

单词 生产控制

See also:

生产 (...) v

produces v
produce sth. v
make v


exercise control over

控制 (...) v

manage sth. v
command v
ride sth. v
take over v
rule v
hold v

External sources (not reviewed)

生产控制检验 - UL经验丰富的员工遍布全世界,他们有资质根据标准和建筑产品指令CPD 的要求为您的 工生产控制系统FPC进行检验。
Factory Production Control Inspections - UL has experienced staff worldwide qualified to conduct an inspection of your FPC system against requirements of the standards and CPD.
生产控制软件 ,能够让FOSS的方案完全融入用户的加工过程中,以得到最佳的操作。
Production Control Software, which [...]
secures full integration of the FOSS solution into the customers’ process resulting in optimal performance.
NIRS DA1650已经为您的标准应用预装了定标模型,随时对您的饲料产品检测蛋白质、脂肪和水分指标-从原料采购 生产控制 到 最终产品质量控制。
The NIRS DA1650 can come pre-calibrated for your standard
applications and is ready to
[...] test your feed products for protein, fat and moisture – from incoming raw materials, to in-process, all the way to your final products.
在功能方面:广义而言,OA应该是一个企业除 生产控制 之 外的一切信息处理与管理的集合。
In the functional areas: In broad terms, OA is an
enterprise in addition to all the
[...] production outside the control of information processing [...]
and management of the collection.
工厂没有技术工人进行趋势分析,你也无法依靠他们以系统方式手动发 生产控制 数 据
Factories do not have skilled people to do trend analysis,
and you cannot rely on them to
[...] manually forward production control data in a systematic [...]
way yet factories want to keep the reject rate low.
评估包括:1)根据适用的 EN 或 ETAG 技术规范对产品进行型式检测;2)根据建筑产品指令CPD 和技术规范中所提出的要求对工 生产控制 (FPC) 过程进行初始检查;3)UL UK 将颁发 CE 符合性证书;4)根据 CFP要求,UL每年进行一次工 生产控制 监 督 检查。
The investigation will include: 1) initial type testing of products to the applicable EN or ETAG technical specifications and
2) an initial inspection of
[...] the Factory Production Control (FPC) process to the requirements contained in the CPD and technical specifications; 3) UL UK will issue a CE Certificate of Conformity; and 4) UL will conduct an annual surveillance FPC inspection [...]
that is also required by the CPD.
至于软件部分,我们还引进了新的“SAPO Event”,一个对绘图室进生产控制 的 系 统。
The Software department introduces also the new 'SAPO
[...] Events', a production control system of the drawing office.
在 2005 年举行的第四十七次会议上,执行委员会原则上核准了 979 万美元,用于 协助中国履行《蒙特利尔议定书》用于受控用途的甲基 生产控制 时 间 表。
At its 47th meeting in 2005, the Executive Committee approved in principle a total of US $9.79 million
to assist China in complying with the Montreal
[...] Protocol’s control schedule for the production of MB for controlled uses.
作为一项基本要求,BC 1:2008法规所列示的材料如果要进口到新加坡,从2009年1月1日起,必须按照BC 1:2008的规定,同时提供一份工 生产控制 证 书
As a basic requirement, materials listed in the BC 1:2008 that are imported into Singapore from January 1, 2009, must be accompanied by an FPC certificate according to the BC 1:2008.
通过完整生产控制提供 卓越的一致性 - 一致的感光乳剂可以让您在更少的设备调节以及操作员的援助下获得高质量效果。
Outstanding consistency with
[...] complete production control - Emulsion uniformity [...]
lets you get high-quality results with fewer
equipment adjustments and less operator intervention.
    以领先的IT和CT能力为基础,以电力核 生产控制 业 务为驱动,以安全、高效为前提,为用户提供绿色环保、互动优质的全景信息服务。
Based on its advanced IT and CT capacities and driven by the core services in the [...]
electric power industry, ZTE provides
safe, efficient, green, and interactive information services for electric power enterprises.
此工具的初始应用便是在 metal 1 前监视产品晶圆超薄膜的薄膜电阻,因此首度能够立即直接侦测到制程偏离,随之而来的优点十分广泛,其中包括缩 生产控制 回 路,以及减少在制品与不合格生产过程所致的损失。
