




pendant girdle-ornaments



be so in pain as to not want to live


drool with desire (idiom); to envy



External sources (not reviewed)

通过采矿技术 提取的各种资源都有自己的尾矿成分,视欲提取资源的地点和纯度不同而有不 同。
Each resource extracted through mining techniques will have its own tailings composition, which varies depending on the location and purity of the desired resource.
如要求者欲以挂号寄送 所要求的资料,则另须缴付挂号邮费。
If the requestor prefers the requested data to be sent by registered mail, the registered mail fee will also be charged.
If you want to cancel recurring payment instructions, such as mobile phone monthly service fee, you may contact the relevant merchants to take necessary action accordingly.
如欲申请 「卓智 投 资 计 划」,您只须填妥投保申请书,并连同所需之保 费金额及已签署的退保说明文件交回友邦。
If you wish to apply, simply submit to us a duly completed application form together with the required premium payments and the signed illustration document.
欲减小音量: 重复轻按带“-”符号的按钮,直到达到所需音量。
To decrease the volume: tap the button with the - symbol repeatedly until the desired volume is reached.
欲指定除黑色之外的其它衬套颜色, 请使 用衬套颜色代号替换订购号中的 BK。
For sleeve colors other than black, replace BK in the ordering number with a sleeve color designator.
该 条例第6(2)条订明,某人如没有在第3(1)条提述的限期内缴付该条 所指的通知书内指明的表列罪行的定额罚款,或拒绝接受该通知 书,指明的主管当局须向该人送达一份采用订明格式的通知书, (a)要求他缴付有关表列罪行的定额罚款;(b)告知该人如他意欲就 该罪行的法律责任提出抗辩,则须以书面通知主管当局;以及(c) 述明该项缴款或通知,均须在自如此送达的通知书日期起计的10 天内作出。
Section 6(2) of the Ordinance provides that where a person fails to pay the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence specified in the notice given under section 3(1) within the time specified or refuses to accept the notice, the specified Authority shall serve on the person a notice in the prescribed form (a) demanding payment of the fixed penalty for the scheduled offence; (b) informing the person that if he wishes to dispute liability for the offence he should notify the Authority in writing; and (c) stating that the payment or notification shall be made within 10 days from the date of the notice so served.
官方行为的豁免权属于国家,这点似乎没错,但这并不意味着国家及其官员 可以为所欲为。
Whereas the notion that immunity over official acts belonged to the State seemed correct, it did not signify that the State and its officials could undertake any acts they desired.
座谈会分析了这两个区域的国家形成过 程、民主起源和社会活动以及海地革命,并且提供了一个就推动这些进程的力量交换看法、 畅所欲言的机会。
Analysing, as they did, the dynamics of the construction of nation states, the sources of democracies and social movements in the two regions, as well as the revolution in Haiti, they provided a welcome opportunity for sharing the views on the forces that favoured these processes.
他还想知道那些欲同联合国电台和电视台建立 伙伴关系并使用其制作内容的国家电台和电视频道 应遵循哪些程序。
He also wished to know what procedure should be followed by those national radio and television channels wishing to establish a partnership with United Nations Radio and Television and to use the content produced by them.
如您选择将该资讯提供予本公司,您同意:(i) 依本「网站」所提示之方式,提供有关您自己之真实、正确、最新之完整资讯 (以及贵公司之该等相关资讯,如您系欲开户或代表贵公司进行购买行为者);及 (ii) 维护及更新该资讯,以保持其真实性、正确性、时效性及完整性。
If you choose to provide us with such information, you agree: (i) to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself (and your company if you are opening an account or making a purchase on behalf of your company) as prompted by this Site, and (ii) to maintain and update this information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.
欲减小音量: 触摸并滑动触摸控制按钮至“-”符号处。
To decrease the volume: Touch and slide the touch control towards the - symbol.
(d) 12 年期限届满时,本公司以於报章上刊登广告之方式发出通知,或根据上市 规则由本公司如本文所规定透过电子方式送达通知之方式发送电子通讯,表 示其有意出售该等股份,且自刊登广告日期起计三个月期限已届满,并已知 会交易所本公司欲出售该等股份。
