

单词 用完

用完 verb

run out v

External sources (not reviewed)

该部预计到 2009 年底就用完所提供的全部经费。
The Department expects to utilize the totality of the resources provided by the end of 2009.
如秘书长的报告(同上,第 5 段)所述,该部预计将会 全用完所分配的资金。
As indicated in the Secretary-General’s report (ibid., para. 5), the
[...] Department expects to fully utilize the allocated funds.
此外,器件用完全集成的有源偏置电路,只需一个正电压,从而将必需的外部组件数 目降至最低。
Additionally, these devices feature fully integrated active bias circuitry requiring only a single positive supply voltage, resulting in a minimal number of external components.
基础版可以从常见的被破坏的备份中保存数据,专业版允许用户 用完 整 的 备份的结构,以保存使用相同结构的那些重度损坏的备份文件的数据。
Basic version is enough to save data from usually
corrupted backups, and Pro version
[...] allows to re-use structure of intact backup in order [...]
to save data from heavily corrupted
backups with the same structure.
秘书处的代表解释,尽管拨款将在重大计划一级批准,向执行局 提出的报告依然要更详细地做出,使资金的 使 用完 全 透 明。
The representative of the Secretariat explained that, although appropriations would be approved at major programme level, reports to
the governing bodies would continue to be made at more detailed level in
[...] order that the use of funds be fully transparent.
在与工发组织深入讨论该项目的其他基本要素时,秘书处表示,考虑到该行业的氟 氯化碳消费量,正在审议的只是一个实验室的替代工作,以及墨西哥的其他公司已可大量
[...] 供应使用氢氟烷烃和干粉吸入器的计量吸入器等事实,项目编制工作可以用低于工发组织 所申请数额的用完成。
In further discussing other elements of the project with UNIDO, the Secretariat indicated that, considering the amount of CFC consumption in the sector, the fact that only one laboratory is being considered for replacement, and the fact that Mexico already has a large supply of MDIs using
both HFA and DPIs from other companies, the project preparation could be done at a
[...] lower cost than that requested [...]
举例来说,现有的信息对于使用完整 的“自下而 上法”还相当不详尽、不完整,该方法用来估计 [...]
For example, the existing
[...] information for using a complete “bottomup approach”, [...]
which involves estimating costs of specific
adaptations across the world, is far from being comprehensive and complete.
管线施工结束后、或者油箱用完空 气 进入后,必须按照下述 顺序对液压回路中的空气进行清除。
After installation, or if the circuit is opened subsequently, follow the procedure below to purge the air from the circuit.
8 6 上 訴 法 院 駁 回 運 輸 大 臣 的 上 訴 , 理 由 如 下
〆 上 訴 法 院 認 為 格 蘭 桑 頒 會 計 師 行 沒 有 自 行 擔 任
[...] 專 家 證 人 , 而 是用 完 全 獨 立 的 專 家 證 人 [...]
々 8 % 的 收 費 並 非 過 多 , 而 且 還 可 以 為 收 費 設 定 上
限 々 會 計 師 是 一 個 受 到 規 管 而 又 受 人 敬 重 的 專 業 , 格 蘭 桑 頒 會 計 師 行 在 該 行 業 內 信 譽 昭 著 , 任 何 合 理 的 旁 觀 者 都 不 會 認 真 地 懷 疑 該 會 計 師 行 會 因 為 對 訴 訟 結 果 有 財 務 上 的 利 益 而 背 離 誠 實 執 行 職 務 的 專 業 標 準 々 上 訴 法 院 已 經 考 慮 到 該 等 協 議 可 以 確 保 有 需 要 者 可 覓 得 司 法 公 正 , 而 且 公 共 政 策 並 沒 有 因 為 該 等 協 議 而 受 損 , 聆 案 官 已 正 確 地 裁 定 該 等 協 議 不 屬 於 包 攬 訴 訟 協 議 。
The Court of Appeal dismissed the Secretary of State‟s appeal because they found that Grant
Thornton had not acted as expert witnesses but
[...] had retained entirely independent experts; [...]
that the 8% was not extravagant and
was likely to operate as a cap on the fees; that no reasonable onlooker would seriously have suspected that Grant Thornton, who were reputable members of a respectable profession subject to regulation, would be tempted by their financial interest in the outcome of the proceedings to deviate from performing their duties in an honest manner; and having regard to the fact that the agreements ensured access to justice, public policy was not affronted by the agreements and the Master was correct in concluding that they were not champertous.
专家组的成员要求对各种实施情况,尤其是下列情况作出解释:有关计划活动和关于 优先群体的活动为何未按计划安排实施,从而造成第 II 篇的盈余;划拨给参与计划和青年干 部计划的资金未全用完的原 因;计划活动之外的某些领域超支的原因。