The initial application of the tool will be to monitor sheet resistance of very thin films on product wafers before metal 1.
垂直整合的制造流程使 Baldwin 不仅生产过滤器,而且也制造过滤器部件,从而拥有最大 生产控制 能 力和产品稳定性。
A vertically integrated manufacturing
process allows Baldwin to
[...] provide maximum control and consistency by not only producing filters, but also by manufacturing filter components.
[...] 志的规定符合过程的合理性测试(包括根据EC指令准备的技术文件) 以及通过重生产控制进行 的出厂检验。
This safety check comprises a prototype test of the product on the basis of harmonised European standards, a plausibility test for the conformity procedure which is necessary for the CE marking, including
technical documentation in accordance with the EC directive, and an inspection of the
[...] factory with repeat production controls.
文卡特什先生(印度)对人权观察社代表就印度的发言提出答复说,印度赞 同大家关于需要具有透明度的观点,印度遵守经修正后的第二号议定书的规定,尤 其是关生产、控制武装部队的规定,印度的做法完全符合这一文书。
Mr. Venkatesh (India), responding to comments made by the representative of Human Rights Watch concerning his country, said that India shared the general opinion concerning the need for transparency.
德国莱茵TUV新加坡私人有限公司能够独立开展新加坡建设局要求的初步工 生产控制 验 证,可结合PED 97/23EC(压力设备指令)和/或CPD [...]
89/106/EEC(建筑产品指令)的再审核工作进行验证,也可与ISO 9000年度追踪审核工作相结合。
Ltd. can independently perform the initial FPC verification according to the BCA or in combination with PED
97/23EC (Pressure Equipment Directive)
[...] and/or CPD (Constructional Products Directive) 89/106/EEC [...]
re-audits, or in combination
with the annual ISO 9000 follow up.
古巴是世界上最大的生产国,古巴 产控制 法 规 禁止美国从古巴采购镍。
While Cuba is the largest nickel producing country in
[...] the world, the Cuban Assets Control Regulations prohibit US manufacturers [...]
from sourcing nickel from Cuba.
制、生产、储 存和 使用大规模毁灭性武器肆意杀戮的影响也可意味着无法预料、无 控 制 和 长期且 跨越边界的环境影响,危及子孙后代的生活。
The development, production, stockpiling and use of weapons of mass destruction or of indiscriminate effect may also imply unforeseeable, uncontrollable and long-term [...]
and cross-border effects
on the environment threatening the livelihood of succeeding generations.
被很多人视为行业标准,可以自始至终贯穿是用于整个饲料生产中,用于控制和隔离进入的原材料 控制生产 过 程的一致性、确保最终成品满足用户和官方的要求。
Seen by many as the industry standard, they are used
throughout the animal feed
[...] industry to control and segregate incoming raw material, control consistency in feed production and ensure finished products are in line with [...]
the demands of customers and authorities.
它可以实时监测控制生产设备 ,进行集中数据存储并分析每只肉鸡的生长状况,将其与系统中所存的参考数据进行对比。
For real-time monitoring and control of the production [...]
units with central data storage incl. analyses per bird, comparison
with reference data stored in the system.
炸药、武器和弹药控制、生产和贸 易属于黑山内政和行政管理部的职权范 围。
The control, production and trade in explosives, [...]
arms and ammunition fall within the competence of the Ministries of Internal
Affairs and Public Administration of Montenegro.
这意味着系统对于输出过程 产生控制 作用 的。
This means that the system reacts to the output
[...] of the processes that it is controlling.
公司目前拥有国内先进的过程仪表制造生产线,巨资引进SIEMENS全自动电脑接插件机(SMT)、回流焊机和波峰焊机、美国PVA全自动涂覆线、格林隧道烘干炉、焊接检查线、电脑自动测试仪、高精度信号检测仪等加工设备和检测设备,严格按照ISO9000的要求建立质量管理体系,通过基于SPS的柔性生产模式、严格的产品测试手段、高效的 E R P 生 产 管 理系统,精 控制产 品 质量,保证产品的出厂合格率在99.85%以上,为用户及时的提供高品质、高可靠性的产品。
The company now has advanced process instrumentation manufacturing production line heavily in the introduction of SIEMENS automatic computer connectors machine (SMT) reflow soldering machines and wave soldering machine, fully automatic PVA coating line, Green tunnel drying furnace, welding inspection line processing equipment and testing equipment, computer automated tester, high-precision signal detector, in strict accordance with the requirements of ISO9000 quality management system, through a flexible production model based on the SPS, strict
