

单词 生物学

生物学 noun ()

biologic n



molecular biology





See also:

生物 n

biology n
biotechnology n
creatures pl
organisms n
bio n
creature n
biomass n


living creature
life form

物学 adj

biological adj

物学 n

microbiology n
molecular biology n

External sources (not reviewed)

(j) 鼓励各国政府将空间教育纳入本国学校 学 、 物 理 学 、 生物学 、化学和社会科学等不同学科的课程,并纳入大学课程。
(j) Governments are encouraged to incorporate space education into the curricula
of schools (in different subjects such as
[...] mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry and social science) and universities.
尽管生物学上来 说只有一个种族,但种族歧视是一种社会建构产物,由于社会已经设定了该术语 [...]
Even though biologically there was only [...]
one race and racial discrimination was a social construct, its impact and consequences
were real because society had given the term meaning.
A …铭记生物伦理方面的国际和地区文书,包括 1997 年通过,1999 年生效的欧 洲委员会在生物学和医学应用方面保护人权和人的尊严公约:人权 生物 医学公约》,生物伦 理方面的国家法律和规章,国际和地区生物伦理方面的 行为准则与指导方针以及其它文书,例如于 1964 年通过并于 1975、1989、 1993、1996、2000 和 2002 年分别修订的世界医学联合会关于以人为对象的 医学研究伦理原则的赫尔辛基宣言,1982 年通过并于 1993 和 2002 年分别修 订的国际医学科学组织理事会《关于以人为对象 生物 医 学 研 究 国际伦理指 导原则》,以及2005年1月关于智障问题的蒙特利尔宣言。
including the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being
with regard to the
[...] Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe, adopted in 1997 and entered into force in 1999, as well as national legislation and regulations in the field of bioethics and the international and regional codes of conduct and guidelines and other texts in the field of bioethics, such as the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association on Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, adopted in 1964 and amended in 1975, 1989, 1993, 1996, 2000 and 2002 and the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects of the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences adopted in 1982 and [...]
amended in 1993 and 2002,
and the Montreal Declaration on Intellectual Disabilities of January 2005.
它强调了科学工作 人员的下述权利:“对某些项目的人文、社会 生物学 价 值 自由表示意见,如果 他们的良心要求他们退出项目,作为最后办法,他们可自由退出”;它还建议提 供有力的揭发内幕保护。
It stressed the right of scientific researchers to “express themselves freely on the human, social or ecological value of certain [...]
projects and, in the
last resort, withdraw from those projects if their conscience so dictates”; it also recommended strong whistle-blower protections.
述及 的领域应包括:预防、致病性和毒性研究、诊断技术研究、大 生物学 研 究 、检 测研究、治疗研究、毒理学研究、实际防护研究、消除污染研究和其他有关研 究。
Areas to be addressed shall include: prophylaxis, studies on pathogenicity and virulence, diagnostic techniques, aerobiology, detection, treatment, toxinology, physical protection, decontamination and other related research.
委员会注意到,各国介绍了本国在空间技术附带利益方面的做法,通过这 些做法,制定了区域经济发展管理战略,并在民间社会的多个科学领域和实践
[...] 领域实行了一些有益的创新,这些领域包括 学 、 生物学 、 化 学、天文学、农 业、航空、陆运、消防、自然保护和能源。
The Committee took note of the information provided by States o n their national practices regarding spin-offs of space technology that had resulted in the introduction of strategies for the management of regional economic development, as well as useful innovations in numerous scientific
and practical areas of civil so ciety,
[...] such as medicine, biology, chemistry, astronomy, [...]
agriculture, aviation, land transport,
firefighting, the protection of nature and energy.
实验室助理员额任职者将负责提供血液学研究、免疫血 学 、 生物 化 学 、常 规尿便分析、生物学和寄 生虫学等基本实验室服务;根据医生要求收集转诊病 人的样本;提供化验结果报告,编制每周、每月和每年的实验室报告;盘存设备、 [...]
The incumbent of the post of Laboratory Assistant would provide basic laboratory services, such as haematology study,
[...] biochemistry, routine urine and stool analyses, microbiology and parasitology; collect samples from [...]
referred patients
as requested by doctors; provide a report of the test results and prepare weekly, monthly and annual laboratory reports; take inventory of equipment, reagents and other consumables; and ensure that laboratory equipment is kept clean and up to standard and is stored correctly.
生物信息学和计生物学方面 的进展很大程度上促进了生物数据的收集、 加工和利用,这包括创建新的语言;数据开发的进展;建模和模拟的改进,包括 建立整细胞模拟;使复杂生物信息直观化和分析基因序列数据及蛋白质在线工具 [...]
Advances in bioinformatics and
[...] computational biology have greatly aided the gathering, processing and utility of biological data, including: [...]
