

单词 生意


life force



the will live


do business



External sources (not reviewed)

例如有些 组织提到的淡水可能短缺问题就是应当让学校的 生意 的一个令人关注的重大问题。
The potential shortage of fresh water, for instance, was mentioned as one of the major concerns which studentsin schools should be made aware of.
该理事会决定后经 2011/178/CFSP 号理事会决定修订,添加了禁止在利比亚 空域飞行、禁止利比亚飞机在欧洲联盟空域飞行、以及要求欧洲联盟成员国国民、
[...] 受欧洲联盟成员国管辖者、在欧洲联盟成员国境内成立或受欧洲联盟成员国管辖 的公司在与利比亚实体生意持警惕的规定。
The Council decision was later amended by Council decision 2011/178/CFSP by adding a ban on flights in the airspace of Libya, a ban on flights of Libyan aircraft in the airspace of the European Union and a requirement that nationals of European Union member States, persons subject to their jurisdiction
and firms incorporated in their territories or subject to their jurisdiction should exercise
[...] vigilance whendoing businesswithLibyan [...]
所有警示标志和安全须知任何时候都必须遵守! 不遵守安全须知可能生意和严重的人身伤害。
Failure to follow the safety instructions
[...] may leadto accidentsandsevere personal [...]
injury for you or your colleagues.
没有能力购买或寻求强势品牌的加工商 也正在经历与稀缺的国内原料有关的越来越多问题,为 生意们正被迫进 口鱼。
Processors that operate without the purchasing or sourcing power of strong brands are also experiencing increasing problems linked to the scarcity of domestic raw material, and they are being forced to import fish for their business.
采购处一直在为供应商开办如何与联合国 生意训课程,强调 公司环境和社会管理体系的益处。
IAPSO has been developing a supplier training course on how to do business with the UN, by stressing the benefits of company environmental and social management systems.
他们的住房由族长在1914年(安迪·沃霍尔的父亲同年从斯洛伐克迁居匹兹堡)建成,一楼是家族用来 生意面,曾经改装成百货店和肉铺;二楼有两间卧室。
Built by the family patriarch in 1914 (the same year Andy Warhol’s father moved to Pittsburgh from Slovakia), the home had a
ground floor that doubled as the family business, once a grocery store and butcher
[...] shop, and an upper level two-bedroom home.
公司政策、美国 《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)
及全球各地类似的反行贿法皆禁止公司成员或其代 理无论是否以现金形式且无论是否直接或透过他人间接提供金钱或任何有价物品给任何国外官员
[...] (即外国政府公务员、外国政党或政党干部或国外政党办公室候选人),企图引诱该名官员影响 任何政府行为或决策或者协助公司获取或保 生意
Company policy, the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar anti-bribery laws around the world prohibit our people or their agents from giving or offering to give money or anything of value — whether in cash or not, or whether directly or indirectly through others — to any foreign official (i.e., foreign government employee, foreign political party, or party official or candidate for foreign political office) to
induce that official to affect any governmental act or decision, or to assist the Company in
[...] obtaining orretainingbusiness.
在这种情况下,雇主的优先事项是:(a) 创造一个能改善生意力的有 利环境,从而使企业能维持增长和提供就业机会;(b) 生产率增长(生产率只有 欧洲和美国的六分之一);(c) 承认中小型企业的价值和能力;(d) 以市场和目 标为导向的技能发展;以及(e) 增加青年就业。
In this context employers’ priorities were: (a) an enabling environment to improve capacity to do business, so that enterprises can sustain growth and employment; (b) productivity growth (productivity was only one sixth of that in Europe and America); (c) recognizing the value and capacity of small and medium enterprises; (d) market- and target-oriented skills development; and (e) increasing youth employment.
过度讨厌的规则能使可 行生意济上无利益。
Overly cumbersome regulations can make an otherwise viable business economically unprofitable.
例如,由于行动能力(诸如残疾人和老年人 的此种能力)有限、不熟悉电子付款方法(例如使用提款卡和手机付款的方法)以
[...] 及性别影响(例如在武装人员守卫下排队时),分配资金的方式都可能 生意到的歧视性影响。
For example, owing to limited mobility (such as that of persons with disabilities and older persons), lack of familiarity with electronic methods of payment (such as through the use of debit cards and mobile phones) and the gender impact
