

单词 生产设施





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由於 贵集团拥有其自生产设 施可能不时拥有後备产能, 贵董事认为加工协议将令 [...]
贵集团得以尽 量运用其产能及人力资源。
Since the Group has its
[...] own production facilitiesand mayhave spare [...]
production capacity from time to time, the Directors
considered that the Subcontracting Agreement would enable the Group to maximize the use of its production capacity and manpower.
本集团将继续扩充成生产设施固 Gieves & Hawkes 品牌之地位及投资於优质物业发展项目。
We will continue our strategy to expand our
[...] manufacturing productionfacilities;build the Gieves [...]
& Hawkes brand name and invest in quality
property development projects.
由於本集团拥有其自生产设施可能不时拥有後备产能,明显地本集 团有良好业务理由因应市况及市况突变时补足或支持达利集团之产能。
Since the Group has its
[...] own production facilitiesand mayhave spare [...]
production capacity from time to time, there are obviously
good business reasons for the Group to complement or support High Fashion Group’s production capacity in light of market conditions and sudden changes thereto.
The manufacturing facilitiesof our TEL products are ISO14001 certified, andhave been [...]
awarded “Hong Kong – Guangdong Cleaner
Production Partners” status, under the scheme jointly launched by the HKSAR Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government.
Orbite is currently converting its 2,600 m2 pilot plant in Cap-Chat, Quebec,
Canada, into a full-scale high-purity
[...] alumina production facility, and expects this [...]
plant to be fully operational in early 2013.
Smooth operation of processes in a
[...] photovoltaic production facility is a must.
Our ELP manufacturing facilities have recently [...]
joined the Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme (LCMP) developed by WWF-Hong
Kong, which aims to improve energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
本集团的扩张计划将受本集团搬迁本集团位於中国及越南的现有生 产工厂的影响 - 本集团预期将就搬迁产生下列费用:搬迁成本、可能损失 中山生产工厂的保证金人民币500,000元(相等於约568,000港元)、支付越
[...] 700,000港元(基於二零一零年一月三十一日的账面净值)及於最後可行日 期的估计遣散费约204,000港元,详情载於本文件「业务」一节生产设施段「搬迁现有生产工厂」分段。
The expansion plan of the Group will be effected by relocation of the existing production plants of the Group in the PRC and Vietnam – the Group is expected to incur the following expenses in connection with the relocation, the cost of relocation, a possible loss of deposit of RMB500,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$568,000) in respect of the Zhongshan Production Plant, rental payment for the remaining term of the tenancy agreement for the Existing Vietnam Production Plant, a potential write off of immovable assets of approximately HK$700,000, based on net book values as at 31 January 2010, and estimated severance payment of approximately HK$204,000 as at the Latest Practicable Date, details of which has been set out in the sub-paragraph headed “Relocation of
existing production plants” in the
[...] paragraph of “Productionfacilities”under thesection headed “Business”in this document.
进入世界制表业在1997年,万宝龙的品牌已经确立了其在瑞士Le Locle的,目前每年生产约100万件生产设施
Entering the world of watchmaking in 1997,
the Montblanc brand has established
[...] its manufacturing facilitiesinSwitzerland, [...]
Le Locle, where today about 100 000 pieces are produced each year.
除搬迁成本、有关中山生产工厂的租赁可能产生的按金损失人民币500,000元(相 当於约568,000港元)、越南现有生产工厂租赁协议的剩余租期的租金、估计遣散费付 款约204,000港元以及上述可能出现的潜在财务及税务影响外,据董事所知,建议搬生产设施对本集团的营运及财务状况产生任何重大不利影响。
Apart from the cost of relocation, the possible loss of deposit of RMB500,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$568,000) in respect of the lease relating to the Zhongshan Production Plant, rental payment for the remaining term of the tenancy agreement for the Existing Vietnam Production Plant, estimated severance payment of approximately HK$204,000 and the possible financial and taxation impact mentioned above, the Directors are not aware of any material adverse impact to the Group’s operation and financial conditions which will be caused by the proposed relocation of production facilities.
除了因为发动机管理系统产品 之生产效率因发动机管理系统生产设施搬迁而相对地下跌, 贵集团於截至二 [...]