the creation of
new languages; advances in data mining; improvements in modelling and simulation, including the creation of whole-cell simulations; online tools and software for visualising complex biological information, analysing gene sequence data, protein analysis; as well as designing tools.
然而,因为我们从未经历过这种变化,并且不 同种类的海洋生物对酸化引起的海水化学变化 敏感性不同,以至于我们不是很确定海洋酸化生物学效应
There is less certainty, however, on possible biological impacts from ocean acidification because we have not experienced
such changes and different
[...] groups of marine organisms appear to be more or less sensitive to changing sea water chemistry.
管理和控制食源性疾病由几组人进行,首先,涉及评估风险的技术专家,即 检查流行学、微生物学和关 于危险的技术数据和食品,在政府层面的风险管理 [...]
者决定社会将可以容忍什么水平的风险,并平衡其他考虑,例如风险管理措施的 成本和对食品供应和效用的影响。
First, it involves technical experts assessing the risk, i.e.
[...] examining epidemiological, microbiological and technological [...]
data about the hazard and
the food. Risk managers at the government level decide what level of risk society will tolerate, while balancing other considerations, e.g. the cost of risk management measures and their effect on the affordability and utility of foods.
主要的海洋鱼类 种群生物学和地 理学以及包含的管理单位上有明确定义。
The major marine fish stocks are
[...] well defined biologically and geographically, [...]
and comprise management units.
耶鲁大学耶鲁世界学者方案主任;国际儿童健康耶鲁方案儿科学、流行病学及致病 生物学 教授 Michael Cappello博士:“应对 21 世纪的挑战需要我们的领袖具备真正的全球化视野,而这只能通过跨越传统界限的互动机会才得以实现。
Dr. Michael Cappello, Professor of Pediatrics,
[...] Epidemiology, and Microbial Pathogenesis; Yale Program in International Child Health; Director, Yale World Fellows Program, Yale University: “Addressing [...]
21st century challenges
will require a truly global perspective in our leaders, one that can only be achieved through opportunities to interact across traditional boundaries.
秘书处还应邀作为全球海洋生物多样性倡议指导委员会的成员参加工作, 该倡议于 2008 年底启动,最初是德国联邦自然保护局、国际自然及自然资源保 护联盟(自然保护联盟)、环境署世界养护监测中心、海洋保 生物学 研 究所、海 洋生物普查、海洋生物地理信息系统和杜克大学海洋地理空间生态实验室之间开 展的一项协作。
The secretariat was also invited to participate as a member of the steering committee for the Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative (GOBI), which began in late 2008 as a collaboration between the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), the Marine Conservation Biology Institute (MCBI), the Census of Marine Life (CoML), Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS) and the Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab (MGEL) of Duke University.
实施了关于零引力物理学、空间材料科学、空 生 物 技 术和空 生物学的 重大研究方案。
A major programme of research on zero-gravity physics, space materials science, space biotechnology and space biology was carried out.
自发性分化是神经干细胞的特性,而之前的很多关于神经干细胞定向分化的研究都没有考虑到自发性分化对实验结果的影响,因此,自发性分化成为研究神经干细 生物学 特 点 及临床应用必须面对的问题。
Spontaneous differentiation, a characteristic of neural stem cells, is not taken into account in investigating the influential factors on experimental results in many previous studies regarding oriented differentiation of neural stem cells.
他一面热心于艺术创作和理论研究,研究如何用线条与立体造型去表现形体的各种问题;另一方面他研究自然科学,为了真实感人的艺术形象,他广泛地研究与绘画有关的光学、数学、地 学 、 生物学 等 多 种学科。
One hand, she is very interested in art and theory, but on the other hand, she is indulged in natural science, so Lu Yang practices in light, mathematics, geology, biology and so on.
[...] Vorniceni 结 核病医院、巴蒂市立医院和蒂吉娜市立医院基准实验室相继开展了肺结核 生物 学实验
During the implementation period the National Phtysiopneumology Institute Reference
Laboratory and the Reference
[...] Laboratories in tuberculosis microbiology of the tuberculosis [...]
hospital in Vorniceni, the municipal
hospital of Balti and Tighina.
联合研究单位包括:中法哺乳动物胚胎细 生物学 联 合实验室(LAB IOCEM),以及旨在促生物学家、 数学家、统计学家与计算机科学家进行合作的计算与进 生物学 研 究 中心(CCEB)。
Joint research units include the Sino-French Joint Laboratory for Biology of Mammalians Embryonic Cells (LABIOCEM) and the Center for Computational and Evolutionary Biology (CCEB), established to foster collaborations between biologists and mathematicians, statisticians and computer scientists.
概述研究与发展活动,说明是否在下列领域进行过工作、预防、致病 性和毒性研究、诊断技术研究、空 生物学 研 究、治疗研究、毒理学 研究、实际防护研究、消除污染研究以及其他有关研究,可能时请说 明地点。
