单词 | 用膳 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 用膳 noun —meal n用膳 —dineExamples:用膳时间 n—meal break n See also:膳—meals
至於其他各方面的工作安排,包括 用膳時間 、落場時間以及培訓時間,差不多所有受訪企業均表示預期不會作出任何改變。 labour.gov.hk | For other work [...] arrangements including meal breaks, shift [...]breaks and training time, nearly all responding enterprises indicated [...]that they anticipated no change. labour.gov.hk |
不過,在 每月工資減少的配對目標僱員中,他們享有有薪休息日及有 薪 用膳 時 間的情況並沒有變 化。 labour.gov.hk | Nevertheless, for matched target employees with decreases in monthly wages, their entitlement to paid rest days and paid meal breaks remained unchanged. labour.gov.hk |
午餐方面,超過七成(72%)出外進食的白領人士慣於在茶餐廳及快餐 店 用膳。 hkupop.hku.hk | For lunch, 72% white-collars who eat out frequent at local tea restaurants (cha-chan-teng) or fast food stores. hkupop.hku.hk |
我們鼓勵市民不單在用膳時注 重“三低”原則,在選購預先包 裝食物時亦應留意,而營養標 籤上的資料在這時候便十分 有用。 cfs.gov.hk | We encourage people to adopt “3 Low” not just when having meals, but also when shopping for prepackaged food. cfs.gov.hk |
(i) 僱員的用膳時間 中介公司僱員由中介公司聘用,用膳 時 間 是否有薪,視乎由雙方簽訂的僱員合約條文 而定。 devb.gov.hk | The agency workers are employed by the EAs, and whether the meal break is paid or not is governed by the employment contract between the two parties. devb.gov.hk |
餐厅设有宽敞舒适的用膳区, 可同时容纳多达118名客人,客人可选择在浪漫的户外露台上 享 用 精 美 膳 食 , 亦可在空调房内体验舒适的就餐体验。 shangri-la.com | Boasting a spacious dining area with seating capacity of 118 persons, diners have the option of dining al fresco at the romantic outdoor terrace or in air-conditioned comfort. shangri-la.com |
一名牧師到聖路易斯市Applebee餐廳 用膳 , 由於同行有8,9人,賬單自動加上18%的小費。 ktsf.com | LOUIS (AP) The note at the top of a restaurant receipt reads simply, “I give God 10%, why do you get 18? ktsf.com |
現 時 大部分 僱 員 在 其 工作時間內 均 沒有休 息時段,部 分甚至沒有用膳 時 段 , 而 僱 主 要 求 僱 員 在 休 息 日 工作的 情 況 亦 日 趨 普遍, 此舉不僅 損 害 僱 員的身 心 健 康、增加 發生意外和患 職 業 病 的 機 會,同 時亦減低 工 作 效 率 ;為此, 本 會 促 請 政 府 立法規定僱 主 須讓僱 員 在工作時間內享 有 合理的休 息和用膳 時間, 並 檢 討 現 行 勞 工 法例,以 確 保 僱 員 享 有 休 息 日的權 利 。 legco.gov.hk | That, as most employees currently do not have [...] rest breaks — some [...] even have no meal breaks, during their working hours, and it has become increasingly prevalent for employers to require their employees to work on rest days, which harms employees' mental and physical health, increases the occurrence of accidents and the contracting of occupational diseases, and also reduces work efficiency, this Council urges the Government to stipulate by legislation that employers should provide their employees with reasonable rest and meal breaks during working hours, as [...]well as to review the [...]existing labour laws with a view to ensuring that employees enjoy the right to have rest days. legco.gov.hk |
按照 CCFAC [...] 关于挑选引起暴露的食品组的标准,JECFA 利用膳食暴露估计数确 定对暴露量有重大影响的食品/食品组。 codexalimentarius.org | From dietary exposure estimates JECFA [...] identifies foods/food groups that contribute significantly to the exposure according [...]to CCFAC’s criteria for selecting food groups that contribute to exposure. codexalimentarius.org |
原本員工可以拿着飯票在那裏用膳, 但 管理階 層突然告訴員工不能在那裏用膳,把飯票都交給了裝修判頭的工人使 用。 legco.gov.hk | Originally, the staff can take a meal in the canteen with a meal ticket but the management suddenly told the staff that they could not take a meal there, and the meal tickets were all given to the workers of the renovation contractor. legco.gov.hk |
中介公司僱員是受聘於中介公司, 用膳 時 間是否有薪是由雙方簽訂的僱傭合 約所規限。 devb.gov.hk | The agency workers are employed by the EAs, and whether the meal break is paid or not is governed by the employment contract between the two parties We do not have information on this matter. devb.gov.hk |
