

单词 生育




give birth
bring up (children)


produce sth.v



ability have children


fertility raten


birth rate

External sources (not reviewed)

妇女和年轻姑娘需要获得安全的堕胎服务,需要获得计生育和服务以及 优质的堕胎后护理。
Women and young women need to have access to safe abortion services, and need to have access to family planning information and services and high-quality post-abortion care.
因为怀孕生育料未成年人或没有劳动能力的已成年子女或不能劳动 的父母而给予优待,不算是歧视。
Grant of preferences on grounds
[...] of pregnancy,giving birth, giving care [...]
to minors or adult children incapacitated for work
and parents who are incapacitated for work is not considered discrimination.
铭记消除对妇女歧视委员会在卫生问题上就萨尔瓦多的第七次定期报告提出的 意见,感到关切的是,弱势妇女群体,尤其是农村妇女仍难以享受保健服务;关
[...] 于孕产妇死亡问题的统计数字不一致;青少生育频繁发生,对妇女的身心 健康具有不利影响;学校课程中针对男女孩的性教育计划成效有限;关于艾滋病 [...]
Considering the commitments of El Salvador as a State party to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and bearing in mind the observations made by that Committee on the seventh periodic report of El Salvador with regard to health, expressing concern about vulnerable groups of women, in particular in rural areas, who still have difficulty in accessing health-care services; inconsistent
statistics on maternal mortality; the high
[...] incidence ofbirths among adolescents, [...]
which have a negative impact on women’s
physical and mental health; the limited effectiveness of sex education programmes for girls and boys in school curricula; and the lack of information on HIV/AIDS, as well as the feminization of that phenomenon.
联合国人口奖委员会选出亚洲议员人口与发展论坛,是为了表彰其在下列各 方面取得的杰出成就:(a) 促进亚洲和太平洋地区各国议会的作用,以通过业已 成为全球性典范的各国人口与发展议会委员会,实现国际人口与发展会议的目 标;(b) 为非洲和欧洲设立地区议会论坛作出贡献;(c) 通过促进各国议会之间 的对话,推动议会就人口与发展问题采取行动;(d) 加强各国议员的知识和能力, 以宣传、倡导并颁布与人口和发展、生殖健康、计生育滋病毒和艾滋病、 贫困、青年问题、性别平等和消除暴力侵害妇女行为有关的立法。
The Committee for the United Nations Population Award selected the Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development in recognition of its pioneering achievements in: (a) developing the role of parliaments in the Asia and the Pacific region to achieve the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development through national parliamentary committees on population and development, which have become a worldwide model; (b) contributing to the establishment of regional parliamentary forums in Africa and Europe; (c) promoting parliamentary action on population and development issues by facilitating dialogue within and among parliaments; and (d) strengthening the knowledge and capacity of parliamentarians to advocate, initiate and adopt legislation on population and development, reproductive health, family planning, HIV and AIDS, poverty, youth issues, gender equality and the elimination of violence against women.
最后,如果人们普遍认为照料质 量差――即使不是直接涉及性生育――包括在设施内缺乏以礼待人的治疗, 也会影响寻求照料的决定,损害作为核心社会机构的保健系统。
Lastly, when the population perceives that care quality is poor – even if not directly related to sexual andreproductive health – including lack of respectful treatment at facilities, it also affects decisions to seek care and undermines the health system as a core social institution.
[...] 和生殖健康、两性平等和增强青年人权能问题以及初露端倪的未来挑战,例 如生育人口老龄化、国际迁徙、迅猛城镇化和环境变化对人口的影响。
It was expected that the regional review would address issues related to sexual and reproductive health, gender equality and youth
empowerment as well as emerging future
[...] challenges, such as low fertility, population ageing, [...]
international migration, rapid urbanization
and the impacts of environmental change on population.
绝不允许在下列方面采取减损措施:个人尊严和自由发展权利,生命权, 身心健全不可侵害权;禁止奴役、苦役和强迫劳动;被剥夺自由者得到人道待遇
的权利;得到公正审判的权利;在刑法中得到法律确定性的权利;法人权利;公 民权利;思想、良心和宗教信仰自由;出于良心拒服兵役的权利;自由表达民族
[...] 隶属的权利;禁止煽动种族、民族和宗教仇恨;结婚和配偶平等权利生育;儿童权利;禁止强迫同化。