零一二年六月三十日止六个月中录得未经审核亏损亦因为一项在二零一零年出售锦恒 (BVI)有限公司之所有股本权益而产生的一次性所得税费用。
Apart from the relatively production inefficiency of the EMS
products due to the reallocation of the
[...] EMS production facilities, the unaudited [...]
loss of the Group recorded for the six
months ended 30 June 2012 was partly due to the one-off income tax expense in related to the disposal of the entire equity interest of Jinheng (BVI) Limited in 2010.
太古可口可乐在美国设有两生产设施别位於犹他州盐湖城及爱达荷州弗里特兰 (Fruitland),另有二十七个销售中心,供应饮料给西部十一个州饮用。
SwireCoca-Cola has
[...] two US productionfacilities,located at Salt [...]
Lake City in Utah and at Fruitland, Idaho and 27 sales
centres serving 11 western states; its franchise territory extends through parts of Washington in the north to Arizona in the south and from California in the west, to Nebraska in the east.
Or you can convert the Unimog, off the track, into a winter service
[...] vehicle for your productionfacilities.
主要是由於年内本集团淘 汰山东省邹平县魏桥镇生产基地的落生产设施其 减值损失於二零零九年一次性确认。
Such decrease was primarily due to a decrease in the Group overseas sales through intermediate traders which resulted in a drop in the commission paid.
可是,汽车供应链壁垒森严,而且对零部件及有关产品的质量和可靠性要求严格,对新进供应商无论在财务背景生产设施发能力等方面,有各种不同要求,并且十分重视供应商是否得到有关认证,例如得到ISO/TS [...]
The industry also imposes stringent requirements on quality and reliability of auto parts and related products. Various criteria
are set on the suppliers’
[...] financial background, productionfacilities andR&D capability, [...]
etc. Great importance is also attached
to whether the supplier has obtained the necessary certifications, e.g. ISO/TS 16949 for quality management systems and OHSAS 18000 for occupational health and safety management systems, in order to prevent losses caused by disruption to the just-in-time operation of the whole supply chain due to failures on the part of individual suppliers.
此等产品由本集团位 於中国大陆生产设施
These products are manufactured in the Group’s
[...] manufacturing facilities located in Mainland China.
这些新生产设施本集团未來持续增长提供更为稳健的基 础。
These new infrastructures will provide the [...]
Group with a very strong foundation for continuous future growth.
影 响:该等风险及危险可导致物业生产设施损害或毁坏,并使相关物业生产设施下降或终止,亦可引致人身伤亡、环境破坏、业务中断及法律责任,以及导致实际产量 异 於 估 计 产 量。
These risks and hazards could result in
[...] damage to,or destruction of,properties or production facilities, maycause production to be reduced or to cease at those properties or productionfacilities,may result in [...]
personal injury or death,
environmental damage, business interruption and legal liability and may result in actual production differing from estimates of production.
(ii) 华润包装及珠海华润包装的厂房及物业位处便捷的地点,毗邻华润怡宝深圳设於广东生 产设施味着华润怡宝深圳将可减低包装材料的运输成本
(ii) the factories and premises of CR Packaging and Zhuhai CR Packaging are
conveniently located close to CR Beverage
[...] Shenzhen’s productionfacilities in Guangdong, which [...]
means CR Beverage Shenzhen will be
able to incur less transportation expenses of the Packaging Materials
本 集团之一贯策略为不断拓拓客户、削减营运开支及扩充在中国大陆及柬埔寨生产设施得以 将竞争加剧及市场更严格之要求所带来之不利影响减至最低。
We were able to minimise the negative impact resulting from intense competition and tough market demands by continuing our
strategy of diversifying customer base, reducing overhead and
[...] expanding production facilities inMainland China [...]
and Cambodia.
此等风险和灾害可能造成人员伤害、财产生产设施或毁坏、环境 破坏、业务中断及本公司声誉受损。
These risks and hazards may result in
personal injury, damage to, or
[...] destruction of, properties or productionfacilities,environmental [...]
damage, business interruption
and damage to its business reputation.
[...] Inc.及其附属公司的经销商遍布全球多达900个地点生产设施50个地方、雇员约16,000名。
Steelcase Inc. and its subsidiaries
have dealers in more than 900 locations,
[...] manufacturingfacilities in over50 locations [...]
and approximately 16,000 employees around the world.