屬於工作時數。用膳時間薪酬已 包括在本表(丙 ) 項 所列的每月工 資內。 afcd.gov.hk | counted as hours worked and its pay has been included in the monthly wages payable under (c) of this Table; (Note 11) afcd.gov.hk |
我們希望各位為摯友挑選佳節禮物或外 出 用膳 的 同 時, 亦為幫助有需要的人士而感到快樂,令消費於這個佳節變得更有意義。 mastercard.com | We hope that by making spending meaningful this holiday season, everyone can feel good about supporting a worthy cause as they shop for gifts for loved ones or dine out with family and friends. mastercard.com |
在墨西哥進膳時,您應將雙手保持在桌面以上水平,而 且 用膳 完 畢後亦可留席片刻。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | It will be polite if you stay at the table for a moment after you have finished your meal. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
(i) 中介公司僱員的有薪用膳時間 中介公司僱員受聘於中介公司,他們 的 用膳 時 間 是否有薪受中介公司與僱員 之間的僱傭合約管限,地政總署沒有中介公司與僱員之間合約的資料。 landsd.gov.hk | The agency workers are employed by the EAs, and whether the meal break is paid or not is governed by the employment contract between the EAs and the agency workers. landsd.gov.hk |
本刊列載該些人士的基本人口、社會及經濟概況、工作時間內 的 用膳 及 休 息時段的特徵資料及工作時間內沒 有 用膳 / 休 息時段的主要原因。 censtatd.gov.hk | Basic demographic and socio-economic profiles of these persons, the information of their meal / rest breaks and the reason for not having meal/rest breaks during working hours were presented. censtatd.gov.hk |
当然每一个基督徒在用膳之前 ,无论在 公开场合,或自己家中,都要低头献上感谢。 bbnradio.org | Certainly every Christian should bow his head and give thanks before eating his meals, whether in public or at home. bbnradio.org |
我們沒有關於中介公司僱員用膳時間是否有薪的資料。 csd.gov.hk | We do not have information on whether they are remunerated for meal break. csd.gov.hk |
愈 来 愈 多 市 民 出 外 用 膳 , 他 们 或 会 选 择 市 面 出 售 的 三 文 治 。 cfs.gov.hk | They are also considered as lightmeals for lunch. As more people are eating-out, the commercially availablesandwiches may be their choice. cfs.gov.hk |
綠色木門、富質感的家具和典雅的咖啡座椅,滲出英式小屋的格調--餐廳內分成兩 個 用膳 區 , 主廳部分擺放了木製餐桌,讓客人盡情享受美食;酒吧檯、室外空間和下層範圍,則提供一個大夥兒悠閒暢飲的私人空間。 think-silly.com | Green wooden door, furniture with texture and elegant coffee seating — these create an atmosphere not unlike an English cottage. think-silly.com |
如根據本附表第二條款所表列,僱員 的用 膳時間 屬於僱員的工作時數 , 在計算僱員每月工資時,僱員的平均每日正常工作時數須 包括該段用膳時間。 afcd.gov.hk | If the periods of meal time as specified in the Tables under Clause 2 are counted as hours worked, such periods shall be included in the average number of normal hours of work per day for derivation of the monthly wages. afcd.gov.hk |
在澳洲餐廳用膳時, 其中一種餐飲禮儀是將湯匙以向外打圈形式來喝湯。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | When you dine in Australia, move the spoon away from you when drinking soup. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
超過八成(81%)白領人士認為長期出外 用膳 會 引致健康問題,特別是高膽固醇(84%)、肥胖(81%)、心臟病/高血壓(53%),及糖尿病(52%)。 hkupop.hku.hk | As many as 81% white-collars consider eating out too often would lead to health problems, especially high cholesterol (84%), overweight (81%), heart problem/high blood pressure (53%) and diabetes (52%). 56% white-collars consider healthy food choice when eating out is limited. hkupop.hku.hk |
