单词 | 甔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 甔—big jar档noun—filen档—records cross-piece official records shelves grade (of goods) classifier for cross-pieces Examples:文档n—documentn documentationn 档案n—filespl GRSn 档案pl—archivespl recordspl
我们将於该两个备受市场瞩目的项目负责设计及兴建高档物业,藉此展示我们发展优质物业的实力以及发挥 该地段最大价值的能力。 wingtaiproperties.com | We will be designing and developing premium properties at both of these sought-after sites to showcase our strength and ability to extract the most value out of such locations. wingtaiproperties.com |
产品的數码相片应在交回前尽量压缩为较小的档案,把整封电子邮件 的大小限制在5MB以内。 cfs.gov.hk | The digital photos of the product(s) should be compressed before sending as far as possible to limit the overall size of email under 5 MB. cfs.gov.hk |
所有样本拍照存档,以便进行核对工作。 cfs.gov.hk | Photographic records were made for all samples in order to verify their identities. cfs.gov.hk |
等级可为您节省很多时间,否 则搜寻备份存档中的多个档案时,您要花费很多时间试着猜测哪一个过期备份可以删除,但又 不会遗失重要资料。 seagate.com | Ratings might save you a lot of time you will otherwise spend on exploring multiple files in your backup archives, trying to guess which of the outdated backups can be deleted without losing important data. seagate.com |
未 经 吾 等 书 面 许 可 , 此 报 告和计 算 的 任 何 部 分 均 不 能 包 容 於 任 何 文 档 或 声 明 内 作 任 何 参 考 。 cre8ir.com | Neither any part of this report and valuation, nor any reference thereto may be included in any documents or statements without our written approval. cre8ir.com |
如果未发现符合项目,将会执行过滤 MIMe 或档案类型内容的第二条规 则,针对要求之网页上的所有内容个别检查要求的物件,并根据第二个 MIMe 内容类型规则过滤允许或拦 截物件。 symanteccloud.com | If no match is found on the first rule, the second rule that filters MIME or File type content will be executed where the requested objects would be then checked individually for all content on the requested web page and would be either be allowed or blocked based on the second MIME content type rule filters. symanteccloud.com |
如果您要依类别储存档 案 (如客户档案、专案档案或财务归档档案);或如果您要依业务团队储存档案 (如市场行 销、会计或销售),则可能要执行此操作。 seagate.com | You might want to do this if you want to store files by category, such as client files, project files, or financial archive files; or if you want to store files by business team, such as marketing, accounting, or sales. seagate.com |
附注: 对於 550 专业版智慧型网路扫瞄站管理,按一下条码 /OCR 萤幕上的 「扫 瞄」按钮,将会提示管理员选取要汇入供 OCR/ 条码选择的影像档案。 graphics.kodak.com | NOTE: For the Scan Station Pro 550 Administration, clicking the Scan button on the Barcode/OCR screen will result in prompting the administrator to select the image file to import for OCR/Barcode selection. graphics.kodak.com |
在 2010 年内处理个案之进度情况,全部 7 宗(100%)的个案皆能於法定处理 时限内(45 天)完成及归档,较去年提升了 7.2%。 industry.macautourism.gov.mo | For the progress of handling cases in 2010, all 7 cases (100%) were completed and filed within the statutory time limit (45 days), recorded an increase of 7.2% compared with last year. industry.macautourism.gov.mo |
我们在高档物业市场及服 务式住宅市场的知名品牌、稳健的资产负债表、强劲的经常性收入、物业发展项目的扩充以及多元化投资组合及卓越的 管理执行能力,为本集团造就一个坚实的平台,支持本集团的业务达致长期增长。 wingtaiproperties.com | The combination of our reputable brands in the premium property market and hospitality industry, a healthy balance sheet and strong recurrent income base, an expanded project development pipeline, a diversified investment portfolio and strong management execution capabilities have provided the Group a solid platform from which we will sustain the long-term growth of our business. wingtaiproperties.com |
完成後,扫描结果会 列出是否有病毒感染和建议的处理方法,依照指示将找到的病毒档案移除。 hkcert.org | After finished, the scanning result lists out the virus infection status and recommended solution, follow the instruction to remove the virus files. hkcert.org |
