

单词 生命科学

See also:

生命 n

life n
lives pl
living n

科学 pl

scientists pl


scientific knowledge

学科 n

subject n
course n
study n
field n

External sources (not reviewed)

在这一时期内,教科文组织在生物伦理领域的活动主要集中于制定能规范指 生命科 学和卫生科学进步 的伦理原则和准则上。
During the period under consideration, UNESCO’s activities concerning bioethics
focused mainly on the definition of ethical principles and
[...] standards to guide progress in the life and health sciences.
卢森堡大学选择成为研究型大学,支持 一系列科研重点领域,如信息技术安全 性和可靠性、材科学、生命科学、欧 洲法律和商业法等。
The University of Luxembourg has chosen its model to be that of a university led by
research and supports
[...] a number of scientific research focus areas (like security and reliability of information technology, material science, life sciences, European [...]
and business law, etc.).
为支持在基科学、生命科学以及 工程科学方面进行能力建设开展 了活动,重点是改进分地区和国家一级的教育和培训水平,并提高在各个研究课题上的研究 能力,即物理、数学、化学(尤其是生态及水化学)、生物科学和生物技术方面的研究能 力。
Activities in support of capacity-building in the basic sciences, the life sciences and the engineering sciences have focused on promoting education and training at subregional and national level and enhancing research capacities in various research topics in physics, mathematics, chemistry (especially ecological and water chemistry) and biological sciences and biotechnologies, with the training of hundreds of scientists and specialists, especially women and young researchers.
生命科学中心 将与世界领先的科学中心联合进行器官移植、人工心脏和肺、 干细胞和长寿药物等领域的研究。
The Life Sciences Centre will conduct research jointly with the leading world scientific centres in [...]
the sphere of organ
transplantation, artificial hearts and lungs, stem cells and the medicine of longevity.
(ix) 建立非洲资源中心以促进政策制订者、学者、公民社会和其他有关各方之间生命科学,特 别是生物伦理学的进步而带来的伦理、法律和社会问题开展 [...]
交流,重点是关注非洲和其他发展中地区,以及共享有关拟定国际文书的挑 战和优先事项、制定与实施生物伦理领域国家政策框架的途径与方法等方面 的信息。
(ix) establish a resource centre in Africa to facilitate exchanges between policymakers, scholars, civil society and other interested parties on ethical,
legal and social concerns stemming from
[...] advances in the life sciences, especially in [...]
bioethics, with particular interest to
Africa and other developing regions, share information on international instruments development challenges and priorities and the ways and means of developing and implementing national policy frameworks in the field of bioethics.
教科文组织在生物伦理领域的活动重点是,制定一项可指 生命科学 和 卫 生 科 学 进步 的生物伦理的共同伦理原则和准则框架,第一步是起草《生物伦理普遍准则宣言》(见文件 [...]
169 EX/16 和 170 EX/9 及增补件)。
UNESCO’s activities concerning bioethics mainly focused on the definition of a common ethical standard-setting framework in
bioethics and standards to guide
[...] progress in the life and health sciences with the first steps [...]
being the elaboration of a declaration
on universal norms on bioethics (see documents 169 EX/16 and 170 EX/9 and Add.).
澳大利亚同步加速器、维多利亚州综合癌症中心、农业生物中心、Bio21、澳大利亚再生医学研究所、墨尔本纳米加工中心、维多利 生命科学 研 究实验项目(VLSCI) 都是2011 年维多利亚州生物科技行动计划中安排的重点基础设施项目。
The Australian Synchrotron, the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, the AgriBio Centre, Bio21, the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, the
Melbourne Centre for Nanofabrication and the
[...] Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative [...]
(VLSCI) are key infrastructure projects
as laid out in the Victorian Biotechnology Action Plan 2011.
挪威奥斯陆大学、挪威卑尔根大学、挪 生命科学 大 学 、挪威大气研究所、挪威科技工业研究院(SINTEF)和挪威奥斯陆国际气候和环境研究中心(CICERO)的研究人员将同中国科学院生态环境研究中心、中国科学院大气物理所以及环境化学与生态毒理学国家重点实验室的同行们共同执行6个研究项目。
