

单词 生气的


充满生气的 adj

vibrant adj

See also:


get angry
take offense

生的 adj

raw adj

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 开展研究,确认青少年司法制度 生气的 根 源 ,特别注重青少年罪行 防止委员会,并提出长久解决办法
(b) Undertake a study to identify the root causes of the inactivity of the juvenile justice system with particular attention to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Committee and propose durable solutions
(c) 建立业务关系这种不大僵化和更富 生气的 框 架,以便更好地反映与非政府组织 合作的需要。
(c) the establishment of operational relations, a more flexible and dynamic framework, so that the needs of cooperation with NGOs are better reflected.
k) 地区及分地区网络被认为是人和生物圈计划(MAB)和世界生物圈保留地网络的 一个具生气的特点
(k) The regional and subregional networks were found to constitute one of the dynamic features of MAB and of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.
地中海游轮在达喀尔停靠,您一定会迫不及待去探索这座充 生气的 城 市
Your luxury MSC cruise liner will dock in Dakar itself, and cruise passengers will be keen to get going and explore this dynamic city.
赫史霍恩强调:“我想做生气的艺 术,做那些能激活大脑的作品”。
Hirschhorn himself stresses: “I want to make active art, work that activates the brain.
里格比尝试许多治疗离开的臭鼬的味道,但他开始改造和攻击跳过被臭鼬形状,这对于他变换成每次 生气的 时 候
Rigby tries many cures to get the smell of the skunk away, but
he starts to transform and attack Skips in Were-Skunk
[...] shape, which for a time he transforms into each time he gets angry.
经验和常识表明,被人们普遍接受为善政内容的许多要素, 如法治、有能力和独立的司法、人权、安全部门改革、 生气的 民 间 社会、独立 的新闻媒体、倡导容忍、对话和流动、唾弃僵化和不公正的认同理念的政治文化, 往往也有助于与保护责任有关的目标。
Experience and common sense suggest that many of the elements of what is commonly accepted as good governance — the rule of law, a competent and independent judiciary, human rights, security sector reform, a robust civil society, an independent press and a political culture that favours tolerance, dialogue and mobility over the rigidities and injustices of identity politics — tend to serve objectives relating to the responsibility to protect as well.
排放是指生产原油时燃烧生的伴 生气的 火 焰 ,人们担心 会对大气污染和地球温室化产生影响。
But these flares were considered to be a main cause of air pollution and global warming.
第三,文化是一个 动态和充生气的过程 ,采取阻碍文化变化的措施,可能对文化和文化权利二者 极为有害;社区内的文化创新促进文化多样性。
Third, culture being a dynamic and living process, taking measures that impede cultural change may be extremely damaging to both culture and cultural rights; cultural innovations within communities contribute to cultural diversity.
文化是一个充生 气的动态 过程,个人与团体之间不应出现障碍,以保护他们的特征,也不应禁止 关于文化习俗、生活方式和世界观的讨论和批评。
Culture being a living and dynamic process, it is not suggested that barriers between individuals and groups should be raised in order to protect their specificities, nor that discussion about, and criticism of cultural practices, ways of life and world visions should be banned.
又强调指出,国际一级的善治对实现可持续发展至关重要,为此重申,为了 确保富生气的有利国际经济环境,必须处理对发展中国家发展前景有影响的国 际金融、贸易、技术和投资格局问题,以促进全球经济治理,并重申,为此国际 社会应采取一切必要的适当措施,包括确保支持结构改革和宏观经济改革,寻求 外债问题的全面解决办法,并扩大发展中国家的市场准入
that good governance at the international level is fundamental for achieving sustainable development, reiterating in this regard the importance of promoting global economic governance by addressing the international finance, trade, technology and investment patterns that have an impact on the development prospects of developing countries in order to ensure a dynamic and enabling international economic environment, and reiterating also that, to this effect, the international community should take all necessary and appropriate measures, including ensuring support for structural and macroeconomic reform, finding a comprehensive solution to the external debt problem and increasing the market access of developing countries
