

单词 瓢虫



twenty eight spot lady beetle
Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata Fabricius

See also:


pests pl
caterpillars pl

person with a particular undesirable characteristic
lower form of animal life, including insects, insect larvae, worms and similar creatures

External sources (not reviewed)

研究人员从饱受骚扰的居民家里——包括其中一位研究人员的母亲家——收集了大量野生花 瓢虫 , 并给其中一些注射了细菌和酵母菌。
Scientists collected wild harlequin ladybirds from infested homes—including the home of the mother of one of the authors—and injected some with bacteria or yeast.
荷叶瓢虫使用 了不同的技巧使其手感不同,打造充满立体感和感染力的T恤。
The leaf and ladybug have a different [...]
aura created using special techniques, for a look with strong impact.
这是因为这瓢虫,一 种起源于亚洲的甲虫,繁殖力极强,广泛生活在美国和欧洲。每到秋天,这些花 瓢虫 就 成 群结队地侵入房屋。
That's because the beetle, originally from Asia, has multiplied so wildly in the United States and Europe that swarms invade houses in the fall.
其 Beauty and the Beast
[...] 系列的耳环和手镯以花瓣和叶子为基本装饰图形,手镯上更饰有精巧别致 瓢虫 作 为 装点。
The earrings and cuff from her Beauty and the Beast collection have petals and leaves as a motif – the
[...] cuff even boasts a tiny ladybird.
之后,科学家对花瓢虫的蛋白质编码基因进行了DNA测序,并发现了大约50种帮助生产抗菌肽的基因,研究人员将其与赤拟谷盗(red flour beetles)进行比较后,在赤拟谷盗(一种害虫)身上发现了16个类似的基因。
DNA sequencing of the ladybird's protein-coding genes revealed roughly 50 that help manufacture antimicrobial peptides, compared with 16 such genes identified in the red flour beetle, which the researchers examined for comparison.
他表示:“这能加快信息交流,帮助传达政府关于重大议题的决定,有利于检疫人员和害虫管理人员判定新型昆虫或外来昆虫物种,或是教你如何保留你院子里的螳螂 瓢虫。
It’s about accelerating the way we deliver information, to help inform the decisions governments make on the big issues, to help quarantine and pest managers
identify new or invasive pests, or just to help you know what to do to keep the
[...] praying mantis and ladybugs in your garden.
他的《太好玩 邮件》是用厨房里的锅瓢盆、耙子和其它一些变更了用处的碎屑来组装成一节火车,并让它在临时搭起的圆形轨道上无意义地慢跑。
His Toofun Mail sculpture made from
[...] kitchen pots and pans, rakes, [...]
and other bits of repurposed detritus, has been assembled
to create a train car that slowly travels its futile path on a makeshift circular track.
新的车身面板,配备了20英寸轮毂和车顶空 瓢 相 结 合的功能以及它的外观,尾翼,生产HAMANN。
The body panel is renewed, equipped with 20-inch wheels and roof air scoop that combines functionality as well as well as it looks, rear wing, manufactured all by HAMANN.
maxima的小;果皮瓢囊12 -15果瓣,淡黄白色或粉红色,细弱,多汁,稍芳香和酸。
Fruit yellow, depressed globose to
globose, smaller than those of C. maxima;
[...] pericarp thin; sarcocarp with 12-15 [...]
segments, yellowish white or pink, tender, juicy, slightly fragrant and acidic.
果浅黄色,橙,红,或胭脂红,扁球形到近球形,平滑或粗糙;果皮非常薄到厚,容易除去 瓢 囊 7- 14果瓣或很少更多,酸到甜,有时苦,具少数或多数种子或很少无籽;汁胞丰满,短,很少纤细和长。
Fruit pale yellow, orange, red, or carmine, oblate to subglobose, smooth or coarse; pericarp very thin to thick, easily removed; sarcocarp with 7-14 segments or rarely more, sweet to acidic and sometimes bitter, with few to many seeds or rarely seedless; pulp vesicles plump, short, rarely slender and long.
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而开展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对 虫 害 和 疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约制定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。
Specific activities that assisted countries in relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to
monitor, diagnose, report and
[...] respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment of a Food Chain Crisis Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, [...]
food safety threats
and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture.
果橙到带红色,球形到扁球形,表面粗糙;果皮厚,有时难以除去 瓢 囊 10-13果瓣,酸和甜或有时苦。
Fruit orange to reddish, globose to oblate, surface coarse; pericarp thick, sometimes difficult to remove; sarcocarp with 10-13 segments, acidic and sweet or sometimes bitter.
[...] 利环境的生产做法、降低进口替代品价格的新奖励措施和正确地查明影响作物的具体虫 或疾病。
However, other actions could also be taken to strengthen the phase-out achieved, such as the adoption of environment-friendly production practices, new incentives to
