

单词 用户到网络的接口

External sources (not reviewed)

例如,我们可能会依据某些通用的兴趣类别或领域选择显示的广告,判断的依据是 (a) 人口统计学或兴趣数据,包括您可能在创建帐户时提供的任何数据(例如,年龄、邮政编码和性别),从其他公司获得的 口 统 计 学或兴趣数据,以及从您的 IP 地址判断出的大致地理位置;(b) 您使用 Microsoft 或其广告户网站和服务时浏览过的页面或点击过的 接 , 以及 (c) 您使用 Microsoft 的 Live Search 等 Internet 搜索服务时输入过的搜索词汇,例如 Bing;(d) 您通过 Microsoft 的通信或社网络服务(如 Messenger)最常进行交的用户的相关 信息。
For example, we may select the ads we display according to certain general interest categories or segments that we have inferred based on (a) demographic or interest data, including any you may have provided when creating an
account (e.g. age, zip or
[...] postal code, and gender), demographic or interest data acquired from other companies, and a general geographic location derived from your IP address; (b) the pages you view and links you click when using Microsoft’s and its advertising partners’ Web sites and services; and (c) the search terms you enter when using Microsoft’s Internet search services, such as Bing, and (d) information about the users you most frequently interact with through Microsoft’s communications or social networking services, such as Messenger.
用户的应用程序无需OCR(光学字符识别)功能,Image2PDF还提供了一种方便简单的编写电子书(可放 到网络 中 ) 的 方 式
If your application doesn't require
[...] [...] OCR (Optical Character Recognition) functionality, Image2PDF provides a very convenient, simple way to compose electronic books which can then be issued to the Web.
该助理将支持综管系统的财务工作,包括具体规 定规范要求,测试变动,进行改进;支持差旅费报销(包括危险津贴申领)门户网 站,支持该户网站与综管系 的接口 ; 向会员国提供支持,让会员国能 到实 时缴款情况,包括汰换纸面明细表。
The Assistant will provide support for IMIS finance including specification of requirements and testing of changes and enhancements; provide support for the travel claims portal, including
with regard to hazard
[...] pay and the interface between the portal and IMIS; and provide support to Member States so that they can see contributions [...]
in real time, including
the replacement of paper statements.
此外,大会部还开发了一个经过简的网上查阅功能,使用户可以在网址 http://undocs.org 之后加上联合国正式文的文号进行检索。例如用户在网络 浏 览 器上输入“undocs.org/A/62/793”,就 能 绕过与正式文件系统有的其它 一系列步骤, 接 查 到 这 份 大会文件。
In addition, the Department has
developed simplified online
[...] access by making it possible to add a United Nations official document symbol to the URL http://undocs.org. For example, typing “undocs.org/A/62/793” in a Web browser will allow a user to bypass the additional ODS-related search steps, permitting immediate access to the specific General Assembly document.
从单个用户版(单个用户许可)升 到 具 有五个或更多协 用户的 NiceLabel 套网络版。
Upgrade software from stand-alone edition (single
[...] user license) to a NiceLabel Suite Network edition with five or more concurrent users.
传播和信息成果实例:在各部门收集数据和信 用 来 完 成C/3报告的过程中,传播和信 息部门指出,有关各种培训事项、研讨会、书籍发布会等的信息都已经被不断地收集起来了,在 “新闻事件”的名目下,由总部外办事处的传播和信息工作人员报告上来,再上 到 “ 网络 世 界” ——传播和信息部的门户网站上。
Communications and information, example of an achievement: Concerning the processes undertaken by the sectors in assembling
the data and
[...] information which were submitted as their contributions for the completion of the C/3 report, the CI Sector indicated that information pertaining to various training events, seminars, book launches, etc., were already being collected on an ongoing basis, under the banner of “news events” reported from CI staff in field offices, and uploaded onto “Web World”, the CI portal.
外线设备产品包括总局、基站和多级保护器以 网络接口 器件 (NIDS) 和数用户线路 (DSL) 产品。
Outside Plant products include central office,
station and multi-stage
[...] protectors as well as network interface devices (NIDS) and digital subscriber line (DSL) products.
与此同时,研究所始终十分依赖蒙特利尔大学电子基础设施系统,由它 负责研究网络包括 外部服务器的安全保障,并管理远程 使 用 研 究 所外部资 的接 口。
It is nevertheless highly dependent on the electronic infrastructure
of the
[...] University of Montreal, which ensures the security of its networks, including external servers, and manages remote access [...]
to UIS external resources.
所有手动测的设置 以及其测试结果都可以保存到闪存卡 中,并通过 USB 存储器或网络接口传送到 PC 机
The settings and results of all manual tests can be stored on a flash memory and transfered to a PC using a USB memory stick or ethernet connection.
