

单词 甩开膀子

See also:

膀子 n

arm n


upper arm

External sources (not reviewed)

膀胱感染是妇女的一个常见问题,然而对于男性来讲,因 膀 胱 和尿 道 开 口 之 间的距离更大,这些感染反而不太常见。
Bladder infections are a common problem for women;
however, due to the greater distance
[...] between the bladder and urethral opening, these infections [...]
are less common in men.
当审食其出来与刘长相见时,刘长突 甩 出 藏在 袖 子 中 的金椎,金椎击在审食头上,审食其当即倒地身亡。
When Shen Shi Qi's turn came, the king of Liang came over, suddenly took out a golden hummer hidden in his sleeve and smashed the head of his enemy.
开自己 的世界里,由于自然资源的损失,有 膀 的 人 形Nohrin定居于Jhamora的与权限的地面住宅Lokni的。
After having left their own world due to a loss of natural resources, the winged humanoid Nohrin settle on Jhamora with the permission of the ground-dwelling Lokni.
在Roshi的膀,悟空开始训 练他的文,知道下一次日食,他们必须让所有的Dragonballs前,当Ōzaru将返回,并加入与短笛。
Under Roshi’s wing, Goku begins training his Ki, [...]
knowing that they must get all the Dragonballs before the next solar eclipse,
when Ōzaru will return and join with Piccolo.
芭比娃娃:Fairytopia,没有膀的花仙 子 埃 利纳击败Laverna,邪恶的女巫的妹妹,和媚儿给叶琳娜的翅膀作为奖励。
In Barbie: Fairytopia, the wingless flower fairy Elina defeated Laverna, the evil sister of the Enchantress, and the Enchantress gave Elina wings as a reward.
Lilliana了,药水,芭比公主Graciella可以是一个正常的公主并没有继续作用下的爱情药水,他们到达洛杉矶光泽,登上小马穿越宫,Graciella公主意识到,他们是泰勒和Carrie她发送Raquelle和芭比娃娃里面一笼锁定,笼子里是无敌的一个童话充满激情的骄傲,但说话的芭比娃娃和Raquelle和道歉后,他们意识到, 子 里 的酒 吧 开 始 断 裂,突然有真正的 膀 在 他 们的背上和记住的短语“宽恕让你飞”。
Lilliana gave to Barbie, a potion, for Princess Graciella can get to be a normal princess and do not keep acting under a love potion,them arrived to Gloss Angeles, crossing the Palace aboard ponies,Graciella Princess realizes that they are Taylor and Carrie then she sends Raquelle and Barbie inside a cage locked ,the cage is invincible to pride of a fairy passionate, but after talking Barbie
and Raquelle and
[...] Apologize,they realizes that cage’s bars begin to breaking, suddenly have real wings on [...]
their backs and remember
a phrase “forgiveness makes you fly”.
这些 包括对科学技术的投资;倡导创新和创业精神;建设 更加灵活的社会,以适应这个变化是唯一常态的世 界;以及最重要的是,做出巨大努力来提高我们的人 力资本,教育我们的年轻人和培训我们的工人,因为 人力资本肯定是把欠发达子甩在身 后的主要财富 来源和最主要的资源。
Those are investment in science and technology; the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurship; the building of more flexible societies that can adapt to a world in which change is the only constant; and, above all, making a huge effort to improve our human capital, the education of our young people and the training of our workers, as that is surely the major source of wealth and primary resource for leaving behind underdevelopment.
第三种风险是:满怀热望国家因其制造业产品价格下 降、以及可从专门从事低技能产业取得效益而无 开 启 新 的经济活动 和创造产业就业机会,从而被进一 甩 在 后 面。
Third, the aspiring countries, faced with decreasing prices for their manufactures
and incentives to
[...] specialize in low-skill industries, fail to create new economic activities and productive employment and fall further behind.
从这个位置,一年只有一次的雕像来后的第一个星期六7月16日注由信徒捐赠和珠宝,身着华丽服装与装饰,通过附近的街道上,所谓的“载体”的 膀 上 , 达到圣GRISOGONO,他的第一间 子 , 在 那里他保持了八天庆祝崇拜OttoVario教会。
From this location the statue comes only once a year on the first Saturday after July 16 note, adorned with jewels donated by the faithful and dressed in splendid
garments, through the
[...] streets of the neighborhood on the shoulders of so-called "carriers" and reach the [...]
church of St. Grisogono,
his first house, where he remained for eight days to celebrate the OttoVario of worship.
叶琳娜,一只没有膀的花仙子,和 她的的马勃朋友Bibble看着自己的童话朋友蒲公英飞有三个小精灵。
Elina, a wingless flower fairy, and her puffball friend Bibble watch their fairy friend Dandelion fly with three pixies.
他们遵循宾克,建筑子里, 但仍然无法抓住他,Norby落入一大桶潮湿的水泥,威 甩 出 的 建设,到后面的垃圾车,和埃迪被困在起重机后,被浑身湿透的胶水。