reduce the price of imported alternatives and the correct identification of
[...] the specific pests or diseases [...]
affecting crops.
实验室助理员额任职者将负责提供血液学研究、免疫血清学、生物化学、常 规尿便分析、微生物学和寄虫学等 基本实验室服务;根据医生要求收集转诊病 [...]
人的样本;提供化验结果报告,编制每周、每月和每年的实验室报告;盘存设备、 试剂及其他消耗品,确保实验室设备保持清洁、符合标准和妥善储存。
The incumbent of the post of Laboratory Assistant would provide basic laboratory services, such as haematology study, immuno-serology,
biochemistry, routine urine and stool analyses,
[...] microbiology and parasitology; collect samples [...]
from referred patients as requested
by doctors; provide a report of the test results and prepare weekly, monthly and annual laboratory reports; take inventory of equipment, reagents and other consumables; and ensure that laboratory equipment is kept clean and up to standard and is stored correctly.
1960 和 1970 年代所谓的绿色革命,在相当大程度上造就了世界大部分地区 的现有粮食体系,当时推动农业产量增长的途径,一方面是更密集地使用灌溉用 水以及对环境有害的化肥和虫剂, 另一方面是推出许多新品种种子(图 O.3)。
In large parts of the world, food systems were shaped to a considerable extent by the so-called green revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, which pushed agricultural yields as much through much more intensive use of irrigation water and environmentally harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as through the introduction of new seeds varieties (figure O.3).
花柱长且粗;果浅黄色和淡黄绿色,球状,扁球形,梨形,或宽倒圆锥形,通常直径大于10厘米,具大的突出的油点,达200枚种子或无籽;果皮海绵状瓢囊10 -15(-19)果瓣,白色,粉红色,带红色,或很少乳黄色。
with large prominent oil dots, to 200-seeded or seedless; pericarp spongy; sarcocarp with 10-15(-19) segments, white, pink, reddish, or rarely milky yellow.
2010 年,人道主义伙伴对流离失所者临时住房的紧急需求作出响应,提供 了 117 200 顶帐篷,1 185 052 张篷帆布,以及毯子、座垫和锅瓢 盆等 250 万件生活用品。
During 2010, humanitarian partners responded to the emergency shelter needs of internally displaced persons by providing 117,200 tents, 1,185,052 tarpaulins and 2.5 million household items such as blankets, mats and kitchen sets.
果淡黄色,扁球形,,或梨形,通常 3-5 * 4-6 厘米但当成梨形时 9-10 * 7-8(-12) 厘米,具狭窄的纵槽沟,油点大且明显突出,基部圆形,先端圆形,表面微凹,具或不具乳突;果皮厚达2厘米,但通常很薄 瓢 囊 7-13果瓣,淡黄白色,非常酸。
Fruit pale yellow, oblate, globose, or pyriform, usually 3-5 × 4-6 cm but when pyriform to 9-10 × 7-8(-12) cm, with narrow longitudinal grooves, oil dots large and conspicuously prominent, base rounded, apex rounded, dimpled, and with or without a papilla; pericarp to 2 cm thick but usually much less; sarcocarp in 7-13 segments, yellowish white, very sour.
Fruit yellow, ellipsoid to ovoid, narrowed at both ends, surface usually coarse and lemon scented, apex usually with a mammilla; pericarp thick, difficult to remove; sarcocarp in 8-11 segments, pale yellow, acidic.
Whether they’re working out in the pouring rain to highlight the architecture of a building or sitting on the floor of a ballroom and washing the wall with striking color, the Desire line’s features have your unique needs covered.
果浅黄,椭圆形到近球形,达2 千克,表面粗糙;果皮白色到浅黄,里面柔软, 瓢 囊 厚 ,不易去除 瓢 囊 10 -15果瓣,无色,近透明到浅乳黄,酸到稍甜,芳香。
Fruit pale yellow, elliptic to subglobose, to 2 kg, surface coarse; pericarp white to pale yellow and soft within, thicker than sarcocarp, removed with difficulty; sarcocarp with 10-15 segments, colorless, nearly pellucid to pale milky yellow, acidic to slightly sweet, fragrant.
佩带小珠或珍珠子线是完善的方式重读V脖子 瓢 脖 子或小船收缩的礼服或者其他合奏,并且它不是难找到的小珠和珍珠在与所有礼服配比或混和的一个或更多颜色。
Wearing a strand of beads or pearls is the perfect way to accent a V-neck, scoop neck or boat necked dress or other ensemble, and it isn't hard to find beads and pearls in one or more colors that will match or blend with any dress.
加拿大郵政曾於二○○七年發行一套關於益蟲的郵票,介紹加拿大公園和沼澤常見的益蟲,包括草蜻蛉、蠶蛾、會 瓢 蟲 、 熊蜂和加拿大蜻蜓,藉以讚嘆造物之奇。
In 2007, as part of Canada Post tribute to the beneficial insects that roam Canada's gardens and marshes, homage was paid to the golden-eyed lacewing, the cecropia moth, the convergent lady beetle, the northern bumblebee and the Canada darner.




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