接入网 指 公用电信网中,接入网介于本地交换机和用户之间,主要完成使用户接 到 核 心 网的 任务,接入网由业务节点口(SNI)用户网络接口 ( UN I)之间一系列设备组成。
It is formed by a line of equipment between the service node interface (SNI) and the user network interface (UNI).
客户机开发者选择客户机代码中要使 用 的 逻辑名称,并将它在 Web 服务户机部署描述符中随所的服 务 接口 一 起 声明。
A client developer chooses the logical
[...] name to be used in the client code and declares it along with the required Service Interface in a Web service client deployment descriptor.
更明确的是,容器必须确保所需的服 接口的 实 现 必须按照 Web 服务户机部署描述符中的服务用 所 规 定的方式绑 到 客 户 机 所 选择的 JNDI 名称空间中的一个位置。
More specifically, the container must ensure that an
implementation of the
[...] required Service Interface is bound at a location in the JNDI namespace of the client's choosing as declared by the service reference in the Web services client deployment descriptor.
用PowerPoint打开要做网页的幻灯 片文件 接 着 点 击菜单“文件-另存为网页”,在弹出的“另存为” 口 中 点 击“更改标题”按钮来改一下幻灯片在网页中的标题名称,在“保存类型”中选择“单个文件网页”,然后设置一下保存的文件名和保存目录,点击“保存”按钮,生成网页文件后,我们只要把它们上 到 网 上 的空间就可以了(如图1)。
with PowerPoint slides open and making a web page file, then click the menu "File - Save as Web Page" in the pop-up "Save As" window, click the "Change Title" button to change it slides in the page in the title name in the "Save as type" select "Single File Web Page", then set about saving the file name and save the catalog, click the "Save" button, generate HTML files, we just upload them to the online space is be a (Figure 1).
两名处于支持宽带网络上的用户, 只 要给他们配备支持宽带的终端设备,将立即发现不同之处: 他们在通话过程中体到的音质将类似于他们站在同一间房间里的时候体验到的音质。
Two users on a wideband-enabled network, as long as they are equipped with wideband-ready end-devices, will notice the difference immediately: during a conversation, they experience a sound [...]
quality similar to
one they would experience if they were standing in the same room.
他们注到犯罪网络日益 趋同以及贩毒、贩运 口 和为 恐怖主义提供资助等不同犯罪活动相互之 的 关 联
They noted the growing convergence of criminal networks and the connections between different criminal activities, such as drug trafficking, trafficking [...] [...]
in persons and the financing of terrorism.
这些努力包括建立电子网关从而接 入 用 现有搜索引擎所无接入的最新研究及其他文件储存库;以及建立在线工 网络 从 而 使 用户 能 搜 索内 容并能生成和发展解决复杂问题的方法,特别是在发展领域。
These include the establishment of electronic gateways which provide access to the latest research and other document
repositories not currently
[...] accessible through existing search engines, and online engineering networks which enable users to search for content as well as generate and develop solutions to [...]
complex problems, in
particular in development areas.
IEEE 802.1X在网络视频系统中的工作过程如下:1)网络摄像机向交换机或接入点发送网 接 入 请 求;2)交换机或接入点将请求发送至验证服务器;例如RADIUS(拨 用户 远 程 认证服务)服务器,如Microsoft Internet Authentication Service服务器;3)如果验证成功,服务器通知交换机 接 入 点 打开 口 , 允 许 网络 摄 像 机 的 数 据 经交换机在网络中传送。
In a network video system, IEEE 802.1X can work as follows: 1) A network camera sends a request for network access to a switch or access point; 2) the switch or
access point forwards the query to an authentication server; for
[...] instance, a RADIUS (remote authentication dial-in user service) server such as a Microsoft Internet Authentication Service server; 3) if authentication is successful, the server instructs the switch or access point to open the port to allow data from the network camera to pass through the switch and be sent over the network.
关于IP地址、网关地址、子网掩码和MAC地 的 分 配信息,请参阅 网络接口 卡 用户 手 册 》。
For information on assigning the IP Address, Gateway Address,
[...] Subnet Mask, and MAC Address, refer to the Network Interface Card User's Manual.
[...] Mbps快速以太网控制器,以高度集成的封装支持行业领先的性能,使其成为主板集成网络功能(LAN)服务器 网络接口 卡 ( NIC) 用的 理 想 解决方案。
The VIA Velocity™ series of Gigabit Ethernet controllers and Rhine™ series of 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet controllers enable leading-edge performance in a highly
integrated package, making them ideal for
[...] server LAN on Motherboard (LOM), and Network Interface Card (NIC) [...]
通过其完备的基于络的接口,该 套包 的网络 部 分 为 用户 进 行 了SharePoint环境中的直接的可视化配置。
The web parts included in the suite are configured
[...] visually and directly in SharePoint environment, through an exhaustive web-based interface.
作为国有的电力公司,魁北克水电公司也已经承诺开发和运营未 接到 其 主 网络的 水 力 发电项目,以满足各个工业 项目的能源和电力需求,包括《北部大开发计划》所涵盖地区的矿业运营所需。85 [...]
