

单词 生米做成熟饭

See also:



成熟 n

maturity n
maturation n

成熟 v

sophisticated v
grow v

External sources (not reviewed)

在這 種情況㆘,若雙方缺成熟理智的態度處理問題, 生 命 就 可能處於被虐或被遺棄的 邊緣。
If the couple lacks a mature mind in dealing with the problem, the little [...]
one might be at the risk of being ill-treated or abandoned.
鄧兆棠議員的修訂動議似乎帶出㆒個訊息,就是香港、立法局和香港市民,願意接 受㆗英之間的任何協議,接受㆒個㆗英之間大家 做 成 的 「既成事實」,接受剛才李柱 銘議員所說的「盲婚啞嫁」,或更加難聽的,是接受 生米 煮 成熟 飯 」 這個事實。
It seems that Dr TANG Siu-tong's amendment will send a message, which is that Hong Kong, the Legislative Council and the people of Hong Kong will be ready to accept any agreement reached between China and the United Kingdom, to accept a fait
accompli concocted between
[...] China and the United Kingdom, an "arranged marriage" in the words used a moment ago by Mr Martin LEE or, to use a more nasty term, the irreversibility of "cooked rice".
这些措施包括特派团营地服务商店小 卖部和自助餐厅不再使用塑料袋;将空调设在摄氏 26 度的经济温度和下班后强 制关闭空调;双面打印节约纸张;一个非政府组织为回收瓶子和马口铁罐,并收 集切碎的纸张成烧火做饭的煤 球;采购 生 纸 用于打印,发放少于要求 15%的 供应物,将其作为“绿动溢价”;特派团还参加了海滩清理和世界环境日活动。
The measures included the withdrawal of plastic bags from the Mission’s Post-Exchange commissary facility and cafeteria; the use of air conditioners at the economical temperature level of 26 degrees Celsius and their compulsory shut-down after working hours; paper saving, resulting from double-sided printing; the collection, by a non-governmental organization, of bottles and tin cans for recycling, and shredded paper for the fabrication of cooking briquettes; the procurement of recycled paper for printing and the issuance of 15 per cent less than requested stock as a “greening premium”; as well as the Mission’s participation in beach cleaning and World Environment Day activities.
他们缺乏最基本的设施以维持有尊严 生 活 :他们没有厕所,没有洗澡、清洗 做饭 的 地 方,也没有干净的饮用水源。
They lack basic requirements for dignity: There are no
[...] toilets, no areas for showering, washing or cooking, and no sources of clean drinking water.
它包含五个主题:酒食议—做酱油和豆酱,家庭酿酒 饭 ( 米饭 ) , 年糕,以及 米饭 一 起 上的小菜;缝纫则 做 衣 服 、染色、手工缝纫、刺绣、养蚕、焊接烹饪用锅和壶以及如 生 火 ; 桑田术—如何耕田以及如何饲养家畜(马、牛和鸡);孕养—产前培训、儿童抚养方法、急救方法、避免使用的医药以及任何清洁居处的方法;以及符咒术—民间传说中通过符咒祛除恶灵和魔鬼的方式。
It covers five topics: Jusaui—making soy sauce and soybean paste, domestic alcoholic beverages, bap (cooked rice), rice cakes, and side dishes served alongside bap; Bongimchik—making clothes, dyeing, weaving by hand, embroidery, silkworm breeding, soldering cooking pots and kettles, and how to make fire; Sangarak—how to plow a field and how to raise livestock (horses, cows, and chickens); Cheongnanggyeol—prenatal training, methods of childrearing, methods of first aid, medicines to be avoided, and ways of cleaning dwelling places; and Sulsuryak—folkloric ways of driving away evil spirits and devils through talismans and incantation.
许多国家公园也有让生火做饭的设 备和搭帐篷的地方。
Many parks also have cooking places and tent sites.
在一项对6个大陆上的41种主要农作物 做 的 大 规模的国际性研究中, Lucas Garibaldi及其同事发现,野生昆虫对这些农作物的授粉比那些受到管理的蜜蜂的授粉更为有效,从而 生 比 蜜蜂多两倍的座果(即那些可发 成 为 成熟 果 实或种子的花朵)。
In a massive
