

单词 用户到网络接口



User-Network Interface

External sources (not reviewed)

外线设备产品包括总局、基站和多级保护器以 网络接口 器件 (NIDS) 和数用户线路 (DSL) 产品。
Outside Plant products include central office,
station and multi-stage
[...] protectors as well as network interface devices (NIDS) and digital subscriber line (DSL) products.
网络接口:使用本接 口您可以将打印机连 到 一 个 LAN(局域网) 中,而不是将打印机直接连接到主机上。
Network Interface Port: This interface allows you to attach the printer to [...]
a LAN (Local Area Network) rather than attaching
it directly to a host computer.
关于IP地址、网关地址、子网掩码和MAC地址的分配信息,请参阅 网络接口 卡 用户 手 册 》。
For information on assigning the IP Address, Gateway Address, Subnet Mask, and MAC Address,
[...] refer to the Network Interface Card User's Manual.
此外,大会部还开发了一个经过简化 的网上查阅功能,使用户可以在网址 http://undocs.org 之后加上联合国正式文件 的文号进行检索。例如用户在网络 浏 览 器上输入“undocs.org/A/62/793”,就 能 绕过与正式文件系统有关的其它一系列步骤, 接 查 到 这 份 大会文件。
In addition, the Department has developed simplified online access by making it possible to add a United Nations official document symbol to the URL http://undocs.org.
For example,
[...] typing “undocs.org/A/62/793” in a Web browser will allow a user to bypass the additional ODS-related search steps, permitting immediate access to the specific General Assembly [...]
所有手动测试的设置以及其测试结果都可以保存到闪存卡 中,并通过 USB 存储器或网络接口传送到 PC 机
The settings and results of all manual tests can be stored on a flash memory
[...] and transfered to a PC using a USB memory stick or ethernet connection.
接入网 指 公用电信网中,接入网介于本地交换机和用户之间,主要完成使用户接 到 核 心 网的 任务,接入网由业务节点口(SNI)用户网络接口 ( UN I)之间一系列设备组成。
It is formed by a line of equipment between the service node interface (SNI) and the user network interface (UNI).
客户机开发者选择客户机代码中要使 用 的 逻辑名称,并将它在 Web 服务户机部署描述符中随所需的服 接口 一 起 声明。
A client developer chooses the logical
[...] name to be used in the client code and declares it along with the required Service Interface in a Web service client deployment descriptor.
用PowerPoint打开要做网页的 幻灯片文件 接 着 点 击菜单“文件-另存 网 页 ” ,在弹出的“另存为” 口 中 点 击“更改标题”按钮来改一下幻灯片在网页中的标题名称,在“保存类型”中选择“单个文件网页”,然后设置一下保存的文件名和保存目录,点击“保存”按钮,生成网页文件后,我们只要把它们上 到 网 上 的空间就可以了(如图1)。
with PowerPoint slides open and making a web page file, then click the menu "File - Save as Web Page" in the pop-up "Save As" window, click the "Change Title" button to change it slides in the page in the title name in the "Save as type" select "Single File Web Page", then set about saving the file name and save the catalog, click the "Save" button, generate HTML files, we just upload them to the online space is be a (Figure 1).
传播和信息成果实例:在各部门收集数据和信 用 来 完 成C/3报告的过程中,传播和信 息部门指出,有关各种培训事项、研讨会、书籍发布会等的信息都已经被不断地收集起来了,在 “新闻事件”的名目下,由总部外办事处的传播和信息工作人员报告上来,再上 到 “ 网络 世 界” ——传播和信息部门的户网站上。
Communications and information, example of an achievement: Concerning the processes undertaken by the sectors in assembling
the data and
[...] information which were submitted as their contributions for the completion of the C/3 report, the CI Sector indicated that information pertaining to various training events, seminars, book launches, etc., were already being collected on an ongoing basis, under the banner of “news events” reported from CI staff in field offices, and uploaded onto “Web World”, the CI portal.
两名处于支持宽带网络上的用户, 只 要给他们配备支持宽带的终端设备,将立即发现不同之处: 他们在通话过程中体到的音质将类似于他们站在同一间房间里的时候体验到的音质。
Two users on a wideband-enabled network, as long as they are equipped with wideband-ready end-devices, will notice the difference immediately: during a conversation, they experience a sound [...]
quality similar to
one they would experience if they were standing in the same room.
此工具可以让普用户连接到网络, 它还提供了一个统一的界面进行KDE、其他桌面(例如GNOME)的网络配置,不需要重复开发网络处理逻辑。
Along with the advantage
