

单词 用书


用订书机订 v

staple v

用印刷体书写 v

print v

External sources (not reviewed)

第 103.9 (a)(b)(c)条:修正该条是为了明确对受扶养人的界定以及对经常性承担家庭生 活主要用书面证明的要求。
Rule 103.9(a), (b), (c): changes are introduced to clarify the definition of dependants and the requirements for documentary evidence of main and continuing support of the family.
(b) 秘书长可允许工作人员到专门机构或其他政府间组织工作,但这种调动 不得减少工作人员根据其联合国 用书 所 享有的权利或待遇。
(b) The Secretary-General may allow a staff member to serve in a specialized agency or other intergovernmental organization, provided that such movement in no way
diminishes the rights or entitlements of the staff member
[...] under his or her letter of appointment with the United [...]
A.8. 每一工作人员在接受任用时须签署一份 用书 , 其中规定他或她同意接受 《联合国工作人员条例和细则》以及据其颁布的各项指示的约束。
A.8 At the time of appointment, each staff member
[...] must sign a letter of appointment that provides [...]
that he or she agrees to be bound by
the United Nations Staff Regulations and Rules and instructions issued pursuant to them.
为了应对万一出现这种情况,咨询委员会建议相关用书应包含一项限制条款,规定即使出现这种情况,除了根据服务延长 [...]
时间按比例增加已有的应享权利或福利外,服务期间延长不会带来任何 其他应享权利或福利(见 A/55/806,第 14 段)。
To cover that eventuality, the Committee recommended that
[...] the relevant letter of appointment [...]
should contain a proviso that, notwithstanding
such a development, the consequential extension of service would not give rise to any additional entitlements or benefits other than those which already exist and which would be extended pro rata by virtue of the extension of service (see A/55/806, para. 14).
咨询委员会回顾,大会关于 2008-2009 两年期预算的第 62/236 号决议核准了三个协理法律干事(P-2)员额, 大会关于 2010-2011 两年期预算的第 64/243 号决议决定增加用书记官 人数, 增设六个书记官员额,使书记官总人数达到 15 人(14 个 P-2 和 1 个 P-3)。
The Advisory Committee recalls that, by its resolution 62/236 on the budget for the biennium 2008-2009, the General Assembly approved three Associate Legal Officer (P-2) posts; in its resolution 64/243 on the budget for the biennium 2010-2011, it decided to increase the pool of law clerks by six additional posts, bringing the total number of law clerks to 15 (14 P-2 and 1 P-3).
通过 两届政府间专家会议和闭会期间非正式磋商,各国政府专家得 用书 面 和口头的形式审议和 充实国际生物伦理委员会起草的案文,最终完成了附件 I 中所载的《世界生物伦理与人权宣 言草案》。
The government experts, with two sessions of the intergovernmental meeting of experts and through intersessional informal consultations (both written and oral), were therefore able to examine and enrich the text prepared by IBC and finalize the Universal Draft Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, given in Annex I.
(c) 从政府机构借调的工作人员的用书 , 经 该工作人员和秘书长本人或其 代表签字后,连同会员国和该工作人员同意借调的条款和条件的有关证明文件, 应作为在用书中所 称期间从政府机构借调到本组织一事的存在和效力的证据。
(c) The letter of appointment of a staff member on secondment from government service signed by the staff member and by or on behalf of the SecretaryGeneral, and relevant supporting documentation of the terms [...]
and conditions of secondment agreed to
by the Member State and the staff member, shall be evidence of the existence and validity of secondment from government service to the Organization for the period stated in the letter of appointment.
本产品完全支持Visual Studio平台的设计时特征功能,并且为用户提供了使用属性页来配置工具提示的功能,这样用户就可以 用书 写 大量的定制代码。
The ToolTip fully supports Visual Studio design-time features and provides the ability to configure the ToolTip using the property sheet, avoiding the need to write extensive customization code.
该请求应当用书面形 式,并应当具体说明 提交报盘的方式、地点和截止时间。
The request shall be in writing, and shall specify the manner, place and deadline for presenting best and final offers.
教练教学辅用书”和 警察手册中还包括主要的定义 及处理仇恨犯罪的方式以及波兰最常见的仇恨标志。
Teaching Aids for Coaches and brochures for Police officers which include key definitions and ways of dealing with hate crimes, as well as a catalogue of hate symbols most commonly used in Poland.