(such as when queues are guarded by armed personnel), modes of
[...] disbursementcould have unintended discriminatory effects.
代 理 服 务 收 入 随 着 该 分生 意加 而 增 长 。
The increase in agency service income was attributable to the increase in business volume in this segment.
根据 RBK 评级年"联盟"(OJSC),是最具活力的俄罗斯银行之一: 银行参加最动态发展银行 2003年-2007 年,排名第 16
[...] 位,以及 19 评级"最赚钱银行"依法杂"生意-"上的钱 01.04.07,银行联盟索契。
According to RBK rating JSCB "Soyuz" (OJSC) is one of the most dynamic Russian banks: Bank took 16th place in the ranking of the most dynamically developing banks for 2003-2007, as well as 19
in the rating "the most profitable banking" according
[...] to the magazine "Kommersant-money" on 01.04.07, [...]
因此,政府采购法对于波兰人和在波 兰生意商有很大作用。
Therefore, this part of Polish law has a significant role for Polish and Foreign entrepreneurs conducting business in Poland.
[...] 交报告,则也许在审评期间会出现一些复杂状况,因为缔约方和专家审评小组有 可能就哪些补充资料需要报告和审评 生意歧。
If reports under Article 7 covering the gap period have to be submitted, complications may arise during the review, as there may be disagreement
between the Party and the expert review team about what
[...] supplementary information needs tobe reported [...]
on and reviewed.
奈伊创造出敏感的雕塑艺术品,而这些也同时是他个人历史的纪念碑:他父亲丢掉家族黄 生意候,他开始用黄麻线头来创作。
Nai creates sensitive, sculptural art works
[...] that are also monuments tothe artist’s personal history: he began using jute thread as a medium when his father lost the family jutebusiness.
但是它们很 少参与对这些行动的管理,而且它们很少有机会提供 可能非常有价值的意见,特别是在筹备和规划阶段, 而在这些阶段,为了使特派团获得成功,必须仔细考
[...] 虑一些至关重要的因素,例如提供充分的人力、财政 和后勤资源;退出战略;以及在生意件时,在 实地灵活应变的能力。
But their level of participation in the management of the operations is very low, and they have few opportunities to provide inputs which could be valuable, in particular in the preparation and planning stage, when crucial elements must be carefully considered in order to have a successful mission, such as the provision of adequate human, financial and
logistic resources; exit strategies; and capacities that can provide flexibility on the
[...] groundin case of unexpected events.
申 索 中 介 人 会 在 这 些
办 公 地 点 的 电 梯 大 堂 或 接 待 处 流 连 , 寻 找 涉 及 劳 资 纠 纷
[...] 的 申 请 人 、 法 律 援 助 的 申 请 人 或 交 通 意 外 受 害 人 或 他 们 的 家 人 , 向 他 们 兜生 意
Claims intermediaries would loiter in the lift lobbies or reception areas of the relevant offices and approach applicants involved in
labour disputes, applicants for legal aid, or
[...] victims of traffic accidents ortheir family members to solicitbusiness.
16.3 会计处将在 2010 年中进行一次质量控制演练,目的是避免在年底年度结算时生意也是为了更好编制最准确和透明并符合国际公共部门会计标准的财务报表,2011 年第 一季度外聘审计员将对这些报表进行审计。
16.3 BOC will undertake a dry run in mid-2010 for quality control to avoid any surprises by the year-end annual closing, and to better prepare the most accurate and transparent IPSAS compliant Financial Statement which will be audited by External Auditor in the first quarter of 2011.
[...] 可、咖啡、石油、金属、矿产品和木 生意国公司一定毫无例外、毫不拖延 [...]
The Group recommends that Member States take all possible measures to ensure that multinational companies resident in their territories and with business in
Ivorian cocoa, coffee, oil, metals,
[...] minerals and timber provide, without fail, [...]
all records of their business in Côte d’Ivoire
to the Group of Experts, without exception and without delay.
大韩民国政府还通知我国工业的相关部门,使其了解联合国安全理事会对利 比亚的制裁,并敦促它们在与利比亚 生意持警惕。
The Government of the Republic of Korea has also notified relevant sectors of our industry about the
United Nations Security Council sanctions against Libya
[...] and urged them to exercise vigilance when doing business with Libya.
为促进贩毒等非生意些非法武装团体偶尔也会在彼此之间或者与哥伦 比亚革命武装力量-人民军的地方战斗组织或民族解放军达成协议。
These groups occasionally reach agreements amongst
[...] themselvesor with local combatunits of [...]