[...] of allowing normal users to control the configuration the network it also allows one consistent interface for network configuration [...]
on KDE, and other
desktops (e.g. GNOME) can use the network manager back end without each having to implement the logic to handle network configuration.
IEEE 802.1X在网络视频系统中的工作过程如下:1)网络摄像机向交换机或接入点发送 络接 入 请 求;2)交换机或接入点将请求发送至验证服务器;例如RADIUS(拨 用户 远 程 认证服务)服务器,如Microsoft Internet Authentication Service服务器;3)如果验证成功,服务器通知交换机或接入点打开 口 , 允 许 网络 摄 像机的数据经交换机在网络中传送。
In a network video system, IEEE 802.1X can work as follows: 1) A
network camera sends a request for network access to a switch or access point; 2) the switch or access point forwards the query to an authentication server; for
[...] instance, a RADIUS (remote authentication dial-in user service) server such as a Microsoft Internet Authentication Service server; 3) if authentication is successful, the server instructs the switch or access point to open the port to allow data from the network camera to pass through the switch and be sent over the network.
用户的应用程序无需OCR(光学字符识别)功能,Image2PDF还提供了一种方便简单的编写电子书(可放 到网络 中 ) 的方式。
If your application doesn't require
[...] (Optical Character Recognition) functionality, Image2PDF provides a very convenient, simple way to compose electronic books which can then be issued to the Web.
[...] Mbps快速以太网控制器,以高度集成的封装支持行业领先的性能,使其成为主板集成网络功能(LAN)服务器 网络接口 卡 ( NIC) 用 的 理 想解决方案。
The VIA Velocity™ series of Gigabit Ethernet controllers and Rhine™ series of 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet controllers enable leading-edge performance in a highly
integrated package, making them ideal for server LAN on
[...] Motherboard (LOM), and Network Interface Card (NIC) applications.
有时候需要把幻灯片发到网络上去 ,这样 户 们 就 可以通过网络来欣赏幻灯片了,如果 接 把 PPT文件挂在超级链接上,有可能就成了下载或 用 P o w er Point打开了,使用起来并不方便。
sometimes need to go up the slide release to the network, so customers can enjoy the slides through the network, if the PPT files directly linked to the super link, it is possible to download or [...]
use of PowerPoint has become open, not convenient to use.
你可以使用Jpcap从一网络接口获取 数据包,然后在Java中对它们进行分析和显示。
You can use Jpcap from a network interface for data packets [...]
, and then in Java analysis and display them .
使用本网站,包括网站所有的服务和资料,表示您同意:不上传、张贴、或以其他方式传输任何病毒或其他有害的、破坏性或破坏性档案;不使用假身份;未经授权不使用或尝试其它用户的帐户、密码、服务或系统;不破坏或干扰任何其 用户 的 站点或站点附属或 接 网 站 ;不破坏或干扰网站的安全性或以其他方式损害网站或任何服务、材料、系统资源、帐户、密码、服务器及通过本网站 接 的 网络 或 链 接 网 站 或链接点。
In using the Website, including all services and materials available through it, you agree: not to upload, post, or otherwise transmit through the Website any viruses or other harmful, disruptive, or destructive files; not to create a false identity; not to use or attempt to use another’s account, password, service, or system without authorization from; not to
disrupt or interfere
[...] with any other user’s enjoyment of the Site or affiliated or linked sites; not to disrupt or interfere with the security of, or otherwise cause harm to, the Website, or any services, materials, system resources, accounts, passwords, servers, or networks connected to or accessible through the Website or any linked sites.
用户接口和软 电话的行为通常基于普通电话,例如使用带有显示屏和按钮(用户可以用它们来拨号)的电话画面。
User interface and the behavior of a softphone are often based [...]
on common phones, for example by using the image of a telephone
with a display and buttons, which the user can use to dial the numbers.
网络SRX系列分支办事处业网关是一种安全路由器,它能够 为从少用户到成千上万用户的工 作场所提供必要的接、安全和管 理功能。
Juniper Networks SRX Series Services Gateways for the branch are secure routers that provide essential capabilities that connect, secure, and manage workforce locations sized from [...]
handfuls to hundreds of users.