[...] from the University of Oslo, University of Bergen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norwegian [...]
Institute for Air Research,
SINTEF and CICERO will work together with their Chinese counterparts from the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics and State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry to implement six projects.
生命科学和材 料科学公司 荷兰皇家帝斯曼集团的专家曾在埃及和肯尼亚努力解决与家庭食品营养强化有 关的问题并评估当地粮食生产的能力。
Specialists from Royal
[...] DSM N.V., a life sciences and materials sciences company, [...]
worked in Egypt and Kenya to tackle issues
related to the fortification of home food and to assess local capacity for food production.
这种担心尤其与专利制度在新一代技术、尤其是 生命科学 和 信 息技术方面 的应用有关。
These relate in particular to the application
of the patent system to the new generation of technologies,
[...] particularly in the life sciences and information [...]
创新性CAVAMAX®环糊精可以对物质进行分子封装——例如维生素、苦味物质、精油等——从而为全新的应用和产品开发铺平了道路,特别是 生命科学 领 域
Innovative CAVAMAX®cyclodextrins permit the molecular encapsulation of substances – such as vitamins, bitter substances, essential oils
and the like – and thereby pave the way to completely new applications and products,
[...] particularly in the life sciences.
爱德生命科学推出 的 EV1000 临床平台以一种全新的、直观的,并且易于理解的方式为您呈现病人的生理状态。
The EV1000 clinical platform from Edwards Lifesciences presents the physiologic status of the patient in an entirely new, intuitive and meaningful way.
主要原因是,先进的研究项目在 各个层面都获得众多国际合作伙伴的
[...] 支持,卢森堡提供独特的公共和私营部 门互动的环境,且政府大力支生命科 学和医疗研究。
This is mainly due to the advanced research projects supported by numerous
international partnerships at all levels and a unique public-private interaction environment and strong
[...] governmental support of life sciences and healthcare [...]
她曾担任全球客户经理,随后担 生命科学 质 量 控制经理,从事大客户发展(包括全球前10位制药企业)业务开发工作。
She was Global Key Account
[...] Manager and then Life Sciences Quality Control [...]
Manager for the business development of major
key accounts, including the top 10 global pharmaceutical leaders.
根据第2/96/M 号法律第11 条成立生命科学道德委员会,委员会的权限 包括分析、批准研究项目;制定证实脑死亡的标准;和就生物、医学或卫生领域 [...]
Under article 11 of Law 2/96/M, the Committee
[...] of Ethics for Life Sciences was established, [...]
being competent, inter alia, to analyse
and approve investigation projects, to define the criteria to certify cerebral death, to issue recommendations on ethics issues related to the scientific developments in the domains of biology, medical sciences and health.
公司有丰富生命科学客户群,遍及生物制药企业、医疗器械和诊断公司、学术和政府机构、CRO 和其他研究组织,包括前 25 强全球性制药企业中的 20 多家,以及开发能改善生命质量的医疗与诊断技术的各种规模的机构。
Our diverse life science customer base spans biopharmaceutical companies, medical device and diagnostic companies, academic and government [...]
institutions, CROs
and other research organizations, and includes more than 20 of the top 25 global pharmaceutical companies as well as organizations of all sizes developing life-enhancing medical treatments and diagnostics.
根据人权和生物伦理学领域中主要国际文书阐述的宗旨和原则,针对为 检查、治疗和预防疾病带来巨大希望 生命科学 和 医 学的快速发展,经社理事会 审议了伦理和法律问题,因为必需在医疗、就业和保险等领域保护遗传隐私权, [...]
Guided by the purposes and principles elaborated in the major international instruments in the field of human rights and bioethics,
and responding to the
[...] rapid pace of scientific advancement in life and medical sciences that bear [...]
great promise for detecting,
treating and preventing diseases, the Council considered the ethical and legal issues arising from the need to safeguard genetic privacy and fight discrimination based on genetic information in such fields as medicine, employment and insurance.
