

单词 用地



industrial and mining area

公共用地 n

common n


favorable position for the use of one's skills [idiom.]
ample scope for abilities

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,我們的目標是教導學生愛護環境, 在使用地球上寶貴的天然資源時,要作出明智選擇。
Also, it is our goal to prepare our students to be responsible stewards of the enivronment by making informed choices about their consumption of the Earth's valuable natural resources.
探究導致金屬腐蝕的成因和防止腐蝕的方 法,是有意義的解難學習活動,並有助學生建立 用地 球 資源的正面態度。
An investigation of factors leading to corrosion and of methods to prevent metals from corroding is a
valuable problem-solving exercise and can help students develop a positive
[...] attitude towards the use of resources on our planet.
会议恳请粮农组织支持成员国充分 用地 方 多 样 性、保护性农业、病虫害综合防治、植物养分综合管理及水资源综合管理。
The Conference requested FAO to support member countries’ efforts to
[...] make increased use of local diversity, [...]
conservation agriculture, integrated pest
management, integrated plant nutrient management and integrated water management.
在表示赞赏亚太经社会/气象组织台风委员会所开展的工作时, 大韩民国代表向委员会通报说,大韩民国政府正在开展一个题为“台 风委员会灾害信息系统”的项目,这是一个在该委员会的减少灾害风 险工作组下设立的基于网络的灾害信息系统,其目的是 用地 理 信 息 系统根据预测的台风路径和历史上的损害数据预测台风损害情况。
Expressing appreciation for the work of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee, the representative of the Republic of Korea informed the Committee that his Government had been conducting a project called the “Typhoon Committee Disaster Information System”, which was a web-based disaster information system under that Committee’s Working Group on Disaster Risk Reduction meant to predict typhoon damage on the basis of the projected path of a typhoon and historical damage data using the Geographic Information System.
擬議道路方案將會 為該兩用地提供 直接及方便的通道往來龍翔 道,不但可節省交通時間,亦可減少對附近的住宅 區造成交通及環境方面的影響。
The proposed road scheme would provide direct and convenient access between the subject sites and Lung Cheung Road, saving travelling time as well as minimizing the traffic and environmental impacts on the nearby residential areas.
根据用地点的 不同(车辆内部或外部),可选择氯丁二烯 防尘帽。
Versions supplied with Chloroprene protector depending on the installations (inside or outside).
所有这些措施使以下工作取得进展,即 援助受害社区、恢复生用地、使 弱势农民等流离 失所者返回家乡、重建该国的公共服务网络并使受 害者重返社会,让他们能再次活跃于社会。
All these measures had made it possible to make progress in assisting affected communities recovering productive land, enabling displaced populations of vulnerable peasants to return, reconstructing the country’s network of public services, and rehabilitating victims so that they could once again be active in society.
经社会获知巴基斯坦在使用地理信 息系统和遥感方面的相关情况,包 括将其用于城市和地区规划,环境管理以及减少和管理灾害风险。
The Commission was informed
[...] of the pertinent use of geographic information [...]
systems and remote sensing in Pakistan, including
for urban and regional planning, environmental management and disaster risk reduction and management.
气候变化造成的不利影响、自然灾害、森林火灾、气载污染、不可持续的娱用地、森 林区块化、外来物种入侵、将森林转为农用以及没有财政和技术资源 [...]
进行可持续森林管理等众多压力,继续在威胁全世界森林的生物多样性,从而减 少了具有生物多样性的森林所能提供的各种生态系统的货物和服务。
A number of pressures, including the negative impacts of climate change, natural disasters, forest fires, airborne
[...] unsustainable recreational use, forest fragmentation, [...]
invasive alien species, conversion of forests to agriculture and inoperative
financial and technical resources for sustainable forest management implementation, continue to threaten the world’s forest biodiversity, thus diminishing the full range of ecosystem goods and services that biologically diverse forests are able to provide.
城市化导致农用地减少,全球人口快速增长,越来 越多的作物用以生产生物燃料,这些都增加了粮食负担。
The rapid increase in global population and the
[...] increasing use of crops for biofuel are all placing burdens [...]
on the food situation.