在各類消費項目中,價格在二零一二年九月份錄得按年升幅的類別為住屋(在綜合消費物價指數中上升5.6%及在甲類消費物價指數中上升6.9%),外 出 用膳 ( 分 別上升5.1%及5.3%),電力、燃氣及水(分別上升3.7%及3.0%),食品(不包括外 出 用膳 ) ( 分別上升3.4%及3.5%),雜項服務(分別上升3.0%及2.1%),交通(分別上升2.1%及1.5%),衣履(分別上升2.0%及3.7%),雜項物品(分別上升1.2%及2.4%)和煙酒(分別上升0.7%及0.9%)。 censtatd.gov.hk | Amongst the various CPI components, year-on-year increases in prices were recorded in September 2012 for housing (5.6% in the Composite CPI and 6.9% in the CPI(A)); meals bought away from home (5.1% in the Composite CPI and 5.3% in the CPI(A)); [...] electricity, gas and [...] water (3.7% in the Composite CPI and 3.0% in the CPI(A)); food (excluding meals bought away from home) (3.4% in the Composite CPI and 3.5% in the CPI(A)); [...]miscellaneous services [...](3.0% in the Composite CPI and 2.1% in the CPI(A)); transport (2.1% in the Composite CPI and 1.5% in the CPI(A)); clothing and footwear (2.0% in the Composite CPI and 3.7% in the CPI(A)); miscellaneous goods (1.2% in the Composite CPI and 2.4% in the CPI(A)) and alcoholic drinks and tobacco (0.7% in the Composite CPI and 0.9% in the CPI(A)). censtatd.gov.hk |
另外,香港特区于2008年4 月推行“有 『营』食肆运动”,鼓励和协助食肆提供更多以水果蔬菜为主,并含较少油、 盐、糖的菜式,藉以让市民外出用膳 时 有 更多健康菜式选择。 daccess-ods.un.org | Separately, the EatSmart@restaurant.hk Campaign was launched throughout HKSAR in April 2008 to encourage restaurants to provide a greater variety of menu choices that are rich in fruit and vegetables as well as low in oil, salt and sugar content. daccess-ods.un.org |
中菜優惠不適用於2月7日至12日(農歷新年前三日及首三日)、5月11日及12日(母親節及前夕)、6月15日及16日(父親節及前夕)、9月18日及19日(中秋節及前夕)、12月21日及22日(冬至及前夕) • 咖啡室及其他主題餐廳優惠不適用於2月14日(情人節)、5月11日及12日(母親節及前夕)、12月23日至26日(聖誕節)及12月31日 (除夕) • 不可與免費泊車同時使用 • 不適用於餐酒、飲品、茶芥、宴會、全包宴、廳 房 用膳 及 預 售門票之項目 • 須預先訂座,優惠視乎供應而定 • 堂食食品優惠須另加一服務費並按原價計算 hangseng.com | Offers at Chinese Restaurants are not applicable on 7 to 12 Feb (3 days before and First 3 days of Lunar New Year), 11 to 12 May (Mother's Day and eve), 15 to 16 Jun (Father's Day and eve), 18 to 19 Sep (Mid-Autumn Festival and eve), 21 to 22 Dec (Winter Solstice and eve) • Offers at Coffee Shop and Specialty Restaurants are not applicable on 14 Feb (Valentine's Day), 11 to 12 May (Mother's Day and eve), 23 to 26 Dec (Christmas) and 31 Dec (New Year Eve) • Offers cannot be used in conjunction with complimentary valet parking • Offers are not applicable to wine, beverage, banquet, all-inclusive packages, private room dining and ticket sales events • Advance reservation is required and is subject to availability • Dine-in food offers are subject to 10% service charge and based on original price hangseng.com |
Casual Dining 的确是足有佳肴的一餐、不过于庄重或价格昂高,大家都可以在什么时候都能 来 用膳 而 不需要先打一个计划或有任何准备。 buds.vnnavi.com.vn | Casual Dining should be a really delicious and sufficient meal but not the one too luxurious and expensive so everyone can visit anytime and with any person but without the need to plan or prepare beforehand. buds.vnnavi.com.vn |
根據所收集的資料得出學校日常午膳餐款數目、小四及小五學生 午 膳用 餐 率 及午膳價格範 圍。 cheu.gov.hk | Based on the collected information, number of daily lunch choices, lunch subscription rate of P4 and P5 students and the price range of school lunch were found. cheu.gov.hk |
研究發現,同一週內不 同上課日學生午膳用餐率 可有不同,因此 午 膳用 餐 率僅為平均數字。 chp.gov.hk | It was found that students’ subscription for lunch varied between school days within the same week thus the lunch subscription rates were average figures only. chp.gov.hk |
這項研究的結果對本港及國際社會同樣具有價 [...] 值,不但可就本港市民日常食用的本地發酵食物氨基甲酸乙酯含量提供 第一手資料,而且可用作評 估本港市民 從 膳 食 攝 入的氨基甲酸乙酯量對 健康所帶來的風險,還可列作污染物數據,提交專家委員會載入相關的 [...]數據庫。 cfs.gov.hk | The study would be of value to both the local and international community, for providing first-hand information on the [...] level of contamination of EC in the commonly consumed local fermented foods in Hong Kong, for assessment of the [...] associated health risk of dietary exposure to EC of the local [...]population, [...]and for submission of the EC contamination data to the JECFA database. cfs.gov.hk |