

单词 生米



shelled peanuts


It's too late change anything now.


It's too late change anything now.
lit. the raw rice is now cooked (idiom); fig. it is done and can't be changed


the rice is cooked
what's done is done
it's too late change anything now [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

3、接着倒入所有5料的汁,边炒边放入油炸 生米 或 腰 果翻炒均匀,下6料香油兜匀出锅。
3: Add in all ingredients of Ingredient 4) sauté for 30 seconds (Picture 7), then add in sauce of Ingredient 5), stir well, add in peanuts or cashew nuts, stir well.
卡塔里娜·德阿尔 布开克女士、吉苏·穆伊盖生、米 里 亚 娜·奈切夫斯卡女士和拉克尔·罗尔尼 克女士分别被批准为主席选定的委员会成员。
Ms. Catarina de Albuquerque, Mr. Githu Muigai, Ms. Mirjana Najcevska and Ms. Raquel Rolnik were endorsed as members of the Committee selected by the Chair.
[...] 势仍然非常紧张,还有最近在南达尔富尔州卡斯附近生米塞里亚人同 Nawaiba-Rizeigat [...]
部族之间的部落 战争事件之后,西达尔富尔州最近的局势也非常紧 张。
Furthermore, tensions remain high in Southern and, most recently, also Western Darfur following
recent incidences of inter-tribal fighting
[...] between the Misseriya and Nawaiba-Rizeigat [...]
tribes near Kas in Southern Darfur.
鄧兆棠議員的修訂動議似乎帶出㆒個訊息,就是香港、立法局和香港市民,願意接 受㆗英之間的任何協議,接受㆒個㆗英之間大家所做成的「既成事實」,接受剛才李柱
[...] 銘議員所說的「盲婚啞嫁」,或更加難聽的,是接受 生米 煮 成熟飯」這個事實。
It seems that Dr TANG Siu-tong's amendment will send a message, which is that Hong Kong, the Legislative Council and the people of Hong Kong will be ready to accept any agreement reached between China and the United Kingdom, to accept a fait accompli concocted between China and the United Kingdom, an "arranged
marriage" in the words used a moment ago by Mr Martin LEE or, to use a more nasty term, the
[...] irreversibility of "cooked rice".
[...] Diktepe第三山谷的陡峭和危险Bolkar在当地,那么本集团将意识到的情况下侦察攀登到顶部,雪崩的危险 生 50 米 的 在攀登中断,计划历时6小时之前。
Located in the west side of Bozdağ, Mermeroluk Diktepe third of the valley's steep and dangerous Bolkar in the locality, then the group be realized for the event
reconnaissance climb to the top, the danger of
[...] avalanches occur on 50 meters before climbing interrupted [...]
planned to last for 6 hours.
随着1877年的道路,以Anacapri的开放,滨海Grande和滨海PICCOLA于1878年在二十世纪开始,该缆索铁路,开始于1907年开工建设,开始了快速的城市发展,看到了一些建筑国际资产阶级的住宅作为别墅伯爵J.裂解Fersen,别墅的美国女青年沃尔科特 - 佩里,S.别墅Torricella瑞典生米歇尔A.
With the opening of the road in 1877 to Anacapri, Marina Grande and Marina Piccola in 1878 at the beginning of the twentieth century, and the construction of the funicular railway that started operation in 1907, began a rapid urban development that saw the construction of some residences of the international bourgeoisie as Villa Lysis of Earl J. Fersen, Villa Torricella of American young ladies Wolcott-Perry, S. Villa Swedish physician Michele A. Munthe, Villa Behring eponymous German doctor who discovered the vaccine against diphtheria, Coleman Villa Narcissus of the painter, the painter Vedder Quattroventi Villa, Villa D'Aras Discopoli the painter, etc..
作为 一个主要粮食出口国,泰国致力于维持 米生 产 和稻 米出口之间的平衡,致力于维护一个自由开放的国际 农业市场。
As a major food exporter, it was committed to maintaining the balance of rice production and rice exports and to preserving a free and open international agricultural market.
北京绿色金可精选了马来西亚的非转基因棕榈果实和日本的非转基 米 糠 油 , 生 产 我们的专利产品——Ginnovay®棕榈和 米生 育 三 烯酚。
BGG uses