小岛屿之声全球论坛正在成为一个日益强大的工具:论坛中有关岛屿脆弱性的讨论 促使帕劳的合作伙伴建立了一个有关岛屿脆弱性问题的区域间网上讨论小组;以及南太平洋 用地 球科 学委员会(SOPAC)等其他组织要求写出具体专题的概要。
The SIV Global Forum is becoming an increasingly powerful tool: discussion on island vulnerability has inspired partners in Palau to establish an interregional island vulnerability electronic discussion group; and other organizations such as the South Pacific Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC) have requested that specific topics be profiled.
根据大会第 66/71 号决议,小组委员会将题为“与外层空间的定义和划界以
[...] 及地球静止轨道的性质和利用有关的事项,包括审议在不妨碍国际电信联盟职 能的情况下确保合理和公平使用地球 静止轨道的方式和方法”的议程项目 [...]
7 作 为一个常设议程项目进行了审议。
Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 66/71, the Subcommittee considered agenda item 7, entitled “Matters relating to the definition and delimitation of outer space and the character and utilization of the geostationary orbit, including
consideration of ways and means to ensure the
[...] rational and equitable use of the geostationary [...]
orbit without prejudice to the role of
the International Telecommunication Union”, as a regular item of its agenda.
经社会还注意到,一些国家在使用地 理 信息系统和遥感技术服务方面 受到限止,尤其是那些有特殊需要的国家。
The Commission also noted that there was limited access to geographic information systems and remote sensing technology services, especially for countries with special needs.
提议列入 34 C/5 文件的其 它跨部门计划和活动包括:信息与传播技术在教育、科学和文化领域的 用 ; 开 发 地 方 内 容,包括 使用地方语言和土著语言的内容;制定推动多种语言以及文化和语言多样化的项目和活动;运用信 息与传播技术促进文化间、文明间和民族间的对话;代表们还认为提高信息与传播技术领域的技能 应当是下一个 C/5 的重要内容,包括知识管理和网上学习、文献遗产的保存以及重视专门化的语言 和技术。
Other intersectoral programmes and initiatives proposed in the context of document 34 C/5 included: ICTs in education, science and culture; local content development, including local and indigenous languages; the development of projects and initiatives putting into practice the promotion of multilingualism and cultural and linguistic diversity; the use of ICTs for the promotion of the dialogue among cultures and civilizations and peoples.
一些缔约国,包括第十届会议主席,和禁雷运动一 样,对非缔约国和其它行为者重新使 用地 雷 表 示深切关注。
A number of States Parties, including the
10MSP President, joined the ICBL in expressing deep
[...] concern with new mine use by States not parties [...]
and by other actors.
官方统计数字表明,摩尔多瓦大部分土地都非常肥沃,因此必须充分 考虑到上述问题的存在,将用土地 变 更 为非 用 土 地 ( 即 城 市 用地 ) 的 情 况并不 多见。
Taking into account the above mentioned, in accordance with the official data the majority of the land in
Moldova is a very fertile one,
[...] transformation of the land into non-agricultural use, i.e. urban use being very limited.
若干代表请秘书处进一步增强与其他联合国单位之间的伙伴关系 和协作,诸如国际减少灾害风险战略(减灾战略)机构间秘书处、人道 主义协调事务厅、外层空间事务厅、以及与其他区域和次区域组织的 伙伴关系和协作,诸如东南亚国家联盟(东盟)、南亚区域合作联 盟、太平洋岛屿用地质科 学委员会、亚洲灾害防范中心、以及亚洲 减灾中心等在灾害风险管理和减少灾害风险领域内。
Several representatives requested that the secretariat further enhance partnerships and collaboration with other United Nations entities, such as the Inter-Agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the Office for Outer Space Affairs, and with regional and subregional organizations, such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, the Pacific Islands Applied Geoscience Commission, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and the Asian Disaster Reduction Center (ADRC), in the area of disaster risk management and risk reduction.
后勤基地 2010 年 7 月 1 日至 2011 年 6 月 30 日 期间的拟议预算为 72 017 800 美元(A/64/698),比 2009/10 年度的核定资源高出 24.3%,说明工作人员 人数增加了,这主要是为了加强常备警察能力、建立 司法和惩戒常备能力、以及外地中央审查理事会秘书 处搬迁;建筑服务追加经费用于:为通信和信息技术 处以及数据中心和网络通讯中心建立设备用房和办用地;更 新布林迪西电子系统;为设在巴伦西亚的 二级运行状态通信设施购买通信和信息技术设备。