They follow Bink to a construction yard, but are still unable to catch him, with Norby falling into a vat of wet cement, Veeko getting thrown off the building and into the back of a garbage truck, and Eddie getting stranded on a crane after being drenched in glue.
吸煙與 多 種 癌症有
[...] 關,包括肺癌、 喉癌、口腔癌、 食 道 癌 、 胰癌、 腎癌膀胱癌及 子 宮頸癌。
Smoking is associated with many types of cancer, including cancers of the lung, larynx, oral cavity,
[...] esophagus, pancreas, kidney, bladder, and cervix.
(h) 起诉一经确认,将要求预审法官和审判分庭签发关于管辖权和其他初步
[...] 事项的裁决(《程序和证据规则》规则 90)并迅速准备子开审(规则 89)。
(h) Upon confirmation of any indictment, the Pre-Trial Judge and the Trial Chamber will be requested to issue decisions regarding jurisdiction and other preliminary
matters (rule 90 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence) and to
[...] prepare the case for a fair and expeditious [...]
trial (rule 89).
有 些 Normal(正常)模式命令也可以在其他模式下使用,例如:Normal(正常) 模式下的命令如压缩打印、扩展、忽略、选择格式和垂直行距也可以在 Execute Form(执行表格)模式下使用;多国字符集命令也可用在 Normal(正常)或 Create(创建)模式下使用;而回车、换页、换行 甩 纸 命 令也适用于 Normal (正常)模式。
Some Normal mode commands can also be used in other modes: Compressed Print, Expand, Ignore, Select Format, and Vertical Line Spacing, which are Normal mode commands, can also be used in the Execute Form mode; the Multinational Character Set command can be used in the Normal or Create modes.
虽然驼色是忙碌的小叮当越过边界进入冬季伍兹和她的 膀 , 开 始 焕 发。
While Fawn is busy Tinker Bell crosses the border into the Winter Woods, and her wings start to glow.
在工作状态下,高速电机通过传动装置带动立式传动轴转动,物料通过设在选粉机室上部的进料口进入选粉室内,再通过设置在中粗粉收集锥的上下两锥体之间和通粉管道落在撒料盘上,撒料盘随立式传动轴转动,物料在惯性离心力的作用下,向四周均匀撒出,分散的物料在外接风机通过进风口进入选粉室的高速气流作用下,物料中的粗重颗粒受到惯性离心力的作用 甩 向 选粉室的内壁面。
In the working status, high speed motor drives the vertical shaft rotation through gearing, material goes into powder selecting room through feeding port set on the upper of powder selecting machine chamber, and falls on the spreading plate through flux powder pipe and the space between the up cone and the down cone set in the coarse powder collecting cone, and spreading plate rotates follows vertical shaft, material is scattered around uniformly under the action of inertial centrifugal force, the scattered material in the external fan goes into powder selecting room under the action of high speed airflow
through air intake, the coarse particles in
[...] material is thrown to the powder selecting [...]
chamber inner wall under the action of inertia centrifugal force.
玉米”的强大利尿,调节功能的肾脏 膀 胱 去除 沙 子 和 石 头。
Zea Mays' Mighty diuretic, regulates the functions
[...] of the kidneys and bladder removing sand and stones.
自最近叙利亚国内的事件和事态发展开始以来, 特别是在某些极端子开始使 用暴力并且拿起武器 对抗维护法律和秩序的部队和危害无辜叙利亚公民, 包括和平示威者之后,对我们和世界各地的许多观察 [...]
人士都已经清楚的一点是,一些方面,包括就在这个 安全理事会中的一些方面,正企图以站不住脚的借口
和理由为由让安理会介入与安理会的作用、职责或授 权毫不相关的国内事态发展。
Ever since the start of the recent internal
[...] events and developments in Syria, and especially after certain extremists started using [...]
violence and bearing
arms against the forces of law and order and innocent Syrian citizens, including peaceful demonstrators, it has become clear to us and to many observers throughout the world that some parties, including in this very Security Council, are attempting to involve the Council, on the pretext of weak excuses and justifications, in internal developments that have nothing to do with its role, responsibilities or mandate.
Tinker Bell’s wings begin to glow and sparkle, too.
[...] (18.8%)、产后感染(12.7%)、高血压-子痫(11%)、难产(0.8%)及引发的疾 病 (子 宫破裂、膀胱阴 道瘘、上行感染),艾滋病毒/艾滋病(6%)、疟疾和其他(20%)。
The primary causes of maternal death include: induced abortion (41 per cent), post-partum haemorrhage (40 per cent), post-abortion infection (18.8 per cent), post-partum infection (12.7 per cent), hypertension-eclampsia (11 per
cent), obstructed labour (0.8 per cent)
[...] and its consequences (uterine rupture, vesicovaginal [...]
fistula, sepsis), HIV/AIDS (6 per