通用电气医疗保健系统的总部位于美国威斯康星州沃基肖(密尔沃基附近),是通用电气医疗保健六个主要部门中的一个 —— 其他五个部门分别生命科学、医疗诊断、医疗保健 IT、外科和绩效解决方案。
GE Healthcare Systems has its headquarters in Waukesha (near Milwaukee), Wisconsin, USA and is one of GE Healthcare’s six
primary units – the other
[...] five being Life Sciences, Medical Diagnostics, Healthcare IT, Surgery, and Performance [...]
当填写我们的询问表时,请选择“产业” > “ 生命科学 ” 和 并输入“医疗器械”以启动“ SGS公司能怎样帮助”框,确保我们专家的快速回应。
When completing our enquiry form please
[...] select Industry>Life Sciences and start the ‘How [...]
can SGS help’ box with the words ‘Medical
Devices’ to ensure a quick response from our experts.
此次,东北大学大学生命科学研究 科的杉本亚砂子教授与理化学研究所发生・再生科学综合研究中心的户谷美夏研究员等在以线虫胚为模型的分子成像解析中,发现了称为Aurora A的蛋白质使纺锤体的主要构成成分微小管安定这一现象对于纺锤体的形成极其重要。
A research group led by Professor Asako Sugimoto at Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University and Research Fellow Mika Toya at RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology have revealed through molecular imaging analysis of embryos of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans as model systems that it is important for the assembly of mitotic spindle that a protein called Aurora A stabilizes microtubules, which are primary components of mitotic spindle.
艾默生过程管理(www.emersonprocess.com.cn )是 Emerson 业务的一部分,它在帮助各行业实现生产、过程控制及输配自动化中,始终保持领先,并广泛服务于化工、石油和天然气、炼油、纸浆和造纸、电力、水和废水处理、食品和饮料 生命科学 及 其 它行业。
Emerson Process Management (www.emersonprocess.com), an Emerson business, is a leader in helping businesses automate their production, processing and distribution in the chemical, oil and gas, refining, pulp and paper, power, water and wastewater treatment, mining and metals, food and beverage, pharmaceutical and other industries.
This new
[...] module lets our Life Sciences users perform standardized [...]
stability analysis using the same software that provides
their laboratory method QA/QC charting, replacing what is typically a multi-application process, often performed by multiple staff.
会上探讨了更为宽泛的问题, 生命科学 及 相关技术的不断发 展、H5N1 病毒和1918 年流感大流行的案例研究、社会与科学的契约的性质以 [...]
On 1 May, the US
[...] National Academy of Science, National Academy of Engineering [...]
and Institute of Medicine convened a meeting on "Issues Raised, Lessons Learned, and Potential Strategies for
Dual-Use Research in the Life Sciences: The H5N1 Research Controversy".12 The meeting addressed broader issues including: the ongoing revolution in the life sciences and associated technologies; case studies of both H5N1 and 1918 pandemic influenza; discussions on the nature of the social contract with science; as well as consideration of governance, oversight, and the path forward.
大学城科学中心支生命科学和新 兴技术领域的创业、创新和技术商业化,提供办公室和实验室空间、对投资者和业务建设的意见以及一个创业和创新社区。
The University City Science Center supports entrepreneurship, innovation and technology commercialization in the life sciences and emerging [...]
technologies by providing
office and lab space, access to investors and business-building advice, and a community of entrepreneurship and innovation.
泛非洲大学的联络点包括尼日利亚的伊 巴丹大学主办的一个地球生命科学 中 心;肯尼亚的乔莫·肯尼亚塔大学的科学、 技术和创新中心;喀麦隆雅温得大学的一个治理、人文学科和社会科学中心;南 非的一个空间科学中心,以及 [...]
11 所阿尔及利亚大学网络支持的一个水、能源和 气候变化研究所。
The University nodes include an
[...] Earth and Life Sciences Centre hosted by the University of Ibadan in Nigeria; a Centre for Sciences, [...]
Technology and Innovation
