单词 | 用量 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 用量—usageless common: consumption quantity used 用量noun—dosagen dosen Examples:使用量—volume of use usage amount 使用量n—utilization raten 用水量n—water consumptionn
理由不足的建议将不再予以审议,为其提出了理由的拟议用量将提交通过。 codexalimentarius.org | Proposals lacking justification will no longer be considered, and the proposed level for which justification has been provided will be forwarded for adoption. codexalimentarius.org |
此使用率并 不包括供临时服务基础下出租之转发器容量,因为难以量化这些临时使用量,并将之转化为相等的转发器 数目。 asiasat.com | These utilisation rates did not include the transponder capacity leased for occasional [...] service on an ad hoc basis as it is [...] difficult to quantify and translate the occasionaluse into equivalent [...]transponders. asiasat.com |
举例来说,如果某种药物的合理安全用量是每天一颗,我们可能会将您的处 方药承保限制在每天不超过一颗。 lacare.org | For example, if it is normally considered safe to take only one pill per day for a certain drug, we may limit coverage for your prescription to no more than one pill per day. lacare.org |
所用溶剂的量将极大地影响粘合的强度:用量太少会导致粘合强度较弱;但是如果溶剂层 太厚,溶剂完全扩散粘结往往需要好几天,容易导致局部材料降解。 quadrantplastics.com | The quantityofsolvent applied greatly influences the strength of the bond: the useof too little solvent [...] leads to a weak [...]bond; if the solvent layer is too thick, however, it can take days before the solvent is diffused out of the bond and local material degradation can occur. quadrantplastics.com |
目标应当是在最终产品HUFA方面维持养 殖的目标物种质量,据预测水产养殖中鱼油的整体用量将增加,尽管在不同的肉 食性鱼类和甲壳类物种饲料中鱼油含量预计减少。 fao.org | The objective should be to maintain the quality of farmed target species in respect of HUFAs in the final products, as it is projected that the overall total usage of fish oil in aquaculture will increase although the fish-oil inclusion level in various carnivorous fish and crustacean species is expected to decrease. fao.org |
核查小组的调查结果包括四氯化碳生产总量、用作原料的销售量和用作受控用途的销 售量、原料使用量和剩余总量。 multilateralfund.org | The findings of the verification team include the level of total CTC production, sales for feedstock and for controlled use, the feedstock use and the overall mass balance. multilateralfund.org |
光亮(“发光”)的持续时间取决於光源的亮度,光源的类型,与光源的距离以及光源的 照射时间和发光涂料的用量。 citizen.com.hk | The duration of the light (“glow”) will [...] vary depending on the brightness, types of and distance from a light source, [...] exposure time,and theamount of the paint. citizen.com.hk |
行动电话通信业务及加值业务之收入,系依约定 费率按通话时间,扣除折扣後之净额认列;预付 卡收入则依用户实际通话使用量认列。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Service revenues from wireless services and value-added [...] services, net of any applicable [...] discount, are billed at predetermined rates and are recognized on the basis of minutes of usage. english.taiwanmobile.com |
这包括 语音和数据通信,对互联网相关服务的使用量迅速增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | This includes voice and data communications, and the [...] rapidly growing use of Internet-related [...]services. daccess-ods.un.org |
在有利于知识的创造、获取和交流的信息和传播技术方面,经过两年拟订之后,颁布 了将信息和传播技术引入课堂的《教师能力标准》(CST);从资源、合作伙伴和使用量方面极大地扩展了开放式培训平台这一获取免费、公开学习资源的网上中心;在摩洛哥拉巴特 开设了第一个专门接待儿童的计算机教育中心。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In the area of ICT in support of knowledge creation, acquisition and sharing, the Competency Standards for Teachers (CST) for the integration of ICT into the classroom, waslaunched after two years of development; the Open Training Platform, an online hub to free and open learning resources for development, significantly expanded in terms of resources, partners and use; and a first cybercentre for education dedicated to hospitalized children was opened in Rabat, Morocco. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于上述问题,且知悉喷射泡沫 塑料用户也面临着类似情况,工发组织同意秘书处的建议,即该国在做出关于适宜替代技 术的决定后,可提交一份涵盖第一阶段执行期间含 HCFC-141b 的预混多元醇总使用量的泡沫塑料行业计划,以业务计划为其所分配的充足资金为限。 