FARC-EP or the National Liberation Army (ELN)
to facilitate illegal businesses, particularly drug trafficking.
它还跟踪私 营部门公司可能作出的变革,以便它们为妇女提供公平竞争环境,据预测,将有 另外 500 家公司采用或借鉴《增强妇女权能原则:平等 生意“性别平等印 鉴”,以及它们应最不发达国家的要求,支持这些国家编写在国际开发协会第 16 次资金补充会议上促进性别平等的提议。
It also tracks changes that private sector companies can make to level the playing field for women — projecting that an additional 500 companies will adopt or replicate the Women’s Empowerment Principles: Equality Means Business or the “Gender Equity Seal” — and to support the least developed countries, as per their request, in the development of proposals to promote gender equality under the sixteenth replenishment of the International Development Association.
在 2 月 25 日第 8 次会议上,委员会举行了一次专家小组讨论,主题为“消
[...] 除一切形式歧视和暴力侵害女童行为”,由委员会副主席菲力泊·辛提生(意)主持。
At its 8th meeting, on 25 February, the Commission held an expert panel discussion on the theme “Elimination of all forms of
discrimination and violence against the girl child”, moderated by the Vice-Chair of the
[...] Commission, Mr. FilippoCinti (Italy).
受访零售业企业表 示雇员人數增加的主要原因是业务需要 生意大;而另一方面,企业表示雇员人數 减少的主要原因是员工流失加上招聘困难,以及因实施法定最低工资而导致行内人手短 缺。
On the other hand, the main reasons for employing fewer employees were staff turnover together with recruitment difficulty and labour shortage in the sector owing to the implementation of SMW.
培训和就业国务秘书提供了技术援助,包括对各种方案的援助,这些方案为居住 在农村地区的 5 800 多人(30%为妇女)提供了临时就业,为 2 525 名求职者(62.4% 为妇女)提供了职业指导服务,支持了 764
[...] 名失业人员(79.7%为妇女)通过技能和 管理培训、小额贷款和启动套件创办自己 生意
In order to assist the Government in addressing the challenge of high unemployment rates, especially among youth, the International Labour Organization provided technical assistance to the Secretary of State for Vocational Training and Employment. This included assistance for programmes providing temporary employment for more than 5,800 people (30 per cent of them women) living in rural areas, assisting 2,525 job seekers (62.4 per cent of them women) with career guidance services and supporting 764 unemployed people (79.7
per cent of them women) in initiating their
[...] own businesses throughaccess toskills [...]
and management training, microcredit and start-up kits.
同 样 地 , 如 果 当 事 人 有 重 大 的 利 益 , 而 律 师 又 渴 望 保 住 日 後生 意( 又 或 者 当 事 人 在 财 务 上 支 付 律 师 费 的 能 力 , 要 视 乎 他 是 否 诉 讼 成 功 而 定 ) , 那 麽 , 即 使 律 师 采 用 传 统 的 收 费 孜 排 , 他 也 会 有 压 力 , 他 会 不 惜 一 切 代 价 争 取 诉 讼 成 功 , 情 况 尌 像 采 用 按 条 件 收 费 的 律 师 一 样 。
Equally, where the client‟s interests are significant and the lawyer is anxious to retain his business in the future (or where the client‟s financial ability to pay his lawyer‟s fees depends on his success in the very case in question), there are pressures on the conventional fee lawyer to win at all costs, just as there are on a lawyer acting on a conditional fee arrangement.
在这方面,指出《罗马一号条例》规定的限制使得做 生意方不愿 意在欧洲进行跨国界销售,而“蓝色按钮”旨在使消费者能够得到更广泛的产 [...]
In this regard, the point was
[...] made that smallbusiness vendorswere unwilling [...]
to sell cross-border in Europe due to the
restrictions imposed by the Rome I Regulation, and the “Blue Button” was designed to provide consumers with the ability to secure a wider range of products and lower prices.
当电信运营商正在探寻互联电视、云服务和出售增值服务给小商户和顾客以增加收入渠道,其他电信运营商正在进入串流影像和数字内 生意们都在尝试更多的革命性销售模式。
As telcos seek additional revenue sources such as over-the-top (OTT), cloud services and value-added services (VAS) sold to small business and consumers, and as many telcos enter the streaming video and digital content businesses, they are increasingly experimenting with innovative selling models,”saidMoritz Zimmerman, hybris Chief Technology Officer.




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