单词 | 瓜熟蒂落 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 瓜熟蒂落—when the melon is ripe, it falls (idiom); problems sort |
刚才叶国谦议员提到,等待“瓜熟蒂落”时,他们也会支持。 legco.gov.hk | Just now Mr IP Kwok-him said that they would support party politics "when the time is right". legco.gov.hk |
以 往我们曾经听到不少声音,表示民主要循序渐进,想不到政党派代表参选也 要循序渐进,要等待叶国谦议员刚才所说的瓜熟蒂落的时机。 legco.gov.hk | We have heard many voices saying that democratic development should proceed in a gradual and orderly manner in the past, but it has never occurred to us that members of political parties should stand for election also in [...] such a manner and wait until the so-called right time "when [...] fruits will fall when ripe" asmentionedby Mr [...]IP Kwok-him. legco.gov.hk |
有人认为, 我们应以所谓中国模式来发展这些普世价值,不能操之过急,又说只 要耐心等待,到瓜熟蒂落,自 会水到渠成。 legco.gov.hk | Some people opine that we should develop these universal values in the so-called Chinese mode and that we cannot be too hasty. legco.gov.hk |
这完全视乎 政府的看法:当政府认为有胜算,或认为是走政府路线的人有把握执政,又 或找到一位肯和中央握手的政党成员,便是“瓜熟蒂落”和“水到渠成”的 时机,於是政府便可以修改法例和循序渐进了。 legco.gov.hk | Actually, it all depends on what the Government thinks: The socalled right time is when the Government considers it has the upper hand or that the candidate whose platform is in line with the Government will surely win the election, or when it has found a political party member who is willing to shake hands with the Central Authorities. legco.gov.hk |
但 是,必须知 [...] 道 的是,将 来 的人民币 离 岸 中 心 究 竟花落 谁 家,并非中 央 政 府 批 准 或 钦 点 的 问题, 而 是 届 时 哪 个 城 市 条件最 为 理 想、完 备,市场需 求 走 势 和取向推就而成,正 所 谓 “ 水 到 渠 成,瓜熟蒂落"的发展 结 果 。 legco.gov.hk | Rather, it will depend on which city has the most desirable and the best conditions and also the trend of market demands and orientations. legco.gov.hk |
在未来的发展,民建联并不反对由具政党背景的人士担任行政长官,正 所谓“瓜熟蒂落”,当市民对不同政治理念的政党认识增加,可以接受具有 [...] 政党背景的行政长官,便是水到渠成之时。 legco.gov.hk | As the saying goes, "Fruits [...] will fall off whenripe". When members of [...]the public know more about the various political parties [...]and their respective political ideas, they will find a Chief Executive with political party background acceptable. legco.gov.hk |
因此,当推出新服务时订立的量化指标应该尽量宽松,再按 [...] 年逐步递增;第三,当新服务发挥功效时,对旧有服务的需求自然减少, 这过程需要时间进行,因而削减旧服务时必须有耐心,待瓜熟蒂落後才进行;及第四,决策层制订的政策在具体执行时,可能会出现“走样”情 况,令政策无法达致预期的效果。 legco.gov.hk | Third, as the effect of new services gradually takes place, the demand for old services would go down naturally. legco.gov.hk |
此外,厄瓜多尔履行保护移徙工人及其家属权利的承诺,致力于落实向厄瓜多尔公民传播这些权利的机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | To meet its commitments to protect the rights of migrant workers and members of their families,Ecuador isundertaking to apply mechanisms to disseminate those rights among Ecuadorian citizens. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于本国这一自愿承诺的进展情况,另见厄瓜多尔落实委员会建议进展状 况报告第 7 段的详细内容。 daccess-ods.un.org | Progress in this voluntary commitment made by Ecuadoris also described in paragraph 7 of Ecuador’sprogress report on compliance with the Council’s recommendations. daccess-ods.un.org |
第二天早上,亚历山大导致党的失落之城 亚特兰蒂斯通常被淹没在大海里,和他已经计算出,岛上沉一次140的的年。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The next morning, Alexander leads the party to the lost city of Atlantis which is usually submerged into the ocean, and he had calculated that the island sinks once every 140 years. seekcartoon.com |