multilateralfund.org | In light of the above and knowing that spray foam users would face a similar situation, UNIDO agreed to the Secretariat`s recommendation that the country could submit a foam sector plan covering the total use of HCFC-141b in imported pre-blended polyols during the implementation of stage I, after a decision on a suitable replacement technology has been made, and subject to sufficient funding being allocated in the business plan. multilateralfund.org |
此外,《添加剂标准》 涵盖的防腐剂和抗氧化剂的准许用量,是由适当的方法订定,并经证实 摄取订明的分量不会超出安全参照标准。 cfs.gov.hk | In addition, the permitted levels of preservatives and antioxidants in the GSFA have been established by appropriate methods which verify that the intake of these additives does not exceed the safety reference level. cfs.gov.hk |
使我们可以获得有关网站使用量的信息,帮助我们在导航、内容和产品展示方面改进网站。 jabra.cn | This enables us to gain knowledge about the usage of our site and help us improve the website in terms of navigation, content and offerings. jabra.com |
从技术角度提出最大用量的理由;以及以食品添加剂通用标准附件A中所指明 的程序或一种暴露评估为手段,表明该用量满足食品添加剂通用标准第3.1节 中所罗列的安全性要求。 codexalimentarius.org | A justification of the maximum use levels from a technological point-of-view; and an indication, by means of the procedure indicated in Annex A of the General [...] Standard for Food Additives or an [...]exposure assessment, that this level meets the safety requirements enumerated in Section 3.1 of the General Standard for Food Additives. codexalimentarius.org |
里约+20”峰会的两大主题-可持续发展体制框架和支持 绿色经济-已在粮农组织的主要观点中有所反映,即提高整个食物价值链 的管理水平和效率有助于在减少自然资源使用量的基础上加强粮食安全, 也就是说,小成本,大产出。 fao.org | Two themes underpinning Rio+20 – the institutional framework for sustainable development and the support of a green economy – were reflected in FAO’s main message that improved management and efficiencies throughout the food value chain can increase food security while using fewer natural resources, i.e. achieve more with less. fao.org |
汽车、卡车、 飞机和船舶使用量的快速上升对人类健康、世界的城市和地球带来了巨大挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fast risein the use of cars, trucks, [...] planes and ships brings enormous challenges for human health, the world’s cities and the planet. daccess-ods.un.org |
TSL 保留的时间取决于所使用的化学品、使用量、压力 大小以及泵密封和泵活塞柱的状况。 graco.com | How long TSL lasts depends on which chemicals are used, how much is used, whatpressure, and condition of the pump seal and rod. graco.com |
可最大限度节约材料用量,减少返工,同时提高工作效率。 graco.com | You minimize material usage, reduce rework, and improve operational efficiencies. graco.com |
电机直径小,性能更高: 节省空间、减少 材料用量,还能美化设计。 interroll.com | Motors with smaller diameters deliver high performance: that saves space, [...] reducesthe amountof materials used and enables more [...]attractive designs. interroll.com |
尽管主要客户采用机龄较浅及更现代化之飞机,且本期内改装客机为货机之业 [...] 务机会减少,令平均工程量下降,但其港机工程及厦门太古飞机工程公司运作 之飞机机架维修及改装工程设施,在本期内仍保持高使用量。swirepacific.com | The airframe maintenance and modification facilities operated by both HAECO and TAECO continued to be heavily utilised during the period, although with the younger fleets of more modern aircraft operated by their base customers, and with fewer [...] opportunities during the period to convert passenger [...] aircraft for cargo use, the extent of [...]the average work package has dropped. swirepacific.com |
在区域使用方面,Teletrax 广播监测系统发现,在通过卫星传送的联合国电 视广播平台报道的使用量中,有 54%来自中东,与上一年相比增长了 20%。 daccess-ods.un.org | In terms of regional use, the Teletrax monitoring system shows that 54 per cent of the pickup of UNifeed stories from the satellite transmission was from the Middle East, a 20 per cent increase compared to the previous year. daccess-ods.un.org |
