

单词 生死关头

See also:


life or death
critical (event)

关头 n

moment n

External sources (not reviewed)

做出此类决定’ 所需的知识。所以,这对于波兰的页 岩气产业来说并不是一生死存亡的 关头。
So this is not a make-or-break moment for Polish shale gas,” he said.
除了 促进部门间的行动和全球保健监管以克服全球可预 死 亡 的 头 号 原 因之外,框架 公约强调国际贸易和生之间 的重要交 关 系 ,尤其是在贸易和投资自由化的新 时代存在的这种关系。
In addition to catalysing intersectoral action and global health
regulation to combat the
[...] world’s leading preventable cause of death, the Framework Convention highlights the vital intersection between international [...]
trade and health,
particularly in the context of a new era of trade and investment liberalization.
间接的后果包括:因劣质或地下堕胎手 生 造 成 的 死 亡 ; 孕妇 死亡;有害习俗造成的死亡;与贩毒、有组织犯罪和团伙活动 关 的 死 亡 ; 仅仅 因忽视、饥饿或虐待造成女孩或妇女的死亡;以及国家蓄意的行为或不行为造成 的死亡。
The indirect category includes: deaths due to poorly conducted or clandestine abortions; maternal mortality; deaths from harmful practices; deaths linked to human trafficking, drug dealing, organized crime and gangrelated activities; the death of girls or women from simple neglect, through starvation or illtreatment; and deliberate acts or omissions by the State.
无论法律程序如何,受害人及其家属享有不受时效限制的权利,以 了解生侵权情况的真相,如果 关死 亡 或 失踪,则有权了解受害 人的命运。
Irrespective of any legal proceedings, victims and their families have the
imprescriptible right to
[...] know the truth about the circumstances in which violations took place and, in the event of death or disappearance, [...]
the victims’ fate.
它还因为与加文爵士和绿衣骑士的传说相关而闻名,《加文爵士和绿衣骑士》是一首中世纪的诗歌,讲述了一个绿色皮肤、时而 头 的 骑士向亚瑟王麾下的一位骑士发出 关生死 的 一 项勇气挑战的故事。
It’s also famously associated
[...] with the legend of Gawain and the Green Knight, a medieval poem about a green-skinned, occasionally headless horseman who challenges one of King Arthur’s knights to a deadly test of courage.
这种创新的碘基头药浴快速死多 种造成乳腺炎的 生 物。
This innovative iodine-based teat dip quickly kills a broad spectrum of mastitis-causing [...]
(a) 布托女死于头部受伤,由于爆炸的力量,她的头部撞到安全顶窗的推 杆上;(b) 与基地组织关联的 巴伊图拉·马哈苏德 生 要 对 此负责,并展示了截
(a) Ms. Bhutto died from a head injury sustained when from the force of the blast she hit her head on the lever of the escape hatch
你正面生命危机 的紧要的最关头,我 们将尽我们能够做的最 大的努力,不仅仅要帮助你平静死 亡 , 而且 要支持你好好的活着、直至你离开这个世界。
This toolkit has been written to help us to care more effectively by teaching simple skills and putting together basic information to use when we are caring for sick people who will not get better.
(c) 在市场开发司内设立 1 个高级市场分析师,负责头生成和进 一步开发国贸中心的市场准入分析工具,其中包括扩 关 于 服 务和关 税措施的工作;与其他国际组织密切合作,开发基于网络的工具以及相 关增值服务;带领一组分析师,进一步开发对企业和贸易谈判人员均属 至要的其他贸易情报工具。
( ) A Senior Market Analyst in the Division of
Market Development,
[...] responsible for spearheading the generation and further development of ITC’s market access analysis tools, including expanding work on services and non-tariff measures; developing web-based tools as well as related value added services [...]
in close cooperation
with other international organizations; and leading a team of analysts in further developing other trade intelligence tools of critical importance to both businesses and trade negotiators.
关于附 带捕获的海洋哺乳动物,68 经更新的资料显示,《国际海豚养护方案 协定》将海豚死亡率从 1986 年的 132 000 头减少到 2008 年的 1 200 头。
Regarding the by-catch of marine mammals,68 updated information shows that AIDCP reduced drastically the mortality from 132,000 dolphins in 1986 to about 1,200 in 2008.
2011 年 3 月 8 日当地时间 16 时许,亚美尼亚武装部队从被其占领的阿格达
