单词 | 生路 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 生路 —lit. the path lifeless common: way out of a predicament Examples:人生路不熟—everything is unfamiliar
一旦您确定了最有可能起火的方位并制订好安全 逃 生路 线 ,以便最大程度地降低风险,请务必定期与全家人演习逃生计划。 cn.lubrizol.com | Once you recognize where a fire is most likely to start and develop safety routines to minimize the risk, be certain to practice escape plans regularly with every member of the family. lubrizol.com |
袭击者在阻断逃生路线后 不分青红皂白地向平民开火。 daccess-ods.un.org | The attackers fired indiscriminately on the civilian [...] population after blocking escape routes. daccess-ods.un.org |
不过,姜很快得出结论,唯一的逃 生路 线 是 去翻过栅栏,她和其他鸡不能做的东西。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, Ginger soon concludes that [...] the only escape route is to go over [...]the fence, something she and the other chickens cannot do. seekcartoon.com |
鉴于联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办)所 处理的问题与危地马拉政府面临的主要挑战之间存 在着重叠——这些问题也是我们优先政策的重点— —危地马拉和禁毒办同意探讨如何加强我们在关键 领域和安全问题上的合作,这些问题包括安全与发 展、打击有组织犯罪、司法部门和监狱系统改革、打 击贩毒、监测毒品种植园和另谋生路 情 况 ,以及打击 腐败和犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the overlap between the issues tackled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the main challenges facing the Government of Guatemala, which are also the focus of our priority policies, Guatemala and the UNODC agreed to explore how to strengthen our cooperation on critical areas and security matters, including security and development, the fight against organized crime, the reform of the justice sector and prison system, the fight against drug trafficking, the monitoring of drug plantations and the development of alternative livelihoods, and the fight against corruption and crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
研究显示,驾驶敞篷车的司机发生“ 路 怒 症 ”的可能性要低于驾驶普通车型的人。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Studies have shown that people in convertibles [...] experience less road rage than people [...]in sedans with tinted windows. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
再者,在香港這個租值高企的社 會,他們根本無法在傳統的商業區如中上環等地立足,為何不能給他們提供 一條“生路”,讓他們可以在空置的廠廈內發揮呢? legco.gov.hk | Moreover, as Hong Kong is a city in which rent is soaring, it is practically impossible for these businesses to gain a foothold in conventional business districts such as the Central District or Sheung Wan, so why do we not give them room for survival by allowing them to do business in vacant factory buildings? legco.gov.hk |
至於綜 合 用 途 樓 宇的住 用部分及 一 般 [...] 住 宅 樓 宇,由 於 燃 燒 負 荷 量 及 一 般 與 住 宅 有 關的火 災 危險較 低 , 我們只要求這些樓 宇 設 置 最 基 本 的 消 防 設 施 ( 例 如 消 防 [...] 栓 及 喉轆系 統 ) , 並 保 護 逃 生 路 線 。 legco.gov.hk | For the domestic parts of composite buildings and for domestic buildings generally, taking into account the lower fire load and fire risks normally associated with residential purposes, we require the [...] provision of only the most essential items (such as fire hydrant ad hose reel systems), and [...] the protection of exit routes. legco.gov.hk |
不 保 障人民的起码的维生水平 以及医疗服务及基础教育,就很难指望最贫穷和确实 需要帮助的人们开始自谋生路。 daccess-ods.un.org | Without ensuring a minimal subsistence level for people, as well as health care and basic education, it is difficult to expect the poorest and those in real need to begin to fend for themselves. daccess-ods.un.org |
