

单词 甘愿



willingly and gladly [idiom.]

心甘情愿的 adj

willing adj


perfectly happy do
most willing do
delighted (do sth, idiom)

See also:

surname Gan


wish n


External sources (not reviewed)

赞扬经甘愿自己 冒重大危险而参加人道主义行动的人员,尤其是当地征聘 工作人员的勇气和献身精神
Commending the courage and commitment of those who take part in humanitarian operations, often at great personal risk, especially locally recruited staff
46 条的声明是在缔约方作出上述反应之后提出,表明土耳 甘愿 承担 被公约机构裁定有争议的限制条款无效的风险,这不会影响声明本身的 [...]
That she, against this background, subsequently filed declarations under both Articles 25 and 46 (art. 25, art. 46) — the latter subsequent to the statements by
the Contracting Parties referred to above
[...] — indicates a willingness on her part to run [...]
the risk that the limitation clauses
at issue would be declared invalid by the Convention institutions without affecting the validity of the declarations themselves.
赞扬经甘愿自己 冒重大危险而参加人道主义 行动的人员,尤其是当地征聘工作人员的勇气和献身 精神,对参与提供人道主义援助的国际和国家人道主
Commending the courage and commitment of those who take part in humanitarian operations, often at great personal risk, especially locally recruited staff
但在这转化过程中,人必须甘心作神的狗,顺服地尊基督为主 甘愿 吃 扫 下的碎渣,才能最终成为神的孩子,在千禧年中,坐在宴席的桌上。
But in the process of conversion
one must become God's dog by submitting to
[...] Christ as Lord and eating the crumbs, [...]
before he can become God's child and sit
at the table in the Millenial Kingdom.
这些职位5 由那甘愿长期 受聘于教科文组织的合作者担任。
The posts5 are occupied by staff destined to be employed on a long-term basis by UNESCO.
土耳其在这种情况下提出有关第 25 和第 46 条的声明,而且有 关第 46
[...] 条的声明是在缔约方作出上述反应之后提出,表明土耳 甘愿 承担 被公约机构裁定有争议的限制条款无效的风险,这不会影响声明本身的有效 性。
That she, against this background, subsequently filed declarations under both Articles 25 and 46 (art. 25, art. 46) — the latter subsequent to the statements by the Contracting
Parties referred to above
[...] — indicates a willingness on her part to [...]
run the risk that the limitation clauses at issue would be declared invalid by the Convention
institutions without affecting the validity of the declarations themselves.
(24) 在“Loizidou”案中,土耳其政府在欧洲人权法院诉讼中表示:“如果对 公约第 25 和 46 条的声明所附限制不被承认全部有效, [接受法院管辖的 ]声明即 应视为完全无效”;929 法院依据土耳其政府的这一意愿,或至少是土耳其在明 知情况甘愿承担 保留所提限制被判无效的风险的事实,作出如下裁决: 土耳其在这种情况下提交对第 25 和第 46 条的声明,而且对 46 条的声明是 在缔约方作出上述反应之后提出,表明土耳 甘愿 承 担 被公约机构判处有争 议的限制条款无效的风险,而不会影响声明本身的有效性。
(24) In the Loizidou case, the European Court of Human Rights also based its judgment, if not on the will of the Turkish Government — which had maintained during the proceedings before the Court that “if the restrictions attached to the Articles 25 and 46 (art. 25, art. 46) declarations were not
recognized to be valid, as a whole, the
[...] declarations were to be considered null and void in their entirety”929 — then on the fact that Turkey had knowingly run the risk that the restrictions resulting from its reservation would be declared invalid:That she, against this background, subsequently filed declarations under both
当穗看到穿着火红宝石宝石的稀有,他还记得,当他 甘 情 愿 地 给 它以稀有之前,他的生日。
When Spike sees Rarity wearing a fire ruby gemstone, he
[...] remember when he had willingly given it to Rarity [...]
before his birthday.
令人欣慰的是,在 2009 年早些时候召开的第 八届联合国森林论坛上,会员国表现得深谋远虑,甘愿做出妥协,以便国际森林问题能够取得进展。
It was gratifying that, at the eighth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests earlier in 2009, Member States had demonstrated long-term thinking and a readiness to compromise, allowing for forward movement on international forest issues.
在“ Loizidou ”案中,土耳其政府在欧洲人权法院诉讼中表示:“如果对公 约第25和46 条的声明所附限制不被承认全部有效,[ 接受法院管辖的 ] 声明即应 视为完全无效”;167 法院依据土耳其政府的这一意愿,或至少是土耳其在明知 情况甘愿承担保留所提限制被判无效的风险的事实,作出如下裁决
If that reservation is an essential condition of the Acceptance in the sense that without it the declaring State would have been wholly unwilling to undertake the principal obligation, then it is not open to the Court to disregard that reservation and at the same time to hold the accepting State bound by the Declaration.165 Thus, the important issue is the will of the author of the reservation and its intent to be bound by the treaty, with or without benefit of its reservation.