咕 - 假装是一个国际流行歌星 - 生气的时候 ,男孩不想和她一起玩,让她做,相信一帮恶棍,这将迫使他们听她幻想的演唱会。
Goo – who pretends to be an international pop star – gets upset when the boys don’t want to play with her, so she make-believes a gang of villains that will force them to listen to her imaginary concert.
立玛瓦蒂(Limavady)是一个充 生气的 市 集城镇,而且就在沿海路线的附近,到了那里之后还可以选择游览穿越雄伟的娄谷(Roe Valley),你可以参观美丽的乡村公园,随后前往伦敦德里(Londonderry)过夜。
Limavady is a vibrant market town and is next along your route, after which there is an option of travelling through the magnificent Roe Valley, where you can visit the beautiful country park before heading to Londonderry to spend the night.
[...] 识流程外包部门正在利用本国绝佳的地理位置、良好的网络和当地人口双 语或多语制优势,向充生气的信息和通信技术中心这一目标发展。
In fact, the information technology enabled services (ITES), business process outsourcing (BPO) and knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) sectors are being developed into a vibrant information and communications
technology hub, leveraging its prime location, very good network and the
[...] bilingualism/multilingualism of the local population.
生的气候和 干燥的,而不是突然改变的部门被分为粘土混合沙子或石灰质土的土壤。
The climate is wild and dry and not [...]
subject to sudden changes and the soil of the department is divided between clay intermixed
with sand or of calcareous earth.
在支持国内研究及推动发展中国家投入减缓行动的讨论中,已提出有关可能 生的气 候变化影响的问题
Issues relating to potential climate change impacts have been raised during discussions on support for incountry studies and on engaging developing countries more directly on mitigation
不管我们是检查过去 50 年的线性变暖趋势—— 平均每十年升温 0.13℃,将近我们在过去 100 年中看 到的温度上升的两倍;还是检查风暴和旋风等极端天 气事件;还是检查海洋的热膨胀;或是检查夏季北极 冰的融化,这些都不是关于今天实际 生的气 候 变化 的投机性数据。
Whether we look at the linear warming trend over the past 50 years — on average, 0.13°C warming per decade, which is nearly twice the temperature increase we have seen over the past 100 years; whether we look at the increase in terms of extreme weather events, such as storms and cyclones; whether we look at the thermal expansion of oceans; or whether we look at the melting of the Arctic summer ice, none of these are speculative data about the fact that a changing climate is a reality today.
此外,高效的旋风分离器(CIV)保护真空泵不 生气 流 中 的 水 分 和固体颗粒造成的任何损坏。
In addition, the highly effective Cyclon Interceptor Vessel (CIV) protects the pump from any damage caused by
[...] water and solid particles in the air flow.
(c) 将荧光屏号卫星上使用银–镉蓄能器——很容易因其 生的气 体 所造成 的爆炸而毁坏——替换为镍氢电池; (d) 杜绝由俄罗斯宇航局征用的所有运载火箭、助推器和卫星方面的蓄意 性破裂
(c) Replacement, aboard the Ekran satellite, of batteries that use silvercadmium accumulators — which are vulnerable to destruction as a result of explosion caused by the gases that they produce — with nickel hydrogen batteries
3] [4 ]所有六个电影的功能球星凯文康罗伊 从 D C 生气 蓬 勃 的 宇 宙 ,再发生 的 声 音 作为蝙蝠侠的作用。
3][4] All six films of the feature star Kevin Conroy, reprising his voice role as Batman from the DC animated universe.
针对区域 (减少酸雨) 的、当地的和室的空气污染制的 政 策 也能生 气候变化的协同效应。
Regional (acid rain
[...] abatement), local and indoor air pollution policies can also have climate change co-benefits.
(c) 采用以下作业方式:加工生的气体 以 受控制和均化的方式,甚至 在最不利的条件下,在 2 秒钟便上升到 850 摄氏度的温度
(c) To operate in such a way that the gas resulting from the process is raised, in a controlled and homogeneous fashion and even under the most unfavourable conditions, to a temperature of 850 °C for 2 seconds