为方便用户透过 ASCII 文字编辑器(例如记事本)编辑符合 WPIS 的數据 档案,除數据转换规约档案以外的所有 WPIS 數据元件描述档案将拥有一 个可在 WPIS 元件描述及模板库内创建并分发的數据档案模板。 devb.gov.hk | To facilitate user to compose the WPIS compliant data file by means of an ASCII text editor, e.g. the Notepad, each WPIS data schema file except the data conversion protocol file will have a data file template created and distributed in the library of the WPIS Schemas and Templates. devb.gov.hk |
它支援最新的功能包括触发器、函式、检视;而且还包含汇入或汇出工具,让使用者汇入和汇出资料为纯文字档案格式,包括 TXT、CSV 和 XML。 navicat.com | It supports the latest features including Trigger, Function, View, and it also comes with an Import/Export tool which allow user to import and export data from plain text file formats including TXT, CSV and XML. navicat.com |
用户用於签章与身分监别的私密金钥绝不可被托管、归档或备 份;用户所属的凭证机构得要求托管、归档或备份职务上用来加密的 私密金钥。 epki.com.tw | Private key used by subscriber for signature and identity authentication shall not be escrowed, archived or backup; Subscriber backed CA shall request for escrow, archival or backup for encryption of private key to facilitate duties. epki.com.tw |
(E) 无论股东就以电子方式接收任何通吿或文件不时作出任 何选择,除电子文档外,该名股东可随时要求本公司向 其额外寄发其作为股东的资格有权接收的任何通吿或文 件的书面副本。 fortune-sun.com | (E) Notwithstanding any election by a member from time to time to receive any notice or document through electronic means, such member may, at any time require the Company to send to him, in addition to an electronic copy thereof a printed copy of any notice or document which he, in his capacity as shareholder, is entitled to receive. fortune-sun.com |
如果因申请人无法提供材料而导致保险人无法确认理赔申请的 真实性,则保险人不应承担损失中无法确认部分的赔偿责任: a. 理赔申请表; b. 保险单或保险凭证; c. 申请人合法身份证明; d. 医院签发的医疗收据(紧急治疗医疗费用收据应盖有医院的紧急治疗印章)、原始诊断证明和医疗记录; e. 医疗转运方面,应出具由保险人认可的合法救援组织签发的书面证明文件; f. 与损伤性质、原因和程度的确认等相关的其他支持文档和信息。 now-health.com | a Claim application form; b Insurance policy or policyholder’s certificate; c Applicant’s legitimate identity certificate; d Medical receipts issued by the hospital (emergency treatment stamp of the hospital is required for medical expense receipts for emergency treatment), original diagnosis certificate and medical records; e For medical evacuation, a written documentary proof issued by the legitimate rescue organisation recognised by the insured should be provided; f Other supporting documents and information related to confirmation of the nature, cause and degree of injury, etc now-health.com |
(a) 有关源档案及目标档案的资料,如 WDD/UDD 域模式档案名称、 PDF 电子表格档案名称等 devb.gov.hk | (a) information on the source file and the target file such as WDD/UDD domain schema file name, PDF e-form file name, etc. devb.gov.hk |
您可以依档案名称或依各种应 用程式中的单字搜寻。 garminasus.com | You can search by file name or by words located in various applications. garminasus.com |
您可以使用包含未储存变更的 VRS 设定档进行扫 瞄;一旦关闭应用程式,此设定档即会恢复为原始设定。 graphics.kodak.com | You may scan with a VRS profile with unsaved changes; the profile will revert back to the original settings once the application is closed. graphics.kodak.com |
为了防止系统仍然将病毒档案和 相关的登录设定保留在「还原点」内,有可能令我们的清理工作徒劳无功,我们 需要关闭系统还原功能来清除「还原点」内的资料。 hkcert.org | To avoid the system to keep the virus files and associated registry keys on the “restore points” and may waste our effort. We have to close the system restore function to clear the content in the “restore points”. hkcert.org |
当稽核纪录档的保留期限届满时,如须移除该资料,必须由稽核 员移除,不可由其他人员代理。 epki.com.tw | At expiration of storage period of the audit log file only the auditor is authorized to remove the information and no other persons are permitted to do the job for him/her. epki.com.tw |