因为选型受约束,我们在只有10kg负载的设备上用负载能力达到100kg的导轨,100kg负载的设备上用几吨承载力的导轨,而且为了提高速 甘愿 承 受 噪音大带来的后果,还有在生锈时也只能通过简单的处理继续使用。
Because the selection to be bound, we only use the guide with a 100kg load capacity to the device of only 10kg load capacity, and guide of several tons to equipment to a 100kg carrying capacity, and in order to improve the speed they have to bear the consequences of big noise, enve they only deal with the rust by a simple process.
看来,承担了弥赛亚超人角色出现冲突与传统,他的死发言,因此,谁的数字弥赛亚将来自约瑟夫,或以法莲支派,而不是从犹大,谁会 甘 情 愿 地 接 受了他的国家和下降的痛苦如在歌革和玛战争的受害者,被createdby的haggadists(见Pesik河37;。
It seems that the assumed superhuman character of the Messiah appeared to be in conflict with the tradition that spoke of his death, and
therefore the figure of a
[...] Messiah who would come from the tribe of Joseph, or Ephraim, instead of from Judah, and who would willingly undergo suffering [...]
for his nation
and fall as victim in the Gog and Magog war, was createdby the haggadists (see Pesik. R. 37; comp. 34.).
委员会建议,只有在具有充分理由相信婚姻或注册伴侣关系不是由伙伴双方甘情愿缔结 的这种情况下,才进行调查,并在这方面回顾《公约》第五条第 [...]
The Committee recommends that an investigation should only take place if there is a well-founded reason to believe that
marriage or registered partnership has not been
[...] entered into willingly by both partners [...]
and recalls the importance of article
5 (d) (iv) of the Convention in this regard.
在英 勇不屈的阿富汗人民向和解迈进的过程中,我们希 望,联合国、伊斯兰合作组织和其他相关的国际组织 将继续是他们甘情愿的合作伙伴。
As the brave and resilient people of Afghanistan move forward in reconciliation, it is our hope that the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and other relevant international organizations will continue to be their willing partners.
它很受鼓舞的是,智愿意保障所有儿童,尤其是弱势群体儿童,例如难民 儿童、农村地区家庭的儿童或贫困线以下家庭的儿童接受教育。
It was encouraged by Chile’s readiness to guarantee access [...]
to education for all children, especially those from marginalized
communities, such as refugee children and children whose families live in rural areas or below the poverty line.
委员会在 2009 年 10 月 14
[...] 日召开的第四次及第五次会议上审议了以下三个项目:项目 5.23--关于在印度建立圣甘地和 平与可持续发展教育研究所(MGIEP)作为第 [...]
1 类机构的 建议;项目 5.6--建立由教科文组织赞助的第 2 类中心:关于在菲律宾建立一个东南亚可持续
发展终身学习中心作为教科文组织赞助的第 2 类中心的建议和关于在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国建 立地区幼儿发展中心作为由教科文组织赞助的第 2 类中心的建议。
During its 4th and 5th meetings on 14 October 2009, the Commission examined the following three items:
Item 5.23 – Proposal for the
[...] establishment of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education [...]
for Peace and Sustainable Development
(MGIEP), India, as a category 1 institute; and Item 5.6 – Establishment of category 2 centres under the auspices of UNESCO: Proposal for the establishment in the Philippines of a lifelong learning centre for sustainable development in SouthEast Asia, as a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO; and Proposal for the establishment in the Syrian Arab Republic of a regional centre concerning early childhood development, as a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO.
但有些反對利他主義的㆟士就會 指出,利他主義往往成為壓迫婦女的假真理,要婦女在這個社會發展過程㆗, 甘 情 願 處 於輔助性的㆞位,為他㆟,尤其是為丈夫、兒子或兄弟犧牲自己的發展潛能。
But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism has often been abused to suppress women and to ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in society and to sacrifice their own development potential for the sake of others, in particular their husbands, their sons or their brothers.
联合国工作人员养恤金联合委员会的报告(A/64/291)载有 2008-2009 两年期订正批款和执行情况报告、2010-2011 两年期拟议预算估计数和建议 授权补充 2010-2011 两年期紧急基金愿捐款 的提议,数额不超过 200 000 美元。