从单个用户版(单个用户许可)升 到 具 有五个或更多协 用户的 NiceLabel 套网络版。
Upgrade software from stand-alone edition (single user
[...] license) to a NiceLabel Suite Network edition with five or more concurrent users.
从简单的温度调节控制器到具有可自由调节参数、可存储程序的 控制系统,从带自诊断系统的PID微处理控制 到用 于 连 接 计 算机 的 接口 , 我 们的产品方案能够满足 您的各种需求。
From the simple controller with an adjustable temperature to the control unit with freely
configurable control
[...] parameters, stored programs, PID microprocessor control with self-diagnosis system and a computer interface, we have a solution to meet your requirements.
[...] 使用虚拟串行端口功能,但是即使是本地端口共享,也是以 TCP/IP 协议为基础的,除 非用至少一个网络接口,否则 TCP/IP 协议将不可用。
While you may not choose to use the virtual serial port facility, even the local sharing
of ports is based upon the TCP/IP protocol, which will not be
[...] available unless at least one network interface is enabled.
通过调查鼠标位置数据在浏览器口 之 外 可见时的特定行为 网 站 只能查看鼠标的状态;他们无法 到用户 正 在交互的实际内容。
From investigating the specific behavior when mouse position data is visible outside the browser window, sites can view only the mouse state; they cannot view the actual content that the user is interacting with.
环境规划署会定期邀请在同一区域工作的其他机构参加重要 网络 会 议 ,而且在多 数情况下,履约协助方案小组都会向其他机构提供支助,如果没 接到 申 请 ,它会尽量避 免直接干预其他机构执行的项目。
UNEP regularly invites the other agencies that
work in the same
[...] region to the main network meetings and the CAP teams have in many cases provided support to other agencies, generally avoiding any direct intervention in [...]
projects implemented by other agencies, if not so requested.
咨询委员会获悉,这种方法有以下益处:(a) 所有地 点都有全球范围的大幅度折扣;(b) 能更快确定问题的症结所在,从而最大限度 地减少本组网络意外 停机时间;(c) 具备互操作性,减少了事故发生时多个供 应商之间相互指责的现象,还可在所有办事处执行共同的最 用户 电 话 程序。
The Advisory Committee was informed that this approach provides the following benefits: (a) significant worldwide discounts for all locations; (b) speedier diagnosis of problems, thereby minimizing
unplanned downtime of the
[...] Organization’s networks; and (c) interoperability, which reduces finger-pointing among multiple vendors when incidents occur and also allows implementation of common end-user procedures for telephones [...]
at all offices.
从基础开始建造,专门用于控制大量RDM产品,允 用户 在 DMX/ R D M 网络 内 查 找任意RDM设备,自动 接 和 设 置灯具,实现接收灯具上的状态更新,灯具模式、灯泡开/关等的配置设置。
Built from the ground up specifically for controlling large rigs of RDM enabled
products, the Bluebox RDM
[...] controller allows users to search for any RDM enabled product in a DMX/RDM Network, automatically [...]
patch the fixture, and
control the fixture, as well as receive status updates on the fixture and configure settings such as fixture mode, lamp on/off and more.
其他培训工作包括:行政官员培训计划,已重新设计该计划,以增强教科文组织的财 务和行政管理能力,特别是增强总部外机构在这些方面的能力;监督能力培训,以改进高职
级的一般事务人员直至 P 4
[...] 级专业人员的管理技能;团队建设讲习班,以加强总部外办事处 内部的配合;项目管理/资源调动研讨会,以提高专业人员的项目管理技能;在总部举办了 关于新的财政和预算系统(FABS)的培训,大约 1000 名用户接受了 35 个单元的培训;语 言培训,2002--2003 学年参加学习的工作人员人数增到约 300 人。
Other training initiatives included the Administrative Officer training programme which has been redesigned to reinforce the financial and administrative capacity in UNESCO, particularly in the field; the Supervisory Skills Training to improve management skills among senior GS staff and Professionals up to P-4; Team-Building workshops with the objective of reinforcing teamwork within field offices; Project Management/Resource Mobilization seminars to improve project management skills among Professional staff; training on the new Finance and Budget
[...] (FABS) at Headquarters, with about 1,000 users trained across 35 modules; and the Language training which saw an increased participation of some [...]
300 staff
members for the scholastic year 2002-2003.




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