(4) 除非董事会另行同意(其同意可按董事会可能不时全权酌情决定之条款及条件作出, 而董事会有权全权酌情决定作出或暂缓作出同意而毋须申述任何理由),否则股东名册 内之股份不得转移至任何股东名册分册,而任何股东名册分册内之股份亦不得转移至 股东名册或任何其他股东名册分册,导致所有转让档及其他所有权档须交回以供登 记,如属股东名册分册内之任何股份,在有关注册办事处进行登记,如属股东名册内 之任何股份,则在办事处或根据法案置存股东名册之其他百慕达地点进行登记。 clh.com.hk | (4) Unless the Board otherwise agrees (which agreement may be on such terms and subject to such conditions as the Board in its absolute discretion may from time to time determine, and which agreement it shall, without giving any reason therefor, be entitled in its absolute discretion to give or withhold), no shares upon the Register shall be transferred to any branch register nor shall shares on any branch register be transferred to the Register or any other branch register and all transfers and other documents of title shall be lodged for registration, and registered, in the case of any shares on a branch register, at the relevant Registration Office, and, in the case of any shares on the Register, at the Office or such other place in Bermuda at which the Register is kept in accordance with the Act. clh.com.hk |
若您无法使用我们的退款表格提交您的申请,或您需要传送额外证明档案并无法使用电子传送,您可使用以下方法联络我们的退款服务团队。 united.com | If you are unable to submit your request using our refund form, or if you need to send additional documentation and can’t do so electronically, you can contact our Refund Services team using one of the methods below. united.com |
潜在风险及不确定性包括但不限於以下因素:有关公司或未能维持现有的增长策略或保持在旗下制造工厂现有的业绩、成本与付运;本土及外地的营运风险,包括营运成本超支、劳工短缺、税率上升及本公司的合资企业前景;不利的货币汇率;未来的领导或不正确;环球经济疲弱的情况可能更严峻或持续比预期更长的时间;以及在公司与美国证监会存档当中,不时详述的其他资料。 ipress.com.hk | Potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as: we may not be able to maintain our current growth strategy or continue to maintain our current performance, costs and loadings in our manufacturing facilities; risks of domestic and foreign operations, including excessive operation costs, labor shortages, higher tax rates and our joint venture prospects; unfavorable currency exchange rates; our future guidance may be incorrect; the global economic weakness may be more severe or last longer than we currently anticipated; and other information detailed from time to time in the Company's filings with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. ipress.com.hk |
如果在这九十天期间後,证委会没有对 存档提出反对,暂时中止将自动成为终止本公司的注册地位及向证委会 呈报的要求。 asiasat.com | If, at the end of this 90-day period, the SEC has not objected to the filing, the suspension will automatically become a termination of the Company’s registration and reporting requirements to the SEC. asiasat.com |
(2) 飞利浦匈牙利 根据税项审核服务协议,TP Vision Hungary将向飞利浦匈牙利提供对飞利浦作 出税项审核活动涉及的各项服务,包括:(i)税项审核的会计及财务支援;(ii)数 据检索及备档支援;(iii)支援内部及外部团体,适当呈递及╱或编制文件及回 覆,处理关於过往交易及╱或业务营运的查询;及(iv)以编制中的过往数据满足 任何申请要求。 cre8ir.com | (2) Philips Hungary Pursuant to the Tax Audit Service Agreement, TP Vision Hungary will provide to Philips Hungary various services in relation to tax audits with respect to Philips, including (i) accounting and financial support for tax audits; (ii) data retrieval and archiving support; (iii) support internal and external groups with timely submission and/or documentation and answers to inquiries on historical transactions and or business operations; and (iv) assist with historical data in preparation for any filing requirement. cre8ir.com |
飞达帽业主席颜禧强先生表示:「回顾年内,虽然面对欧债和国内不明朗经济环境等因素, 但集团实行了多项策略性措施,包括收购美国高档女装帽品商 San Diego Hat Company, 令我们得以扩大欧美市场的发展,加上孟加拉外判厂房的投产,集团将可藉提升整体产 能,满足市场对集团产品的殷切需求。 mainland.com.hk | Mr Ngan Hei Keung, Chairman of Mainland Headwear, said, “During the year under review, although facing debt crisis in Europe and the uncertainties in the PRC’s economy, the Group has adopted strategic measures including acquisition of San Diego Hat Company, a high-end women’s headwear company in the US to boost the our development in Europe and the US. mainland.com.hk |