

单词 生产自救

See also:

生产 (...) v

produces v
produce sth. v
make v

自救 v

save themselves v


save a life

External sources (not reviewed)

短期行为对救生命和保护产至关 重要,但这种工作可以由社自己完成。
While short-term action is important to save lives and protect assets, much of this work may be done by [...]
the community itself.
生活在农村地区的老年人可自行 生产自 己 生 活 所 需的食品, 因此他们致贫风险大幅减少。
The possibilities of subsidence out of own production of the elderly in the rural areas diminishes the risk of poverty.
支持国际生物多样性年的高级别会议,讨论全 生 物 多 样性丧失的惊人比率,并 寻求救自然经济的方法。
A high-level meeting in support of the International Year of
Biodiversity, which addressed the
[...] alarming rate of global biodiversity loss and sought ways to rescue the natural economy.
在这里,您可以欣赏到美妙自然风 景和本土动物;也可以在一望无垠的海滩尽情散步;在大型市场上观看来来往往的人流;在一流的免费艺术馆和博物馆了 解澳大利亚的艺术和产(参 见“文化”部分);您还可以参加充满浓郁的澳大利亚气息的节日,如每年夏季在全国各地海滨举行的冲 救生 比 赛 等。
Enjoy endless walks along endless beaches; go people watching at fantastic markets; learn about Australia's art and heritage at excellent free galleries and museums (see the Culture section); or attend some typically Australian festivals, like the surf life-saving competitions on beaches all around the country during summer.
自该方 案启动以来,各国已经对助产培训标准、立法和监管环境进行了审查 和需求评估,使产士能够采救生 措 施,并评估了专业助产协会的地位。
Since the programme’s inception, countries have conducted reviews and needs assessments with regard to standards of midwifery training, legislative and regulatory environment to allow midwives to deliver life-saving interventions, and [...]
assessment of the status
of professional midwifery associations.
比利时询问埃塞俄比亚始终不作表示 有何方案实现粮生产自足, 并且是否进行独立的评估。
Belgium asked about
[...] programmes for becoming self-sufficient on food production, and if these [...]
were subject to an independent evaluation.
只要用上移动电话,就可以通过以下办 法降低死亡率:提供关于预防和治疗的信息,更好地运送病人接 救生 护 理(如 产科急 救)、远距离学习、利用移动电话分享关于牧场和水地点的信息以增进生 存和适应机会,以及增强社区保健工作者和其他保健人员的能力。
Simple access to mobile telephones translates into reductions in mortality rates through provision of information about prevention and treatment and improvement of transport to vital interventions (such as emergency obstetric care), long-distance learning, better chances of survival and adaptation by sharing information on the location of pastures and water using mobile telephony, and empowerment of community health workers and other health personnel.
一些国家已经与国家和区域组织建立了伙伴关系,以加强他 生产附 加值产品和来自生物多 样性服务的能力。
Some countries have established partnerships with national and
regional organizations to enhance their capabilities to
[...] produce value added products and services derived from biodiversity.
还可以在以下方面开展其他工作:支 持土地保有权快速确定的机制;支持非注册 产 个人所有者的法律和实践措施;为重建提供技术和法律基 础的国土规划和土地使用文书;以及 生自 然 灾害时 的土地使用和控制机会,包括征用和购置以建立避难 所或定居点的条件。
Further work could be conducted with regard to mechanisms to support fast-track determination of tenure rights; legal and practical measures to support those who were not individual owners of registered property; territorial planning and land use instruments for
providing a technical and legal
[...] foundation for reconstruction; and access to land use and control in the event of natural disasters, including conditions for requisition and acquisition for shelter or [...]
为提高国家竞争力和社会福祉实施了 各种结构改革,例如改进生产自动 化 、交通运输和物流、电信、和银行服 务。
Various structural reforms were implemented to enhance national
competitiveness and social well-being, such as
[...] improvements in the automation of production, [...]
transport and logistics, telecommunication, and banking services.
