

单词 甘味剂

See also:


sweet adj

surname Gan


taste n
flavorAE n

External sources (not reviewed)

在酯交换反应步骤中,所用的醇类、催 剂 、 副产 物 甘 油 、残余的TAG和自由的脂肪酸都会污染终产物。
During the transesterification procedure, the alcohol used, catalyst, glyercol byproduct, residual TAG, and free fatty acids can contaminate the final product.
一位观察员对于有害糖精,一般而言是人 造味剂在食品中的使用表示了担心。
One observer expressed concern as to the use in food of cyclamates and,
[...] in general, artificial sweeteners.
口香糖胶基是现代口香糖的非水溶性成分, 也是糖、味剂(多 羟基化合物)和香精的载体。
Gumbase is the water-insoluble constituent of modern chewing gum and the carrier for sugar, sugar
[...] substitutes (polyols), sweeteners and flavorings.
甘草是一种耐寒植物,现多生长于地中海盆地和亚洲地区,根茎培植三年后可收获,因 甘 甜 的茴 香 味 及 众 多有效成分而闻名。
Liquorice is a hardy plant found around the
Mediterranean basin and in Asia and is
[...] famous for its sweet, aniseed flavor and the many active [...]
principles present in its roots
which are collected after three years of cultivation.
蟹粉蝦仁」口感豐厚柔滑,而河蝦的鮮甜和蟹粉 甘味 互 相融合,相得益彰,令人回味無窮。
The dish combines both the freshness of river prawns and the sweetness of crab roe
多元醇:苹果、杏、鳄梨、樱桃、龙眼、荔枝、油桃、梨、李子、梅子、蘑菇、人造 味剂 ( 山 梨糖醇 甘 露 糖 醇、麦芽糖醇、木糖醇、异麦芽酮糖醇、SF口香糖、薄荷糖、咳嗽药水和某些药品
Polyols: Apples, apricots, avocado, cherries, longon, lychee,
nectarines, pears, plums, prunes,
[...] mushrooms, artificial sweeteners (sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, [...]
xylitol, isomalt, SF gum, mints,
cough drops and some medication)
甘油类的润剂,以 软化乳头皮肤,避免出现裂纹或溃疡。
Emollients such as glycerine are added to soften [...]
the teat skin and avoid cracks or sores appearing on it.
医药行业主要用作生产维生素C的原料,轻工行业用作表面活性剂的原料,山梨醇具有良好的保湿性能,可代 甘 油 用 于牙膏、卷烟、化妆品生产中用作保湿剂;用食品工业中,山梨醇是一种 味剂 , 具 有吸湿性,防止食品干裂,保持新鲜柔软;不引起血糖升高,可作为 味剂 和 营养剂生产糖尿病人的专用食品;在浓缩牛奶中加入山梨醇可延长保存期,对鱼肉酱、果酱蜜饯有明显的稳定和长期保存的作用,能改善香肠的色香味;化学工业中的应用,山梨醇脂肪酸类代替胡麻油,山梨醇松香酯是常用建筑涂料的原料。
Pharmaceutical industry mainly used as the material for the production of vitamin C , light industry used as the material of surfactant ; Sorbitolum has good moisturizing
properties, and can be
[...] used to replace glycerin toothpaste, cigarette, cosmetics production as moisturizing agent; In the food industry, Sorbitolum is a sweetener, has the hygroscopicity, prevent food weather-shack, keep fresh soft; Don't cause glucose leels, it can be used as sweetener and nutrition [...]
agent for the production
of diabetics special food; adding Sorbitolum into concentrated milk can prolong the retention period; it offers surimi, jam candied fruit obvious stability and long-term preservation effect, can improve the sausage color; The application of Chemical industry, Sorbitolum fatty acid can replace siritch, Sorbitolum rosin ester is a common raw material of architectural coatings.
该种催剂在甘油溶 液和水的反应中,可产生比使用最高回收率只有38%的催化剂时所产生的更多的可作为高机能纤维原料而使用的1,3二氯丙醇。
 By a reaction of
[...] water solution of glycerol with hydrogen using the newly developed catalyst, [...]
the research group has obtained
38% yield of 1,3-propanediol that can be converted into useful fibrous materials.
Made in土佐的雪糕系列包括米飯、鹽、黑糖、煎茶、紅茶和雞蛋共六種選擇,全以雲呢拿雪糕為基本味道——米飯雪糕在細味下,可嚐到一顆顆以日本高知縣出產的二期作白米,口感黏韌,米味濃郁;以日本土佐黑潮町的海鹽製成的鹽味雪糕,保留了海鹽的礦物質成份,入口初段甘甜,最後才滲出陣陣鹹味,配以米飯雪糕同吃鹹味更濃;紅茶雪糕亦即是奶茶,吃時就像呷著一杯冰凍奶茶;煎茶雪糕用上來自池川的綠茶調製, 味甘 濃 ; 雞蛋雪糕每口都是強烈的蛋香和奶香融和,卻不會太甜;黑糖雪糕則從邊緣已可看見密佈的小顆黑糖結晶。