at the Jomo Kenyatta University in Kenya; a Centre on Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Yaoundé in Cameroon; a Space Sciences Centre in South Africa; and an Institute for Water, Energy and Climate Change supported by a network of 11 Algerian universities.
作为一个团队,他们形成了一个吸引优世界各地所 生命科学 领 域 的优秀人才的强大资源,确保我们向客户推荐最优秀的候选人,并为我们的客户提供高效率、高质量的服务。
As a team, they form a powerful resource for
tapping outstanding
[...] talent in all life sciences disciplines around [...]
the world, ensuring that we present the best candidates and
provide an efficient, high-quality service to our clients.
诸多因素可能导致实际结果与前瞻性声明中所述结果有实质性差异,这些因素包括:全球经济衰退的影响和我们的客户与供应商在电信市场的恢复时间长度;汇率浮动和我们在这些不确定情况下的执行力;全球电信测试、测量和服务保证行业的整合;电信 生命科学 和 高 精密部件领域的资本支出水平;销售集中度;为应对这样的经济不确定因素我们采取的其它措施的效果(包括我们根据预计业务水平快速调整成本结构的能力、根据市场需求管理库存水平的能力);市场对我们的新产品和其他即将投放市场的产品的接受情况;客户订单和订单时间有限的能见度;成功整合已收购和即将收购的企业的能力;成功扩张全球运营的能力;关键技术和管理人员的留用;未来的经济、竞争、财务和市场状况。
Actual results may differ materially from those in our forward-looking statements due to various factors including economic uncertainty (including our ability to quickly adapt cost structures with anticipated levels of business, ability to manage inventory levels with market demand); future economic, competitive, financial and market conditions; capital spending levels in the telecommunications industry; limited visibility with regards to customer orders and the timing of such orders; fluctuating exchange rates; our ability to successfully integrate our acquired and to-be-acquired businesses; consolidation in the global telecommunications test and service assurance industry and increased competition among vendors; concentration of sales; market acceptance of our new products and other upcoming products; our ability to successfully expand international operations; and the retention of key technical and management personnel.
中心目前由中国科学院上生命科学 研 究 院植物生理生态研究所薯类生物技术研究组张鹏研究员、瑞士联邦理工大学-苏黎世植物科学研究所植物生物技术研究组Wilhelm Gruissem教授和植物生物化学研究组Samuel Zeeman教授、中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术所王文泉研究员为核心团队,并联合与中心工作密切相关的研究团队,共同组织和实施国内外联合和交叉性研究项目,同时也为促进中瑞之间生物技术学术交流和科研人员互访提供平台。
Currently the core members of SCCB include Prof. Peng Zhang's Group on Cassava and Sweetpotao Biotechnology at the Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, SIBS, Prof. Wilhelm Gruissem’s Group on Plant Biotechnology and Prof. Samuel Zeeman’s Group on Plant Biochemistry at the Institute of Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich, and Prof. Wenquan Wang’s Group on Molecular Breeding at the Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science.
柯达成熟的品牌保护战略和对策涵盖多种领域,包 生命科学 、 奢 侈品和收藏品、消费包装产品、食品、葡萄酒和烈性酒、服装和鞋类、工业、政府、文档防伪等不同行业。
Kodak’s proven brand protection
strategies and countermeasures span sectors as
[...] diverse as life sciences, luxury goods and [...]
collectibles, consumer packaged goods,
food, wines and spirits, clothing and footwear, industrial, government, document security.
上海木薯生物技术中心是由中国科学院上 生命科学 研 究 院(SIBS, CAS)与瑞士联邦理工大学-苏黎世(ETH Zurich)于2007年4月成立的联合实验室,中心旨在联合中瑞研究力量共同开展薯类资源、新材料、生物能源等领域的研究和开发,进一步加强中瑞之间的双边合作,促进科技人员之间的交流,将双方的合作发展为战略伙伴关系。
Shanghai Center for Cassava Biotechnology (SCCB) is a joint "virtual laboratory" supported by Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIBS, CAS) and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) in order to formalize and intensify bilateral collaborations, sharing of resources, development of common research interests and training of scientists in the field of cassava and sweetpotato biotechnology.




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