(d) upon expiry of the 12-year period, the Company has caused an advertisement to be published in the newspapers, or, subject to the Listing Rules, by electronic communication in the manner in which notices may be served by the Company by electronic means as herein provided, giving notice of its intention to sell such shares, and a period of three months has elapsed since such advertisement and the Exchange has been notified of such intention.
为了使我们的会议富有成果,我们必须能从摇摇欲坠的经济和金融体系的受 害者的观点来看问题。
For our meeting to be meaningful, we must adopt the point of view of the victims of our faltering economic and financial system.
由於郑海泉议员希望两局有更佳的联系,而我亦敬重他为㆒个 表现出色,但有点古怪的银行家(众笑) ― 他的才干毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成为 部长的潜质 ― 我会支持有关建议,即行政局及立法局所有议员每月㆒起举行闭门 会议,在自然的情况㆘,大家畅所欲言,事後亦不会有投诉、误解、歪曲事实或泄漏 消息的事情。
Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon.
海 外 股 东 或 海 外 购 股 权 持 有 人 如 欲 参 与 收 购 建 议 但 登 记 地址为 香 港 境 外 , 亦 须 就 其 参 与 收 购 建 议 而 遵 守 其 各 自 司 法 权 区 之 法 律 及 法 规 , 并 可 能 须 受 其 所 限 。
Overseas Shareholders or Overseas Optionholders who wish to participate in the Offers but with a registered address outside Hong Kong are also subject to, and may be limited by, the laws and regulations of their respective jurisdictions in connection with their participation in the Offers.
选 择 设 定 每 次 自 动 增 值 金 额 为 HKD500 之 客 户 如 日 後 欲 转 换 其 他 银 行 为 其 提 供 「 八 达 通 自 动 增 值 」 服 务 , 而 若 该 银 行 只 提 供 每 次 自 动 增 值 HKD250 之 选 择 , 客 户 需 於 转 换 银 行 前 联 络 本 行 更 改 每 次 自 动 增 值 金 额 至 HKD250 ; 或 致 电 八 达 通 顾 客 服 务 热 线 2266 2222 取 消 恒 生 信 用 卡 「 八 达 通 自 动 增 值 」 服 务 。
If customers opt for automatic add value amount HKD500 per transaction and want to switch to another bank that only provides the option of automatic add value amount of HKD250 per transaction thereafter. Customers should either contact Hang Seng to change the automatic add value amount to HKD250 or call Octopus Customer Hotline 2266 2222 to cancel the Hang Seng Credit Card Octopus AAVS before switching to another bank.
欲探寻更多历史往事,您可以来到奥法利郡的利普城堡(Leap Castle),据说这里盘踞着多个鬼怪,其中最吓人的是一个身材矮小的驼背生物,它出现时伴随着一具散发着恶臭的腐烂尸体和硫磺味道。
For more dramatic history, you could take a trip to Leap Castle in County Offaly, which is said to be haunted by a number of spectres, the most terrifying being a small hunched creature whose apparition is accompanied by a rotting stench of a decomposing corpse and the smell of sulphur.
正如我们在上个月安理会关于非法跨界贩运问 题的会议上讨论指出的那样(见 S/PV.6760),联合国 也必须提高自身的能力,更好地帮助会员国保障那些 因管理松懈、无人看守而使恐怖分子得以随心所欲地 自由进出的边界的安全。
As we discussed in last month’s Security Council meeting on illicit cross-border trafficking (see S/PV.6760), the United Nations must also improve its ability to help Member States to secure porous or unguarded borders that allow terrorists to travel with impunity.
(2)# 根据《公司法》第89条,只有在年度股东大会召开前至少二十一(21)日内发出 书面通知,表示欲提名某位人士(卸任核数师除外)出任核数师,方能在年度股东大会上 委任该人士为核数师,本公司须将任何上述通知的副本寄送予卸任核数师。
(2)# Subject to Section 89 of the Act, a person, other than a retiring Auditor, shall not be capable of being appointed Auditor at an annual general meeting unless notice in writing of an intention to nominate that person to the office of Auditor has been given not less than twenty-one (21) days before the annual general meeting and furthermore, the Company shall send a copy of any such notice to the retiring Auditor.
除简基 富不欲寻求連任外,其他退任董事因合乎资格均愿候 选連任。
Except for K G Kerr who would not seek re-relection, the retiring directors, being eligible, offered themselves for re-election.
上市规则规定,凡以联交所为主要上市市场的公司如欲於联交所购回股份,必须事先 由股东以普通决议案批准(透过一般授权或就有关特定交易而作出的特别批准),且已 经缴足拟购回股份的股本。