The members of the Group requested explanations on various aspects of the implementation, in particular on the programme activities and those concerning the priority groups, of which fewer than planned had been executed, and, hence the surplus under Part II; on the reasons why the full amount of the funds allocated to the Participation Programme and to the Young Professionals Programme had not been spent; and on the over-expenditure in a number of areas other than programme activities.
[...] 我們也要給業界足夠的指引,讓他們可以適當處理他們的容器,以及如何使 用這用完即棄的器皿。
At the same time, we have to issue sufficient
guidelines to the trade so that they can deal with the containers properly
[...] and know how to use the disposable [...]
可能时为卫星配备测量装置 以帮助确 定推进用完时的情况
Satellites are equipped, when possible, with measurement devices to assist in determining end-of-propellant conditions.
請注意下列事項:若電用完,或 您在傳輸期間意外按下重設按鈕,程序將無法完成,而您將 [...]
Please note the following: if
[...] the power goes off or you accidentally [...]
press RESET during the transfer, the procedure will
be incomplete and you will have to partition and format or clone the hard disc again.
所以,按我們現在所知,我們有需要釐清的一點是, 廣場在借用公眾地方作為展覽的用途時,是否能夠證明,亦能滿足這些用 完全是 由業主提供相關服務的相關費用的。
Therefore, as far as we know, what we need to clarify now is whether the owner of the Square can provide any proof which can satisfy people that all such charges are for the related services and facilities it provides.
2010 年下半年的 情况不再那么令人乐观,原因是闲置生产力已 用完 , 公 共开支削减和该区域一 些国家的货币大幅升值。
The scenario in the second half of 2010 was less optimistic, brought about by exhaustion of idle production capacity, public spending cuts and strong appreciation of the currencies of some countries of the region.
从 2012 年 1 月 1 日开始,联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署) 的会计政策以国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则)为基础,而不是以联合 国系统会计准则为基础,前者用完 全 权 责发生制方法,后者则采用订正权责发 生制会计方法。
The accounting policies of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women), as of 1 January 2012, are based on the International Public Sector
Accounting Standards
[...] (IPSAS), which use a full accrual method, rather than the United Nations system accounting standards, which use a modified [...]
accrual method.
Fully flexible legend key [...]
for distinguishing variables or samples by defined color and symbol.
2006 年,储存的 CTC 几乎全用完,但 在获得设备方面出现了严重的项目拖 延,其原因可能是朝鲜民主主义人民共和国没有批准《国际化学武器公约》(遵守 [...]
该公约的其他国家不得向朝鲜民主主义人民共和国出口能够用于生产化学武器的设 备)。
In 2006, the stocks of CTC had been virtually depleted, but there [...]
are serious project delays in obtaining equipment, possibly
due to non-ratification of the International Chemical Weapons Convention by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (other countries which adhere to this convention are not allowed to export equipment enabling the production of chemical weapons to the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea).
我們須待工程計劃完竣後,方能確定該等核准工程計劃,會否以較 核准預算為少的用完成。
We will be in a better position to confirm whether any of these approved
[...] projects is completed at a lower cost than the APE upon project completion.
核管理局负责授权和管制在地球观测卫星上安装核动力源的工作,确保核动力 源的设计和使用完全符 合阿根廷的放射安全标准以及《外层空间核动力源应用 [...]
The Nuclear Regulatory Authority (ARN) is in charge of the authorization and control of the inclusion of NPS on
Earth observation satellites, ensuring that
[...] the design and use of NPS will be fully compatible [...]
with Argentina’s radiological
safety standards and with the Safety Framework for Nuclear Power Source Applications in Outer Space (A/AC.105/934).
固定造價合同的收入用完工百 分比法確定,參照累計已發生的合同成本佔估計合同總成本的百分比計量。
Revenue from fixed price telecommunications
system contracts is recognised using
[...] the percentage of completion method when the contract [...]
activities have progressed to
a stage where economic benefit can be reasonably foreseen and is measured by reference to the proportion of costs incurred to date to the estimated total cost of the relevant contract.
ADI公司目前提供种类齐全的MIL-STD-883产品,这些产品 用完 全 军 用 级 陶 瓷(QML)封装,并具有符合MIL-PRF-38535标准的宽工作温度范围。
