

单词 甚至於

See also:



as to
go so far as to


as regardsconj

External sources (not reviewed)

甚至於工具上,别人也因为我看 起来比真实年龄年轻及穏健而不给我让座,我想他们一定是以为我只是过早出现白发而已。
They must be thinking that I have grayed prematurely.
本基金不应借出、承继、保证及加签(以确定生效),以避免在未经信托人的书面同意可能构成 直接及间接承担及牵连任何形式的责任甚至於个人债务。
The Funds shall not lend, assume, guarantee, endorse or otherwise become directly or contingently liable for or in connection with any obligation or indebtedness of any person without the prior written consent of the Trustee.
您将可以重新享受生命的活力甚至於 比之前 更信任自己。
Your ICD will help you get a new lease on life, and you will be able to do more than you ever dared to do before.
在这之後他就以独奏者身份活跃於五大洲,他曾于德蒙交响乐团,美国海军乐队,斯洛文尼亚军乐队,西班牙La Armónica乐团,泰国管弦乐团,香港小交响乐,甚至於国际会议如世界萨克斯管大会,北美萨克斯管联盟会议等担任独奏。
Since then he has been a frequent soloist in five continents and has made solo appearances with Des Moines Symphony, United States Navy Band, Slovenia Army Band, La Armónica Band of Spain, Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra and Hong Kong Sinfonietta among others, as well as at venues such as World Saxophone Congress and North American Saxophone Alliance conferences.
正如上文所述,香港的公共房屋发展计划一直备受各界认 同为在亚洲区甚至於,最全面及最具成效的公共房 屋计划之一。
As mentioned above, the public housing programme in Hong Kong is widely recognized as being among the most comprehensive and effective in Asia, if not the world.
自由党认为记者依照内地法规进行合法采访而被阻挠甚至於及扣留,是有违中央政府一贯“欢迎香港记者采访”及依法保护记者合法 采访权的既定政策,亦有违10月 9日,国家主席胡锦涛在世界媒体峰会 开幕致辞中所作“按照有关法律法规保障记者合法权益”的承诺。
In the opinion of the Liberal Party, the acts of
[...] obstructingandeven assaultingand detaining reporters covering news legally in accordancewith Mainland [...]
rules and regulations
are not in line with the Central Government's established policy of "welcoming Hong Kong reporters" and "protecting reporters' legitimate right of newsgathering", as well as the commitment made by President HU Jintao in his opening address during the World Media Summit of "protecting reporters' legitimate rights and interests in accordance with relevant laws and regulations".
Administrator may have particular setting for every users, including the report frequency,
[...] action on spam and even the email subject tag.
修正 案不论 在实际 商 品 运 作 流 程 上 或技术上甚 至於达致的立法 目 的,都 无 法达到 议员或 商 界 人士的要 求 。
It is because the amendment cannot meet the requirements of the Honourable Members as well as the business sector in terms of the actual commercial activities related to the products or in a technical sense and the amendment cannot be expected to achieve its intended legislative effect.
复原高容量 RAID 集的时间可能要数小时甚至於
It can take hoursand often days—to recover a high-capacity RAID set.
IPMI的应用范围除了伺服器以外,未来亦有可能应用於工控产品、网路设备、电信设备、储存系统、笔记型电甚至於PDA 等,这也是宏正看好IPMI发展的另一重要原因。
Apart from servers, future IPMI applications include industrial control products, network equipments, telecommunication equipments, storage equipments, laptops, PDA, etc. This is also one of the reasons why ATEN believes in the future development of IPMI.
在未来延伸性上,QS 可以 archive
[...] 所有经过的电子邮件进一步建立邮件资料库来提供邮件长期备份,搜寻,重要文件保护,资料探勘分析甚至於 管理等进阶功能。
On the future extension, QS could archive all email passing through, built-in database for the following advanced functions,
such as long-term backup, searching, important archive protection,
[...] data-mining analysis or knowledge base management etc..
By doing this we will, doubtless, be correct most of the time, but there will be exceptions when what
appears to be a Qianlong
[...] imperial hardstonecarving without a mark may date from the Yongzheng period, orpossibly eventhe Kangxi period.
政策的一环更为可贵。我们希望透过对於社会创投、社会企业的赞助,能够扩大社会大 众对於议题的参与、讨论甚至於 让这些好的主意、想法能够继续下去,扩大他们的影 [...]
We hope that the sponsorship of the social venture capital and social enterprises can increase the
participation and discussion of issues
[...] among the public and even continue the development [...]
of good ideas to magnify their influence.