[...] specially selectednon-GMO palm fruit from Malysia and non-GMO rice bran oil from Japan to produce its proprietary [...]
line of Ginnovay® Tocotrienols.
有的与会者指出,就人类福利和环境代价而言,用 米生 产 生 物 燃 料是不可 持久的。
It was suggested that corn biofuel production [...]
is unsustainable in terms of welfare and environmental costs.
2009 年,犯罪司法所与欧洲联盟委员会协作,启动了一个关于生物技术进步
[...] 对当前和未来安全影响的项目,其重点是合成生物学和 米生 物 技 术的双重用途 潜力。
In 2009, UNICRI, in collaboration with the European Commission, initiated a project on present and future security
implications of advances in biotechnology, with a focus on the dual-use potential of
[...] synthetic biology and nanobiotechnology.
2010 至 2011 年期间,在欧盟委员会的支助下,犯罪司法所对合成生物和米生物技术的进步所涉目前和未来生物安全影响进行了定性风险评估。
In 2010-2011, with the support of the European Commission, UNICRI carried out a qualitative risk assessment of the present and future bio-security implications of advances in synthetic biology and nanobiotechnology.
由于价格在米生产大 国天气不好,大米价格在 2010 年第三季度略有回升,不过在2010 [...]
年最后一个季度还有可能进一步上升,因为 可供出口量很大,而且需求略有增长。
Rice prices recovered slightly over the [...]
third quarter of 2010 because of adverse weather in large Asian producing countries,
but are unlikely to increase further in the last quarter of 2010 because of large available quantities for export combined with a weak increase in demand.
由于稻米与许 多地区的食品安全、贫困和自然环境有密切联系,所 以我们学会的地位取决于我们如何以可持续的方式对米生产系统进行管理。
The future status of our societies depend on how we manage rice systems in a sustainable manner since rice is strongly linked to food security, poverty, and the natural environment of many regions.
y 生物功能材料研究與應用-由羊毛及絲抽取的 米生 物功 能蛋白質能將普通紡織物和布料製成高增值產品,包括具有 [...]
y Biofunctional Materials
[...] and Application - Nano biofunctional protein [...]
materials extracted from wool and silk fibres can
turn common textiles and clothing to higher value added products, i.e. functional apparel with anti-bacteria, infra-red, moisture management function, etc.
自 2000 年以来,米生物技术已经成 为一门独立的研究学科。
Since about 2000, nano-bio-technology [...]
has begun to appear as a research field of its own.
4 将生物学和化学重新定义为米生物技 术似乎是用花招吸引人们关注传统科学,但是 区别方法同上:如果这些微小生物发动机和机 器能被利用和控制来做至今未知或不可想象 的事情——如果 DNA 可被用作一把镊子,或 者分子运动蛋白(prestin)能被用来旋转微小 齿轮——那么,这种定义的重要作用就不仅在 于研究,而是关系到利用分子发动机、生命分 子和生命机器的问题。
So has the actin of the molecular duo, actin/mycin, which are responsible for the electrical stimulus that causes a heart to beat.4 The redefinition of biology and chemistry as nano-bio-technology may seem like simply a craven attempt to garner attention for traditional science – but the same distinction applies here as above: If these tiny biological motors and machines are being harnessed and manipulated to do hitherto unknown or inconceivable things – if DNA is being used as a pair of tweezers, or the molecule ‘prestin’ is used to rotate a tiny gear – then the crucial component of the definition is not just the study, but the exploitation of molecular motors, molecules and the machines of life.
位于四国香川中南部的绫上町,自古以来在 米生 产 过 程中孕育了各种各样的地方文化,就像歌儿唱的一样“绫河边是鱼米之乡,龙王山流出的水清又清,绫河边的大狭田,有一个生产八束稻穗的村庄叫山田,它的历史已经有一千年了,那里的人们很勤劳”。
Ayakami-cho, located in the middle to
southern part of Kagawa Prefecture in