[...] international study of 41 major crops on six continents, Lucas Garibaldi and colleagues found that wild insects pollinate these crops more effectively than managed honeybees, leading to twice as much fruit set (flowers that develop into mature fruits or seeds) than the bees.
米饭是市 民从膳食摄入无机砷的主要来源,这点与其它 米饭为 主食的国家所得的数据相符。
The findings that rice was the major contributor were consistent with data reported in other countries where rice is the staple food.
[...] 幼树的和侧的小枝松弛安排,公开平展,翠绿,有白霜背面,钻形,侧面通常下凹的,上弯,6- 12 毫 米 , 3或 4 成 脊 状; 成熟乔木和孢子叶球的那些生小枝 浓密排列,公开平展的稍,宽卵形或三角状卵形,多少弄弯,5-9毫米,宽在基部,中脉的明显提高与否,先端钝。
Leaves dimorphic: those of young trees and lateral branchlets loosely arranged, spreading openly, bright green, glaucous abaxially, subulate, usually
laterally depressed, upcurved,
[...] 6-12 mm, 3- or 4-ridged; those of mature trees and cone-bearing branchlets densely arranged, slightly [...]
spreading, broadly ovate or triangular-ovate, ± curved, 5-9 mm, widest at base, midvein obviously raised or not, apex obtuse.
由于其它谷物的无机砷含量一般 米饭 为 低 ,个别人士若想 减少摄入无机砷,可考虑多选择其它谷物作为膳食的一部分;此外,亦 可采纳以下建议:煮饭前先彻底洗米,但不要过度清洗以免部分营养素 流失,并倒去洗米水,以减低米的砷含量,尤其是无机砷含量。
Those individuals, who wish to reduce the exposure to inorganic arsenic, can consider choosing more other cereals, which generally contain lower levels of inorganic arsenic than rice, as part of their diet, and observe the following advices: wash rice thoroughly but without excessive washing as some nutrients may be lost, and discard the washed water before cooking so as to reduce the arsenic levels, especially the inorganic form.
最重要的事情是要知道,即使我们拥有的水总量无时不刻都在循环,但是我 们用于日生活的水,例如饮用 做饭 和 洗 刷的水却在不断减少,而且很难重新 获得。
The important thing to remember is that although the amount of water we have in the world will never actually decrease, but the amount of water we can use for important things such as drinking, cooking and washing is steadily decreasing, and it’s very hard to get back again.
叶具3小叶; 托叶早落,三角形; 叶柄2-4厘米; 成熟时的 小叶背面无毛,或在程控叶柄和叶片的关节脉上具钩毛,侧脉5或6对,细脉不明显;中心的小叶卵形斜方形, 2-5 * 1.5-2.5 厘米,基部楔形,先端渐尖;生小叶偏斜,给具细圆齿锯齿镶边。
Leaves 3-foliolate; stipules caducous, triangular; petioles 2-4 cm; leaflets abaxially glabrous when mature, or with hooked hairs on veins near junction of petiole and blade, lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs, veinlets inconspicuous; central leaflet ovate-rhomboid, [...]
2-5 × 1.5-2.5 cm, base cuneate,
apex acuminate; lateral leaflets oblique, margin crenulate-serrate.
採取這 樣強烈的行動,是相當成熟、不 理智 做 法。
I think it is quite immature and unwise to take [...]
such a drastic action.
有高性能技术设备支持的成熟发达 的初 级医疗保健救助服务和有条不紊的预防和治疗机制、病人的教育和参与,再加上 对病人的教育、病人的主动参与以及全社会包括中央政府和地方各级政府主管部 门的全面参与,可确保对摩尔多瓦共和国居民健康指标 生 积 极 的影响。
A primary health assistance service which is well developed and supported by high performance means, with well organised prevention and treatment mechanisms, education and participation of the patient, as well as involvement of the entire community, including the local and central public administration authorities, may ensure a positive impact on the population health indicators in the Republic of Moldova.
