单词 | 瓣膜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 瓣膜—valve (biological)See also:瓣n—petaln segmentn 瓣—fragment piece clove (of garlic) lamella 膜n—filmn membranen layern
静脉曲张是静脉瓣膜功能不佳,令血液积聚引致胀大、扭曲及疼痛,青筋暴现。 lavedo.com | Varicose Veins are valvular malfunction causing [...] swollen, twisted, painful veins that have been filled with venous blood. lavedo.com |
风湿热每发生 一次,心脏瓣膜的损害就会加重一些。 world-heart-federation.org | With each repeat attack, the heart valves become more damaged. world-heart-federation.org |
但 人工主动脉瓣置换术后,以及心输出量增加或左室流出道 (LVO)狭窄的患者,瓣膜附近的流速升高(>1.5m/s),因 此这个流速不能再被忽视。 asecho.org | In patients with aorticprostheses and highcardiac [...] output or narrow LV outflow (LVO), the velocity proximal to the prosthesis [...]may be elevated and therefore not negligible (proximal velocity >1.5 m/s). asecho.org |
如果静脉瓣膜发生故障或受损,会使血液回流受阻,静脉血通过瓣膜倒流,开始在静脉内积聚。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | If these valves malfunction or are damaged, forward blood flow will cease and leak back through the valves, and collect in the vein. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
近千万德国人患有需要治疗的静脉瓣膜功能不全,女性是男性的两倍,经常受到影响。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Nearly ten million Germans suffer from venous insufficiency requiring treatment, women are affected twice as often as men. en.developmentscout.com |
临床应用包括血管 成形术、心血管、扩张术、牵引、耳鼻喉、气管和 食管、高压、主动脉内球囊泵 [...] (IABP)、神经血管、 闭塞、骨科/脊柱、支架置入术和瓣膜成形术。 interfaceusa.com | These include angioplasty, cardiovascular, dilatation, distraction, ear/nose and throat, endotracheal and esophageal, high [...] pressure, intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), neurovascular, occlusion, orthopedic/spinal, [...] stent deliveryandvalvuloplasty. interfaceusa.com |
医生 或许还会建议作手术修补受损的心脏瓣膜。 world-heart-federation.org | The doctor may also recommend surgery to repair damaged heart valves. world-heart-federation.org |
心脏瓣膜无法正常关闭,它们将被替换。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | Heart valvesdo not close properly, they will be replaced. en.developmentscout.com |
在太平洋诸岛,严重的风湿性心脏病患者必须被送至海外接受价格昂贵的心脏瓣膜手术,这就给当地政府分配给风湿性心脏病的预算造成了巨大的负担。 tipschina.gov.cn | The funding required is minimal and in some cases successful control could be achieved by re-prioritizing existing budgets," continued DrCarapetis"In the Pacific Islands, severe RHD patients have to be sent overseas for costly heartvalve operations which places a significant burden on the local government budget assigned to RHDHowever, it would be possible to run a coordinated control program to prevent progression to severe RHD for only a fraction of the costs of these operationsThis would prevent children and young people from getting the heart damage in the first place. tipschina.gov.cn |
目前瓣膜病唯一的治疗选择是一个bioprosthetic或机械瓣膜病变瓣膜置换手术。 jove.com | The only treatment option [...] currently available for valve disease is surgical replacement of thediseased valve with a bioprosthetic or mechanicalvalve5. jove.com |
我们推荐符合下列常见情况的人士参与此项目:心肌梗死(心脏病发作)、冠状动脉搭桥术(CABG)、血管成形术、支架植入术、经皮冠状动脉介入治疗、瓣膜修复或置换术、稳定性心绞痛(胸痛伴有呼吸费力)、心力衰竭以及其他心脏手术和情况。 deltahealth.com.cn | The following are common conditions for which cardiac rehabilitation has been recommended: myocardial infarction (heart attack), coronary artery bypass graft Surgery (CABG), angioplasty, coronary artery stenting, PCI,valve repair or replacement, stable angina (chest pain with exertion), and heart failure. deltahealth.com.cn |
当因肌肉收缩而受压,防止倒流的瓣膜会产生抽送的作用(肌肉泵),促进血液流回心脏。 dragonair.com | Compression of the veins by muscular contraction, cause a pumping effect (the muscle pump) aiding the return of blood to the heart. dragonair.com |
常规抗生素(通常每月注射)可以防止风湿热患者进一步加深链球菌感染以及导致心脏瓣膜受损。 tipschina.gov.cn | Treating strep throat with antibiotics can prevent rheumatic feverRegular antibiotics (usually monthly injections) can prevent patients with rheumatic fever from contracting further strep infections and causing progression of valve damageThe antibiotic (benzathine penicillin G) most often used is off-patent and can be administered through basic primary care for just cents tipschina.gov.cn |
一般来说,静脉中的瓣膜可避免血液倒流,但当受影响静脉的瓣膜出现异常,血液便会倒流至静脉,产生扭曲肿胀的情况,外观甚为不雅。 hsbc.com.hk | It is closely related to the cardiopulmonary system (the heart and lungs) and can impair the proper function of these and other organs of the body. hsbc.com.hk |