The report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (A/64/291) contains the revised appropriations and performance report for the biennium 2008–2009, the proposed budget estimates for the biennium 2010–2011 and a proposal for authorization to supplement contributions to the Emergency Fund for the biennium 2010–2011 by an amount not exceeding US$ 200,000.
(d) 从恩甘达在 Runyoni 的据点投降的另一名前 M23 军官告诉专家组说, [...]
他亲眼看到,在刚果(金)武装部队直升机轰炸兵变人员据点之后,卢旺达国防军 的一个营前来增援兵变人员。
(d) Another ex-M23 officer who
[...] surrendered from Ntaganda’s position at [...]
Runyoni told the Group that he personally witnessed
how one RDF battalion came to reinforce the mutineers after a FARDC helicopter bombarded their positions.
這兩 項條文是以英國 《 1981年最高法院法令 》 第 33條為藍 本,這些條文是因應甘 士達大 法官擔任主席的最高法院規則委員會轄下小組委員會所提出的建議, 專為符 合 人身傷 害申索 的 特別需要而在1987年制定的。委員詢問 ,當 法庭/ 法院的司法管轄權 擴 展 至可就所有種 類的民事案件命令作出訴 訟 前 的文件披露後,"專業顧問"一 詞 的 涵蓋範圍及定義 為 何,以 及 應 否 檢討條例草案第 6部 的草擬 方 式,以確定是否 較 適 宜 就 人身傷 害申索 以 外的其他 案件另 外訂立有關訴訟前 文件披露的一般 性條文。
These two sections are modeled on section 33 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 of the UK and specifically enacted in 1987 for the special needs of personal injuries claims as a result of the recommendations of a sub-committee of the Supreme Court Rules Committee chaired by Kempster J. Members have asked about the scope and definition of the term "professional adviser" after the Court's jurisdiction is broadened to cover pre-action disclosure in all types of civil cases, and whether the drafting of Part 6 of the Bill should be reviewed to see if it is more appropriate to make separate and general provisions relating to pre-action discovery in cases other than personal injuries claims.
[...] 方案;其次,伊朗的捐助情况很差,很难形成信托基金资源和联合国联合计划;第三, 在 国家工作队成员在集中财务和人力资源开展联合行动方面仍然存在不 愿 和 技 术障碍。
Several challenges were encountered in the development of United Nations common country programmes: firstly, the domestic political situation, especially the growing concern over human rights issues and the government’s sensitivity on human rights, have made it very difficult to develop a common United Nations country programme for which UNCT and the government would have shared ownership; secondly, the profile of the donor community in Iran is very low and it has been very difficult to generate FIT resources and joint
United Nations programming; and,
[...] thirdly, there is still reluctance and technical barriers [...]
among UNCT members to put together
financial and human resources for joint activities.
拟议续设信息系统干事(P-4)职位,就维持和平经费筹措司所有 与预算、部队费用和资金监测相关的系统向该司提供系统支持,指导如何制定将 维持和平预算报告各项要求和支持维持和平经费筹措司的辅助系统纳入“团结” 系统的战略愿景, 包括向“团结”系统小组阐述与维持和平相关的特殊业务要 求,与其协调。
It is proposed that the Information Systems Officer (P-4) position be continued to provide systems support for the Peacekeeping Financing Division for all budget, troop cost and fund monitoring-related systems serving the Division, and to provide guidance for the development of strategies and a vision for integrating the peacekeeping budget submission requirements and the auxiliary systems supporting the Division into Umoja, which includes the articulation of the particular business requirements related to peacekeeping and coordination with the Umoja team.
食典委还注意到,基于 CAC/32 LIM/16
[...] 中列出的理由,欧洲共同体和挪威对以下农 药最大残留限量持保留意见,包括柑橘类水果中的甲萘威(008)、食用内脏、苹果和梨 中的氟硅唑(165)、辣椒和生菜中的乐果(027)、小麦中的马拉硫磷(049)、葡萄和番 茄中的灭多威(094)、花椰菜、阔叶苣、苹果和桃子中的噻嗪酮(118),以及杏 甘 蓝、花椰菜、白菜头、牛奶、油桃、桃子、番茄、甜椒和玉米中的氯氰菊酯(146)。
The Commission also noted the reservations of the European Community and Norway on MRLs for carbaryl (008) in citrus fruit; fusilazole (165) in edible offal, apples and pear; dimethoate (027) in peppers and lettuce; malathion (049) in wheat; methomyl (094) in grapes and
tomato; cypermethrins (118)
[...] in cauliflower, scarole, apples and peaches; and cyhalothrin (146) in apricots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage head, milk, nectarines, peaches, tomatoes, peppers sweet, and corn [...]
for reasons presented in CAC/32 LIM/16.




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