cent), malaria and others (20 per cent).
在这个 项目下,巴基斯坦“制止强奸”运动在旁遮普省以 15 000 名 16 至 30 岁的青年 男子为对象,鼓励青少年子开展志 愿同侪联络。
Under this project, the “Stop rape” campaign in Pakistan targeted 15,000 young men aged from 16 to 30 years in Punjab Province by encouraging volunteer peer outreach among young boys and men.
两地工程进 展缓慢,主要是因为从海外运来的堡篮迟缓,而且大部分劳动力正在村里盖 子, 开展环 境卫生工作,进行维修工作和基础设施项目,分别在阿塔福和努库诺努更 新学校和医院设施。
The slower progress on Atafu and Nukunonu is primarily due to slow delivery of gabion baskets from overseas and the fact that most of the workforce is working on village housing and sanitation programmes, on ongoing maintenance work and on the infrastructural projects to upgrade the school in Atafu and the hospital in Nukunonu.
使用金属 薄板开子程序 可展开与材料相关的薄板 横断面(包括复合板).
The sheet development programs allow a material specific development of the section to be created and also generates cuts in composite boards.
金色大翅膀放于身后和膀两端,伸 开 来 气 势恢弘,耀眼的金色显得更加夺目;响钹是置于手指间用于伴奏的两个金属乐器,虽然体积不大,但却能营造更美的舞蹈效果;手杖分为各种粗细的不同型号,以艳丽的色彩吸引众人的注意;而大烛台是顶于头部的道具,上面放置点燃的蜡烛,舞者同时起舞,让整个舞蹈拥有了更加的视觉冲击力与新鲜感。
Gold put in behind the big wings and arm ends, can extend to great momentum, dazzling gold is even more eye-catching; ring finger cymbals are placed between two metal instruments used for accompaniment, although the small size, it is able to create a more America's dance results; cane into a variety of thickness of different models to bright colors to attract everybody's attention; and large candlestick is the top on the head of the props, the top placed lighted candles, dancers dance at the same time, so that the whole dance have a greater visual impact and freshness.
这两天有朋友问我要图解,实话实说,当时就是看着动画片,然后自己瞎琢磨的,都没有图,不过很简单,我是用了家里不带的旧棒球帽改的,大家一试就明白了,整个帽子就是织了三片缝在 子 上 , 然后加的 膀 , 翅膀也是大致织出 膀 的 样 子 , 细 节都是用普通缝衣针线对着动画片的样子勒出样子的,估计论坛高手姐妹一看就明白了。
These two days have my friend asked me to diagram, the truth, at that time is looking at cartoons, and then his torment, they are all without chart, but is very simple, I am using
the home without old baseball cap change, we try to understand, the hat is woven
[...] three piece of seam in the hat, then add wings, wings is also roughly weave wings of appearance, details are made [...]
with ordinary hand
sewing needle line to the appearance of the cartoon's like, estimate BBS superior sisters a see understand.
我们正在牧民的营地。他的颤抖似乎有传染性,我只比他早进 子 几 分 钟,从 膀 到 脚 底全冻僵了,主要是身体的左侧,因为暴风雪从东面袭击,而我们骑着马是朝南边走。
His shivering was contagious as
I too was in the house only
[...] minutes ahead, frozen from shoulder to foot, though mainly [...]
on the left side of my body, as the
blizzard hit us from the east as we were riding south.
向重点群体开展的工作包括:在亚太地区,对于有同性性行为的 子开 展 有 针对 性的同伴教育,在阿富汗开展艾滋病毒防治和毒品预防教育,包括将艾滋病毒和 毒品问题纳入非正规扫盲计划。
Ÿ Work with key populations includes targeted peer outreach education for men who have sex with men in the Asia-Pacific region and HIV and drug prevention education in Afghanistan, including integration of HIV and drug issues in non-formal literacy programmes.
但 Ngezayo 先生对在子开头将 他称为土地所有者,之后在该段中将声称 拥有土地的其他人称为“被驱逐的所有者”提出疑问,他提出的意见有一定道理。
However, Mr. Ngezayo reasonably
objects to the fact that, although he was
[...] described in the opening sentence as the [...]
landowner, later in the paragraph other
claimants of the land are described as “evicted owners”.
我早先与西非经共体委员会新的领导 子开展 了协作,此后,我们承诺要重新大力实施《20082011年西非经共体解决西非日益严重的非法贩毒、 有组织犯罪和药物滥用问题区域行动计划》,包括 通过西非海岸倡议这样做。
Following my early engagement with the new leadership of the ECOWAS Commission, we undertook to revitalize the implementation of the 2008-2011 ECOWAS Regional Action Plan to Address the Growing Problem of Illicit Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime and Drug Abuse in West Africa, including through the West Africa Coast Initiative.




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