速 度-时间积分(velocity-time integral, VTI)或速度曲线 下面积计算出的平均跨瓣压力阶差应在房室瓣和半月瓣处,瓣膜开放至关闭期间测量;或在心动周期的一 个血管腔内或在一个心房间交通处测量。 asecho.org | Mean gradients calculated from the velocity-time integral (VTI) or area under the velocity curve should be measured from valveopening to closure at the AV and semilunar valves and throughout the cardiac cycle within a blood vessel or at an interatrial communication, incorporating the zero velocity during periods of absent flow. asecho.org |
小 Donald [...] E. Bobo 从2007年担任公司心瓣膜治疗副总裁,负责公司外科心瓣手术业务,其中包括组织置换和成形器械。 edwards.com | Donald E. Bobo, Jr. has been corporate vice [...] president,heart valvetherapy since [...]2007 and is responsible for the company’s [...]surgical heart valve business, including tissue replacement and repair devices. edwards.com |
对于人工主动脉瓣,连续性方程可以简化为多普勒速 度指数(Doppler velocity index,DVI),表示为接近瓣膜的血流速度和通过瓣口的血流速度的比值 [22] ,优点在于不 需要测量左室流出道的面积。 asecho.org | In prosthetic aortic valves, a simplification of the continuity equation is the Doppler velocity index (DVI), the ratio of velocity proximal to the valve, to the velocity through the valve.22 This index does not rely on measurement of the LVO tract. asecho.org |
静脉曲张下,瓣膜功能不全,令血液依然滞留在静脉内,积聚的血液引致血管胀大。 lavedo.com | With Varicose Veins, the valves do not function properly, allowing blood to go backward. lavedo.com |
我们的历史可追溯到1958年,当时 Miles “Lowell” Edwards [...] 与 Albert Starr 博士合作开发世界上首个心瓣膜置换手术。 edwards.com | Our history dates back to 1958 when Miles “Lowell” Edwards partnered with Dr. Albert Starr to develop the [...] world’s first replacementheart valve. edwards.com |
因为其中一支套管的瓣膜常常维持开着, 已受烟雾污染的气体可以从腹腔不断地逃出再持续被新鲜的气体灌入所取代, 所以手术视野维持清晰. websurg.com | Asavalve onone of the trocars is always left open, the smoke-contaminated gas escapes constantly from the abdominal cavity and is replaced by continuous insufflation of fresh gas. websurg.com |
澳大利亚的知名人士还包括开发了人工心脏瓣膜的心脏外科医生张任谦,以及帮助世界各地超过一百万人恢复视力的眼科专家Fred Hollows。 australia.com | Australia’s famous people include cardiac surgeon Victor Chang, who pioneered an artificial heart valve and ophthalmologist Fred Hollows who helped to restore eyesight in more than a million people across the world. australia.com |
如果一开始时腹腔内的压力很高, 要马上停止灌气, 先检查确定问题出在哪里(瓣膜闭合, 灌气入腹壁内,,).如果压力增加很快没有伴随腹腔体积增加, 一定要找出问题点(套管盖锁住, 灌气入组织内,患者没有充分的放松..).气体灌入的容量也可被监测到, 但是这个参数在不适用于监测腹腔积气,因为会漏气或者在手术进行时会有意地排出. websurg.com | If intra-abdominal pressure is high to begin with, insufflation must be stopped in order to determine the source of the problem (closed valve, insufflation into the abdominal wall, etc.). websurg.com |
此外,厚度划一的角膜瓣及浑圆的切口令角膜底部平滑稳固,大大提升手术的安全性。 hksh.com | With a flapof a more consistent thickness and a smoother surface on thecornea,the safety [...] and outcome of the surgery is greatly enhanced. hksh.com |
角膜瓣内碎屑、角膜瓣移位或表皮内生,可能需要作进一步手术更正。 hksh.com | Interface debris, flap movement, or epithelial [...] in-growth may need further surgery. hksh.com |
海百合的花极为强韧,花瓣纯净洁白,因此被故古希腊人命名为“pancratium”,意思是“全能花”。 clarinsusa.com | The incredible resistance and pure whiteness [...] of this flower inspired the Ancient Greeks to name it pancratium meaning "endowed with all powers". clarinsusa.com |
一名业界代表询问,根据新的食品分類系统,豆瓣酱(Chili Bean Sauce)和磨豉酱(Ground Bean Sauce)这兩种食品如何 分類。 cfs.gov.hk | One trade representative enquired about the categorization of two food products, namely chili bean sauce and ground bean sauce in the new food category system. cfs.gov.hk |
雷射屈光角膜层状重塑术 ( LASIK ) 是利用一种叫作keratome的专用雷射刀,在角膜上切割一片薄薄的角膜瓣,然後再将此角膜瓣翻离其他部分的角膜(切开的角膜瓣并没有完全被切离,仍然是与其他部分的角膜相连的)。 pacific-laser.com | Laser-assisted intrastromal keratoplasty (LASIK) is a [...] procedure in which a [...] specialized blade called a keratome creates a flap of corneal tissue which is then lifted away from the rest [...]of the cornea (to [...]which it remains attached by a “hinge”). pacific-laser.com |
目前角膜屈光手术的主流方式是LASIK(准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术),手术过程是在电脑控制下,保留角膜的外层组织,从中间进行准分子激光磨镶,然后将角膜瓣复位。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | The most mainstream form of laser eye surgery is LASIK (laser in situ keratomileusis). The surgery [...] generally proceeds this way: Under the control of a computer, the outer [...] layer ofthe cornea iscut away asa flapbya laser. beijing.ufh.com.cn |