Summary of the research and development activities indicating whether or not work was conducted in the following areas: prophylaxis, studies on pathogenicity and virulence, diagnostic techniques, aerobiology, detection, treatment, toxinology, physical protection, decontamination, and other related research, with location if possible.
的会议(2010 年);昆士兰大学健康科学学院理事会会议,题为“成 瘾神经伦理学:吸毒成瘾遗传学和神 生物学 的 政 策影响研究方案”(2009 年); 国际药物政策研究学会在里斯本举行的“大麻使用的不良健康效应及其政策相关 性”会议(2008 年);《柳叶刀》期刊编辑部在伦敦举行的“避免潜在成瘾神生 物学的滥 用”会议(2007 年);布里斯托大学医学伦理中心“预见成瘾神 生物学 不受欢迎的用途”会议(2006 年)。
Howard Florey Institute, University of Melbourne (2010); “Addiction neuroethics: a program of research on the policy
implications of addiction genetics and
[...] neurobiology”, Faculty of Health Sciences Board Meeting, University of Queensland (2009); “The adverse health effects of cannabis use and their relevance to policy”, International Society for the Study of Drug Policy, Lisbon (2008); “Avoiding potential misuses of addiction neurobiology”, The Lancet Editorial Offices, London (2007); “Anticipating unwelcome uses of addiction neurobiology”, Centre for Ethics in Medicine, Bristol University (2006).
[...] 还会根据勘探方案的时间安排和候选人的资格,在冶金、海洋工程、海 生物学、 商 业、金融和其他相关领域提供在陆地上的其他训练机会。
In addition, the applicant stated that, depending on the timing of the exploration programme and the qualifications of the candidate, other training opportunities might be available on
land in the areas of metallurgy, marine
[...] engineering, marine biology, business, finance [...]
and other relevant related fields.
[...] Kao博士领导的实验室开展的一个合作研究项目,Richard Kao博士是生物学系助 理教授和流感病毒化学遗传学领域的资深先行者。
Under the research agreement, Alios will sponsor collaborative research at the University of Hong Kong in the laboratories of Dr.
Richard Kao, an assistant professor in the
[...] Department of Microbiology and a recognized [...]
leader in the field of influenza virus chemical genetics.
这些实验包括合同实验;地球物理研究; 学 和 生物学 研 究 ;空 生 物 技术;技 术研究和实验;地球观测;以及空间和材料技术。
These included contract experiments; geophysical research; medical and biological research; space biotechnology; technical research and experiments; Earth observation; and space and materials technology.
[...] Lever及其同事对海底沉积层及其下方的海底地壳进行了数百米的钻探以获取用于 生物学 分 析 、地球化学分析和地质分析的样品。
In a 2004 ocean expedition off the coast of the northwestern US, Mark Lever and colleagues drilled hundreds of meters into
seafloor sediment and underlying oceanic crust to retrieve
[...] samples for microbiological, geochemical and geological [...]
他们 还解释,技术会议不仅从人体健康和营养角度,而且从 生物学 、 加工和经济角度审议 了乳过氧化物酶体系的问题。
It was further explained that the technical meeting had considered the issue of the lactoperoxidase system not only from a human health and nutrition perspective, but also from microbiological, processing and economic perspectives.
[...] 了活动,重点是改进分地区和国家一级的教育和培训水平,并提高在各个研究课题上的研究 能力,即物理、数学、化学(尤其是生态及水 学 ) 、 生物 科 学 和 生物 技 术 方面的研究能 力。
Activities in support of capacity-building in the basic sciences, the life sciences and the engineering sciences have focused on promoting education and training at subregional and national level and enhancing research capacities in various research topics in physics, mathematics, chemistry (especially ecological and
water chemistry) and
[...] biological sciences and biotechnologies, with the training of hundreds of scientists [...]
and specialists, especially women and young researchers.
作为隆德学生物化学及结构生物系 的 一部分,Peterson Årsköld博士 以及质子通道研究小组一直在研究甲型流感病毒产生的M2蛋白质,一种小型单跨横跨膜(TM)蛋白质的性状。
Part of Lund University’s Department of Biochemistry and Structural Biology, Dr Peterson [...]
Årsköld and the proton channel
group have been studying the behavior of the M2 protein, a small, single-span transmembrane (TM) protein from the influenza A virus.
关于“科技伦理,特别生物伦理 ”项下的活动,建议更加重视对广大公众和决策者 进行宣传和提高他们的认识,制订更多的准则性文件、促进伦理教育、利用科技的伦理、能 力培养和学科活动。
As regards activities under the “ethics of
science and technology,
[...] in particular bioethics”, the suggestion was made to place more emphasis on information and sensitization of the public-at-large and decision-makers, on the development of further normative instruments, on the promotion of ethics education, on the ethics of the use of science and technology, capacity-building and on multidisciplinary action.




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