Derogation measures are by no means permitted in terms of: the right to dignity and free development of individuals, right to life, right to inviolability of physical and mental integrity; prohibition of slavery, servitude and forced labour; right to humane treatment of persons deprived of liberty; right to a fair trial; right to legal certainty in criminal law; right to legal person; right to citizenship; freedom of thought, conscience and religion; right to conscientious objection; right to freedom of expressing national affiliation; prohibition of inciting racial, ethnic and religious hatred; right to
enter into marriage and equality of
[...] spouses; freedomtoprocreate;rights ofthe child; [...]
prohibition of forced assimilation.
在讨论中,与会者就缺少性保健和生殖保健服务(包括艾滋病毒抗体阳性妇 女的计生育)了问题;艾滋病毒与妇女的财产权之间的关系(即艾滋病寡妇 在其丈夫去世后财产被抢夺,而另一方面,妇女没有财产权使她们更易感染艾滋 [...]
有关的羞辱和歧视,由于两性不平等(即许多妇女一旦透露其艾滋病毒感染情况, 就会面对家庭暴力),这对妇女的影响更大,并且有碍获得拯救生命的预防母婴 传播等艾滋病毒服务;必须在大多数非洲国家改变由于金融和经济危机所导致的 抗逆转录病毒药物库存耗竭的情况,从而确保获得可持续治疗。
During the discussion, participants raised questions
about the lack of sexual
[...] and reproductivehealth services, including family planningfor HIV-positive [...]
women; the relationship
between HIV and property rights of women (i.e., AIDS widows who suffered from property grabbing after their husbands had passed away, while on the other hand, lack of property rights of women increases their vulnerability to HIV infection) and the need to ensure legal equality and non-discrimination between men and women; the need to address HIV-related stigma and discrimination, which has a far greater impact on women owing to gender inequality (i.e., many women face domestic violence once they disclose their status) and impedes access to lifesaving HIV services, such as prevention of motherto-child transmission; and the need to ensure access to sustainable treatment against the stock out of antiretrovirals in most of the African countries as a result of the financial and economic crisis.
目前,全国共有三家妇女卫生保健中心(分别位 于基希纳乌自治市、Drochia 市和 Cahul 市)和 40 家医疗机构内部设置的生殖健 康中心在提供计生育健服务。
Presently in the country the activity of the three Women Healthcare Centres is ongoing (in the municipality of Chisinau, city of Drochia and Cahul), 40 reproduction health centres within the medical institutions.
对基础设施的投资和实施各种国家疫苗接种、预防 疾病和计生育,改善了保健服务。
Investment in infrastructure and implementation of various national vaccination, disease prevention and family planning programmes had improved health care.
(h) 本区域的某些地区的孕妇死亡率高到难以让人接受的地步,而在 本区域妇生育和权利方面所取得进展却微乎其微
(h) Some parts of the region have unacceptably high
rates of maternal mortality, and there has been a lack of progress in the region
[...] on womens reproductive health and rights
It was particularly owing to Persian influence that the contrast between this world, in which evil, death, and sin prevail, and the future world, "which is altogether good" (Tamid lc), was so strongly emphasized, and the view prevailed that the transition from the one to the other could be brought about only through a great crisis, the signs of decay of a dying world and the birth-throes of a new one to be ushered into existence.
在可预防的孕产妇死亡和发病方面,要求各国有义务(a) 不采取可能
[...] 会阻碍妇女获得所需的保健服务或基本健康决定因素的行动(尊重的义务), (b) 采取各项措施,防止妇女生育怀孕死亡(保护的义务),(c) 采取法 律、行政及司法行动,包括通过尽可能动用可用资源,防止孕产妇死亡和发 [...]
In the context of preventable maternal mortality and morbidity … obligations require States (a) to refrain from taking actions that would obstruct women’s access to the health-care services they need or
to the underlying determinantsof health (duty to respect), (b) to take measures to prevent
[...] women fromdying in childbirth and pregnancy (duty [...]
to protect) and (c)
to take legislative, administrative, and judicial action, including through the commitment of maximum available resources to prevent maternal mortality and morbidity (duty to fulfil).