180. 在提及活动5.2“促进在食典进程中有效 用书 面 评论意见”时,一个代表团指出, 从有关书面评论意见使用情况的问卷调查结果来看,晚提交的评论意见未在食典委得到 [...]
With regard to Activity 5.2 “Promote effective use of written comments [...]
in the Codex process”, one Delegation noted that
replies to the questionnaire on the use of written comments indicated that late comments were not dealt with consistently across Codex and suggested to consider the development of a procedure to ensure a consistent approach among Codex committees on how to handle late comments as an activity of the new Strategic Plan.
主席团要求其主用书面形式向经济及社会理事会主席团转交上文第 10 段 所列各项建议。
The Bureau requested the Chairperson to transmit to the Bureau of the Economic and Social Council, in writing, the suggestions listed in paragraph 10 above.
委员会目前处于一个过渡阶段,由现行 制度过渡到采用一个最用书面答复取代实际定期报 告的工作方法,从而减少总体工作量,包括翻译需求。
The Committee was currently in a transitional phase between its current system and a working method under which written replies might end up replacing actual periodic reports, thereby reducing overall workload, including translation needs.
尽管第 92 条之三是节约时间的措施, 可在证人站在证人席上作证用书面 证 词代替口头证词,但分庭必须阅读有时长 达数百页的书面证词。
testimony before the witness takes the stand, the Chamber must read the written evidence, which in some cases is hundreds of pages.
如果你的问题涉及本公司的 CEO 或 CFO 或负责监督财务报告或合规性流程的任何人,或者如果你觉得你的诉讼 请求未获妥善处理,你可用书面形 式直接向本公司董事会进行保密沟通。
If your issue involves the CEO or CFO of the Company or anyone charged with supervising the financial reporting or compliance processes, or if you feel your request for action has not been handled properly, you have the option of confidentially communicating in writing directly to our Board of Directors.
需要增加使用书面通 讯,尤其通过电子邮件、英特网和其它现代技术远距离参 [...]
Special efforts are needed to enhance [...]
the participation of developing countries in Codex Committees, by increased use of
written communications, especially through remote participation via email, internet and other modern technologies, in the work done between sessions of Committees.
任何人,如果根据《规约》第二条第四款可求助于争议法庭,均可以自己的 权利可能受争议法庭所作判决的影响为由,在案件的任何阶段 使 用书 记 官 长规定 的申请表申请参加诉讼。
Any person for whom recourse to the Dispute Tribunal is available under article 2.4 of the statute may apply, on an application form to be prescribed by the Registrar, to intervene in a case at any stage thereof on the grounds that he or she has a right that may be affected by the judgement to be issued by the Dispute Tribunal.
在不同的状态下,包括按钮按下及不 用 , 书 包 指 针在按钮对象上移动时等情况,具有高度个性化的字体设置和图片安排。
Highly customizable font setting and picture assignment under different states including [...]
when button is pressed and disabled,
and when the mouse pointer moves over the button object
还有一个重要因素是,一些国家也得益于本国出版业的发展, 虽然还只是处于萌芽阶段,但它们能够生产低成本的学 用书 和 阅 读材料。
And importantly, in some countries, it is also because local publishing industries, albeit often at an embryonic stage, are able to produce low cost schoolbooks and
reading materials.16
[...] However, access to books and learning materials [...]
is still a real problem in many developing countries.
[...] green)的手册,在旗下酒店及业界其他酒店间广泛 使 用 , 书 中 提出了一系列环保措施,包括回收和转化酒店厨房的有机垃圾、“生态会议”(Eco-Meet)计划、修建屋顶药草花园、成立养蜂基地、将可继续使用的物品和食物分发给有需要的人群等。
In addition to publishing "The Green Partnership Guide", a "going
[...] green" handbook used by its hotels and [...]
others in the hospitality industry, initiatives
include recycling and organic waste diversion in hotel kitchens, a green conferencing solution dubbed Eco-Meet, creating rooftop herb gardens and bee apiaries at properties, and redistributing gently used goods and food to those in need.
在受托人发出如第2 段所述的通知后20 个工作日内,收到通知的认缴参加国可 用书 面 形 式通 知受托人,表明其希望减少附件1 中规定的认缴额(“原定认缴额”)以保持其在附件1 中规定 的实际出资份额比例(“原定份额比例”)。