该等电力供应合同的条款和条件 将在私营部门实体和魁北克水电公司之间进行磋商。
The state-owned utility has also pledged to
develop and operate
[...] hydroelectric projects not linked to its main network in order satisfy [...]
the energy and power needs of
individual industrial projects, including mining operations in the territory covered by the Plan Nord.85 The terms and conditions of such power supply contracts will be negotiated between the private sector entities and Hydro-Québec.
在 2002-2003 年的这一阶段,对外关系与合作部门/与全国委员会和新合作伙伴关系处 在传播能力方面的主要目标已经到 : 对 现有的四个数据库进行了第一阶段的现代化,建立 了全国委员会电子论坛,为全国委员会及其合作伙伴出版了一本《关于传媒关系的传媒指 南》,为全国委员会举办了有关传媒关系、信息和传播技 的 一 系列 10 个培训班,提出了 革新性传播项目,包括知识户网站 ( 其中有一个 用网 站 ),为全国委员会制作了一个只 读光盘和一个万维网样板,出版了一年两 的 简 讯 《全国委员会与新合作伙伴协同作用》。
At this stage in the 2002-2003 biennium, the main targets of the ERC/NCP communication capacity have already been met: the first phase of
modernization of the four existing databases, the
[...] launching of an electronic discussion forum for National Commissions, the publication of a media guide on media relations for National Commissions and their partners, a series of 10 training seminars in media relations and ICT skills for National Commissions, the advancement of innovative communication projects including the Knowledge Portal (which houses a dedicated website), the production of a CD-ROM and of a website template for National Commissions, and the publication of the twice-yearly newsletter NCP Synergy.
履行机构注到气候技术倡的私营 融资咨 网络口头 提供的关于该网络为加快执行与环境署合作评估技术需要评估确认的任何项目, 以确定其是否适合获得私营部门投资的情况。
The SBI noted information provided orally by the Climate Technology Initiative’s Private Financing Advisory Network on its collaboration [...]
with UNEP to assess
any projects identified under the TNAs to determine their suitability for private-sector investment in order to accelerate implementation.
可直接云访问的典型用场合 包括从传统办公室工作站和信息终端到紧急情况(灾难恢复), 到 通 过 门 户网 站 链 接的 公 司分支机构和基于家庭的工作站(如 Citrix 安全接入网关)。
Typical application scenarios for direct cloud access range from conventional office workstations and information terminals, to emergency situations (disaster recovery) through to linking company branch offices and home-based workstations by means of web portals (e.g. Citrix Secure Access Gateway).
从简单的温度调节控制器到具有可自由调节参数、可存储程序的 控制系统,从带自诊断系统的PID微处理控制 到用 于 连 接 计 算 机 的接口 , 我 们的产品方案能够满足 您的各种需求。
From the simple controller with an adjustable temperature to the control unit with freely
configurable control
[...] parameters, stored programs, PID microprocessor control with self-diagnosis system and a computer interface, we have a solution to meet your requirements.
信息和传播技术为穷人用,其 主要方式包括 1)将信息和传播中心与各种社区媒体接起来 ,包括印刷媒体、有线广播和电视;2)在现有资源 网络的 基 础 上,建立穷人特别 是贫穷妇女的自助小组(SHGs),以及地方青年会;3)加强横向联系,比如在穷人和国立 大学之间,以及在更广泛的一般社区范围内;4)对信息和传播技术设施实行战略性配备, 比如在妇女之家、地方火车站和各类地方学校;并 5)调整和应用创新技术,如手持、手写 和触摸屏电脑。
Key strategies for ICT use by the poor include (1) linking ICT centres with various types of community media, including print and both cable radio and television; (2) building on existing assets and networks of the poor, particularly [...]
women’s self-help
groups (SHGs) and local youth clubs; (3) strengthening horizontal linkages, for instance between the poor and state universities and more broadly within the community-at-large; (4) strategically locating ICT facilities, in women’s homes, in local railway stations and various types of local schools; and (5) innovating adaptations and new applications of technology, including hand-held, tablet and touchscreen computers.
咨询委员会获悉,这种方法有以下益处:(a) 所有地 点都有全球范围的大幅度折扣;(b) 能更快确定问题的症结所在,从而最大限度 地减少本组网络意外 停机时间;(c) 具备互操作性,减少了事故发生时多个供 应商之间相互指责的现象,还可在所有办事处执行共 的 最 终 用户 电 话 程序。
The Advisory Committee was informed that this approach provides the following benefits: (a) significant worldwide discounts for all locations; (b) speedier diagnosis of problems, thereby minimizing
unplanned downtime of the
[...] Organization’s networks; and (c) interoperability, which reduces finger-pointing among multiple vendors when incidents occur and also allows implementation of common end-user procedures for telephones [...]
at all offices.
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