为了在遭到台风袭击过后勉强维生 活 , 马利赛尔自己和孩子们每天三餐都 米饭 和 红 薯。
To make ends meet after the typhoon
[...] struck, Maricel would prepare daily meals of rice and sweet potato for herself and her children.
已故总统因其成就被授予无数国内和国际奖项, 其中包括因其提高粮食保障从成功 消 除贫困而获 得 2010 年联合国千年发展目标奖,他还被授予 2008 年联合国粮食及农业组织的农业奖,以表彰他将该国 经济从一个粮食短缺国转变为一个 米 净 出 口国做的巨大贡献。
The late President was awarded numerous national and international awards for his achievements, including an United Nations
Millennium Development Goals
[...] Award in 2010 for success towards eliminating hunger by enhancing food security, as well as the Agricola Medal of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2008 in honour of his substantial contribution to transforming the country’s economy from that of a food deficit nation to that of a net exporter of maize.
我希望翠能健成长, 所以想方设法增加膳食的营养,除了让她 米饭 、 蔬 菜,还会让她吃肉、蛋、鱼。
I try to give her nutritious food, not only rice and vegetables, but also meat, eggs and fish.
可提供 10 至 20 盎司的篮子,使本设成为烹煮米饭 、 面 包、玉米饼、意粉、肉类、海鲜、蔬菜和其它各种菜肴的理想选择。
Available with 10 to 20 oz. baskets, this unit is ideal for cooking rice, breads, tortillas, pastas, meat, seafood, vegetables, and more.
做到成熟討論 ,我們便不能依靠政府主導發放資料,我們一定要 有各界公民社會的參與,政黨、人權組織,各人均應從他們的角度討論 事件,才可以有全面的審視。
Political parties, human rights organizations and people from all walks of life should discuss the matter from their own angles in order to have a comprehensive examination.
同样,每日提供的意米饭( risotto) 已成为了 地中海邮轮的标志性食品,他们确 做 得 不 错.
(…) All pizza dough is made on board, not brought from
ashore, while
[...] risotto (featured daily) has become a signature item for MSC Cruises and something the ships make really well”.
對於大部分中資銀行來說,產品創新在現階段不只意味着自行開發新的 金融產品,更現實做法,是將成熟 市 場 上一些較好及適合內地現階段需求 的金融產品,引入內地市場;其中特別要關注的,是在成熟市場上佔據重要 [...]
In particular, it should be noted that the
development of intermediate services
[...] playing a key role in mature markets, such as private [...]
banking business and exchange and
credit services, will raise the ratio of non-interest proceeds for banks.
法国政府满足大会提出的愿望(决议 31 C/62),同意延长贝尔蒙生在教 科文组织执 行其使命的时间,以使他能按照他对丰特努瓦楼房 做 法 , 对位 米 奥 利 斯/邦万的楼房的 状况进行评估,即了解存在的问题,对如何处理这些问题进行分析研究,以及提出修复和改 造这些楼房的解决办法。
In reply to an invitation by the General Conference (31 C/Resolution 62), the French Government agreed to extend Mr Belmont’s mission at UNESCO to enable him to evaluate, as he did for the buildings on the Fontenoy site, the state of the buildings at the Miollis/Bonvin site, specifically, to identify the problems, suggest how they might be resolved and propose solutions with a view to the restoration and improvement of the buildings.
2012年伊始,他带领罗兰贝格参与了上海非政府组织 米饭 妈 妈 ”的“爱之盒”计划("Boxes of Love"),召集全公司一起为中国偏远地区孤儿募集善款,并美化、装点了100个充满爱意的盒子,为其送去吃、穿、用 生 活 用 品。
At the beginning of
[...] this year, Mr. Bouée encouraged all employees to participate in the "Boxes of Love" fundraising initiative by NGO Mifan Mama. A total of 100 boxes of food, clothing, and other daily necessities were sent to orphaned children in remote [...]
areas of China.
如今大部分亚洲国家只有在大城市中心地区可以享用时尚的欧洲美食,可在琅勃拉邦的斯沙王坊(Sisavangvong road),当地厨师和烘焙师既做法式 甜点,又会制作老挝 米饭 和 生 肉 色 拉。