Within 20 business days of the dispatch of notice by the Trustee under paragraph 2 above, each Contributing Participant receiving such notice may notify the Trustee in writing that it wishes to reduce the amount of its contribution specified in Attachment 1 (the “Original Contribution Amount”) to maintain its actual share percentage specified in Attachment 1 (the “Original Share Percentage”).
发送给当事方的任何及所有服务通知、申请和信函都将 用书 面 形式,并将亲自送 达或通过挂号快件投寄,一旦满足以下条件即视为收到:(i) 亲自送达后;(ii) 确认接收后 (如果通过航空快件、传真或电子邮件投递);或者投寄后五 (5) 天。
Any and all Services notices, requests and communications to the parties shall be in writing and will be delivered in person or by certified or registered express mail, and shall be deemed given (i) upon personal delivery; (ii) if delivered by air courier, fax or email, upon confirmation of receipt; or five (5) days after deposit in the mail.
你同意,如果出现以下情况,BSA在 用书 面 形 式通知您之后可无条件地立即自行终止您使用CSS(P) [...]
认证标志的权利:(i)如果您或者以您的名义使用CSS(P) 认证标志的公司/机构(包括但不限于您供职的公司)未严格遵循《CSS(P)使用指南》;
(ii) 如果您针对软件资产管理方面的资质或CSS(P) 认证要求向BSA提供了虚假、不准确、不完整或误导性信息;或者 (iii) 如果您违反本文所述条件或条款。
You agree that BSA shall have the unconditional
right, in its sole discretion, to
[...] terminate your right to use the CSS(P) certification [...]
mark immediately upon written notice
to you: (i) if you or any company or organization making use of the CSS(P) certification mark on your behalf, including without limitation a company or organization that employs you, do not strictly comply with the CSS(P) Usage Guidelines; (ii) if you provide BSA with any false, inaccurate, incomplete or misleading information regarding your qualifications in the software asset management field or your completion of the CSS(P) certification requirements; or (iii) if you are in breach of any of the terms and conditions set forth herein.
本议定书一缔约国如果认为另一缔约国未履行《公约》规定的义务,可用书面函 件提请该缔约国注意此事,也可以将此事通知委员会。
(a) If a State Party to the present Protocol considers that another State Party is not fulfilling its obligations under the Covenant, it may, by written communication, bring the matter to the attention of that State Party.
本节将简单述及在《规约》和《程序和证据规则》中最重要的创新,特别 是:(a) 预审法官的地位;(b) 法官在进行诉讼时的积极主动作用;(c) 可替代 羁押的措施;(d) 使用书面证据;(e) 保护敏感资料;以及(f) 被告人缺席审判。
The present section will briefly address the most important innovations contained in the statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, in particular: (a) the position of the Pre-Trial Judge; (b) the proactive role of judges in the conduct of proceedings
在特殊的应用中,如在许可说明书、内部说 书 、 用 于 检 修的需 求规定等,应该使用相应合适的安全系数。
In special cases, such as approval specifications, internal specifications, requirements stipulated by inspection bodies etc., the appropriate safety factors must be applied.
为了实现这些目标,Skype向每位用户发放了一个"数字 书 " , 用 于 建 立和验证使用Skype拨打和接听电话或进行聊天的人员的身份信息。
To achieve these goals, Skype issues everyone a "digital certificate" which is used to establish and confirm both the identity of the person placing and receiving a Skype call or chat.
为了维护花费大量时间、精力写成的PDF文章的版权,不被任意非法利用,需要对PDF文章加密,而用密码的方法加密容易被破解,采用数字证书加密可以更有效地保护PDF文件,可以用数字证书授权给一个或多个 书用 户。
in order to maintain a lot of time and energy into the PDF article, copyright, will not be any illegal use, the need for encryption of PDF articles, and method of using the password encryption easily cracked, encryption using digital certificates can be more effectively protected PDF documents, digital certificates can be delegated to one or more of the certificate user.
在 2005 年举行的第四十七次会议上,执行委员会原则上核准了 979 万美元,用于 协助中国履行《蒙特利尔议书》用 于 受控用途的甲基溴生产控制时间表。
At its 47th meeting in 2005, the Executive Committee approved in principle a total of US $9.79 million to assist China in complying with the Montreal Protocol’s control schedule for the production of MB for controlled uses.




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