y 惟有在香港社会与中央之 间、香港社会内部不同政治派 意見撮要注 别之间,建立起符合“一国兩 [...] 则"的共同价值,香港全面普 选才“水到渠成"、“瓜熟蒂落",才能爲香港长期稳定繁 荣提供可靠保障,才是“可持 [...]续的"民主政制。 legco.gov.hk | Common values developed from the principle of “One Country, Two System” between Hong Kong and the Central Authorities and among the various political factions within Hong Kong are pertinent to [...] universal suffrage in Hong Kong “achieved when [...] the conditions are ripe”and “accomplished [...]naturally with ease"and the long-term [...]stability and prosperity of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
尼加拉瓜祝贺智利在落实审议期间所提建议方面取得的进展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nicaraguacongratulated Chile on its progress [...] in the implementation of the recommendations made during its review. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本报告所述期间,工作队在全国 32 个省的 23 个省内,核实了 343 起征募 和使用儿童案件,包括:太平洋沿岸地区(乔科省、考卡省、纳里尼奥省和考卡 山谷省)、加勒比海沿岸地区(玻利瓦尔省、科尔多瓦省、塞萨尔省、马格达莱纳 省和瓜希拉省)边境地区(阿劳卡省、卡克塔省、北桑坦德省、普图马约省、桑坦 德省和沃佩斯省)以及哥伦比亚中部(安蒂奥基 亚省、瓜维亚雷省、卡尔达斯省、 昆迪纳马卡省、乌伊拉省、梅塔省、里萨拉尔达省和托利马省)。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the reporting period, 343 cases of the recruitment and use of children were verified by the task force in 23 of the 32 departments throughout the country, including the Pacific coast region (Cauca, Chocó, Nariño, Valle del Cauca), the Caribbean coast region (Bolívar, Cesar, Córdoba, La Guajira, Magdalena), in border areas (Arauca, Caquetá, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Santander, Vaupés), and in central Colombia (Antioquia, Caldas, Cundinamarca, Guaviare, Huila, Meta, Risaralda, Tolima). daccess-ods.un.org |
麦卡蒂香格里拉酒店恰好坐落于麦卡蒂大都市的黄金地段,周围有马尼拉最完善的购物中心之一。 shangri-la.com | The Makati Shangri-La Hotel is surrounded by one of the country's most complete shopping centres, and is located right in the heart of cosmopolitan Makati. shangri-la.com |
我们尝试找来一些教授和医生,他们私底下可能会提 供少许意见,但却不愿站出来作证,因为他们跟对方太 熟落,不 可能替 求助人指证同事或旧同事。 legco.gov.hk | We have tried to seek help from some professors and doctors; they may give some advice in private but they are unwilling to testify in person because they have been close friends with these people and so, it is impossible for them to testify against their colleagues or former colleagues for the benefit of the complainant. legco.gov.hk |
2010 年 8 月 30 日,应斯里兰卡外交部、国家儿童保护局以及 警察部门的请求,启动了一项调查,目的是确定与“猛虎人解”组织仍有关联的 5 名男童(卡鲁纳派前成员,由印尼亚·巴拉蒂领导 )的下落。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 30 August 2010, upon the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Child Protection Authority and its police section, an investigation was initiated to establish the whereabouts of the five boys who remain associated with TMVP (former elements of Karuna faction, under the command of Iniya Barrathi). daccess-ods.un.org |
Suchipakari是一个特殊生态的丛林小屋,坐落在厄瓜多尔丛林,从首都基多4:30小时。 instantworldbooking.com | Suchipakari is a special ecological jungle lodge, situated in the Ecuadorian jungle, 4:30 hours from the capital Quito. instantworldbooking.com |
如果一名这麽资深的知识产权 专家,回想当年我们份属师兄妹,是经常一起处理这类案件的专家, 我深信凭她的功力,她会有足够能力将整项《版权条例》由面到底理 解得相当滚瓜烂熟。 legco.gov.hk | I deeply believe that she is fully capable of getting to understand the entire Copyright Ordinance through and through. legco.gov.hk |
我想 问局长,他有多大信心可在其任内,即在 2007 年前,医疗改革(包括最重 要的融资方案)会有较成熟的落实? legco.gov.hk | In regard to bringing the implementation of health care reform (most importantly, a health care financing scheme) to a more advanced stage of development during his term of office, that is, before 2007, how much confidence does the Secretary have? legco.gov.hk |
