

单词 生命徵象

See also:






stand for

External sources (not reviewed)

陈荣声:「AIA 香港及澳门全资购入澳门友邦广场象徵们一直对港澳以 至大中华地区的长远经济前景充满信心。
Our investment in AIA Tower Macau underscores the confidence of AIA Hong Kong and Macau in the longterm economic prospects for Hong Kong, Macau and the Greater China region.
很自然,人们往往集中关注军事行动中造成的 生命和财产损失,却对非国家行为者对平民目标发动 自杀式袭击造成大生命失的不足。
Quite often and quite naturally, the focus on civilian casualties is centred on the loss of life and property damage caused in military operations, whilst
insufficient consideration is given to the
[...] thousands oflives lost insuicide attacks on civilian targets by non-State actors.
又谈室内空间,是与每个人日常生活关系最密切的环境,相对於外在环境极度恶化的情况下,室内空间成为个人所能掌握的最後防线,它具有相当程度徵和期望,除了满足机能需求与作为个人象徵外,同时也是一种因时/因地间表现(表情是也);在个人化(或内在化) 与因时/地制寸的情况下,设计师得以参与室内空间Programming / Designing完整过程,因Ordering与设计Designing之间,可以有更敏锐而深入的契合,甚至启发使用者(业主)思考自身定位与外在环境(社会)的互动关系。
Also on Interior space is most closely each person's environment, daily life, as opposed to the external environment worsen the situation, interior space a person can control
the last line of
[...] defence, which has considerable representation of life and hope, in addition to meet the functional needs of and as a personalsymbol, the same time is also a result of time / space due to the performanceof students(expression is also); in personal (or internalisation) and by the time / to system-inch case, the designer can [...]
be involved in Interior
Space Programming / Designing a full process, so proposition between Ordering and Design Designing, can be more sensitive and deeper fit, and even inspire users (owners) thought about their own position and the external environment (social) interaction.
今天, 我与局长一同当了“生命天使”,局长亦有生命使”象徵麽局长 可否也化身为“ 包天使”,令所有工人都可以赚取“生命工资”,透过立 法介入,停止工资不断下降的趋势,令工人可以按《经济、社会及文化权利 国际公约》,享有合理工资,确保“有工开”便可以“有饭开”,还工人一 个尊严?
Would she intervene by way of legislation to check the continual drop in wages so that workers would earn reasonable wages in accordance with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights?
它呼吁政府将创造就业机会的方 案列为当务之急,以防止流离失所和移,敦促政府尊重言论和表达 自由,保护新闻工作者生命击腐败,结束有罪不罚和促进善政。
It called on the Government to prioritize programmes creating employment opportunities so as to prevent displacement and risky migration, and urged it to respect the rights to freedom of speech and expression, protection of the life of journalists, fighting corruption, ending impunity and the promotion of good governance.
(b) 降低买卖小 型企 业 指 数 期货合约 而 须 根则分 别向证 监 会及投 资 者赔偿基 金 缴 付 的 徵费。
(b) reduce the levy payable to the SFC and ICF in respect of a sale and purchase of a Mini-Hang Seng China Enterprises Index Futures Contract under the LevyOrder [...]
and the Levy Rules.
於「保单附表」内所列明的「保单签发日」,或任何「计划」升级 或任何「保单」复(以较迟者为准)後九十(90)日的「等 候期」内如呈现有关任何类型癌症或慢性及不能复原的肾衰竭徵象徵或进行相关诊断或手术,不会获得「癌症及肾透析治 疗」的「保障」。
No Benefit of Cancer and Kidney Dialysis Treatment shall be payable if the signs or symptoms appear, or the diagnosis or surgery relating to any kind of cancer or chronic and irreversible kidney
failure has occurred within the Waiting
[...] Period of ninety (90) days following the later of the Policy Issue Date as stated in the Policy Schedule, or the effective date of any Plan upgrade or of any reinstatement of this Policy.
(2) 须将有文本,以面交或邮递方式,送达但不文本有否送达,经作出,立
(2) A health officer shall serve a copy of the order on the subject of the order, either personally orby post, but whether or not it is served, the order comes into force immediatelyon being made.
护士专业的重要职责是提供护理 服务重点,包括病人护理评估、派发药物、执行特别治疗生命、 病人教育,以及制订护理计划等。
An important duty of the nursing profession is to provide key nursing services, including nursing evaluation for patients, distribution of medicine, administration of special treatment, observation of vital signs, patient education, formulation of nursing programmes, and so on.
例如急症医院的深切治疗科,大多数病人的情况为危殆,护士须持 续评估及观察病人生命可能有需要辅助及观察病人使用人工呼吸 机、输液等护理程序,因此所需护士数目比较多。
For instance, given the critical conditions of the vast majority of patients in the intensive care units of acute hospitals, nurses must continuedly evaluate and observe the vital signs of patients and probably need to assist in and observe such nursing procedures as the use of ventilators, fluid transfer, and so on.
正如人权事务高级专员在其关于气候变化与人权的关系的报告18 中所说,
[...] “对人权的影响可能是直接的,如极端天气生命可能威胁,但往往也 可能间接和逐渐对人权产生影响,如对卫生系统日益增加的压力和对与气候变化 [...]