product testing methods,
[...] efficient ERP production management system, accurate control of product quality to ensure that the products manufactured pass rate of [...]
99.85% for the user in
a timely manner to provide high-quality, high-reliability products.
我们的饲料分析解决方案提供精确可靠的数据,是您能 控制生产 过 程 ,并满足用户和官方不断增长的需要。
Our feed analysis solutions provide access to precise, reliable
[...] data so you can control feed production [...]
processes and meet the ever-increasing demands
of customers and the authorities.
这些问题可包括:在企业集团每个成员的利益与重整整个集团 的所需之间取得平衡;由集团非破产成员提供启动后融资,尤其是在可 产生 控制权问 题的情形下(例如该非破产成员由企业集团破产母公司控制);如何处 理发生在属于实质相关人(见术语表,(jj)段)的集团成员之间的交易;由已进 入破产程序的集团成员提供融资;以及是否值得在破产程序中保持集团在破产 开始之前的资金结构,尤其是如果该结构涉及将集团所有资产用作筹资抵押, 而资金又是经具有财务职能的中央集团实体的渠道筹集的。
(jj)); provision of finance by group members subject to insolvency proceedings; and the desirability of maintaining, in insolvency proceedings, the financing structure that the group had before the onset of insolvency, especially where that structure involved pledging all of the assets of the group for finance that was channelled through a centralized group entity with treasury functions.
行预咨委会根据先前的报告回顾,摩加迪沙的安全局势和对远程管理的需 要,对采购过程、合同管理、 产控制 和 相 关的问 制产生 了 影 响;非索特派团 支助办在特殊环境中运作,即非索特派团军事人员运作、维持和负责联合国所属 [...]
A/64/754,第 55 至 58 段)。
The Advisory Committee recalls from its earlier report that the security situation in Mogadishu and the need for remote management has had an impact on
the procurement process,
[...] contract management, property control and related accountability; and [...]
that UNSOA operates in unique
circumstances, under which AMISOM military personnel have operated, maintained and accounted for United Nations-owned assets while security conditions have precluded the United Nations staff presence in Mogadishu (see A/64/754, paras. 55-58).
(c) 缔约方会议第 IV/12 号决定解释说,“由于制造过程中的疏忽大意或偶然事 故而从未反应的原料中产生的、或者因用作加工剂作为微量杂质出现在化学 物质中的、或者生产、制造、 或处理过程中排放的微量管制物质,都不应 被视为属于《蒙特利尔议定书》第 1 条第 4 款所述控物质的定义范围”。
(c) Decision IV/12 of the Meeting of the Parties clarifies “that insignificant quantities of controlled substances originating from inadvertent or coincidental production during a manufacturing process, from unreacted
feedstock, or from their use as process agents which are present in chemical substances as trace
[...] impurities, or that are emitted during product manufacture or handling, shall be considered not to be covered by the definition of a controlled substance contained in paragraph 4 of [...]
1 of the Montreal Protocol”.
公司针对此市场状况,提出“安全过冬、跨越发展”战略,提高供应链管理水平和市场反应速度,大 控制生产成 本和存货水平;两年来,公司建立了国际化销售渠道、稳定的合作伙伴和客户群,逐步提升品牌认知和市场形象,积 [...]
Targeted at the market status, the company proposes the strategy of “safe winter and leap-over development”, improves the management level of supply chain and
market reaction speed, and
[...] exerts effort to control production cost and inventory level; over the [...]
past two years, the company
has established international sales channel, stable partners and customer group, gradually promoted brand recognition and market image, accumulated the capacity of developing domestic and foreign power stations.




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