[...] 姆地区沙克拉尔村中的阵地开枪射击,造成阿格达姆地区奥尔塔加尔万村正在家 中院内与其他儿童玩耍的村民法利兹·巴达洛夫(2002 年生)头部中弹,他在送 往医院的途死亡。
On 8 March 2011 at about 1600 hours local time, Armenian armed forces opened fire from positions in the occupied village of Shykhlar in the Agdam district of the Republic of Azerbaijan. As a result of this, a resident of the village of Orta Garvand in the Agdam district, Fariz Badalov, born 2002, who at the time was
playing with other children in the yard of his
[...] home, received a bullet wound to the head and died on the way to hospital.
69 名法官受到威胁的报告以及司法关 于 列 有90多 名法官的头号死亡名 单”的研究报告。
The Special Rapporteurs referred
to reports by the National Council for Justice of 69 threatened judges, and to studies from
[...] the Justice Ministry on a “most wanted” death list including more than 90 judges.
在对我们区域至关重要的 这关头,需 要勇气和领导力,以最终制止这一旷日持久的惨剧,为巴勒斯坦人 民和以色列人民带来和平与安全,并在 1967 年边界的基础上建立一个独立、享 有主权和生存能力的巴勒斯坦国,与以色列和平、安全地毗邻共存,从而实现 基于两国解决办法的持久的全面和平,根据 1948 年第 194(III)号决议实现巴勒 斯坦难民的公正解决。
Courage and leadership is needed at this critical juncture in our region to ultimately end this prolonged tragedy and bring peace and security to the Palestinian and Israeli peoples with the achievement of a lasting, comprehensive peace based on the [...]
two-State solution of an independent, sovereign
and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security with Israel on the basis of the 1967 borders, and the achievement of a just solution to the problem of the Palestine refugees in accordance with resolution 194 (III) of 1948.
[...] 至少有 33 人,其中包括 9 名儿童和 6 名妇女,在这些袭击中死亡,他们要么是 被活活死,要么是被头或枪杀。
A United Nations investigation confirmed that during those
attacks, at least 33 persons, including 9 children and 6 women,
[...] had been killed, either burned alive, decapitated or shot.
这十个部分按现代医疗术语讨论了以下主题:(1) 解剖学、生理学以及已知的性格、体液和要素;(2) 一般病理生理学(包括一个描述脉搏类型的章节和一 关 于 可导 致 死 亡 的 原因的章节);(3) 卫生与营 养(包括单独介绍儿童疾病、老人疾病以及特别介绍旅游期间容易感染的疾病的章节);(4) 诊断和预后;(5) [...]
发烧及其分类;(6) 治疗(当时的医生参阅最多的内容);(7)
感染性疾病;(8) 皮肤疾病;(9) 毒理学;(10) 药理学。
In current medical terminology, the ten parts discuss the following topics: (1) anatomy, physiology and knowing
temperaments, humors, and elements;
[...] (2) general pathophysiology (including a chapter describing the kinds of pulses and a chapter on causes of death); (3) hygiene and [...]
nutrition (including
separate chapters on diseases of childhood, of age, and especially diseases contracted while traveling); (4) diagnoses and prognoses; (5) fever and its classification; (6) treatments (the volume of the encyclopedia most sought after by physicians of the period); (7) infectious diseases; (8) skin diseases; (9) toxicology; and (10) pharmacology.
委员会还建议缔约国特关 注解决婴死亡率、营养不良和家庭粮食不安全的 关 问 题 ,以及城市和农村地 区生设施覆盖率等问题。
The Committee further recommends that particular
attention be given by
[...] the State party to addressing the problem of infant mortality, malnutrition and the related issue of household food insecurity, as well as sanitation [...]
coverage, in both urban and rural areas.
[...] 括:增加家庭保健队,以进行产前检查、护理分娩和新生儿;增加特别治疗单位 和特别护理单位病床;调整产院和医院的物质空间;确保孕妇和新生儿安全的交 通服务;扩充人奶库网络;培训儿科和妇科医生;培训产科紧急护理专业人员; 培训运输、资讯和健康监测专业人员;资讯管理方面,扩大死亡率资讯系统和活 产儿资讯系统的涵盖范围和提高其素质;州、市 生 局 监 测导致胎儿、婴儿、产死亡的流行病情况;设立婴儿和产 死 亡 率 问题委员会;加强社会监督和动员; 促进关婴儿和产死亡率 主题的区域调查研究。