555 224. 在赤道几内亚,最近几年常发生大规模驱逐做法,许多非洲人(大多数为 喀麦隆人,其次为马里人)被驱逐,不分合法居民和非正常情况居民,驱逐条件 可悲,往往是被警察追捕驱逐;这些人自 谋 生路 , 或 在不人道条件下被押到赤道 几内亚与喀麦隆之间边界。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Equatorial Guinea where the mass expulsion of aliens has been a recurring practice in recent years, many Africans, including a clear majority of Cameroonians, followed by Malians, have been expelled, irrespective of whether they were legal residents or in an unlawful situation, in deplorable circumstances, often pursued by the police. daccess-ods.un.org |
各家庭已见证微量营养素粉防治儿童营养不良的显著效果——以至于每当法多 先 生路 过 社 区时,站在小泥屋门口的母亲们纷纷向他问候:“你好,健康负责人先生!你什么时候带来更多‘超级宝贝’粉呢? unicef.org | Families have had remarkable results overcoming and preventing the symptoms of malnutrition in their children – so much so that, as Mr. Fado makes his rounds through the community, a refrain echoes from mothers standing in the doorways of the small mud houses: “Good day, Mr. Health Agent! unicef.org |
一个在球场上和人生路途上 都奋勇不懈的战士,FC 巴塞罗那队的前锋梅西,胜利与荣耀纷至沓来。 audemarspiguet.com | A fighter on the football field and in life, the FC Barcelona striker’s list of victories and honors is growing longer by the day. audemarspiguet.com |
如果家中有幼童或老人,您在计划逃 生路 线 时 应当考虑到他们在逃生时受到的限制。 cn.lubrizol.com | If there are small children or seniors in the home, be aware of their limitations of escaping [...] when planning your escape routes. lubrizol.com |
在 演示环节,维特根集团旗下的四大品牌— 维特根、福格勒、悍马以及克林曼分别展示了他们 的用于道路建设、采矿以及再生路面 材 料的最新高 端 产 品 。 wirtgen-china.com.cn | The Chinese market therefore promises a rosy future for pavers handling large pave widths. wirtgen-china.com.cn |
a) 航空業者須建立程序,以確保航機於滑行、起飛及 降落前,所有艙門與逃生路線均 保持淨空。 tacare.org.tw | JAR-OPS 1.325 Securing of passenger cabin and galleys states that a) an operator shall establish procedures to ensure that before taxiing, take-off and landing all exit and escape paths are unobstructed and b) the commander shall ensure that before take-off and landing and whenever deemed necessary in the interests of safety, all equipment and baggage is properly secured. tacare.org.tw |
大量的宣传页以及三个现场演示详细展示了维特根 机器在道路建设、采矿以及再生路面 材 料方面的应用 技术、工作程序和广阔前景。 wirtgen-china.com.cn | Numerous papers and three live demonstrations provided detailed information on [...] machine technology, processes and [...] prospects for road construction, as well as for mining and recycling pavement material. wirtgen-china.com.cn |
措施、逃生路線圖 和流程圖張貼在各個課室。 sfusd.edu | Emergency procedures, maps and charts are posted in every room. sfusd.edu |
这包括制定并演习您的逃生路线; 学习如何及何时关闭水、电、气等公共设施总管线;定好突发紧急情况时的安全集合地点;以及讨论在决定提前离开时如何照顾好宠物 studyinaustralia.gov.au | This includes planning and [...] practicing your escape routes; learning how and [...]when to turn off the utility mains such as gas, [...]electricity and water; establishing a safe meeting point in case of a sudden emergency; and discussing how you will care for pets in the event you decide to leave early studyinaustralia.gov.au |
部門亦會嘗試在2004-05年度,開發一些新產品,例如,火警 逃 生路 線 摸讀地圖,低成本高效率之製作方法及新品種之材料,減低該些點字和摸讀產品之生產成本及時間。 hksb.org.hk | CSU will also try to develop new products in 2004/05, such as [...] the fire escape route tactile map, and [...]to develop new tactile map manufacturing [...]method and materials to reduce the cost and production time of such braille and tactile products. hksb.org.hk |
安全灯和逃生路线灯 可提供足够的光线指引人们关断机器,找到 逃 生路 线 ,迅速找到消防灭火器以及其他安全设备,避免引起人群恐慌,防止安全事故发生。 tridonic.cn | Safety lights and escape route lights provide enough light to shut machinery down, use the escape routes and give quick [...] access to fire extinguishers and other safety equipment. tridonic.com |