福伊特 EOS [...] 能源优化系统能在新装和现有的车间通风系统内节省电能和蒸汽用量,其模块化设计能确保逐步提高运行效率。 voith.com | The Voith EOS energy optimization system saves [...] power and steam in newand existing [...]plant ventilation systems, while the modular [...]design allows gradual improvement of efficiency. voith.com |
哈萨克斯坦共和国、吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国、乌兹别克斯坦共和国、塔吉克斯 坦共和国和土库曼斯坦共和国之间就综合水管理和保护领域的合作签署的协议 (1992 年 2 月 18 [...] 日,阿拉木图)要求各方避免在其领土采取任何损害他国利益, 造成他国伤害以及导致改变商定的水源使用量的行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Agreement among the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Republic of Tajikistan and Turkmenistan on cooperation in the field of integrated water management and protection (Alma-Ata, 18 February 1992) requires every party to avoid any action on their territory [...] that could damage the interests of others and cause them harm, as well as bring about a [...] change of agreed waterusevolumes. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们专注于设计更轻便的耳机,让我们的货运工具可以装载更多数量的耳机,从而减少产品运输时的燃油用量。 jabra.cn | We focus on designing lighter headsets and fitting more headsets into our shipments, thus [...] reducing theamount of fuel used when transporting [...]our products. jabra.com |
其中,总用水量定额值是按照定额标准估算的住宅(住区)用水总量;自来水用量实际值是 考虑节水方案后,住宅(住区)实际自来水用量。 greencouncil.org | Among others, [...] total ration of consumed water refers tothe total water consumption estimated according to the rationing standard of the residential buildings (areas); actual amount ofconsumed water refers to the amount of water actually used by the building (area) after taking into account of thewater efficiencyplan. greencouncil.org |
中的资料包括服务个别层面的效能 (网页防毒和防间谍程式效能、网页 URL 过滤效能、依 URL 类别计算的使用者浏览时间、依个别 URL 计算的使用者浏览时间、依 URL 类别计算的使用者频宽使用 量、依个别 URL 计算的使用者频宽使用量、特定使用者造访的 URL 数目、依 URL 类别或个别网站计算 的总浏览时间或总频宽)。 symanteccloud.com | Data in the detailed reports includes information on the performance of individual aspects of the service (Web AntiVirus and AntiSpyware performance, Web URL Filtering performance, User browse time by URL category, User browse time by individual URL, User bandwidth usage by URL category, User bandwidth usage by individual URL, the number of URLs visited by specific users, Total browse time or Total bandwidth by URL category or individual websites). symanteccloud.com |
这种影响包括:通过利用核技术更有效地 确定最佳施用量和最佳时机,实现了肥料节省;通过突变辅助作物育种技术培育出产 [...] 量更高、抗病和耐旱的粮食和经济作物;利用核技术评定土地退化和土壤侵蚀,为实 施土壤养护战略提供了支持;广泛利用各种技术对国家牲畜接种计划的有效性进行了 [...]监测;创建无果蝇区,从而带来了粮食增产、出口市场准入和更好就业机会的效益。 daccess-ods.un.org | It includes: savings in [...] fertilizer usemade possible throughthe use ofnuclear [...]techniques to more effectively determine [...]optimal application and timing; higher yielding, disease and drought resistant food and industrial crops through mutation assisted plant breeding techniques; use of nuclear techniques to assess land degradation and soil erosion in support of soil conservation strategies; widespread use of technologies to monitor the effectiveness of national livestock vaccination programmes, and; the creation of fruit fly free areas that have brought benefits of increased food production, access to exports markets and better employment opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
展望未来,本公司期望除了在既有优良的通讯品 质及客户结构上持续进步,更希望透过多项在通 [...] 路结构、加值服务等方面的创新作为,提升竞争 力及增强用户忠诚度与使用量,进而提升本公司 之整体营运绩效。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | Looking forward, the Company plans to strengthen communications quality, improve customer portfolio, create new sales channels, and provide [...] varied value-added services in order to retain customer [...] loyalty, boost consumption, and raise its [...]overall operating results. english.taiwanmobile.com |