单词 | 甜美 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 甜美adjective—sweetadj甜美—sweetnessExamples:甜言美语—sweet words, beautiful phrases (idiom); hypocritical flattery See also:甜adj—sweetadj 甜n—saltyn
粉红玫瑰及流星花的幸福、快乐味道,从你脸上漫延开来,就像茉莉般的甜美、雏菊般的清新。 aster.com.hk | Pink roses and flower meteor happiness, happy flavor, spreading across his face from you, [...] like jasmine-like sweet, freshas daisies. aster.com.hk |
Alnico 2磁石及中线圈产生温暖而甜美的音色,琴弦振动较自然及具良好延音效果。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The Alnico 2 magnet and moderate windings [...] yield a warm, sweet tone with more [...]natural string vibration for great sustain. tomleemusic.com.hk |
甜杏起源于亚洲,因其果实甜美多汁而在地中海盆地广为种植,古代文献也曾有记载。 clarinsusa.com | Sweet Almondoriginated in Asia and [...] is cultivated around the Mediterranean Basin for its fruits. clarinsusa.com |
本季服饰的路线是为女士们 提供甜美热辣的日间休闲服和应对炎热夏 季或潮湿夜间的服饰。 enviefashion.com | This season’s line offers the ladies a [...] wide array of sweet and spicy daytime [...]casual, and on the flipside, hot and steamy night-time apparel. enviefashion.com |
以最真挚的呵护,送您甜美樱唇,闪闪的透光诱惑,带出醉人的闪烁光芒。 aster.com.hk | A unique moisture lip balm composed of Rose essence to protect, moisturize and condition the lips. aster.com.hk |
吃的时候从冰冻箱拿出,用微波炉加热40秒后,再放入350F烤箱烤6分钟,晾凉后食用,酥香甜美,喜爱甜点的朋友一定要试一试。 maomaomom.com | Prior to serving, heat in the microwave oven for 40 seconds and bake at 350F for 6 minutes. maomaomom.com |
淡淡的香草和小富士苹果香味提供诱人的亮点,捕捉这座充满法式糕点以及诱人甜品露天市场城市的甜美氛围。 cosme-de.com | I Heart Paris is romantic with its sweet and floral notes, adds the sophistication and sensuality of a woody structure to the apple essence. cosme-de.com |
我家里在新 [...] 年时也买了数条,我们都觉得这些鱼跟购自超级市场的鱼很不同,即使是从 街市购买的鱼也不好吃,但这种鱼却是很甜美。legco.gov.hk | Now even those fish we bought from the wet markets [...] are notat all delicious. legco.gov.hk |
格拉斯玫瑰: 蜜糖般细致的调子,散发着甜美果香,尤如沐浴於地中海温暖的阳光中。 hk.loccitane.com | The Grasse Rose, bathed in the light of the Mediterranean, [...] radiates fruity, delicately honeyednotes. hk.loccitane.com |
在文艺复兴早期,在坎塔卢波教皇的夏宫,意大利僧侣培植了一种瓜,桔色的瓜瓤甜美多汁。 clarinsusa.com | In the early Renaissance, at the summer residence of the Popes in [...] Cantalupo, Italian monks developed a [...] variety of melonwith asweet,juicy,orange-coloured flesh which they called « cantalupo ». clarinsusa.com |
山竹果有深紫色的外皮与甜美的白色果肉,大小跟橘子差不多。 xango.com.tw | Containing a dark purple rind [...] and boasting a sweetwhite pulp, it [...]is roughly about the size of a tangerine. xango.ca |
hand ground Alnico [...] 2磁石及中线圈(重Formvar线)产生温暖而甜美的音色,琴弦振动较自然及具良好延音效果。 tomleemusic.com.hk | The hand ground Alnico 2 magnets [...] and moderate windings (Heavy Formvar wire) [...] yield a warm, sweet tone with more [...]natural string vibration for great sustain. tomleemusic.com.hk |
不单鞋、袋等时尚感、好搭配的杂货外、亦提供年轻上班族女性各种舒适的服饰款式,结合当季流行元素,勾勒温柔甜美的都会造型。 sogo.com.hk | Provide young working women various comfortable wear with popular seasonal elements, perform [...] a soft and sweetmetropolis styling. sogo.com.hk |
本㆟出任香港浸会学院校董会及校务议会的主席多年,实在很高兴告诉大家,对於 多年来辛劳工作所取得的甜美成果,即取得新的大学㆞位及香港浸会大学这个新名 [...] 称,香港浸会学院仝㆟均感到无比自豪。 legco.gov.hk | As Chairman of the Board of Governors and Council of the Hong Kong Baptist College for many years, I am happy to [...] report that we at the Baptist College take [...] much pride in the sweet fruits of all [...]these years of labour, the new status as a [...]university and a new name of the Hong Kong Baptist University. legco.gov.hk |
果香光线:柔和甜美的荔枝,与由白麝香及琥珀组成的灵气光谱共振后,幻化成清新、细腻的女性气息。 cosme-de.com | A fruity ray with notes of juicy lychee: connecting to the prism of energy, the ray transforms into intense and rosy vibrations of sensual femininity. cosme-de.com |