为了促 使 熟食市场迁 离 , 临 时市政局同意让 档 户 可 选择迁 置 到其他 [...] 熟食市场的 空 置 档 位或保 留 权 利 , 在 土 地发展 公 司 兴 建 的新熟食市 场落成後, 竞 投市场内的 档 位。 legco.gov.hk | To facilitate the removal of the cooked food market, the Provisional Urban Council has offered the stallholders either a resite [...] to a vacant stall in [...] another cooked food market or the right to bid in a new cooked food market [...]to be built by the LDC. legco.gov.hk |
希望我们的问责班子,无论是继续在背 後学习,还是把问题思考得滚瓜烂熟,一定要秉持信念。 legco.gov.hk | I hope that our team of accountability officials, in learning from the present experience or in pondering deeply over the issue, can always uphold this conviction. legco.gov.hk |
在支助当地机 构的同时,本组织还在受灾最严重地区(贝拉帕斯、特佩蒂坦和瓜达卢佩)支助建 立城市平民保护委员会,以加强与急救、民事保护的法律方面、紧急情况管理、 机构间交流和临时避难所管理等有关的应急和备灾能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In support of local institutions, the Organization also supported the establishment of municipal civil protection commissions in the most affected regions — Verapaz, Tepetitán and Guadalupe—to strengthen emergency response and preparedness capacities relating to first aid, the legal aspects of civil protection, emergency management, inter-institutional communication and the management of temporary shelters. daccess-ods.un.org |
将未成熟的木瓜捣碎并与创伤膏混合更有效,但是,如引起 出血则应停用。 thewpca.org | Unripe pawpawgratedand mixed with [...] a wound gel is more effective but should be stopped if it causes bleeding. thewpca.org |
不过记录到了两起事件:6 月 5 日和 6 日, 扎格哈瓦部落与通朱尔/贝尔蒂/比尔 吉德部落在北达尔富尔邻近尚吉尔托巴伊的地区发生了战斗;6 月 19 日,萨拉马特部落与哈巴尼亚部落在南达尔富尔 布拉姆附近的 Nadhif 发生了战斗。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two recorded cases, however, were the 5-6 June fighting between the Zaghawa and Tunjur/Berti/Birgid in areas near Shangil Tobaya, in North Darfur, and the 19 June fighting between the Salamat and Habbaniyah in Nadhif near Buram, in South Darfur. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果有现金鼓励,帮助他们努力适应,在习惯了新行业和新环境,同事之 间较为熟落之後,便会打消离职的想法。 legco.gov.hk | Having settled downand familiarizedthemselves with [...] the colleagues, they will no longer think of resigning. legco.gov.hk |
虽然 2010 年全国 32 个省中有 23 个省 种植古柯树,但 8 个省(纳里尼奥省、考卡省、瓜维亚雷省、安蒂奥基亚省, 普图马约省,科尔多瓦省,玻利瓦尔省和乔科省)占总数的四分之三以上。 daccess-ods.un.org | While cultivation was identified in 23 of the country’s 32 departments in 2010, 8 departments (Nariño, Cauca,Guaviare,Antioquia, Putumayo, Córdoba, Bolívar and Chocó) accounted for more than three quarters of the total. daccess-ods.un.org |
科索沃当局正在去年秋天市政选举的坚实基础上 再接再厉,落实阿赫蒂萨里计划中规定的权力下放进 程,这将改善治理和加强所有社区的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Kosovo authorities are building on the strong foundation of last fall’s municipal elections in implementing the decentralization process laid out in the Ahtisaariplan, which will improve governance and empower all communities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在塔拉帕卡、卡拉马、阿里卡墓穴和秘鲁不同地区的考古中也发现过包含籽粒和花序的藜麦,在智利蒂尔蒂尔(Tiltil)和基拉瓜( Quillagua)土着人墓葬遗址中发现大量的种子。 fao.org | There have also been archaeological discoveries of quinoa in tombs in Tarapacá, Calama, Arica and different regions of Peru, [...] consisting of seeds and inflorescences, and a large quantity of [...] seeds in indigenous burial sites of Tiltiland Quillagua (Chile). fao.org |
有些人担心,在这个资讯科技新时代里,若对资料较不熟悉,可能因此落後, 也可能握有众多知识,却仍毫无头绪,海菲德毫不担心这种问题:「资讯超载远不如无知超载,兴建图书馆并非因为人们已经识字,而是要帮助他人识字。 thisbigcity.net | Some worry that this new age of omniscience could alienate the less data-literate among us – or that we could find ourselves too rich in knowledge and too poor in understanding. thisbigcity.net |