The proposed budget of the Logistics Base for the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011 (A/64/698) was $72,017,800, which was 24.3 per cent higher than the resources approved for 2009/10, reflecting an increase in staffing, mainly to strengthen the Standing Police Capacity, establish a Justice and Corrections Standing Capacity and relocate the Field Central Review Board secretariat; additional requirements for construction services to create equipment room and office space for Communications and Information Technology Services and the data centre and network communications centre and to upgrade the electrical system at the Logistics Base; and additional requirements to acquire communications and information technology equipment for the secondary telecommunications facility at Valencia.
[...] 应予以合理使用,长期优先开展促进实现《千年发展目标》(A/56/326,附件) 的各项活动,同时考虑到所有各国,不论其目前的空间能力如何,都在平等条 件下用地球静止轨道。
Some delegations were of the view that, as the geostationary orbit was a limited resource at risk of becoming saturated, its use should be streamlined, giving priority to activities with a long-term perspective, leading to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (A/56/326,
annex), while taking into account the conditions of
[...] equality of all countries irrespective of their current space [...]
AGM 公司在选择技术方面存在局限,因为它主要是一个原始设备制造商,其 70%以上的产品用地区品牌出售,包括向阿拉伯联合酋长国、科威特和沙特阿拉伯等邻 [...]
国的制造商出售,而在这些国家,因优先事项不同,企业不会在氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一 阶段期间转换使用空调制造行业中的非氟氯烃替代技术。
AGM has limitations in terms of selecting the technology since it is primarily an original equipment
manufacturer, with more than 70 per cent of its
[...] products sold under regional brands, [...]
including to manufacturers in neighbouring
countries, such as United Arab Emirates, or Kuwait and Saudi Arabia where there will be no conversion of enterprises to non-HCFC alternatives in the air-conditioning manufacturing sector during stage I of the HPMPs due to different priorities.
根 據 目 前 的 申 請 進 度 及 撫 順 縣 國土資 源 局 於 二 零 一二年 八 月 二 十 日 作 出 的 確 認 , 本 公 司 估 計 將 於 撫 順 縣 國土資 源 局 批 准「 採用 地 改 革 試 點 方 案 」之 後 六 個 月 內 獲 得 臨 時地使 用 權 的 審 批 。
Based on the current progress of the application and confirmation from the Fushun County Bureau of Land and Resources on 20 August 2012, the Company
estimates that the approval
[...] for the temporary land use rights will be obtained within six months after the ‘‘ Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land Use Right’’ is approved by the State Administration for Land and Resources.
[...] [...] ,太阳能系统的配置、太阳能板的安装角度和蓄电池的容量配比以及控制器的SOC控制放电将直接关系到整个系统的工作效率和使用寿命,所以要根据产品在 使 用地 区 的 纬度和产品的用电功率每天用多少时间以及保证几个阴雨天来确定产品的配置才可以定价格,一般的工厂随便给你报个价格是不妥当的,我们佳洁的产品配置是按照你系统所在地区的纬度、产品的用电功率、每天用多少时间以及保证几个阴雨天来配置,再给你报价格的,所以这样的配置也满足你系统的工作要求也是最优化最经济的配置。
Solar photovoltaic products require very high, The configuration of the solar system, solar panel installation angle and the ratio of the capacity of the battery's SOC and the controller will control the discharge is directly related to the overall system efficiency and service
life, so according to the
[...] latitude in the use of the product and product use electric power, and [...]
how much time each day to
ensure a few rainy days to determine the configuration of the product before they can set prices, the average reported a factory just to give you the price is not right, we Jiajie product configuration system is based on your latitude region , the product of the electric power, and how much time each day to ensure that the configuration of several rainy days, give you the prices quoted, so this configuration is also working to meet the requirements of your system is to optimize the most economical configuration.
全球有很多城市的流动问题出现危机,这已不是什么新鲜事:不可持续用 地,加 上城市密度低,以及私人轿车和摩托车的使用,不仅导致交通堵塞,事故 率迅速上升,政治家们还日益面临严重的地方空气污染及其市民和社区的有关健 康问题。