Momoko甜美的声线底下有一道不能穿越的哀伤,犹如每个女爵士乐歌手的嗓子一样,渲染着一种不属於她的青春的悲凉。 think-silly.com | Momoko’s sweetvoice lays an [...] undertone of unyielding, exquisite sorrow far beyond her physical age. think-silly.com |
虽然这种色泽淡褐、味道甜美的干酪在挪威以外不太为人所知,但却是挪威老幼皆爱的食品。 norway.org.cn | Thisbrown,sweet cheese is not widely [...] known outside of Norway, but is loved by Norwegians of all ages. norway.or.kr |
他的拉丁文着作中最珍贵的是他的同时代人,谁排他的“非洲”与“埃涅阿斯记”的维吉尔,但后人更喜欢他那甜美的,悠扬的十四行诗和canzoni。 mb-soft.com | His Latin writings were most highly prized by his [...] contemporaries, who ranked his "Africa" with the "Æneid" of Virgil, but [...] posterity prefers hissweet,melodious sonnets [...]and canzoni. mb-soft.com |
树皮带白色,带灰色棕色,灰色,或浅褐色,通常垂直裂开并且剥落;内皮带粉红白色,带粉红棕色,带红棕色,或橙色,纤维状;边材白色,粉红色,或浅红,切开时甜美芳香。 flora.ac.cn | Bark whitish, grayish brown, gray, or light brown, usually vertically fissured and flaking; inner bark [...] pinkish white, pinkish brown, reddish brown, or orange, fibrous; sap-wood white, pink, [...] or palered, sweetlyaromatic whencut. flora.ac.cn |
漫画中,JK Rowling身穿整洁的白色羊毛开衫、脸上甜美的笑容与略显阴暗的主题形成对比,这也强调了文章的重点——JK Rowling不只有Harry Potter。 ba-repsasia.com | The juxtaposition of JK Rowling in a crisp white cardigan with a saccharine smile against highly charged and somewhat dark themes serves to reinforce the main point of the article – JK Rowling is more than Harry Potter. ba-repsasia.com |
除蘸食外, 特别为蒸鱼、带子等海鲜而设, 令海鲜更鲜甜美味。 sfgourmet.com | For steamed fish, clams, mussels and seafood sfgourmet.com |
集香橙、芒果、百香果、菠萝及苹果汁的热带果汁,香甜美味。 sfgourmet.com | A tasty tropical blend of oranges, mangoes, passion fruits and pineapples, completed by freshly pressed apple juice. sfgourmet.com |
碧绿和果香的紫罗兰叶为前调,混以含羞草及甜美的玫瑰。 beyorgbeauty.com | A feminine rapprochement of [...] mimosa flowers and delicious roses. beyorgbeauty.com |
美国顶级休闲时尚品牌JUICY [...] COUTURE於11/14日於台北101购物中心举办盛大开幕记者会,从前的甜美小女孩如今蜕变成为成熟小女人,尤其是2012年秋冬启用超模Karlie [...]Kloss拍摄广告,展现大胆无畏、从容自信又充满活力的女性化形象,特别邀请名模李晓涵诠释品牌转型的用心,一袭亮丽印花长洋装,既前卫又优雅。 imaginex.com.hk | American luxury leisure brand JUICY COUTURE held a grand opening event [...] on November 14 in Taipei 101 Shopping [...] Center, the former sweet girlhas transformed [...]into a feminine woman, it is easily [...]noticed especially from the use of Karlie Kloss in its newest AW’12 branding commercial, presenting fearless, confident, and energetic womanly image. imaginex.com.hk |
可爱的日本小女生,穿上日式甜美可爱和服,衣服底色为粉樱花颜色:纯洁、高尚;袖口充满精致圆圈则是代表命运法则的回圈,充满日式禅意的设计,搭配头上的球型发髻增添活泼俏丽,洋子娃娃是活泼的代表。 hk.eternal.hk | Cute Japanese girl in lovely kimono, two buns on head shows vivacity. hk.eternal.hk |
这个俱乐部是开放的,一周七天,夜间娱乐,所以你不必等待,直到上周末得到的最好的俱乐部之一剂量的流畅,甜美的爵士音乐,舒缓你的SIP你喝你的耳朵墨尔本。 zh.melbournehotel.com | This club is open seven days a week, with nightly entertainment, so you don't have to wait until [...] the weekend to get a [...] dose of smooth, sweetjazz music that soothes your ears as you sip your drink at one of the best clubs inMelbourne. melbournehotel.com |
PQI Traveling Drive U263L随身碟,外观设计上以铝件材质搭配雾面喷砂及塑件完全结合,同时拥有沉稳的伯爵铁灰、甜美的柔嫩粉、宝石般的晶湛蓝等色系机种,更添时尚魅力,搭配出属於自己的风格。 us.pqigroup.com | In addition, the end of the drive features an LED light so that customers can check on the read status of their flash drive during use. The PQI Traveling Drive U263L USB flash drive adopts an exterior design that combines sandblasted matte aluminum and plastic textures. pqigroup.com |
PQI Traveling Drive U263L随身碟,外观设计上以铝件材质搭配雾面喷砂及塑件完全结合,同时拥有沉稳的伯爵铁灰、甜美的柔嫩粉、宝石般的晶湛蓝等色系机种,更添时尚魅力,搭配出属於自己的风格。 us.pqigroup.com | The PQI Traveling Drive U263L USB flash drive adopts an exterior design that combines sandblasted matte aluminum and plastic textures. pqigroup.com |