模式下的命令如压缩打印、扩展、忽略、选择格式和垂直行距也可以在 Execute Form(执行表格)模式下使用;多国字符集命令也可用在 Normal(正常)或 Create(创建)模式下使用;而回车、换页、换行和甩纸命令也适用于 Normal (正常)模式。 printronix.cn | Some Normal mode commands can also be used in other modes: Compressed Print, Expand, Ignore, Select Format, and Vertical Line Spacing, which are Normal mode commands, can also be used in the Execute Form mode; the Multinational Character Set command can be used in the Normal or Create modes. printronix.cn |
衣身与袖子略长的宽松外形长款T恤。 jshoppers.com | A loose silhouette top with slightly long bodice and sleeves. jshoppers.com |
在工作状态下,高速电机通过传动装置带动立式传动轴转动,物料通过设在选粉机室上部的进料口进入选粉室内,再通过设置在中粗粉收集锥的上下两锥体之间和通粉管道落在撒料盘上,撒料盘随立式传动轴转动,物料在惯性离心力的作用下,向四周均匀撒出,分散的物料在外接风机通过进风口进入选粉室的高速气流作用下,物料中的粗重颗粒受到惯性离心力的作用被甩向选粉室的内壁面。 mayastar.com.cn | In the working status, high speed motor drives the vertical shaft rotation through gearing, material goes into powder selecting room through feeding port set on the upper of powder selecting machine chamber, and falls on the spreading plate through flux powder pipe and the space between the up cone and the down cone set in the coarse powder collecting cone, and spreading plate rotates follows vertical shaft, material is scattered around uniformly under the action of inertial centrifugal force, the scattered material in the external fan goes into powder selecting room under the action of high speed airflow [...] through air intake, the coarse particles in [...] material is thrown to thepowder selecting [...]chamber inner wall under the action of inertia centrifugal force. mayastar.com.cn |
在头发重新长好之前,她就用围巾和帽子遮着,身上留着伤痕,一直都不能穿没有袖 子的衣服,到现在被刮掉一块的手腕都是凹陷进去的。 hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp | Scars from her injuries remained, so she never wore clothes without sleeves and still today her gouged arms are indented. hiro-tsuitokinenkan.go.jp |
请勿穿宽松的衣服、解开钮扣的袖子等。 graphics.kodak.com | Do not wear loose [...] clothing, unbuttoned sleeves, etc. graphics.kodak.com |
新规范还禁止男学生染发、拔眉、穿紧身衣服和“袖子极短” 的衬衫、禁止男生佩戴首饰。 daccess-ods.un.org | The new code also bans male students from dying their hair, plucking eyebrows, wearing tight clothes, shirts with “very short sleeves” and jewellery. daccess-ods.un.org |
触摸屏必须具备快速响应能力,但为了提供良好的用户体验,触摸屏还需要增强识别“手指拖动”造成的虚假触控以及衬衣袖子、袖口和外衣等物体碰触造成的虚假触控的能力。 tipschina.gov.cn | Touch performance must be fast and responsive, yet in order to provide a positive user experience there needs to be an enhanced ability to identify [...] spurious touch points caused by "finger dragging" and objects such [...] as shirt sleeves,cuffs,or coats touching [...]the screen. tipschina.gov.cn |
这非常适合费鲁基欧,当他看到工作没有按照他的预期开展时,他经常会卷起袖子,亲自对汽车进行作业。 lamborghini.com | This was ideal for Lamborghini, who [...] would often roll up his shirtsleeves and go to work on the [...]cars personally when he saw something [...]that wasn’t done just the way he wanted. lamborghini.com |
由于刚出土的百合有许多泥浆,难免在拔根的时候会喷到袖子和衣服上。 4tern.com | Fresh lily bulbs are covered with soil. Extra precautions is needed to prevent soil stains on your sleeves on clothes. 4tern.com |
只需要一个价钱, 无论衣的前幅,後幅,袖子都可以印上您要的图案。 brandhk.com | Front, back and sleeves can all be decorated for one fixed cost. brandhk.com |
现在可不是讲究风度的时候,把自己包裹得严严实实,衬衣掖进裤子里,手套塞进袖子内,将薄绒衫、外套、长裤拉上拉链,全副武装,切不可麻痹大意。 visitfinland.com | Dress well – and we’re not talking stylish here – tuck your shirts into your trousers, gloves into sleeves, and zip your fleece, jacket and trousers all the way up. visitfinland.com |
尽管有这些挑战,但已证 实有 113 名儿童被以下武装部队和团体招募:自由派和改革武装运动(从正义与 [...] 平等运动和苏丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂出来的团体)、边境情报部队、 [...] 乍得武装反对集团、社区警务部队、警察部队、民防军、苏丹解放军/Abu Gasim 派、苏丹解放军/历史领袖派(苏丹解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派分裂团体)、苏丹 [...]解放军/阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹武装部队以及不知名的武装团体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Notwithstanding these challenges, 113 children were confirmed to have been recruited by the following armed forces and groups: Armed Movement of Liberals and Reform (splinter group of JEM and SLA/Abdul Wahid), Border Intelligence Forces, Chadian armed opposition groups, community policing forces, police forces, [...] Popular Defence Forces, SLA/Abu Gasim, [...] SLA/Historical Leadership (splinter group [...]of SLA/Abdul Wahid), SLA/Abdul Wahid, [...]Sudanese Armed Forces and unknown armed groups. daccess-ods.un.org |
为提高当地社区领袖、建筑和工程专业大学生以及专业人员对传统建筑和技术的认识并进行相 [...] 关培训,一本关于土结构建筑的修建或维修的传统技术的俄语培训手册被翻译成当地语言,并且印 发给教育机构和图书馆;对来自中亚国家和阿富汗的维护专业人员进行了关于维护土结构建筑的培 [...]训;完成了遗址的维护(Fayaz Tepa 佛教遗址),还完成和/或修复了试点示范建筑物(博逊工艺培 训中心,包括一个博物馆;塔什干纺丝/天然染色车间建筑;修复后的制砖中心以及在阿富汗马扎里 沙里夫的 Khiva 纺丝/天然染色车间的扩建)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | To sensitize and train [...] localcommunityleaders,architecture and [...]engineering students and professionals on the value of [...]traditional architecture and technology, a Russian language training manual on traditional techniques for the construction and repair of earth architecture was translated into local languages, published and distributed to educational institutions and libraries; training was conducted on the conservation of earthen structures for conservation professionals from Central Asian countries and Afghanistan; conservation was completed on historic sites (Fayaz Tepa Buddhist Ruins, Termez, Uzbekistan); and pilot demonstration buildings were completed and/or restored (Boysun Crafts Training Centre, which includes a museum; the Tashkent silk weaving/natural dye workshop building; the restored brick-making centre and the extension of the Khiva silk weaving/natural dye workshop in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan). unesdoc.unesco.org |