单词 | 生命在於运动 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 生命在于运动—Physical effort is vital for our bodies function |
自发、冷静、平和但齐一的参与,可能比大吵大闹的群众运动更有生命力。 hkupop.hku.hk | Self-motivated, calm, peaceful but united action will possibly have [...] more vitality than noisymass movement. hkupop.hku.hk |
甘地深明基督教义的奥秘,在於以德报怨,用生命和宽恕感动众生。 hkupop.hku.hk | Gandhi understood the essence of Christianity well, which was to return good for evil, and to use life and forgiveness to win everybody's heart. hkupop.hku.hk |
它的基石一向是:参 [...] 与的快乐、比赛所要求的勇气与技术、对丰富参与者生命的团队运动的热爱、和透过分享比赛乐趣所锻链出来的终 生友谊。 irblaws.com | Its cornerstones are, as they always have been: the pleasure of participating; the courage and skill [...] which the Game demands; the love of [...] a team sport that enrichesthe livesof allinvolved; [...]and the lifelong friendships forged [...]through a shared interest in the Game. irblaws.com |
我加入「巴塞隆纳街头艺术标示计画」(MBPA)及Onist电影公司之前,早已长期热衷於街头艺术,也因为命运的机缘,目睹撼动灵魂最深处的作品後,更加好奇街头艺术背後的一切,当时MBPA正在筹画展览,电影公司则筹拍纪录短片,介绍当地艺术及幕後人物,由於展览相当成功,纪录片预告肯定会成为众所注目的焦点。 thisbigcity.net | When I joined Mapping Barcelona Street Art (MBPA) and Onist Film I had enjoyed Street Art for a long time, and upon those fateful encounters with a piece that speaks to your soul, I could not help but feel curious as to the workings of Street Art. thisbigcity.net |
一名业界代表提出多个问题,关思礼医生回应说,如食品专为运动员配制和以此目的在市场上作宣传,以及其成分组合有别於类似的其他食物,声称为“运动员食用的食 品”可能会属於“特殊膳食用食品”,但最终会考虑食品的包装和食物是否以这类羣组作 销售对象。 cfs.gov.hk | In reply to enquiries of a trade representative, Dr. Janet KWAN advised that declaration of “food for athlete” might be classified as “food for [...] special dietary use” when it was designed [...]specifically for athlete and advertised in the market with this intention as well as its composition was different from other foods of comparable nature but it would eventually judge from its package and the targets of marketing for the food were for such persons. cfs.gov.hk |
於1973年成立巧新企业有限公司,以OEM型态,从事即热式瓦斯热水器的生产,交於国内各知名厂牌销售,受到巿埸肯定,我们了解热水器出厂後经由各销售管道分布於各个家庭使用,攸关人民生命财产安全,在品质方面是极为重要的,所以本公司以品质第一为目标的理念,要求各同仁确实做到,提高与本公司往来的客户对本公司产品信任、交货准时、品质优良,彼此都能长期合作愉快。 tgas.org.tw | Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way [...] of each sales [...] pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect [...]was extremely important, [...]therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy. tgas.org.tw |
在生 命科学裡,课程标准主要注重於植物与动物如何於不同环境中生存,以及其某些外部结 构如何发挥作用來帮助植物与动物满足自身需求。 sfusd.edu | In lifescience thestandards focus on how plants andanimals live in different environments and how some of their external structures function to help the plants and animals meet their needs. sfusd.edu |
动物的生命、植物的生长、土壤中矿物的含量、水与水坝的控制、我们食用与呼 吸的一切,甚至高尔夫球运动的动力学,都是科学領域的一部分。 sfusd.edu | Animal life,plantgrowth, the mineral content of soil, the control of water and dams— everything we eat and breathe, even the dynamics of a golfer’s swing—all [...] are a part of science’s domain. sfusd.edu |
港龙航空明白部份旅客可能因对花生过敏而导致生命危险,但基於运作和供应商方面之限制,港龙航空在任何情况下,均无法对乘客保证机舱或贵宾室为「无花生」环境。 dragonair.com | However, due to operational and supplier limitations, Dragonair cannot under any circumstances guarantee a peanut-free environment to passengers either in our aircraft cabins or airport lounges. dragonair.com |
当小孩开始观察并描述诸如黏土、布 料或纸张等材料的相似处、差異性和组成部分时(物理科学),他们就会学到有关於居住於地球的各類型植物与动物(生命科学),并且研究地球如何由土地、空气、与水组 成(地球科学)。 sfusd.edu | As children begin to observe and describe the similarities, differences, and component parts of materials such as clay, cloth, or paper (physical science), they will learn about different types of plants and animals that inhabit Earth (life science) and will study how Earth is composed of land, air, and water (earth science). sfusd.edu |
我们致力於透过参与我们使命相关的活动(例如我们的青年安全教育计划和我们对公共安全研究的资助)以及支持在地的社区活动和鼓励员工加入自愿者行列,提高我们经营业务所在社区的生活品质。 ul.com | We are committed to improving the quality of life in the communities in which we conduct our business through mission-related initiatives such as our youth safety education program and our funding of public safety research, as well as through supporting locally relevantcommunity [...] initiatives and employee volunteerism. ul.com |
本新闻稿所包含的预测说明,包括但不限於Seagate 对重组成本、营运费用与整合成本的期望、Seagate 对交易与协议能在交易结束後的一整年期间,大幅提升非 GAAP 稀释後每股盈余与现金流量的期望、与交易预期效益有关的说明,以及与行动运算市场、云端运算市场和固态储存领域之商机有关的说明。 seagate.com | Forward-looking statements included in this press [...] release include, but [...] are not limitedto,Seagate's expectation regarding restructuring costs, operating expenses and integration costs, Seagate's expectation that the transactions and agreements willbe meaningfully accretive to non-GAAP diluted earnings per share and cash flow in the first full year following the closing, and statements relating to the anticipated benefits of the transaction and the opportunities in the mobilecomputing market, [...]cloud computing [...]market and solid state storage. seagate.com |
上述敏感性分析乃假设汇率变动於资产负债表结算日发生,并应用於本集团每一实体 於当日已存在的金融工具所面对的货币风险,而所有其他可变动因素特别是利率则 保持不变。 asiasat.com | The sensitivity analysis has been [...] determined assuming that [...] the changein foreign exchange rates had occurred at thebalance sheet date and had been applied to each of the Group entities’ exposure to currency risk for financial instruments in existence at that date; [...]and that all other [...]variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant. asiasat.com |
收购上述业务所产生的商誉指本集团与上述新近收购的业务所产生的协同效益及便於运用本集团的专业知識开 拓其所在中国地区的商机所获取的价值。 towngaschina.com | The goodwill on acquisition of the above business represents value obtainable from synergies with the Group and opportunities for the Group to bring its expertise to the proposition and access to the region of PRCthat are provided by the above newly acquired business. towngaschina.com |