Kochi-Ice’s ‘Made in土佐’ ice cream flavours stretch from rice, salt, brown sugar, Sencha, English tea to egg, with vanilla as a ‘base’. Rice grown locally in Kochi-ken is used in its rice ice cream, adding a touch of sticky texture; sea salt from Kuroshio-cho gives a punch of saltiness to the sweet flavour, with health enhancing minerals – even more so when eaten with rice ice cream; English tea ice cream is like chewing (or sipping, depending on your habit) through an iced white
tea; Sencha sourced from
[...] Ikegawa has a bitter undertone; protein-packed egg flavour is a layering [...]
of milk and egg, and not
too sweet; brown sugar ice cream is scattered with crystalised sugar pieces.
温和的保湿效果来自天然提取的Glucam™ E-20保湿剂、甘油和 Schercemol™酯类,这类成分可提供轻柔、优雅的用后感。
The gentle moisturizing effect is
provided by the naturally-derived Glucam™
[...] E-20 Humectant, glycerin and Schercemol™ [...]
Esters which provide a soft, elegant afterfeel.
免洗手消毒液是无水清洁剂,大多以异丙醇或乙醇(酒精)为基底,此外含有增 剂 或 甘 油 , 以形成凝胶、液体或泡沫状。
Hand sanitizers: These are waterless agents, mostly with either an
isopropyl alcohol or an ethanol base. They contain a thickening agent
[...] to form a gel or glycerin to form a liquid [...]
or foam.
人们认为这主要是由于使用了焦糖色素的缘故,而且普通饮料中还含有大量果糖而减肥饮料中含有大量阿斯巴甜(人工 味剂 )。
This is thought to be primarily due to caramel coloring as well as high levels of a sugar
called fructose found in the regular versions while diet versions have high levels of aspartame
[...] (an artificial sweetener).
Tali Weiss及其同事获取了86种单分子味剂 , 把 它们稀释到同样的强度,然后使用它们制备各种气味混合物。
Tali Weiss and colleagues obtained 86 single-molecule odorants, diluted them to equal intensity, and used them to prepare various scent mixtures.
這 些 藥 物並不好 像 以前般,
[...] 匿藏於 公 廁 或 樓 梯 底 服 食 , 而是 最好有一大 人,在一 些 娛 樂 場 所 , 有 強 勁 音 樂 陪襯, 大 家 都服食 一 些 ,甘 同 味 , 然 後就一 齊 在 擠 迫 的 舞池裏 狂跳至 筋疲力 竭 。
After taking the drug, they will then squeeze back to the crowded dancing floor to dance till they drop of exhaustion.
茅香具有类似于香草的美妙香气,现在被广泛用作糖和香水中的 味剂。
Thanks to its delicate fragrance which resembles vanilla, it is widely used today as a fragrant base in sweets and perfumes.
我们的一些用于甘膦制剂的生 物活化剂被澳大利亚农药与兽药局 (APVMA) 认为是“对动物无害”的生物活化剂。
Several of our
[...] bioactivators for glyphosate formulations are [...]
considered “Frog Friendly” by the Australian APVMA.
工发组织还表示,伊朗伊斯兰共和国境内出售的 甘 酸 钠 单 剂 量 干粉吸入器是从印 度进口,价格高于氟氯化碳计量吸入器。
UNIDO also indicated that the single-dose DPI for cromolyn sodium sold in the Islamic Republic of Iran is imported from India and is more expensive than a CFC-MDI.
[...] he'e("甜草"),作为一个在玛黛队友和用于治疗胃灼热和其他疾病的药用茶 味剂。
For centuries, the tribes of Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil used
stevia, which they called ka'a he'e ("sweet
[...] herb"), as a sweetener in yerba mate [...]
and medicinal teas for treating heartburn and other ailments.
阿根廷是世界上最大的大豆制品出口 国之一,其原料主要是可以耐受除 剂 草甘 膦的转基因大豆。
Argentina is one of the main world exporters of soymeal produced from soybeans genetically modified to resist
[...] a particular herbicide (glyphosate).
99. 国际商务认证协会观察员在支持通过拟议修订的同时,对于功能类“酸性物质” 和亚类“味剂”从附录 XV 表格中删除表示关注,并指出味剂 是 一 个积极创新的领域。
The Observer from ICBA, while supporting the adoption of the proposed revision, expressed a concern that a
functional class “acids”
[...] and a subclass “flavour modifiers” were deleted from the Table in Appendix XV and noted that flavour modifiers were an area of active [...]
策托尔是个轻松的夜宵好去处,最简单就是来一盘土豆伴肉,再来一杯用 味甘 草 调 和斯肯可洼 (Koskenkorva) 伏特加所造成的 “萨尔马里” (salmari) 。