[...] Vulgano和Canaldente气田重新投产所需的资本支出;(2)公司在获得许可证后9个月内重新投产的能力;(3)意大利天然气的价格;(4)公司遵守某些管理机构要求的能力;(5)预期的重新投产所需的资本支出;(6)公司的日常开支较低;(7)公司在2012年底之前持续提高石油天 气生 产 的 能 力;(8)公司为欧洲的工业和零售市场生产天 气的 能 力
In particular, forward-looking information and statements include, but are not limited to: (i) the capital expenditures required in order to re-commence production on both the Torrente Vulgano and Canaldente properties; (ii) the ability of the Company to re-commence production within 9 months following the issuance of the licences; (iii) the price of natural gas in Italy; (iv) the ability of the Company to comply with certain regulatory requirements; (v) anticipated capital expenditures required to re-commence
production; (vi) the
[...] Company's low overhead costs; (vii) the Company's ability substantially increase its oil and gas production by the end of 2012; (viii) the Company's [...]
ability to produce gas for industrial and retail markets in Europe.
但是,能 源效率提高可导致发电过程的二氧 化碳排放量减少,因而 生气 候 效 益并提供潜 的未 来收入来源。
Nonetheless, energy efficiency improvements lead to a savings in emissions of
carbon dioxide
[...] released during the generation of electricity and thereby create climate benefits and offer potential [...]
future revenue streams.
有着«Anci»标志的阿索咯不只证明了这个城市的文化资源丰富,还表示这个城市的结构,各个建筑物的搭配协调,整个城 的生气 以 及 其市民所享有的各种服务。
The awarding of the Anci mark attests not only to the great artistic, historical, and traditional heritage in the municipality but also recognises the fulfilment of a number of structural characteristics, such as the architectural harmony of the urban fabric and the quality of its public and private building heritage, and general characteristics regarding how nice it is to live in the village in terms of activities and services to its citizens.
此外,本地知识在可持续发展中的重要性意味着,在当地创造性地利用信息技 术系统将生气勃勃的可持 续发展教育的内容之一--积极创造、利用和分享知识,而不仅仅 [...]
In addition, the importance of local knowledge in sustainable
[...] development implies that local and creative use of [...]
information technology systems will be
part of a dynamic ESD – the active generation, use and sharing of knowledge, rather than merely a passive acceptance of other people’s knowledge found on the Web and other ICTs.
鉴于最不发达国家经济体的性质,中 小型企业的发展是最不发达国家形 生气 勃 勃 的 工 商界的希望所在。
Given the nature of least developed countries’ economies, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises holds a promising opportunity for the emergence of a vibrant business community in least developed countries.
利用这个指标算得的结果是一组量化的数 据,它可用于两种不同的用途:查明他种最不 生气 候 影响的办法;计算改用他种办法生的大致的气候影响。
The information generated by the indicator was a set of quantitative data that could be used for two different purposes: identification of the alternative with the least climate impact; and calculation of the approximate climate impact of the conversion to that alternative.
Massingir 大坝期间,重新安置社区居民的情况。62JS2 指出,由于所谓的能源
[...] 需求,出现了一些大型水坝建设项目,但并没有深入分析真正的能源需求,也没 有考虑到在该地区生产替代性能源的可能性、累积性影响、 生气 候 变 化 的 原因 及其影响。
JS2 stated that in the majority of these cases, this resulted in conflicts and cited as an example the resettlement of communities during the rehabilitation of the Massingir dam.62 JS2 submitted that the alleged need for energy has led to the emergence of mega-dam construction projects without, however, a deep analysis of the real local energy needs, the alternatives energy
production possibilities for that area, the cumulative impact,
[...] causes and effects on climate change have not been [...]




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