然而,尽管如此,被剥夺这些产和 财富的 人是利比亚人民,而代表利比亚人民通过的该决议正 是为了使他们能够得到保护和救生 命。
However, that said, the ones who are being
[...] deprived of those assets and wealth are the Libyan people, on whose behalf the resolution was adopted in order to enable them to receive protection and save lives.
这些原则和准则立足于承认,各国应当酌情采取一系列措施,即使这些措 施严格地说与法律援助无关,但仍可最大限度地提高建立和(或)加强正常运 作的法律援助系统对正常运作的刑事司法系统和司 救 济 所 可 产生 的 积 极影 响。
The Principles and Guidelines are based on the recognition that States should, where appropriate, undertake a series of measures that, even if not strictly related to legal aid, can maximize the positive impact that the establishment and/or reinforcement of a properly working legal aid system may have on a properly functioning criminal justice system and on access to justice.
常見帶有此標誌的產品包括:家電、電腦設備、暖爐及暖氣設備、保險絲、電子控制儀、煙霧及一氧化碳警報器、滅火器 自 動 灑 水系統 救生 衣 及 救生 圈 、防彈玻璃及其他數以千計的產品。
This type of Mark is seen commonly on appliances and computer equipment, furnaces and heaters, fuses, electrical panel boards, smoke and carbon
monoxide alarms, fire
[...] extinguishers and sprinkler systems, personal flotation devices, bullet resistant [...]
glass, and thousands of other products.
我们希望有关各方保持克 制,避免事态升级,以防止对达尔富尔的政治进程、 维和部署以及人救援等工作产生新 的 不利影响。
It is our hope that the parties concerned will exercise restraint in order to prevent the escalation of tensions and avoid a further negative
impact on the political process, the deployment of peacekeepers
[...] and the provision of humanitarian assistance in Darfur.
[...] 主要困难:(a)地方当局和政府之间缺乏必要的体制和人力资源能 力,妨碍了相关人员对自己的职 产生自 主 感 ,并妨碍他们增强履行 自己职能以及把经济、社会和环境问题纳入地方发展政策的能力;(b) [...]
多级和跨部门政府机构之间缺乏协调统一的方式来确保城市规划的可 持续性。
The Committee was also informed of two key challenges that Thailand needed to overcome to enable sustainable urban development,
namely: (a) the lack of institutional and human
[...] capacity among local authorities and [...]
governments to induce a sense of ownership
of their functions, increase technical capacity to perform their function, and integrate economic, social and environmental issues into local development practices; and (b) the lack of an integrated approach among multilevel and cross-sectoral government agencies to ensure sustainability in city planning.
为家庭暴 力的受害者提供了辅导和咨询服务,他们也可以 自救 团 体 寻求帮助。
Coaching, counseling
[...] services and selfhelp groups are available [...]
for victims of domestic violence.
[...] 况下,这可能导致严重的心理创伤与疾病或者重新陷于绝望,低沉或者甚 产生 自杀倾向。
In some cases, it may result in grave psychological trauma and illness or renewal of despair,
[...] depression or even suicidal tendencies.
目前公司的产产自其自主研发建造的25兆瓦卷对卷薄膜太阳能电 生产 线 ,产品已通过UL 1703和IEC 61646/EN 61730国际标准认证。
These modules, produced in Xunlight's 25 MW roll-to-roll production line, are certified to UL 1703 and IEC 61646/EN 61730 standards.
因着新科技的热潮(超过四分之一的软 产自 印 度 ),印度过去五年的国家经济增长每年都高达8%左右,其中服务业占据主导地位,达到国 生产 总 值 的60%。
Thanks to the new technology boom (more than a quarter of software is produced in India), national growth has settled around 8% a year over the past five years and is driven by the services sector, which represents 60% of India's GDP.
的确,传统的评估概念不产生自律 探 究,因为,不理想的成绩往往 威胁教师的工作及其待遇,他们就不可能以开放有意义的方式参与探究活动。
Indeed, traditional conceptions of assessment are
[...] not conducive to self-regulated inquiry: [...]
teachers are unlikely to participate in
an inquiry process in an open and meaningful way if a less-than-desirable outcome puts their job, pay, or reputation at risk.