[...] Shikoku, is an area where various local forms of culture [...]
have developed together with rice
planting, as mentioned in the song: "The good rice producing area along the River Aya / Where a clean stream from Mr. Ryuo runs through / Osada, Osada, on the banks of the River Aya / There is a village called Yamada where sheaves of rice grow / Its been known for 1000 years / People are in harmony and diligently working.
日本扩大了对能源部门和促进青年就业的援 助,目前正在考虑通过非洲稻米开发联盟框架来为米生产提供援助。
Japan has extended assistance in the energy sector and for youth employment and is now considering assistance for rice production through the framework of the Coalition for African Rice Development.
尽管孟加拉国已经 不那么依赖粮食援助,其米生产几 乎翻了三倍,但许多最贫困人口仍然营养不 [...]
While Bangladesh has become less dependent on food aid and has nearly
[...] tripled its rice production, many of [...]
the poorest people remain malnourished and do
not have consistent access to food.
以下发言者作了发言:佩特科·德拉加诺夫 生 , 贸 发会议副秘书长;古 巴代表,代表 77 国集团和中国发言;尼泊尔代表,代表最不发达国家发言;孟 加拉国代表,代表亚洲集团发言;埃及代表,代表非洲集团发言;比利时代表, 代表欧洲联盟发言;米尼加 共和国代表,代表拉丁美洲和加勒比国家集团发 言;美利坚合众国代表;中国代表;土耳其代表;莱索托代表;法国代表;埃 塞俄比亚代表;泰国代表;委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国代表;也门代表;以及安 哥拉代表。
The following speakers made statements: Mr.
Petko Draganov, Deputy
[...] Secretary-General of UNCTAD; the representative of Cuba, speaking on behalf of the Group of 77 and China; the representative of Nepal, speaking on behalf of the Least Developed Countries (LDCs); the representative of Bangladesh, speaking on behalf of the Asian Group; the representative of Egypt, speaking on behalf of the African Group; the representative of Belgium, speaking on behalf of the European Union; the representative of the Dominican Republic, [...]
speaking on behalf of
the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC); the representative of the United States of America; the representative of China; the representative of Turkey; the representative of Lesotho; the representative of France; the representative of Ethiopia; the representative of Thailand; the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela; the representative of Yemen; and the representative of Angola.
这类食物包括:羊肉、鸡肉、虾、豆类、橙、栗子、萝卜、胡萝卜、 米 、 生 姜 、枣子、胡桃、芝麻和白果;请避免食用冰块、冷饮和生冷食物。
These include lamb, chicken, shrimp, beans, oranges, chestnuts,
[...] radishes, carrots, corn, ginger, dates and [...]
walnuts, as well as to sesame and gingko
seeds; avoid ice and cold drinks or food.
2011 年全球对低于 40 奈米生产线需求越来越高,对于当前工具订单已确认的 10 大 IDM 采用我们的技术而言,是关键的一年。
A number of companies, including this new US based customer, are finding that conventional Rs and optical metrology tools are not capable of measuring the sheet resistance of the very thin conductive films needed for production processes beyond the 40nm node. 2011 with ramp up of below 40nm process lines around the world will be a key year for adoption of our technology by top 10 IDM confirmed by our current tool backlog," said Bo Svarer Hansen, CEO of CAPRES A/S.
土質 - 土為黏重有機 土質,最適宜米生長 。
Soil – the alluvial and heavy soil is very
[...] suitable for growing rice.