As the High Commissioner for Human Rights mentioned in her report dedicated on the relationship between climate change and
[...] rights,18“the effects on human rights can be of a [...]
direct nature, such as the threat extreme weather events may pose to the right to life, but will often
have an indirect and gradual effect on human rights, such as increasing stress on health systems and vulnerabilities related to climate change-induced migration.
Grass grows on the sidewalks, a rare sign of life in a city that has been the scene of so much death and destruction since the Syrian crisis began more than two years ago.
We’ve seen an earthquake and tsunami render unimaginable -- anunimaginable toll of death and destruction on one of our closest friends and allies in the world.
And though in Buenos Aires that might imply a higher level of streetside flea markets and less-than-gourmet burgers for sale, it is ultimately an advantage for everyone.
今年无疑是所有新闻的“迪奥的Christal 8”金漆器的装饰艺术精神象徵迪奥神,因为我们经常忘记他之前画廊是时尚。
All news of this year is undoubtedly the "Dior Christal 8" gold and lacquer Art Deco spirit that best symbolizes the spirit of Monsieur Dior, because we too often forget he was before gallery be fashion.
对於某些维修店来说,如果手表不是从那里购买的,可能需象徵收取表带调 节的费用。
Some repair shops may charge a nominal fee for adjustment if the watch was not purchased directly from them.
为 使小型 H股 指 數 期货合约 的 徵费安排与 小 型恒指期货合约 的 安排一 致 , 修 订命令及 修 订规则调低买卖小 型 H股 指 數 期货合约 的 徵费,把 根须 向 证 监 会缴付 的 徵费由 0.8元降至 0.5元,而 根 据 徵费规则向赔偿基 金 缴 付 的 徵费则由0.16元降至 0.1元 。
To bring the existing levy arrangement for Mini H-shares Futures Contracts in line with the Mini-HIS Futures Contracts, the Amendment Order and Amendment Rules reduce the levies of Mini H-share Futures Contracts to SFC from $0.8 to $0.5 under the Levy Order; and from $0.16 to $0.1 under the Levy Rules.
由於刘议员拟议新订的第13P(1)条强制要求广管局须就批给牌 照或拒绝批给牌照举行公听会,但现行法例并没有此要求,而且举行此 类公听会所需花费的款额不能视象徵微不足道,因此我认为拟议 新订的第13C(4)(aa)条和新订的第13P(1)条会对公帑造成负担,必须取 得行政长官的书面同意才可动议。
As Ms LAU’s proposed new section 13P(1) would make it mandatory for BA to hold a public hearing in connection with the issue of a licence or refusal to grant a licence, which is not required under existing law, and the cost of holding such hearing cannot be regarded as nominalor negligible, I am of the opinion that the proposed new section 13C(4)(aa) and new section 13P(1) have charging effect and may be moved only with the written consent of CE.
Most cultures throughout history have viewed the body
[...] as a unified phenomenon animated by mysterious [...]
life-giving forces.
But watch
[...] enthusiastsexceedthe symbolic focus theirattention [...]
on what lies beneath the dial that the play of colors and
the allusion to the emperor clearly destined to Asian audiences.
弗劳恩霍夫研究所光子微系统IPMS 有这样生命,头带或带 与显示 开发医生提供有关血压的信息的监测数据。
The Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS has this Vital signs monitors that headband or belt with display of the monitored data developed that the physician provide information about the blood pressure.
额外购置的设备包括 180 部呼 吸 机 ,用以协助危殆病人呼吸;251 部生理监 护系统,用以监察情 况 严重的病人生命239 部 脉冲血氧定 量计,用以监察病人的血 氧饱和 水 平 ; 885 部输注泵,供静脉输 注之用;以及 30 部 流 动 X 光 机 。
The additional equipment procured included 180 ventilators to assist critically ill patients to breathe, 251 physiologic monitors to monitor the vital signs of severely ill patients, 239 pulse oximeters to monitor patients’ blood oxygen saturation level, 885 infusion pumps for intravenous infusion and 30 mobile X-ray machines.
本局促请政府充分考虑社会㆟士就有关医疗费用、收费、豁免事宜及保险的谘询文件 (《促进健康》)所表达的意见,从而制订㆒套政策,确保香港市民特别是难有足够能 力负担者可继续获取足够的健康医护服务而所需支付的费用不会高於福利服务宜采用象徵费水平,以及确保能觅得创新方法,以提供额外经费,应付不断㆖升的健康 医护服务成本及为将来提供在可能范围内最高水平的医护服务,毋须社会承受过度的负 担。
That this Council urges the Government to take fully into consideration the views expressed by the community on its consultation document on medical fees, charges, waivers and insurance ("Towards Better Health"), so as to formulate a policy which ensures that the people of Hong Kong, in particular those who are less able to pay, can continue to have access to adequate health care at no more than nominal charges as befitting a welfare service, and that innovative means of additional funding are found to cope with the escalating costs of health care as well as to make available the highest possible quality of medical care for the future, without unduly burdening society.