Unsustainable land use with low urban densities and the use of private cars and motorcycles have not only led to traffic congestion and a rapid increase in the accident rate. Politicians are also increasingly facing severe local air pollution and related health problems for their citizens and communities.
據 中 國 法 律 顧 問 告 知 , 就 中 國 法 律 顧 問 所 知 , 倘「 採用 地 改 革 試 點 方 案 」獲 批 且 因 而 向 撫 順 上 馬 授 出 臨 時地使 用 權 , 則 撫 順 上 馬 根 據 中 國 相 關 法 律 法 規 以 臨用 地 方 式 在 上 馬 採 礦 土地進 行 採 礦 並不存 在 任 何 法 律後果 或 法 律 障 礙 。
As advised by the PRC legal adviser, so far as
the PRC legal adviser is
[...] aware, there are no legal consequences or legal impediment to Fushun Shangma undertaking mining activities at the Shangma Mining Land on a temporary land use basis in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the PRC if the ‘‘Proposal for Experiment on the Reform of Mining Land Use Right’’ is approved [...]
and the temporary
land use right is granted to Fushun Shangma accordingly.
两个委员会的主要区别之一是:科索沃委员会享有专属管辖权,可驱逐非法用地产的 人,确保其搬迁,并可为此目的依靠科索沃特派团警察和科索沃警察 部队;而波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那委员会决定的执行则依靠《代顿和平协定》缔约 [...]
One of the main differences between the two Commissions is that, while the Commission for Kosovo had exclusive jurisdiction
to evict people
[...] illegally occupying property and ensure their removal, for the purpose of which it could rely on [...]
the UNMIK police and
the Kosovo Police Service, the implementation of the decisions of the Commission for Bosnia and Herzegovina relied on the national enforcement bodies placed under the authority of the parties to the Dayton Peace Agreement.
他在 2007 年报告(A/HRC/4/36)中建议: 在土著居 民和其传统拥有的土地的权利要求登 记在案 以及集体所有权凭 证颁发之前,禁止出 售 土著社区占 据地区的土地和批准 经用 地特许 和其他 特 许 ; 建 立 机 制 ,在集体所有权登记之前保护土著居 民的土 地,并完成土著土地集体所有权登记程序。
In his 2007 report (A/HRC/4/36), he recommended that the sale of land and the granting of economic land and other concessions in areas occupied by indigenous communities be banned pending the registration of indigenous claims over traditional lands and the collective titling process; and that mechanisms be put in place to protect indigenous land pending the registration of collective title, and that the process of registration of collective title over indigenous land be finalized.
这项计划的投资是 500 000 欧元,其目标是通过这项计划消除地面数字电
[...] 视的对残疾人及老年人造成的技术障碍,使残疾人及老年人也可以选择 使 用地面 数字电视。
The purpose of this project, which has a budget of € 500,000, is to take advantage of the possibilities offered by TTD to guarantee persons with disabilities and older
persons access to this medium, thereby offering them an effective alternative so that
[...] they can make unimpeded use of TTD.
大力推广各种农业用水工程设施控制与调度方 法,高效使用地表水 ,合理开采地下水,在时间上和空间上合理分配与使用水资源, 发展“长藤结瓜”灌溉系统及其灌溉水管理技术,实现“大、中、小,蓄、引、提” 联合调度,提高灌区内的调蓄能力和反调节能力。
Greatly popularize various agricultural water-consuming projects
control and
[...] dispatching methods, use surface water with high efficiency, reasonably exploit underground water, reasonably dispatch and use water resources [...]
across time and
space, develop "long-vine melon" irrigation systems and irrigation water management technology, realize the unified dispatching of water and enhance dispatching-storage and anti-dispatching abilities within the irrigation area.
[...] 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有 地用多 种 语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 [...]
届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the
Secretary-General to ensure equal
[...] treatment for all language services and effective multilingual [...]
communication among representatives
of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).




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