然而 包括俄羅斯總統在內的政治領袖也 體認到 影響目前俄羅斯經濟前景最大的關鍵 仍在於如何改善投資環境 這包括如何促進金 融秩序穩定與降低管制 投資保障 稅務與勞 工等問題 以利吸引更多的民間投資 但在達 到這樣難度相當高的目標之前 目前俄羅斯對 外資的態度還是以較大規模且有外國政府參與 的投資計畫為主 目 前 俄 羅 斯 希 望 在 年 底 能 夠 與 東 協 ASEAN 洽簽一項自由貿易區的相關協定 內容大部分係以核能 太空 交通 教育米 生物科 技 保障食品安全等方面的合作 目前雖然不清楚俄羅斯強化與南亞與東南亞的 經濟合作 會有助於俄羅斯經濟擺脫明後年歐 盟經濟不振帶給俄羅斯經濟本身的影響 然而 就長期而言 逐步融入世界經濟與貿易體系 還是符合俄羅斯整體利益 並穩定剛結束的國 會大選與即將舉行總統大選的俄羅斯政局
Now Russia hopes to sign an agreement with ASEAN related to free trade area by the end of the year, including cooperation in terms of nuclear power, outer space, transportation, education, nano, biotechnology, and food safety. Although it is still unclear now whether Russia’s strengthened economic cooperation with South Asia and Southeast Asia will help its own economy get rid of the influences brought by the weak economy of Europe in the next two years, the gradual integration into the world economy and trading system is in line with Russia’s national interests in the long term.
This could
[...] be used in place of corn in ethanol production, [...]
and it would be cheaper and easier to produce.
亚太农机中心采用一种全面的方式来处理整个亚太区域存在的 粮食不安全问题,发动了各种技术援助项目,协助成员国加强高产水 稻品种的研究和开发,同时处理 米生 产 中收获后损失问题。
UNAPCAEM adopted a holistic approach addressing region-wide food insecurity by launching technical assistance projects assisting member countries to enhance research and development of high-yielding rice varieties while addressing post-harvest losses in rice production.
[...] 組織合作推動之「柑橘黃龍病防治計畫」以及貝里斯 「水產養殖計畫」、菲律賓「飼料 米生 產 計 畫」以 及與亞太糧食肥料技術中心合作辦理之「國際農業技 [...]
g. Fisheries/agriculture: Doubling Rice Yield Within Five Years Project in The Gambia, Rice Cultivation Project in Burkina Faso, Citrus Greening Prevention Project [in collaboration with the Organization of Central
American States (OCAS)], Fish Breeding
[...] Project in Belize, Corn Feed Production Project [...]
in the Philippines, and International
Agricultural Technology Exchange and Information Project [administered in cooperation with the Food and Fertilizer Technology Center (FFTC)].
在本届会议上,社会科学及人文科学委员会和自然科学委员会审议了 35 C/COM SC/DR.1
[...] 索、刚果、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、 米 尼 加共和国、芬兰、冰岛、利比 亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、新西兰、荷兰、挪威、帕劳、巴布亚新几内亚、波兰、 [...]
斯、哥斯达黎加、德国、哈萨克斯坦、拉脱维亚、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、摩纳哥、巴基斯坦、 所罗门群岛、苏里南和赞比亚),要求总干事利用教科文组织独有的跨学科背景,加强教科 文组织在气候变化问题上的专业能力。
During this session, the SHS and SC Commissions examined the resolution proposed in document 35 C/COM SC/DR.1 (submitted by: Austria, Belgium, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Congo,
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark,
[...] Djibouti, Dominican Republic, [...]
Finland, Iceland, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Madagascar, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, Samoa, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Tuvalu, Uruguay; co-sponsored by: Barbados, Costa Rica, Germany, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Malaysia, Monaco, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Suriname, and Zambia), requesting the Director-General to strengthen UNESCO’s specialized capacity on climate change, building upon UNESCO’s unique interdisciplinary profile.




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