来自全国各地的 150 多位青年参加了该次论坛,讨论的问题涉及教育、文化遗产、环境保护、公 平享有社会经济与受教育机会,以生育问题。
Over 150 young people from all over the country attended to discuss issues pertaining to education, cultural heritage, environmental
conservation, equitable access to
[...] socio-economic and educational opportunities, as well as issuesof reproductive health.
调查还显示,为了减少过去生育影响,需要在降生育作出更大 努力,产妇保健应该受到特别关注,也需要向丧偶和离异女性提供社会支持。
The surveys also show that increased efforts at
[...] reducing fertility is required to reduce the effect of high fertility rates in the [...]
past, that maternal
health should receive special attention, the need for social support for the widowed and divorced females is also present.
G7 经济体:在 50 至 70 年代生育后,人口增长开始减缓,目前,德国和日本等国 已变成负值。
The G7 economies: after the baby-boom between the 50s and 70s, population growth started to slow and it would be currently turning negative in countries like Germany and Japan.
(f) 通过培训和保留人才,扩大全面产科护理的范围,加强助产士和护士等 熟练保健人员的作用,以充分发挥她们作为信得过的产妇保健服务提供者的潜 力;在地方社区内部开展计生育,扩大和提升为所有保健服务人员、健康 教育工作者和管理人员提供的正规和非正规的性保健和生殖保健及计生育,包括人际交流和辅导方面的培训。
(f) Expanding the provision of comprehensive obstetric care and strengthening the role of skilled health-care providers, including midwives and nurses, through their training and retention in order to fully utilize their potential as trusted providers of
maternal health-care services, as wellas expanding family
[...] planning within local communities and expanding and upgrading formal and informal training in sexual and reproductive health care and family planning for all health-care providers, healtheducators and managers, including [...]
training in interpersonal
communications and counselling.
4.8 如在制造食物过程中生育醋 酸加入食物,是否需要在预先包装 食物的标签上标明这兩种物质及其作用類别?
4.8 IfI add tocopherols or acetic acid [...]
in the food during production, do I need to label them and their functional classes on pre-packaged food?
此类分析有助于确定性生育领域内的问责制空 白,有助于确保对各种设施提供充分的资金和配备人员,提高认识和培训,包括 人权方面的认识与培训,以及建立或加强问责制机制的可能需求。
Such an analysis will thus assist in the identification of accountability gaps in sexual andreproductive health, and help to ensure adequate funding and staffing of facilities, awareness-raising and training, including regarding human rights, and the potential need to establish or to strengthen accountability mechanisms.
此外由生育降,这些国家中进入劳动力市场的人数比以前 少;这一趋势经常伴随着年龄歧视。
In these countries, moreover, fewer persons are entering the labour market because of the decrease in the birth rate; this trend is often accompanied by age discrimination.
[...] 要信息和健康服务,包括努力普及安全、有效、负担得起、可接受的现代计生 育,因为这对保护妇女健康和推进性别平等至关重要。
We will work actively to ensure that health systems provide the necessary information and health services addressing the sexual and reproductive health of women, including by working towards universal access to safe, effective,
affordable and acceptable modern methods of
[...] family planning, as this is essential [...]
for women’s health and advancing gender equality.
该条承认残疾人有权结婚和建立家庭,有权自由地决定子女人数,并有权在 与其他人平等的基础上,保留生育
This article recognizes the rights of persons with disabilities to marry and to found a
family, to decide freely on the number of children to have
[...] and to retain their fertilityon an equalbasis [...]
with others.
本区域一些国家在人口领域,包括低于更替水平生育人 口老龄化加速、国际移徙、因从农村到城市的大规模移徙所致的迅猛 [...]
的城市化、以及环境变化对人口的影响等领域,面临着新的和新出现 的许多问题。
A number of countries in the region face new and emerging
issues in population, including below
[...] replacement levelfertility,accelerated population [...]
ageing, international migration,
rapid urbanization through large-scale rural to urban migration, and the impacts of environmental change on population.
医疗方面也取得了长足的进步,提高了疫苗接种率, 提供免费生育,为妇女儿童提供免费的初级 医疗服务,2000 年至 2010 年之间,产妇死亡率和 5 岁以下儿童死亡率降低了一半。