This late-night comfort food spot serves great meat-and-potatoes dishes (anything with lingonberries is a win), and it is also the best place to try out the local tipple, salmari, made with Koskenkorva vodka and salty liquorice.
混合南美及非洲咖啡豆,深度的烘焙,揉合源於兩地獨特的苦 甘 、 酸 口 味 , 舉 世推崇。
A combination of South American and African coffee beans, the Master blend is
darkly roasted to
[...] complement the bitter-sweet and sour taste profiles of both origins to create a much-loved taste – for the enjoyment [...]
of coffee aficionados around the world.
1790年,當哈尼曼翻譯外國醫學專刊時,他發現了蘇格蘭教授卡爾倫〈Cullen〉的一篇論文中提及金雞納能治療瘧疾,其理由是:因金雞納有收縮纖維 ﹝即收歛﹞甘苦味道兩大藥性。
In 1790, when Hahnemann translated special issues of foreign medical publication, he found a dissertation written by the Scotland Professor Cullen about using cinchona
in treating malaria, with the ground of the two herbal characteristics of cinchona,
[...] viz. astringent and the bitter taste.
此表面活剂由甘蔗制 成,不含石化成份或防腐剂,与传统产品相比,它减少了 20% 的温室气体排放且减少了 20% 的非再生原材料使用量。
This surfactant derived from sugar cane and containing no petrochemical ingredients or preservatives, boasts 20% lower greenhouse gas emissions and the use of 20% fewer non-renewable raw materials compared with traditional products.
有机高分子材料生产:有机硅改性舰船外壳涂料、飞机蒙皮涂料、稀土硫化铈红色染料、无铅化电子封装材料、彩色等离子体显示屏专用系列光刻浆料、小直径大比表面积超细纤维、高精度燃油滤纸、锂离子电池隔膜、塑料加工用多功能复合 剂 、 柠檬 酸 甘 油 二 酸酯、氟咯菌腈、氰霜唑
Organic polymer materials: shell coating of silicone modified ships, aircraft skin coatings, rare earth cerium sulphide red dye, lead-free electronics packaging materials, color plasma display special series of lithography pulp, small diameter microfiber surface area, high-precision fuel filters, lithium-ion battery separator,
multi-functional composite
[...] plastic processing additives, citric acid glycerol ester, fluorine [...]
fludioxonil, cyanide cream yl
在此次网络研讨会中, 进食行为和饱腹研究专家 Adam Drewnowski 博士及注册营养师 Robyn Flipse
[...] 共同讨论了影响消费者食品选择和进食行为的因素,及二者如何与体重控制挑战相关联,还讨论了低热量和无热量 味剂在 体重控制中的作用。
In this webinar, Dr. Adam Drewnowski, an expert in eating behaviour and satiety research, and registered dietitian Robyn Flipse discusses factors that impact consumers’ food choices and eating behaviour and
how each relates to weight management challenges, and the role of low- and
[...] no-kilojoule sweeteners in weight management.
就用于调味品、调味汁、味剂、汤 和其它食品的压敏标签,Label-Lyte™ 50LL539透明膜、60LH538和65 LL344-A 白OPP膜为覆膜加工商提供了用于透明和不透明标签形式的广泛材料兼容性和性能。
For pressure-sensitive labels for dressings, sauces, condiments, soups and other food products, Label-Lyte™ 50LL539 clear and 60LH538 and 65 LL-344-A white oriented polypropylene (OPP) films provide laminators with a broad range of compatibility and performance in transparent and opaque label formats.
实验表明,9种防剂和甜味剂在检测范围内均具有良好的线性关系(r2>0.998);方法的检出限(以信噪比大于3计)为0.03~15.0 μg/L,定量限(以信噪比大于10计)为0.1~50.0 μg/L;在黄酒中的回收率为96.2%~100.5%,相对标准偏差(RSDs)为0.6%~5.4%;在葡萄酒中的回收率为96.0%~104.0%, RSDs为0.7%~4.8%。
The results showed that the limits of detection (LODs, S/N>3) for the nine analytes were in the range of 0.03~15.0 μg/L, and the limits of quantitation (LOQs, S/N>10) were in the range of 0.1~50.0 μg/L. The calibration curves showed good linearity for the nine analytes in their detection ranges, and the correlation coefficients (r2) were larger than 0.998. The recoveries were between 96.2% and 100.5% with the relative standard deviations (RSDs) of 0.6%~5.4% for yellow wine, and between 96.0% and 104.0% with the RSDs of 0.7%~4.8% for wine.




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