目前,本集团的汽车座生产设施供应各大卡车、客车及轿车制造商,如厦门金龙汽 [...]
Currently the Group’s seat
[...] manufacturing facilities supplyto major [...]
truck, bus and car manufacturers such as Xiamen Golden
Dragon Bus Company, Suzhou Golden Dragon Bus Company, Hua Lin Truck Company, and Changan Automobile Group.
收购後,Yolly Capital Limited 将成为华润雪花的全资附属公司,华润雪花目前的打算是对聊城啤 酒生产设施进一步的技改,以使该等设施达到其全国品牌「雪花」啤酒的生产要求。
After the acquisition, Yolly Capital Limited will become a whollyowned subsidiary of CR Snow and it is the current intention of CR Snow to undertake a
further technology
[...] upgrade on the production facilities of Liaocheng Brewery in order to align such facilities withthe production [...]
for its national brand “SNOW”.
为 进 一 步 扩 展 金 龙 船 的 中 菜 、 西 饼 面 包 及 食 品 业 务 在 市 场 上 的 份 额 , 集 团 计 划 利 用 其 中 约 20,000,000 港 元 在 香 港 开 设 中 式 酒 家
及 饼 店 ; 约 12,000,000 港 元 在 中 国 设 立 糕
[...] 饼 面 包 及 其 他 食 品生 产 设 施3,000,000 港 元 作 集 [...]
团 市 场 推 广 及 广 告 活 动 ; 余 款 8,500,000
港 元 则 拨 作 集 团 的 一 般 营 运 资 金 。
To be in a better position to increase the market share of its services and products, the Group intends to utilize HK$20 million from the proceeds to open new Chinese restaurants and bakery outlets in Hong Kong, HK$12 million for the
establishment of bakery and other
[...] food products production facilities inthePRC, HK$3 [...]
million for marketing and advertising
activities of the Group and HK8.5 million for the general working capital of the Group.
江苏远宇(瑞声生物科技)物业提供邻近锂離子电池研发生产设施便利,亦为瑞声 生物科技提供额外所需空间,以应付其於医療设备及耗材行业的未來拓展。
The Jiangsu Yuanyu (AAC Biotechnology) Premises offers the convenience of close proximity to the
lithium ion battery research and development
[...] and production facilitiesas well as additional [...]
space required by AAC Biotechnology
for its future expansion in the medical equipment and supplies industry.
毛 利 率 轻 微 下 降 1.0 % 至 16.0%, 原 因 在 於 美 国 楼 市 进 一 步 放 缓 导 致 高 利 润 恒 温 器 控 制 装 置 产 品 销 售 降 低 、 原 材 料 成 本 增 加 、 本 集生产设 施地中 国 大 陆 的 总 体 通 胀 水 平 提 高 及 年 内 人 民 币 (「 人 民 币 」) 升 值 的 联 合 影 响 , 惟 此 影 响 由 於 售 予 电 器 控 制 装 置 及 工 商 业 控 制 装 置 业 务 客 户 的 高 利 润 产 品 销 售 组 合 ( 主 要 有 欧 洲 及 亚 洲 市 场 ) 增 加 而 部 份 抵 销 。
Gross profit margin decreased slightly by 1.0% to 16.0% due to the combined effects of decrease in sales of high margin thermostat control products owing to the further weakening US housing market, increase in raw material costs, general inflation in Mainland China in which the Group’s production facilities are located and appreciation of Renminbi (‘‘RMB’’) during the Year, which was partially offset by the increase in sales mixtocustomersandproductswith better margin for its appliance controls and commercial and industrial controls businesses, mainly in the European and Asian markets.
我们韩国生产设施地方当局,韩国职业安全健康局颁发的“清洁证书”,确认制造商提供一个“清洁的工作场所,”最大限度地减少(3 DS的主要危害:危险,肮脏,困难),并努力改善安全装备,工作条件和工作流程。
Our Korea-basedproduction facilitywas awarded the “Clean Certificate”by thelocal authorities, the [...]
Korea Occupational Safety
Health Agency, confirming that the manufacturer is providing a “Clean Workplace,” minimizing the main hazards (the 3 Ds: Danger, Dirtiness, Difficulty) and working to improve safety equipment, working conditions and working processes.




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