Analog Devices currently offer a broad selection of MIL-STD-883 products in full military-class ceramic (QML) packages with extended operating temperature ranges qualified to MIL-PRF-38535.
( 第四版) 为基础,经过调整以反映约旦的实际 情况。莫桑比克报告说已经制定了土地核证无雷国家标准,以确保以更加有效和 更加具有成本效益的方式核证疑似危险地区无雷,这些标准要求排雷组织除了用完全清 除的方法,还采用非技术手段核证土地无雷,另外还称莫桑比克国家排 雷研究所将确保核证土地无雷的决定是经协商做出的,其间有社区参与,并采用 了适当的质量保证程序。
Mozambique reported that it has developed national land release standards to ensure that suspected hazardous areas will be released in a more efficient and cost effective manner, that these standards require demining organisations to apply non-technical means to release land in addition to applying full clearance method, and, that Mozambique’s National Demining Institute (IND) will ensure that decisions to release land are made through a consultative process involving communities and by applying appropriate quality assurance procedures.
半小袋米、一棵卷心菜和一瓶快 用完 的 食 用 油 , 这些就是她家储藏室里的全部物品。
A half-full 25kg bag of corn, a head of cabbage and a near empty bottle of cooking oil, make up the entire contents of her storeroom.
(a) 采用完全符 合《公约》第1条第1 款的“公务人员”一词的定义,以 便将任何公务人员或以其他官方身份行事的人员施加的或唆使的、或同意或默许 采取的行为都列入其中
(a) To adopt a definition of the term “public official” fully in line with article 1, paragraph 1, of the Convention, so as to include all acts inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of all public officials or other persons acting in an official capacity
2009瑞士巴塞爾世界鐘表珠寶展,Ogival將復古、現代、優雅、 用完 美 結 合,展出品牌雋永風格的多款珠寶表、重現教皇榮耀紀念表、八十年復刻表、稀有機芯經典機械表、多功能的自動機械表、限量細緻的18K金收藏表、結合高科技氚氣自體發光燈管夜光表、以及專為溫馨甜蜜時刻設計並享有專利的山茶花表款...等,多變設計展現Ogival百年淬鍊的精緻工藝技術。
The World Watch and
[...] Jewellery Show in Baselworld 2009, [...]
Ogival retro, modern, elegant, practical and perfect binding, exhibited
a variety of jewelry brand timeless style table, reproduce Pope the glory Memorial Table, the eight decades engraved table a rare movement classic mechanicaltable, multi-functional automatic mechanical watches, limited edition detailed collection of 18K gold table, combined with high-tech self-luminous tritium gas lamp luminous watch, designed specifically for warm and sweet moment and patented camellia watch ... morechange of design show Ogival centuries quenching chain exquisite technology.
这并不意味着必须使用完全相 同的词语;但是,国际申请中使用的词语必须等同于基础注册或基础申请中 使用的词语,或者在其范围之内。
This does not mean that exactly the same terms must be used; the terms used in the international application must however be equivalent to, or fall within the scope of, those used in the basic registration or application.
在投影機使用完畢之 後,您可利用離線冷卻功能拔除投影機插頭並進行整理;即使在拔除插頭之後,投影機內建的電路系統仍可讓冷卻風扇持續執行冷卻程序。
The Offline Cooling feature allows you to unplug and pack up the
[...] projector after use. The built-in circuit [...]
system of the projector allows the cooling
fan to continue the cooling process even after it is unplugged.
如果各国政府有机会用完善的 区域应对和预防危机机制,他们就不会觉 得那么有必要建立巨额外汇储备金以防投机生意打击和流动性危机,从而释放出 储备金用于更具生产性的投资。
If Governments had access to a well-endowed regional crisis response and prevention facility they would feel less need to build up large foreign exchange reserves to protect their economies against speculative attacks and liquidity crises, and could thus free up reserves for more productive investments.
實際利率為可將預計於金融負債之預 期壽命或(倘適用)在較短期間內的未來現金付款(不包括構成整體實際利率、交易成本及其他溢價或折讓之全部已付 及已收用)完全折現至初次確認賬面淨值之利率。
The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments (including all fee paid or received that form an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs and other premiums or discounts) through the expected life of the financial liability, or, where appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount on initial recognition.




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