Where most of Asia’s urban centres have only recently begun to embrace and master trendy European culinary treats, chefs and bakers in
local kitchens along
[...] Luang Prabang’s Sisavangvong Road are as comfortable preparing fine French pastries as they are with sticky rice and larb.
办事处为加强圣基茨和尼维斯、 特立尼达和多巴哥以及巴哈马群岛的图书馆提供支助;为教师、 生 和 图 书管理员信 息知识普及讲习班出资;并在一个正规中学和一个监狱率先建立了两 成熟 的 社 区多 媒体中心。
The Office provided support to strengthen libraries in Saint Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago and
the Bahamas; funded
[...] workshops on information literacy for teachers, students and librarians; and established the first two fully-fledged CMCs in a formal secondary school [...]
and in a prison.
长期以来,高技术行业占国际贸易的份额持续增加,比起其 他产业类别――如初级产品和中低级技术产品――增长更迅速。6 尽管技成熟水 平 较低的行业扩大出口份额没有高科技产业那样快,但采用更先进的工艺技术, 尤其是在使用信通技术作为通用技术的情况下,也为提 生 产 率 和质量创造机 会。
High-technology industries have enjoyed a sustained increase in the share of international trade for a prolonged period, growing more rapidly than other
industrial classes such
[...] as primary products and low- and medium-technology products.6 Even though industries at lower levels of technological sophistication have expanded their share of exports less rapidly than high-technology industries, the deployment [...]
of more advanced
process technologies, particularly when they involve the use of ICTs as general-purpose technologies, also creates opportunities for improving productivity and quality.
我們這個充滿 愛心的社會,有這麼多令我們引以為榮的科技和經 成 就 , 實亟需為受傷工㆟提供由 特別康復隊伍所舉辦、並有廣泛研究作為支援的特別康復計劃,確保他們 做 回 他熟習的 或從事相若的工作,藉此保持技能、服務社會和維持奮發向㆖的自尊心。
But as a caring society with so
many technological and
[...] economic advances that we can boast of, it is vital that special rehabilitation programmes run by special rehabilitation teams and backed up with extensive research should be offered to our injured working force to ensure that they can return to their jobs that they are accustomed to or very similar jobs they can do so as to maintain [...]
their skill, to
serve the community and to maintain the ego to advance themselves.
美食爱好者在此必能享尽口福,品尝到无数独特佳肴,如lontong balap(炖糯米糕、豆芽、豆腐、炸木薯及豇豆糕,淋上大蒜酱及辣虾膏)、rujak cingur(这种沙拉包含牛嘴唇、热带水果、芜青 米 糕 、 豆腐及 熟 的 发酵黄豆,搅拌在发酵虾酱和碎 生 的 黑 色酱汁里,并淋上炸葱片和虾片)、semanggi(以绿叶蔬菜、豆芽、木薯来 成 的 粥 )以及Rawon setan(邪恶的Rawon是一种黑色的辣牛肉汤),正如其名字所暗喻,它只有在晚上才会登场。
Epicureans will relish the city’s numerous delicacies such as lontong balap (a stew of sticky rice cake, bean sprout, bean curd and fried cassava and cowpea cake dressed with garlic sauce and spicy shrimp paste),
rujak cingur (a
[...] salad with cow lips, tropical fruits, turnips, rice cakes, bean curd, cooked fermented soy beans tossed in a black sauce of fermented shrimp paste and ground peanuts topped with fried shallots and shrimp crackers), [...]
semanggi (a porridge
of leafy greens, bean sprouts and cassava), and even Rawon setan (Evil Rawon, a black spicy beef broth) which, as its name suggests, is only available in the evening.




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