鄧麗君一直醉心音樂,她的歌曲至今仍然深受大眾熱愛,當中包括《月亮代表我的心》、《甜蜜蜜》、《我只在乎你》、《漫步 人 生路 》 等 多首膾炙人口的經典歌曲。 yp.mo | Mr Chang-fu Teng, Teresa Teng’s brother, shared some of his most vivid memories of his sister during a chitchat session with Kelly Mak, General Manager of Madame Tussauds Hong Kong. yp.mo |
2001 年 8 月, [...] 教科文组织驻雅加达办事处在印度尼西亚的西 比 路生 物 圈保留地发起了一个社区保护项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO Office in Jakarta launched a community-based [...] conservation project in Siberut Biosphere Reserve, [...]Indonesia, in August 2001. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为了解决通往卫星城市道路的混杂问题,运用Road作为支援决策的工具,对巴士专用 道 路生 成 、 环岛生成等三个方案进行了数据制作。 forum8.co.jp | Research and solutions to the discussed issues were presented in the field of urban transportation system, public transportation management system, ITS and ecological traffic. forum8.co.jp |
1994年,汉高把洗涤剂和家用清洁剂的长途运输的大部分从公路转为 铁 路 ( 生 态 物 流)。 henkel.cn | The long-distance transport of detergents and household cleaners was largely [...] transferred from road to rail in 1994 [...](eco-logistics). henkel.com |
跨部门 [ 人与生物圈计划(MAB)和“亚太合作促进生物圈保留地和类似的受保护区 的可再生自然资源的可持续利用”(ASPACO)、教育部门(ED)、社会科学及人文科学 部门(SHS)] 实地项目“促成在西比路生物圈 保留地进行常规环境管理”继续取得进展。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Progress [...] continued in the intersectoral (MAB and ASPACO, ED, SHS) field project “Empowerment of customary environmental management in Siberut Biosphere [...]Reserve”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
还发现该国所有氟氯烃消费均衡以下方面有关:大 量进口 [...] HCFC-141b 以生产聚氨酯泡沫塑料和冲洗制冷电 路 ; 生 产 分离式空调机、现场装 配新空调和制冷设备,以及维修和维护制冷设备过程中用作制冷剂的 [...]HCFC-22。 multilateralfund.org | It was also found that all HCFC consumption in the country is related to HCFC-141b imported in bulk for the [...] manufacture of polyurethane foam and for [...] flushing refrigeration circuits; and to HCFC-22 [...]used as refrigerant in the manufacturing [...]of split air conditioners, field charging of new air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, and servicing and maintaining refrigeration equipment. multilateralfund.org |
在純水的製作中,水質標準所規定的各項指標應該根據電子(微電子)元器件(或材料)的生產工藝而定(如普遍認為造成電路性能破壞的顆粒物質的尺寸為其線寬的1/5-1/10),但由於微電子技術的複雜性和影響產品質量的因素繁多,至今尚無一份由工藝試驗得到的適用於某種 電 路生 產 的完整的水質標準。 kincle.net | In pure water production, water quality standards required by the indicators should be based on electronic (micro) components (or material) of the production process may be (such as that caused widespread damage to the circuit performance of its width the size of particulate matter The 1/5-1/10), but because of the complexity of microelectronics technology and the many factors that [...] affect product quality, yet no one from the [...] process test circuit obtained for [...]the production of a complete water quality standards. kincle.net |
任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車 輛或 鐵 路 處 所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所 任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北 鐵 路 車 輛或 鐵 路處 所 任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。 legco.gov.hk | Every person who [...] finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind [...]therein, save for the [...]purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation. legco.gov.hk |