The Listing Rules provides that all proposed share repurchase on the Stock Exchange by a company with its primary listing on the Stock Exchange must be approved in advance by an ordinary resolution of shareholders, either by way of general mandate or by specific approval in relation to specific transactions, and the shares proposed to be purchased by the company must be fully-paid up.
谨请你以最强烈的措辞谴责这种以种族主义、仇视伊斯兰教和不容忍为表现 的亵渎行为,并敦促所有国家禁止这种行为或加强现行法律,以便不让那些坚持 从事煽动仇恨和暴力的邪恶运动的人为所欲为。
I would like to request you to condemn, in the strongest terms this act of sacrilege as a manifestation of racism, Islamophobia and intolerance and urge all States to outlaw such acts or reinforce the existing law in order to deny free hands to those who persist in their evil campaign of incitement to hatred and violence.
例如,所提 到的程序目的是防止资产离散和浪费而不是清算或重组债务人财产;法院意欲 防止的损害是对投资人的损害而不是对所有债权人的损害;对破产管理人赋予 的权力和规定的义务是汇集和保全资产而不是清算或分配资产;破产管理人没 有权力分配债务人资产。
For example, where the recited purpose of the proceedings was to prevent dissipation and waste, rather than to liquidate or reorganize the debtors’ estates; where the detriment that the court was concerned to prevent was detriment to investors rather to all creditors; where the powers conferred and duties imposed on the insolvency representative were to gather in and preserve assets, not to liquidate or distribute them; and where the insolvency representative had no power to distribute the assets of the debtor.
Besides, as high as 80% of the voters claimed their propensity to vote would not decrease because the candidate they supported ranked rear on the list, while 73% expressed that their propensity to vote would not increase because the candidate they supported ranked front on the list.
股东如欲透过本公司网站收取公司通讯及以电邮收取发布通知,必须提供其电邮地 址,幷填妥回条及以邮寄方式,将其交回本公司经香港中央证券登记有限公司(「香港 证券登记处」),地址爲香港湾仔皇后大道东 183 号合和中心 17M 楼。
Shareholders who wish to receive Corporate Communications via the Company’s Website and the Notification through email must provide his/her/their email address to the Company by completing and returning the Reply Form to the Company c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (the “Hong Kong Share Registrar”) by post to 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong.
提 案国的最终目的是使联合国不复存在,就像欧洲国 家促使国际联盟解体那样,以满足它们的殖民贪欲 和掠夺发展中国家财富的欲望。
The ultimate goal of the sponsors was to put the United Nations out of existence, just as European nations had put the League of Nations out of existence in order to satisfy their colonial greed and their desire to plunder the wealth of the developing world.
这一新 技术将减少四氯化碳的联产,但不是完全消除四氯化碳,因此如果该国欲遵守《蒙特利尔 议定书》关于淘汰四氯化碳的要求的话,该厂仍需要焚化炉以销毁四氯化碳。
This new technology will reduce the co-production of CTC but not completely eliminate it, and as a result the plant will still need the incinerator to destroy the CTC if the country is to comply with the requirement of the Montreal Protocol on CTC phase out.
独 立 股 东 如 认 为 贵 集 团 及 ╱ 或 收 购 人 或 其 他之未 来 前 景 有 吸 引 力 及 充 满 信 心 , 或 如 欲 保 留 其 於 贵 公 司 之 权 益 , 则 应 审 慎 考 虑 收 购 人 对 贵 集 团 之 未 来 意 向 , 并 评 估 贵 集 团 於 股 份 收 购 建 议 结 束 後 在 收 购 人 控 制 下之前 景 。
For those Independent Shareholders who are attracted by and confident in the future prospect of the Group and/or the Offeror or otherwise and wish to retain their interest in the Company, they should carefully consider the future intention of the Offeror regarding the Group and evaluate the prospects of the Group under the control of the Offeror after the close of the Share Offer.




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