The Plan therefore provides for an increase in the number of family health teams; prenatal, childbirth and newborn health examinations; additional beds in the intensive care units (UTIs) and intermediate care units (UCIs); facility modification in maternity units and hospitals; safe transport for pregnant women and newborns; expansion of the Mother’s Milk Bank Network; training of paediatricians and gynaecologists; training of urgent and emergency obstetrical care professionals; training of health transport, information and monitoring professionals; with respect to information management, an increase in the coverage and quality of the mortality and live birth databases; epidemiological monitoring
of foetal, infant and maternal deaths by the state and municipal
[...] health departments; establishment of infant and maternal mortality committees; improved social monitoring and mobilization; and promotion of regional studies on issues related to infant and maternal mortality.
如今 存在着一种倾向,一些人往往会忘记,这对于受影响 的人们来说关生死。
There is a tendency to forget that
[...] this is a life and death situation for our [...]
affected people.
社会事务和社会服务部的目标首先是防止 头 流 浪 者 死 亡 , 并为其提供适 足生存条件。
The Ministry’s goal is
[...] firstly to prevent street dwellers’ deaths and to provide them with adequate living [...]
在这 样一个重关头,马尔代夫谋求与其伙伴建立更强、 更新的伙伴关系。
At such an
[...] important juncture, Maldives sought strengthened and renewed partnerships with its [...]
development partners.
国际笔会还对“亵渎”法的存在表关注, 依据这类法律,一些作家和出版人被起诉、监禁和判 死 刑 , 国际笔会 指出,它将继续要求释放根据此类法律监禁的人。
[...] Pen was also concerned about the existence of “blasphemy” laws, under which a number of writers and publishers had been charged and imprisoned and sentenced to death, and indicated that [...]
it would continue to call
for the release of those imprisoned under such legislation.
事实上,在非正式工作小组会议期间对大会的不同发 关头 和 届 会所作的 相对直观的介绍,已经强调了需要改进的明确领域,这应成为一个明显的方式,用以强调大 会作为本组生活中 最重大事件的重要性,同时果断捐助,以提高其知名度。
In fact, a comparative visual presentation of different moments and sessions of the General Conference made during the meetings of the Informal Working Group highlighted clear areas for improvement which should be an obvious way to underline the importance of the General Conference as the most significant event in the life of the Organization while decidedly contributing to improve its visibility, particularly among the media.
在当前这个重关头,建 设和平委员会中非共和国组合打算帮助有关当局迅 速落实经各派别广泛政治对话后生 的 建 议并与中非共和国政府和其他利益攸 关方一起积极努力,通过一个由各派别广泛参加的进程,起草中非共和国建设和 平战略框架。
At this critical juncture, the Central African Republic configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission plans to assist the authorities in swiftly implementing the recommendations of the inclusive political dialogue and to work hard with the Central African Government and other stakeholders to draft a strategic framework
Erwin Trauner先生,S+S食品行业主管,为S+S在Anuga
[...] 2012展会上的表现作如下总结:"作为检测和分离技术的专家,S+S为各种食品生产提供解决方案,生产过程中的不同阶段,多样的食物产品类型,各类输送 方式,单一头生产过程中的所关 键 控 制点,S+S展出的机型涵盖了以上所有的应用类型。
Erwin Trauner, S+S manager for the food industry, sums up the S+S Anuga Foodtec 2012 trade fair presence: "As specialists in detection and separation technologies, S+S is exhibiting a complete product range for every process
stages, product type, and
[...] conveying method, and for all critical control points of the production [...]
process, all from one source.




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