GSP-930 RF输入端衰减器的设定,范围从0dB ~ -50dB,除了可设定Auto模式,也可手动开启设定,在RF输入端加上衰减器的功能在於,当量测的信号较大甚至於输入保护的范围,透过衰减器可以先把信号变小後再进行量测,可以保护仪器在量测过程中不至於损坏,也可以针对较微弱的信号,降低衰减量让Noise Floor变低,让使用者更方便观测微弱信号。
With -142dBm noise floor and maximum input power up to +30dBm, GSP-930 provides a very wide measurement range, which makes the measurement of very small signal possible.
可惜 , 政 府 在数月前,只 简 单 地 以 成 本效益和 顾问检讨为理 由,搁 置了第 四期的109 所 学 校 的 改善工程,於是连同第 五 至八期的 390 所 校 舍 , 即 共 500 所 的 中小 学 校 的 改善工程都 遥遥无期, 学 生 仍 然要在甚 至低 於 标 准 的环境 和 设施中 上 课 。
Unfortunately, a few months ago, the Government shelved the improvement works of 109 school premises in phase 4 of the SIP on the mere account of cost-effectiveness and a review to be conducted by consultants.
至於甚平均数的问题,我也不明白,我们在小学阶段其实已学会甚 麽是平均数,便是把居民收入除以租金。
Even whenwe were in primary school, we already learnt thedefinition [...]
of an average. In the case under discussion, it is
residents' incomes divided by the rents.
至於甚者欢迎的中医门诊服务,现时合共有 9 间门诊所正在服务或 [...]
RegardingtheChinese medicine [...]
out-patient clinics which are popular among the elderly, a total number of nine clinics are
operating or under construction.
至於 甚思,可能是因为我昨天帮了他,前天跟他吃饭,所以他现在帮 [...]
As to whatit means, I think [...]
probably because I helped him yesterday and dined with him the day before, so he gave me a hand now.
(d)至於甚骤是合理,以及甚麽 导致董事没有采取一切合理步 骤,亦会涉及客观标准;及
(d) as towhat steps were reasonable and what hadcaused the [...]
director to fail to take all reasonable steps, objective standards would also be involved; and
至 於 甚是 合 理 步 骤 , 则 属 一 个 关 乎 事 实 的 问 题 , 得 由 法 庭 来 考 虑 。
What is a reasonable step is a question of fact for the court's consideration.
任何有关最终支出的估计均极爲不确定, 最终裁定的金额可能於甚至应计的金额。
There is a high degree of uncertainty in making any estimate of the ultimate cost; it is possible that the amounts when finally determined could be higher, possibly significantly higher, than the amount accrued.
至於甚 法属於最好,则仍然有待研究。
Exactly what mechanism is the best remains to be investigated.
一些不赞同把冷静期延伸至所有产品及服务的成员则认为冷 静期并非适各业,并且有可能拖慢经济活动及增 长甚至市场的竞争力与创意。
Those members who were opposed to the extension of cooling-off arrangements to all products and services took the view that cooling-off period would not be applicable to
every industry, and that it
[...] might slow down economic activities and growth, or evenlower thecompetitiveness and creativity of the market.
至於甚算“经济性质的必要公共服务”,在外国是由执法机 构处理具体个案时,根据案例判定。
As to what constitute "essential public services [...]
of an economic nature", in overseas jurisdictions this is decided by the
regulator on a case-by-case basis.
在 报 章 上 刊 载 广 告 或 根 据 上 市 规 则 以 本 公 司 按 本 章程细 则 所 规 定 电 子 方 式 发 出 通 告 的 电 子 通 讯 方 式 发 出 十 四 (14) 日 通 告 後 ,会 不 时 决 定 的 时 间 及 期 限 内 暂 停 办 理 转 让 登 记 手甚 至办 理 股 份 过 户 登 记 , 惟 任 何 年度内 暂 停 办 理 转 让 登甚 至办 理 股 份 过 户 登 记 的 期 间 不 得 超 过 三 十 (30) 日 , 或 股 东 以 普 通 决 议 案 决 定 的 更 长 期 限 , 但 此 期 限 在 任 何 年度内 不 得 超 过 六 十 (60) 日 。
The registration of transfers may, on 14 days’ notice being given by advertisement published in the newspapers, or, subject to the Listing Rules, by electronic communication in the manner in which notices may be served by the Company by electronic meansas herein provided, be suspended and the register closed at such times for such periods as the Board mayfrom time to time determine, provided always that such registration shall not be suspended or the register closed for more than 30 days in any year (or such longer period as the members may by ordinary resolution determine provided that such period shall not be extended beyond 60 days in any year).
至 於 甚必 须的维 修、甚麽是 自选 的 [...]
装 修、将 来的赔偿方 法会是如何 等 , 正 如 我 刚才所 说 ,现时 市 建 局 仍未成 立,还 有很多 细节须 进行商谈 。
As regards the questions [...]
of how required repair works and optional repair works are to be defined, and how compensation
is to be calculated in the future, like I said just now, we still need to conduct negotiations concerning many details in these aspects as the URA has yet to be established.




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