Each Mandarin Oriental hotel is distinguished by its own unique fan, a profoundly meaningful symbol of its oriental culture that embodies the group’s luxurious and elegant image, while also being reflective of each hotel’s local charm.
本公司股本为 300,000,000 港元,分为 3,000,000,000 股每象徵或面值 0.10 港元 的普通股,而在法律许可的情况下,本公司有权在公司法(二零一零年修订版)及 组织章程细则的规限下赎回或购买其任何股份,以及增加或削减前述股本,以及发 行其任何部分股本,不论为原有、赎回或新增的股本,并可附带或不附带任何优惠、 优先或特权或受任何延後权利或任何条件或限制所规限,以使除非发行条款明确声 明,每次股份发行(不论宣布为优先或其他类别)均须受前述所载权力所限。
The share capital of the Company is HK$300,000,000 divided into 3,000,000,000 shares of a nominal or par value of HK$0.10 each with power for the Company insofar as is permitted by law, to redeem or purchase any of its shares and to increase or reduce the said capital subject to the provisions of the Companies Law (2010 Revision) and the Articles of Association and to issue any part of its capital, whether original, redeemed or increased with or without any preference, priority or special privilege or subject to any postponement of rights or to any conditions or restrictions and so that unless the conditions of issue shall otherwise expressly declare every issue of shares whether declared to be preference or otherwise shall be subject to the powers hereinbefore contained.
Evo Blue 2.0共有神秘黑及军装绿二款颜色,延伸Evo
[...] Blue家族举世闻名的「X」设计概念,其机身二侧印有刚毅的X型图腾,独到吸睛的电竞风格,再象徵越精湛科技工艺在效能与美学上的完美平衡融合,以及电竞超越极限、永不妥协的战斗精神。
The Evo Blue 2.0 has a flashy and vivid appearance that comes in black or military green, features a
bold and rigid “X” shape with a
[...] prominent Evo Blue 2.0 logo design on both [...]
sides of the chassis and a large 14cm crystal
LED fan to endure the gaming essence.
Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of
each sales pipeline in each family use, the
[...] matter people life and property security, [...]
in the quality aspect was extremely
important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy.
在这方面,我们强调必须制订各种监测武装冲突 期间侵犯平民行动的办法,以及必须采取措施说服全 世界所有国家和冲突各方履行承诺,不把平民当作攻
[...] 击目标和在没有双重标准的情况下保护平民生命产及合法利益,同时铭记必须完全尊重各国的主权 [...]
In that connection, we emphasize the need to develop methods for monitoring acts committed against civilians during armed conflicts and the need for measures to be taken to persuade all countries and parties to conflicts throughout the world to fulfil
their commitment not to target civilians
[...] and to protect their lives, property and legitimate [...]
interests without applying double
standards, bearing in mind the need to fully respect the sovereignty of States and the principle of non-interference in their internal affairs.
(ix) 建立非洲资源中心以促进政策制订者、学者、公民社会和其他有关各方之间生命,特别是生物伦理学的进步而带来的伦理、法律和社会问题开展 [...]
交流,重点是关注非洲和其他发展中地区,以及共享有关拟定国际文书的挑 战和优先事项、制定与实施生物伦理领域国家政策框架的途径与方法等方面 的信息。
(ix) establish a resource centre in Africa to facilitate exchanges between policymakers, scholars, civil society and other interested parties on
ethical, legal and social concerns stemming from
[...] advances in the life sciences, especially [...]
in bioethics, with particular interest
to Africa and other developing regions, share information on international instruments development challenges and priorities and the ways and means of developing and implementing national policy frameworks in the field of bioethics.
这包括但不限于青年才俊通过文字和图像表达对本组 织和本组织会员国领导人的期望;学者、学生和教师在他们的工作中看到联合国 带来的显着“影响”;大学生在完全属于他们自己的“全球模拟联合国”中模拟 大会的各种活跃潜能;非政府组织和个人从更加广泛的地域给长期争论的专题注 入新生命来更多的参与机会;各国政府、研究机构和媒体寻求而且现在能 够以便捷的形式找到会员国对关键问题的立场的记录;创意社区在对本组织议程 至关重要的事务中看到以具有知识性和娱乐性的方式联系受众的机会。
These include, but are not limited to, talented young voices giving expression, through word and image, to their expectations of the Organization and those who lead its Member States; scholars, students and teachers who see in their work a discernible United Nations “impact”; college students who adapt the dynamism of the General Assembly’s possibilities to a “Global Model United Nations” that is entirely their own; non-governmental organizations and individuals who breathe new life into long-debated topics with the vigour of a vaster geographical base and greater opportunities for participation; Governments, research institutions and the media, which seek, and can now find, the recorded positions of Member States on key issues in readily accessible form; and the creative community, which sees in matters vital to the Organization’s agenda the chance to reach its audiences in a fashion that informs as it entertains.




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