单词 | 璿 | ||||||
释义 | 欿—discontented with oneself璿—(jade)Examples:欿然—dissatisfied lacking happiness
国立成功大学与台达电子今(7)日共同宣布,拥有台湾第一座「零碳建筑」、全球第一座「亚热带绿建筑教育中心」美誉的成功大学「孙运璿绿建筑研究大楼」-绿色魔法学校,即将於2011年1月12日在成大力行校区落成启用。这座零碳建筑是由台达电子创办人暨董事长郑崇华与成功大学共同出资打造的绿色经典之作,不仅即将取得台湾EEWH-台湾最高钻石级绿建筑标章,亦将获得美国LEED最高级绿建筑标章认证。 delta.com.tw | About to acquire the highest green building certificates from Taiwan's Ecology, Energy Saving, Waste Reduction and Health (EEWH) rating system and the U.S. Leadership in [...] Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating [...] system, theY. S. SunGreen Building [...]Research Center (Magic School of Green Technology), [...]the first energy-saving and zero-carbon building in Taiwan, will be inaugurated on January 12th, 2011, in Li-Hsing Campus, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan. delta.com.tw |
年,我们捐赠32,100M 的环保电缆给位於成功大学校区内,荣获内政部钻石级 绿建筑标章的台湾第一座零碳建筑、世界第一座亚热带绿建筑教育中心「孙运璿绿建筑研究 大楼─绿色魔法学校」,期能为未来绿建筑做出示范。 taya.com.tw | In 2009, we donated 32,100 meters of green wires to the “Educational Center of Subtropical Green Building”, or “Y. S. Sun Green Building Research Center MSGT”, hoping to create an example for other green buildings in the future. taya.com.tw |
孙运璿绿建 筑研究大楼」将於1月12日举行揭牌与启用典礼,并将於2楼「崇华厅」举办「绿建筑趋势论坛」,邀请包括零排放研究基金会创办人刚特鲍利(Gunter [...] Pauli)、日本 OM Solar 社长饭田祥久(Akihisa Iida)、北京清华大学国情研究中心主任胡鞍钢,以及国内的绿建筑学者与建筑师如蔡仁惠、郭英钊、孙胜辉、陈重仁等,讨论绿建筑的趋势与未来。 delta.com.tw | The inauguration ceremony [...] of theY. S. SunGreen Building Research Centerwill be held [...]on January 12th, 2011, in the Conference [...]Hall on the second floor of the green building, where Founder Gunter Pauli of Zero Emissions Research Initiative, President Akihisa Iida from OM Solar, Japan, Director An-Gang Hu of Center for China Study at Tsinghua University, Beijing, as well as national green architecture scholars and architects will attend the ceremony. delta.com.tw |