(k) (i) 第㆒太平銀行的權利或法律責任,如憑藉本條例而成為或當作 為東亞銀行的權利或法律責任,即東亞銀行及所有其他 自指 定 日期起,即具有同樣的權利、權力及 救 ( 尤 其是提出法律 程序,或在法律程序㆗抗辯,或向任何主管當局提出或反對申 請的權利及權力),以便確定、完成或強制執行該權利或法律 責任,猶如該權利及法律責任在任何時候均屬東亞銀行㆒樣; 而由第㆒太平銀行提出或針對該銀行向任何主管當局提出、並 在緊接指定日期之前存在或待決的法律程序,或由第㆒太平銀 行提出或針對該銀行向任何主管當局提出、並在緊接指定日期 之前存在或待決的申請,均可由東亞銀行繼續進行,或可繼續 針對東亞銀行進行。
(h) (i) Where by virtue of this Ordinance any right or liability of First Pacific Bank becomes or is deemed to become a right or liability of Bank of East Asia, Bank of East Asia and all other persons shall, on and from the appointed day, have the same rights, powers and remedies (and in particular the same rights and powers as to taking or resisting legal proceedings or making or resisting applications to any authority) for ascertaining, perfecting or enforcing that right or liability as if it had at all times been a right or liability of Bank of East Asia; and any legal proceedings or application to any authority existing or pending immediately before the appointed day by or against First Pacific Bank may be continued by or against Bank of East Asia.
在对防火性能要求高的双组分产品的注射成型过程中, ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40能够比传统液体硅橡胶实现更高 生产自 动 化, 提生产效率。
In the production of two-component injection molded products, the bonding behavior of
ELASTOSIL® LR 3170/40 allows
[...] manufacturers to increase automation to a level previously unattainable [...]
with flame-resistant liquid silicone rubber.
如果 因为迫在眉睫的威胁,警方别无选择只能射杀拒捕嫌 疑人,则此种行为可被视为有正当理由 自 卫 行 为, 因为其目的是救生命,而且无辜当事人的生命高于 攻击者。
When because of the imminence of the threat the police had no choice but to shoot a resisting suspect, such action could be considered justified as an act of private defence, because the purpose was to save life, and the life of an innocent party took priority over that of the aggressor.
多年来金软公司致力于矿山企业信息化建设,以国家863计划重点项目——“采矿数字化软件系统”为支撑,积极探索、不断创新,形成了包括矿山安全避险六大系统、冶炼ERP系统在内的一系列产品,通过三维建模和仿真虚拟技术,在三维可视化集成平台上对井下安全避险六大系统进行集成应用和统一管理,三维显示人员定位、通讯联络、环境监测监控、压风施救、供 自救 、 逃 生 避 险、通风、排水 生产自 动 化控制系统,实现矿山安全管理、生产调度及应急救援指挥的可视化、集成化和智能化,为促进工业化与信息化在矿山企业的深度融合提供了强有力的技术支持。
For many years the company committed to mine gold soft enterprise information construction, with the national 863 plan key projects-" mining digital software system "for support, and actively explore and innovate, formed including mine safety hedge six big system, smelting ERP system, a series of products, through 3 d modeling and simulation virtual technology, the 3 d visualization integration platform for underground safety hedge six system integrated application and unified management, 3 d display personnel orientation, communication,
environmental monitoring,
[...] pressurized air rescue, water supply, save a hedge, ventilation and drainage escape and production automation control system, [...]
realize the mine
safety management, production scheduling and emergency rescue of visualization, integration and intelligentization, to promote the industrialization and information fusion in the depth of the mining enterprises provide strong technical support.
[...] 全法》等法律法规,建立了国家、省、市、县四级安全监管体制、垂直管理的煤 矿安全监察系统和安生产应急救援 体 制,保护劳动者的生命安全。
China has also successively promulgated the Law on Safety in Production and the Law on Safety in Mines, which protect the lives of workers by setting up safety-oversight mechanisms at the national, provincial, municipal and county
levels, vertically administered mine-safety supervision
[...] systems and emergency rescue mechanisms for safety [...]
in production.




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