Substantial progress had also been achieved in the health sphere, including an increase in the rate of immunization; the supply of free obstetric health care; free access for women and children to primary health-care services; and the halving of the maternal and under-5 mortality rates between 2000 and 2010.
这些优先事项包括生育照料、诉诸司法和法律保护、授予经济权力、充分饮水和卫生设 施、免遭性别和基于性别暴力行为的保护和安全住房。
These priorities includededucation,reproductive health care, [...]
access to justice and legal protection, economic empowerment,
adequate water and sanitation, protection against sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), and safe housing.
在这 方面,我们欣见 2010 年 7 月 19 日至 27 日在坎帕拉举行主题为“母婴幼儿健康 与非洲发展”的非洲联盟首脑会议第十五次常会;非洲联盟“加速降低非洲孕产 妇死亡率的宣传运动”的发起;“非洲关爱生命:不应让妇女生育亡”口 号的提出;2010 年 8 月 3 日和 4 日在雅加达举行的审查亚洲及太平洋千年发展目 标:为在 2015 年实现目标而加紧努力的特别部长级会议;拉丁美洲和加勒比经 济委员会关于拉丁美洲和加勒比实现千年发展目标进展情况的报告,以及其他区 域委员会撰写的类似报告。
In this regard, we welcome the convening of the fifteenth ordinary session of the Summit of the African Union in Kampala from 19 to 27 July 2010, with the theme “Maternal, infant and child health and development in Africa”, the launch of the African Union Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa; the slogan “Africa cares: no woman should die while giving life”; the Special Ministerial Meeting to Review the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific: run-up to 2015, held in Jakarta on 3 and 4 August 2010; the report of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean on progress in Latin America and the Caribbean towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals; and similar reports produced by other regional commissions, all of which will contribute positively to the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly, as well as to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
家庭计划的目的是提高家庭健康及幸福,包括向个人和夫妇提供 资讯、知识和方法,使他们能够以负责任的方式自行决定孩子的数目生育的时间。
Family planning is intended to improve the health and well-being of the family, and consists of providing individuals and couples with information, knowledge and the means that will enable them to decide freely, and in a responsible fashion, the number ofchildren they wish to have and the timing for such.
具体地 说,在《联合国残疾人权利公约》第 23 条第 1 款 c
[...] 项中规定:各国应确保“残疾 人,包括残疾儿童,在与其他人平等的基础上,保留生育
More specifically, article 23, subparagraph 1 (c), requires
States to ensure that: "Persons with disabilities, including
[...] children, retain theirfertility on an equal basis [...]
with others.
成份: 水
[...] (山竹果浸泡水)、甘油 (棕榈)、乙醯葡萄糖胺、菸硷酸生育(大豆/玉米/芥花油)、山竹果果皮油 [...]
(生物活性果皮油)、乳酸菌/山竹果果皮发酵过滤物 (生物活性聚合与酸复合物)、藤黄属倒捻子果皮粉 (山竹果)、蔗糖月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、葡糖酸内酯
(玉米)、黄原胶 (巨藻)、乙醯卡尼丁、山梨醣醇 (玉米)、葡萄糖、蔗糖二月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、玻尿酸钠、藻萃取 (微藻)、长叶车前叶萃取 (车前草叶)、蔗糖三月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、蜂斗菜根萃取 (杂交款冬)、脱乙醯壳多糖琥珀醯胺 (蘑菇)、植酸钠(稻米)、苯甲酸钠、山梨酸钾、氯苯甘醚、柠檬酸 (玉米)、乳酸 (甜菜)、精氨酸 (玉米/甘蔗)。
Ingredients: water (mangosteen infused
water), glycerin (palm), acetyl
[...] glucosamine, niacinamide, tocopherol(soybean/corn/canola [...]
oil), mangosteen pericarp oil (BioActive
pericarp oil), lactobacillus/mangosteen pericarp ferment filtrate (BioActive polymeric and acidic complex), garcinia mangostana pericarp powder (mangosteen), sucrose laurate (sugar cane), gluconolactone (corn), xanthan gum (kelp), acetyl carnitine hcl, sorbitol (corn), glucose, sucrose dilaurate (sugar cane), sodium hyaluronate, algae extract (microalgae), plantago lanceolata leaf extract (plantain), sucrose trilaurate (sugar cane), petasites japonicus root extract (betterbur), chitosan succinamide (mushroom), sodium phytate (rice), sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, chlorphenesin, citric acid (corn), lactic acid (sugar beet), arginine (corn/sugar cane).




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